The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 367 Bibao Conference Officially Begins

Chapter 367 Bibao Conference Officially Begins

A head protruded from the window, and it was none other than the Shadow Guard.The shadow guard beckoned to Dong Tianhua, and said, "I have found you, Mr. Dong. Today is the day when the oiran will order talents. Why are you still at home?"

Hearing that today is the day for Huakui to compare talents, Dong Tianhua couldn't sit still anymore.He stood up and walked towards the shadow guard.

Then he said to the shadow guard: "Hurry up and take the three-star white jade man, let's sneak out."


Although the VIP building was burned to rubble by Dong Tianhua's fire.But 33 Zhongtian's industry in Yangzhou city is not only one.

Therefore, the opening ceremony of the oiran's talents was held in another restaurant belonging to the 33rd Chongtian.The name of this restaurant is VIP Restaurant, but the scale is much smaller.Just a place to eat and drink.

The shopkeeper of the VIP building announced loudly: "Today is the treasure day for the oiran to spot talents. As long as you can get the treasure in your hand, you can enter the second round of the poetry competition. Of course, if the treasure in your hand is the best, then you can Go straight to the final."

"If Huakui Qingyun poses a question in person, the winner will be able to enter Huakui Qingyun's boudoir and be alone with her. This is a lucky thing for Sansheng. Not only can you embrace a beautiful woman, but you can also be famous all over the world."

At this time, there were three people sitting on the main seat, namely the governor of Yangzhou, the governor of Yangzhou, and Dong Wanjun, the head of the Dong family.The three of them are the judges of this competition.

To talk about why Dong Wanjun is in the mood, he came to be a judge of the Oiran Talent Competition.The reason is that he has already received the reply from the shopkeeper of the VIP building.

On the same day, when he found the shopkeeper of the VIP building, he told him that he was willing to pay for the loss of the VIP building.

And hope that the person who sent the letter can be recovered.But the shopkeeper of the VIP building told Dong Wanjun that the person who gave credit from 33 Chongtian was not a human being at all.But the more precious homing pigeons.

Although Dong Wanjun doesn't know much about homing pigeons, he has heard of them more or less.Knowing that it is impossible to chase the pigeons back.

However, he got a guarantee from the shopkeeper of the VIP building, and in front of him, he wrote another letter and sent it to Chang'an City by the carrier pigeon.

General Dong Wanjun was willing to pay for the rebuilding of the VIP building, and he was willing to compensate for the loss.Tell it in detail in the letter.

This made Dong Wanjun finally relieved, which is why he is in the mood to sit here today.But at this time he saw a person, a person he didn't want to see.

That was his son Dong Tianhua, and Dong Tianhua was surrounded by a group of friends.Holding a wooden box in his hand, he walked into the VIP restaurant with a smile on his face.

But the matter has come to this point, if you want to speak out to stop it, it may be too late.If Dong Wanjun was angry with Dong Tianhua now, Dong Wanjun's old face would be completely lost.

So Dong Wanjun could only sit there helplessly, secretly praying in his heart that his precious son would not make any more troubles.

With the announcement of the shopkeeper of the VIP building, Bibao officially started.Not one or two people participated in this competition, it can be said that the entire family in Yangzhou City sent young heroes.

This is not just as simple as being favored by the oiran, it is definitely an opportunity to make a name for the family.As long as the descendants of one's own family win the title of Huakui point talent.For my own family, it is definitely something worthy of glory.

To say that this city of Yangzhou is really rich, the treasures that these young heroes have brought out are really not something that can be taken lightly.

The jewels are placed on the tables one by one, making people look at them and feel eager to move in their hearts.Can't wait to keep them all for myself.

But everyone knows that doing so is tantamount to suicidal.That was a deal that offended the entire Yangzhou City, even the three top figures in Yangzhou City who sat on the main seat.I dare not have this idea.

And this time in the Oiran talent contest, the so-called competition is not a gift.That's why these families are willing to take out the things at the bottom of the box.

The treasures are so dizzying that everyone is admiring, hoping that their treasures can win the first place.

But at this moment, Dong Tianhua laughed and walked up.Then he opened his mouth and said: "These ordinary things are also shameless to show off. Today, Mr. Ben will let you see what is called a treasure."

After Dong Tianhua finished speaking, he opened the wooden box on his body, and took out the three-star white jade man from the wooden box.At this moment, everyone present was not calm.

This three-star white jade figure is not an ordinary product, not only the carving is exquisite, but also the shape is lifelike.And what is used is Wannian Wenyu, which emits a strange fragrance by itself.Even mosquitoes dare not come near.

Seeing Dong Tianhua's terrified expression, Dong Wanjun couldn't help saying to himself: "When did this kid get such a top-quality item, why didn't I even know about it?"

The staff in the VIP building carefully placed this three-star white jade figure.Sent to the front of the three judges.Appraised by three judges, the value of this three-star white jade figure.

"I didn't expect the Dong family to have such a peerless treasure. I don't know where Mr. Dong got it." The governor of Yangzhou asked Dong Wanjun with a smile.

If this Dong Wanjun has no vanity, just tell the truth.Maybe it won't cause any trouble for him.

But Dong Wanjun said with a smile: "I spent a lot of money to get this treasure, and I didn't want him to see anyone. But I didn't expect this bad boy to take it out."

"My lords, if I'm not mistaken, this is a top-quality three-star white jade statue. Judging from his value, Mr. Dong is the one who won the top prize this time." The shopkeeper of the VIP building said with a smile.

"The shopkeeper of the VIP building is right. This three-star white jade man can definitely be called a peerless treasure. If he wins the championship, no one would dare to question him." The governor of Yangzhou said with a big smile.

"Since the three adults have no objections, I will announce that the owner of the three-star white jade man, Mr. Dong Tianhua, is the champion of this treasure competition." The shopkeeper of the VIP building said to the three of them with a smile.

Seeing that the three of them couldn't help but nodded, the shopkeeper of the VIP building took two steps forward.He opened his mouth and said to everyone: "If no one can come up with a treasure that surpasses the three-star Baiyuren, then the champion of this treasure competition will be Mr. Dong Tianhua."

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted from outside the door: "Why is the shopkeeper of the VIP building so anxious? After seeing the treasure in my master's hands, it's not too late to decide whether to win or lose."

It was none other than Li Tai who spoke.I saw him walking into the VIP restaurant with Luo Huan and Li Tianming smiling.

At the same time, he placed the wooden box on his back on the table, and gently opened the wooden box.A long life pearl lamp was taken out from inside.

This time, the people present became even more restless.They couldn't help standing up one by one, and carefully looked at the Longevity Pearl Lamp.

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(End of this chapter)

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