The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 34 Pei Ji's Wrong Choice

Chapter 34 Pei Ji's Wrong Choice
33 Chongtian's door was quickly smashed open.Pei Wu rushed in with his servant like a wolf.Then he ordered very domineeringly: "Smash it on me."

At this time, Li Tai also led the crowd to the gate of 33 Chongtian.However, Li Tai didn't take anyone with him, and directly entered the 33rd Heaven.Instead, he stood at the door and looked in.

However, Zou Fengchi in the 33rd Heaven has already seen Li Tai.When he saw Li Tai, his hanging heart finally let go.Then he opened his mouth and shouted loudly: "Long Lang Qiankun is in broad daylight, how dare you do such unlawful things at the feet of the emperor. Aren't you afraid of being punished by the law?"

"That yamen dared to arrest me, and that official dared to punish me. My master is Pei Ji, the prime minister of the Tang Dynasty. As the saying goes, you are the seventh-rank official in front of the prime minister. If you offend me today, you will be doomed to the 33rd heaven. I can't drive anymore," Pei Wu said arrogantly to Zou Fengchi.

"Master, it's time for you to act. But remember not to beat them too badly, and let one or two people go away. It's best to let that arrogant housekeeper go back. Inform his master." Li Tai said to Luo Song with a smirk on his face.

Of course Luo Song understood what Li Tai meant, because he was a stranger, most people would never know him.That's why he was allowed to go to his master unscrupulously, but if Li Tai and Luo Tong made a move.Then it is very likely that Pei Wu will recognize it.In that case, the next play will not be able to be performed.

So Luo Song nodded to Li Tai, and walked into the 33rd Heaven.Then he shouted loudly to Pei Wu: "You guys dare to rob shops in broad daylight. I can't ignore this incident that happened to me today."

After Luo Song finished speaking, he raised his hands.Those servants and evil slaves are no match for Luo Song.After just a few face-to-face encounters, Luo Song beat him to the ground.This strike scared that Pei Wu enough.He pointed at Luo Song and said tremblingly, "Who are you, why do you meddle in your own business?"

"As the saying goes, people step on uneven roads. You rob shops in broad daylight. I met you today. Naturally, you can't let you act recklessly. Today I will take you to the yamen to see if Datang has any Wang Fa." Luo Song said angrily.

"If you have the ability, you just stand here and don't leave. I'll bring someone back when I go back. I'll let you know that there are some people you can't afford to offend. There are some things that you can't handle." After talking with Pei Wu , ran out of 33 heavy days.He went to find his master without looking back.

Seeing Pei Wu leave, Li Tai, Luo Tong and others also walked into the 33rd Heaven.Then Li Tai said to Zou Fengchi: "Ask someone to tie them all up for me, and let their master redeem them with money later."

Zou Fengchi immediately asked his buddy to bring the rope.Three times, five divisions and two times tied everyone up.Then he asked Li Tai: "His Royal Highness King Wei, what should we do next? After the housekeeper of Prime Minister Pei's family returns, he will definitely bring a large number of people back. I'm afraid we will suffer."

"Don't worry, in Chang'an City, no one has been born who will make me suffer." After Li Tai finished speaking, he led Luo Tong and the others to the back hall.Let Luo Song move a stool, sit in the lobby of 33 Chongtian, and wait for Pei Wu to move the rescuers.

Soon that Pei Wu brought a large number of people back to the 33rd Heaven.When he saw Luo Song was still sitting in the 33rd heaven.A smile appeared on his face, and he shouted arrogantly: "It's this daring lunatic who beat up the servant of the Prime Minister's Mansion. Lock him up and hand him over to the Prime Minister for disposal."

As soon as Pei Wu finished speaking, those people carried the chains and walked into the 33rd Heaven, and then said loudly to Luo Song: "If you dare to mess with Prime Minister Pei's housekeeper, then don't blame the brothers for being ruthless. "After speaking, he was about to put the shackles on Luo Song.

How could Luo Song catch me so easily, so he stood up and said: "Although I don't know who you are. But if you want to take me for no reason, it depends on whether you have the ability."

After Luo Song finished speaking, he kicked the person who spoke just now.Then he swung his fist the size of a sandbag and began to attack left and right.Soon these people were lying on the ground, wailing incessantly.The only person standing was Pei Wu.

This time, Pei Wu was not so calm.The legs could not help but slowly move back.But although he was terrified in his heart, he didn't give in, but said loudly: "You dare to openly beat the official, this time even if the king of heaven comes, I can't save you."

"Today, I will see who is behind you. Now I will give you a chance to go back and find your master. I don't believe that the prime minister is someone who doesn't know right from wrong." Luo Song said to Pei Wu Li said straightforwardly.

When Pei Wu heard that Luo Song asked him to leave again, he was indescribably happy.At the same time, he also regarded Luo Song as a reckless man who doesn't understand the world.So while saying you wait, he ran away without looking back.

Pei Wu did not move troops to other places this time.Instead, he returned directly to the prime minister's mansion.He went to see the Prime Minister Pei Ji, and then explained what happened in detail.And hinted at Pei Ji.You can take this opportunity from the boss of 33 Chongtian.Get how this MSG is made.In that way, there will be a steady stream of money for Pei Ji to earn.

Maybe it was hearing that there was a lot of money to be earned, maybe it was the Prime Minister Pei Ji.He didn't put a 33rd heaven in his eyes at all.The most important thing is that he simply cannot refuse the temptation of this huge benefit.So he made the stupidest choice in his life.That is to listen to the words of his steward.

But this Prime Minister Pei Ji is not that Wang Yushi.He would never involve himself in the matter, so he said to the housekeeper Pei Wu: "I will not come forward in this matter. You can take the guards of the prime minister's mansion to deal with it. Remember to take everyone, Bring it back to me. Especially the boss of 33 Chongtian."

The Prime Minister Pei Ji's words made Pei Wu very happy.He happily told Prime Minister Pei Ji, "Don't worry, master, I will leave this matter to the villain, and I will definitely handle it perfectly for you. The charge of beating an official is enough to make them go to jail. In order to save their lives, let alone hand over the method of making the monosodium glutamate. Even if they ask them to pay the ransom again, they will definitely not hesitate in the slightest!"

After Pei Wu finished speaking, he happily went to gather the guards in the prime minister's mansion.Although Prime Minister Pei Ji did not have a private army, there were no less than a few hundred guards in the prime minister's mansion.And they all have the equipment of the Tang Dynasty, and their combat effectiveness is definitely not inferior to that of the Sixteen Guards of the Tang Dynasty.

(End of this chapter)

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