The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 286 The new city is named Mozhou City

Chapter 286 The new city is named Mozhou City

"I don't know if all my lovers recognize this object?" Li Shimin pointed to the Tang well placed in the Jinluan Hall and asked the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

None of the four courtiers from the three provinces, six ministries and four courts recognized this Tang well.So one by one gesticulated and whispered.But no one can tell its usefulness.

"It seems that you don't recognize this thing, it's no wonder. Just yesterday, I didn't know what it was for. It was brought to me by Wei Wang Li Tai yesterday, and Wei Wang named it Tangjing " Li Shimin said.

Hearing that Li Shimin said that this object was called Tangjing, everyone connected it with water fetching.But no matter what, I can't figure out how such a small thing can get water.

Seeing everyone's puzzled expressions, Li Shimin explained the method of fetching water to everyone in detail.And said he had tested it himself.

"Your Majesty, if this Tang Well is as the Emperor said, then King Wei has done a good deed to benefit the country and the people this time. I also ask the Emperor to give you a great reward." Wei Zheng said to Li Shimin.

"I have decreed that the people of the Lishan generation will be given to the king of Wei as the food town." Li Shimin said.

"Your majesty is wise. All along the world, the ranks of the common people have been divided by scholars, farmers, businessmen and commerce. But in my view, no matter whether it is scholars, farmers, businessmen or commerce, they are indispensable to a country." Li Chunfeng said to Li Shimin.

"It's a bunch of nonsense. It's hard to be elegant with such strange and obscene skills. How can it be compared with the students who have read poetry and books. This is an insult to the sages." Kong Yingda said angrily to Li Chunfeng.

"Master Kong, how many people in the world have the opportunity to read the books of the sages. How many people who have read the books of the sages can stand in the court. Is it impossible for the people to carry the books of the sages to farm. " Li Chunfeng questioned Kong Yingda seriously.

"Don't Mr. Li know that all officials are low-ranking, but reading is high." Kong Yingda said.

"There is another sentence, Master Kong, I'm afraid you haven't heard it, that is, you are a scholar without a single use." At this time, Li Tai came in from outside the hall, and asked Kong Yingda.

After Li Tai finished speaking, he knelt down under the rank stage, saluted Li Shimin and said, "Father, please forgive my son for being rude, but Master Kong's words were too extreme. For a while, my son was very angry. That's why I lost my mind." Courtesy."

"This is the Golden Luan Palace, where the Tang Dynasty discussed state affairs. How could you be so rude." Before Li Shimin could speak, Kong Yingda asked first.

"Your Majesty Kong is so powerful. Don't tell me you already feel that you can make the decision on behalf of your father?" Li Tai got up and asked Kong Yingda, and walked towards Kong Yingda slowly.

"Don't be rude, what Kong Aiqing said is right. I think you really should learn the etiquette in the court. Don't always be so rash and damage the majesty of the royal family." Li Shimin said to Li Tai.

"I remember, I will definitely not be so rude next time. Please forgive my father." Li Tai saluted Li Shimin.

"Let's talk, what's the matter with the Golden Luan Hall again today. You are definitely the master of the Three Treasures Hall." Li Shimin asked Li Tai.

"Father, yesterday you made a decree to give the people in the Lishan area to your ministers as food cities. But the people living in the Lishan area are very scattered, so the ministers plan to unify them for easier management." Li Tai said to Li Shimin .

"I don't know how you plan to unify the method. Could it be that if you call them all, you can't live in the Wei Palace." Li Shimin asked.

"Father, my ministers built the Huaqing Palace for my father at the foot of Lishan Mountain. But a single palace looks lonely and cannot show the majesty of the royal family. Therefore, my ministers are preparing to build a city around the Huaqing Palace." Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

"I wonder how big a city you plan to build." Li Shimin asked.

"The scale will not be very large, roughly the size of an ordinary prefecture or county in the Tang Dynasty." Li Tai said.

"It's okay to build a palace, but it's not easy to build a city. It will consume countless money and resources. I don't know if you can complete it by yourself." Li Shimin said.

"The construction of a city cannot be completed overnight. Therefore, my ministers prepare and complete it slowly according to their own strength. It can be three to five years at a time, or ten years at a time." Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

"Since you think it can be done, then I agree. I don't know what name you plan to name this new city." Li Shimin asked Li Tai.

"Father, is it the land of the king in the whole world, and the land of the land is the king's subject. Although this city was funded and built by the son, he still belongs to the Tang Dynasty. Therefore, the name of this city should be named by the father. " Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

"Okay, then I will come to choose an appropriate name for this newly built city. I heard that the builders of the Huaqing Palace are disciples of Momen. In this case, I will name this city Mozhou The city is ready." Li Shimin said.

Everyone didn't expect that Li Shimin not only agreed, Li Tai built the city himself.He even named the newly built city after the ink characters of Momen.It seems that Momen will not be underestimated in Datang in the future.

"Father, since the city is built, it cannot be without troops. I also ask Father to dispatch troops to garrison the newly built Mozhou City." Li Tai said to Li Shimin.

"Could it be that the Imperial Army of the King of Wei under your command can't be the defender of Mozhou City?" Li Shimin asked.

"Father, the newly built Mozhou City is not the private property of my son. How can I use my son's private army to garrison it. If the father thinks that the Wei King's Forbidden Army is more suitable, the minister is willing to hand over the Wei King's Forbidden Army Father, please send generals to command." Li Tai and Li Shimin said.

"If you hand over the King Wei's Forbidden Army to me, it means that the Wei King's Forbidden Army has been incorporated into the regular army. It will no longer be your private army, are you willing?" Li Shimin asked.

"Even the sons and ministers belong to the emperor, so why are you willing or not?" Li Tai said.

"Since the king of Wei has already said this, I will formally organize the forbidden army of the king of Wei into the regular army of the Tang Dynasty. I don't know which general is willing to come forward to lead this army." Li Shimin said to the civil and military officials of the Manchu Dynasty.

Many people looked at Li Tai's imperial army of the king of Wei with envious eyes, but no one dared to stand up and serve as the general of the imperial army of the king of Wei.

Because they knew that the Imperial Guard was created by Li Tai.I am afraid that in their minds, there is only Wei Wang Li Tai.

Not everyone can lead such an army well.And if it doesn't work out, it will anger Li Tai, and it will be anti-American at that time.

"Your Majesty, the King of Wei was framed that day, and the Emperor once incorporated the Forbidden Army of the King of Wei into the Zuo Wuwei of the minister. So I ask the Emperor to hand over the Forbidden Army of the King of Wei to the minister again." At this moment, Qin Qiong stood up and said to Li Shimin.

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(End of this chapter)

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