The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 282 The Mysterious Tomb Guard Hidden Spirit Army

Chapter 282 The Mysterious Tomb Guard Hidden Spirit Army
"You're underestimating my lord, don't mention raising three thousand hidden spirit troops for you. Even if it's ten or a hundred times more, my lord will keep you safe." Gao Ping said to Meng Li with a big smile.

"I never thought that King Wei would possess such wealth. It seems that my three thousand hidden spirit army's hard life has finally come to an end." Meng Li said with a big laugh.

Although Meng Li didn't show any expression on his face, when he heard Gao Ping call Li Tai the lord.I can't help feeling strange in my heart.

After all, this lord is not called casually. Calling this is the lord means that they have become Li Tai's retainers.And it's not just as simple as Momen disciples.

"Although this king can afford to support your three thousand hidden spirit army, but this king dare not raise it blatantly. Otherwise, someone with a heart will sue your father and say that this king is raising an army privately. Then this king will not be able to afford it. Already." Li Tai said to Meng Li with a smile.

"It seems that the brothers will suffer with me again." Meng Li said with a sigh.

"This king didn't say to let the brothers continue to suffer. From today on, all the hidden army will enjoy the treatment of Wei Wang's forbidden army. This king will order people to send all the supplies." Li Tai smiled and said to Meng Li beside him .

"That's good, as long as Wei Wang thinks about us, we will no longer be children without a father." Meng Li said with a smile on his face.

"I don't know who is the general of the three thousand hidden spirit army, and where is the hidden spirit army." Li Tai asked Meng Li.

"My son Meng Zhan is in command of the Hidden Spirit Army now. The [-] Hidden Spirit Army is in Emperor Qin's Mausoleum." Meng Li said to Li Tai.

"Then I don't know if I can meet them. I'm really curious about this army that once frightened Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu." Li Tai said with a smile.

"Since the king of Wei has this kind of elegance, please follow me." Meng Li said to Li Tai.

"You guys go, the old man doesn't have that time. I want to organize people from the Jing family to help King Wei build the Lishan Palace." Jing Wanjun said to everyone.

"Old man, I will also stay and have a good chat with old man Jing." Mo Tiannan said to Li Tai.

After Li Tai nodded, he was led by Meng Li and walked out of the mountain village.As for the reason why Mo Tiannan stayed, Li Tai was naturally very clear in his heart.

After all, Li Tai is still a relatively unfamiliar existence to Jing Wanjun.So Mo Tiannan was going to take this opportunity to talk to Jing Wanjun about Li Tai's way of dealing with people.

A group of people turned left and west, and walked for about half an hour.A small hill appeared not far away, but it was not an ordinary hill, but the mound of the Qinhuang Mausoleum.

However, after hundreds of years of wind and sun, there is no trace of the appearance of the Qinhuangling Mausoleum.In addition, the ground buildings of the Qinhuang Mausoleum have been completely destroyed by Xiang Yu.It is even more impossible to see that this was once the mausoleum of a generation of emperors.

"King Wei, this is the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin. On the outskirts of the Mausoleum of Emperor Qin, there are terracotta warriors and horses buried with clay figures. Three thousand hidden spirit troops are among the terracotta warriors and horses." Meng Li said to Li Tai.

Hearing Meng Li's words, Li Tai couldn't help but a picture appeared in his heart.That is, when someone enters the terracotta warriors and horses and suddenly finds that the terracotta warriors and horses are alive, what kind of scene will it be like?

No wonder even Xiang Yu, the overlord of Western Chu back then, was scared off by the three thousand hidden spirit army.It turned out that it wasn't how strong their fighting power was. Even the [-] army of the Overlord of Western Chu would be timid.

But the way they appear is too weird, as long as normal people see it, they will feel extremely frightened.Not to mention the overlord of Western Chu who believed in ghosts and gods.

At this moment, Meng Li shouted loudly to the open field: "The giant of the Mo sect is coming, and the three thousand hidden spirit troops of the Hu family have appeared to meet the giant of the Mo sect..."

Meng Li shouted this sentence three times in a row, and then the whole earth began to tremble.After a while, countless terracotta warriors and horses emerged from the ground.

I saw them wearing clay-colored armor and clay-colored battle helmets.It looks like the terracotta warriors are moving.

Although their movement speed is very slow, it can be seen that their combat effectiveness is absolutely extraordinary.Because this is a full-fledged heavy infantry.

"If such an army suddenly appeared from the ground without our knowing, everyone's guts would probably be frightened. Let alone fighting them." Luo Huan said with a sigh.

"If it weren't for this advantage, how could Xiang Yu's [-] troops be scared back?" Meng Li said with a smile.

At this time, all the activities of Terracotta Warriors and Horses came out.They all took off their helmets, revealing faces of living people.

One of them, who looked exactly like Meng Li, came in front of Meng Li after removing his armor.After saluting to Meng Li, he said: "Father, I don't know who is the Mo Sect giant."

"Meng Zhan, this is King Wei of the Great Tang Dynasty, and also the new leader of our Mo Sect. Hurry up and meet the leader of the Mo Sect." Meng Li said to his son Meng Zhan.

"Meng Zhan of the Hu family of Momen led three thousand hidden spirit troops, see the giant of Momen." Following Meng Zhan's salute to Li Tai, the three thousand hidden spirit troops took off their armor one after another, and respectfully packed their luggage towards Li Tai.

"All officers and men, please get up quickly. You have guarded the foundation of the Mohist family for generations. You are the most respectable people. Please accept my worship." Li Tai stretched out his hand to help Meng Zhan up, and said to everyone.

At the same time, Li Tai also bowed deeply to everyone, and the disciples of the Mo sect behind Li Tai, as well as the generals of the imperial army of the king of Wei, naturally all bowed respectfully.

This time, Meng Li and Meng Zhan were taken aback, not to mention Li Tai's identity as a Mo sect giant.Just talking about his title of King Wei of the Tang Dynasty is not something that everyone can afford to pay homage to.

So Meng Zhan led the hidden spirit army, knelt down on the ground again, and said in his mouth: "As Momen disciples, everything we do is our responsibility. How dare we accept the big gift from the giant."

After Li Tai helped Meng Zhan up again, he looked curiously at the armor beside Meng Zhan.These armors can really be called heavy armor.

The weight of each pair of armor seems to be more than a hundred catties.If you are not a person with excellent physical strength and endurance, you will not be able to fight wearing them.

"Juzi, you are actually being deceived by your own eyes. Although the armor on us looks bulky, it is not as big as Juzi thinks." After Meng Zhan finished speaking, he reached out and lifted the helmet beside him.

When Li Tai took over the helmet from Meng Zhan.I couldn't help being extremely surprised, because the helmet that Meng Zhan handed over was not made of iron, nor was it made of bronze.

The material used is aluminum, which is very common in later generations, which Li Tai never thought of.What's more, he couldn't figure it out anyway.

This cross-age product actually appeared in the pre-Qin period.But there is no record in history.

 This is the last chapter for today.

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(End of this chapter)

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