The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 228 Is Not Waiting For You

Chapter 228 Is Not Waiting For You

"I understand what my lord means. I will immediately arrange for people to place bets at other dealers." Zou Fengchi is such a smart person. Hearing what Li Tai said, he naturally understood what Li Tai was thinking.

"This Zhao Hong, who barely made it to the top 32, is a horse trainer at King Wei's Racecourse. In the end, he will ride my King's Gale Beast and win the race." Li Tai said to everyone with a smile.

"It turns out that the lord has already started planning. It seems that those who are going to take the opportunity to get a piece of the pie will be in trouble." Cheng Tieniu said with a big smile.

"Odds offered by the other companies to Zhao Hong are all [-] to [-]. You send people to place bets at each company, especially take care of the Boling Cui family." Li Tai said to Zou Fengchi.

Zou Fengchi nodded and left the Wei Palace, and then began to arrange for people to place bets at several other dealers.According to Li Tai's explanation, he took special care of the Boling Cui family.

However, Zou Fengchi didn't make a big bet, because Zou Fengchi felt that there was no need to make a big bet now, lest they feel something in advance.

The moment before the start of the final is the best time to bet.Only in that way can you catch the opponent by surprise.


East Palace.

"His Royal Highness, Guo Mu'an is now very popular for winning the championship. It seems that this time we can beat the king of Wei severely." Zhang Sunxiang said happily to Li Chengqian.

"Li Tai will never allow such a thing to happen. If he is not sure, he will never hold this horse race." Li Chengqian shook his head and said.

"His Royal Highness, does the King of Wei still dare to engage in any kind of conspiracy? Quan Chang'an's eyes are all on the Jockey Club now." Chang Sun Xiang said to Li Chengqian in disbelief.

"He's not so stupid as to think of a solution now. He probably has already made sufficient preparations. Just watch, how many people will go bankrupt because of this this time." Li Chengqian said with certainty!
"His Royal Highness, what should we do next?" Chang Sunxiang asked Li Chengqian.

"Respond to all changes with the same, don't do any abnormal behavior now. Everything will be judged at the last moment." Li Chengqian said to Chang Sunxiang.

"His Royal Highness, I have already bet heavily on Guo Mu'an. If Guo Mu'an can't win this competition, I will go bankrupt." Chang Sun Xiang said with a helpless expression.

"Don't worry, how can I let you go bankrupt. Get your money ready, and I will let you know who to bet on." Li Chengqian said to Changsun Xiang.


Tai Chi Palace.

"Erlang, I heard that during this period of time, that kid Qingque has made a lot of money." Changsun Wugou said to Li Shimin.

"I said earlier that that kid is definitely not the one who suffers. I expected him to make money." Li Shimin said with a smile on his face.

"But I've heard people say that the champion is almost certain now. If everyone bets wildly on the champion, then Qing Que won't lose everything." Changsun Wugou said worriedly to Li Shimin.

"This is a secret contest between Qingque and Gao Ming. It's hard to say who will win and who will lose in the end." Li Shimin said.

"Why does this matter have something to do with Gao Ming again?" Changsun Wugou asked in bewilderment.

"You said that the basically determined champion is one of Gao Ming's bodyguards. The sweat horse he is riding is exactly Gao Ming's mount." Li Shimin said to his eldest grandson Wugou.

"I'm afraid I can't hide this from Qing Que. I guess he already knew about it. Could it be that Qing Que just watched Gao Ming spoil him." Changsun Wugou asked Li Shimin.

"These are just superficial. What are the real cards of these two boys, even now I don't know. But one thing is certain, those who want to get a share of the horse race will eventually become the two boys. This kid's prey." Li Shimin said with a smug expression.

"I have always thought that Qingque's stomach is full of bad water, but I never thought that even the Gaoming City Mansion is so deep." Changsun Wugou shook his head and said with a sigh.

"That's what makes it interesting. If there is no one who can restrain that kid Qingque, he won't go directly to heaven." Li Shimin said happily.

"It seems that you enjoy this kind of competition very much. I really don't know how you became a father." The eldest grandson Wugou said after giving Li Shimin a white look.

"It's better to pay in full without gunpowder than to fight with each other," Li Shimin said.


Time flies by, and it is the Lantern Festival in a flash.That is the moment when the Jockey Club finally competes for the championship.

It is estimated that the influence brought by the Jockey Club at this time is far more influential than the Lantern Festival, which has been passed down for nearly a thousand years.

At this time, there were only eight players left on the field, and all the dealers had already closed the game.Just waiting for the moment when the final champion will be produced.

It can be said that everyone at this time was worried, because they found that many players had changed their horses.This brings a lot of uncertain factors.

However, the Jockey Association has long stipulated that players can choose three horses as the horses for the competition.After all, no one can guarantee that some horses will be injured during the race.

"My lord, according to your instructions, I have placed heavy bets at other dealers. The minimum bet is 1000 taels of silver. I bet a total of 1 taels at Cui's house in Boling." Zou Fengchi said to Li Tai.

Li Tai didn't expect Zou Fengchi to be so ruthless. If nothing happened, the Boling Cui family would lose a whole 15 taels of silver to him.

"You placed such a big bet, didn't the Cui family feel something strange?" Li Tai asked Zou Fengchi.

"I didn't ask people to bet directly, but I asked Cheng Tieniu to perform a farce." Zou Fengchi said to Li Tai with a smile.

Hearing Zou Fengchi say that Cheng Tieniu was asked to act in a farce, this made Li Tai feel a little novel, so he said: "Sit down and talk carefully, I want to hear how you acted this play."

It turned out that Zou Fengchi also felt that if he directly bet heavily, it would make others suspicious.So let Cheng Tieniu act in a play.

The general content is that Cheng Tieniu went to Cui's house in Boling, bought Guo Muan to win, and even bet a thousand taels at a time.Just when Cheng Tieniu was about to place a bet, someone made sarcastic remarks from the side.

Said that Cheng Tieniu even wanted to cheat his brother's money, he really can't be regarded as a righteous man.These words directly angered Cheng Tieniu, and Cheng Tieniu argued with that person on the spot.

The reason why the man thinks this way is that he thinks that the gamble starts with 33 heavy days.Now that Cheng Tieniu is betting, he wants to win Li Tai's money.

In the end, Cheng Tieniu was so helpless that he bet [-] taels directly and bought Zhao Hong, who was the least likely to win.And because he couldn't come up with so much money, he even directly entrusted Lu Guogong's mansion to others.And wrote down the IOU contract on the spot.

(End of this chapter)

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