The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 200 Wang Family's VIP Building

Chapter 200 Wang Family's VIP Building
If you have time, you can read it. "The Tyrant of the Three Kingdoms Lu Bu" is definitely a book worth reading.

"I think your VIP building should be regarded as the largest inn in the entire Bingzhou city, right?" Gao Ping asked the waiter with a smile.

"To tell you the truth, my guest building is definitely second to none in Bingzhou City. Not only do you have food and accommodation here, but even if you want to have fun, we have everything you need here." Said.

"Second brother, what is this exciting?" Gao Ping asked the waiter with a curious expression on his face.

"There is a gambling room upstairs in our VIP building, called the VIP Gaming Room. As long as you have the courage, guest officer, there is nothing you can't gamble in this VIP Gaming Room." The waiter said to Gao Ping with a smile.

"My son just likes to be exciting. I don't know what you can gamble in this VIP gambling house." Li Tai interjected and asked.

"Guest officer, you can gamble money or life in this VIP casino. As long as you can get it, it can be a bet here." The waiter said with a smile.

"I'm quite interested in what you tell me." Li Tai said with a longing expression on his face.

"Since the guest officer wants to go, after packing up, call the little one, and the little one will take the guest officer up to open his eyes." The shop clerk said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, it's settled like that. After I have eaten, you can come over and show me to learn more." After Li Tai finished speaking, he gave Gao Ping a look, and Gao Ping immediately took it out of his arms. Dozens of copper coins were casually thrown to the waiter.

This made the shop waiter very happy, and while nodding and bowing his thanks, he slowly withdrew from Li Tai's cross-courtyard.

"My lord, wait a minute, you really want to go to the casino to have a look." Hua Nan asked Li Tai.

"Do you think it's possible for me to lose in gambling?" Li Tai said to Hua Nan with a smile.

"I believe that in the whole world, no one can win him." Luo Song said with a smile. After all, Luo Song knew that Li Tai had the Sumeru ring.


"Shopkeeper, five people came to the store today and lived in the courtyard at the back. He was so generous and generous, he just tipped me dozens of copper coins casually." The shopkeeper said to the shopkeeper.

"Listen to you, I met the God of Wealth today." Hearing what the waiter said, the shopkeeper said with a smile on his face.

"That young man has already been persuaded by me, and he is going to go to the VIP casino to try his luck in the evening. Then he will not be brutally slaughtered." The waiter said with a smile on his face.

This VIP casino is an important property of the Wang family, and it doesn't just rely on him to win money from gamblers.The most important thing is to control those gamblers and let them be used by the royal family.

That's why in the VIP casino, you can bet on anything you can get your hands on.The purpose is to firmly control the people the Wang family wants to control.

Of course, if you are just a common people who are useless.If you want to bet your life on the top, the VIP casino will never accept it.

"Could it be that just because they bother you for tens of pennies, you think they are rich." The shopkeeper said to the waiter with a disdainful expression.

"Take dozens of coins from your body as a reward, which is very common in my VIP building. Have you seen the five horses they rode here? They are all pure BMW horses." The waiter pointed at the shop. In the stable not far away, he said to the shopkeeper.

Hearing what the shop clerk said, the shopkeeper couldn't help but also feel relieved.Looking forward, he saw the horses riding by Li Tai and the others.

It's okay if you don't look at it, but when you look at it, the shopkeeper can't sit still.He got up and walked towards the stable, and finally stopped in front of Li Tai's horse.

Li Tai didn't ride the Dingjunhu this time, but he rode a top-quality hard-earned BMW.That can definitely be called the best among horses.

To say that the shopkeeper is really not an ordinary person, and he recognized this bloody BMW at a glance.So he immediately said to the waiter in the shop: "Send someone to inform the butler, and say that there is a distinguished guest in the shop today."

Seeing the nervous look on the shopkeeper's face, the waiter didn't dare to neglect, and went straight to Wang's house after leaving the VIP building.


Taiyuan royal family.

"Housekeeper, the shopkeeper said that it is a hard-earned horse. People who can ride such a horse are definitely not ordinary people, so the shopkeeper asked the housekeeper to go over and hold the eye, so as not to touch people who shouldn't be moved." The waiter said to Wangfu. Butler Wang Quan said.

This royal power is not an ordinary person. Although he is the steward of the Wang family in Taiyuan, his status in the Wang family is not low.Even if the Patriarch Wang Wei saw it, he would call him Uncle Wang.

The reason is that the royal power is in the Wang family, and he has been a housekeeper for at least [-] years.And it was conscientious, and there have never been any mistakes.

Many properties of the Wang family are managed by the royal authority.For example, the top and bottom of the VIP building are all under the care of King Quan.

Hearing what the waiter in the store said, Wang Quan thought for a while and said: "After you go back, go and feel their background first, to see where they come from and what their family background is like."

"I understand, I'll go back and find out." After the waiter finished speaking, he hurried back to the VIP building.

After returning to the VIP building, he told the account of the royal power to the shopkeeper.And ready to go to the backyard to find out.

"Don't always be so frizzy when you do things. You have to have a reason to go. Let the kitchen prepare the meals, and you deliver them yourself. You can also take the opportunity to inquire about it." The shopkeeper said to the waiter.

After hearing what the shopkeeper said, Xiaoer smiled awkwardly, then turned around and walked towards the kitchen.


"Several guests, the small dinner is brought to you." The waiter knocked on the door, and then said softly.

After Li Tai ordered someone to open the door for the waiter, he said to the waiter with a smile, "It seems that the chefs in this shop are very skilled. Before the dishes are brought out, you can smell the aroma of the dishes."

"This is not to brag to the guest officials. There is a skilled cook in our VIP building. That is known to everyone in Bingzhou City. Moreover, our shopkeeper brought a seasoning, which made him even more obedient. The food has become a delicacy in the world." The waiter said with a proud expression.

"What kind of seasoning can make the dish delicious in the world, maybe it's dragon liver and phoenix marrow." Li Tai said with a disdainful expression.

"Hasn't the guest officer heard of monosodium glutamate?" The waiter asked Li Tai.

"MSG, I've heard of it. But it's said that it's only sold in the capital, I didn't expect to see it in Bingzhou." Luo Huan nodded and said to Li Tai.

"Guest officer, you are right. We really have this monosodium glutamate in the VIP building. A few guest officers will try it today, and I guarantee that you will want to eat it after eating it." The waiter said with a smile.

The waiter in this shop is not just idle, showing MSG here.Instead, they used MSG to find out whether Li Tai and the others came from Chang'an.

If Li Tai and the others were from Chang'an, they would definitely be no strangers to MSG.Judging from Li Tai's performance now, they should definitely not be from Chang'an.

 This is today's Chapter 2, and it is also Chapter 200 of "The Strongest Emperor of the Tang Dynasty".I hope everyone will leave a comment after reading it, as a way to celebrate the [-]th chapter of "The Strongest Emperor of the Tang Dynasty".

(End of this chapter)

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