The strongest emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

Chapter 129 Seeing the eldest grandson Wugou at the doctor

Chapter 129 Seeing the eldest grandson Wugou at the doctor

After Li Tai had dinner in the palace, he brought Li Lizhi and Wu Meiniang back to Wei Wangfu.After returning to the Wei Palace, Li Tai didn't do anything, but stayed with Wu Meiniang and the four beauties all the time.

Li Tai told them in detail about the process of hunting for thieves this time.When they talk about being happy, they giggle.When it comes to thrills, they will hold the corners of their clothes nervously.

Li Tai knows that this is the real concern. Only those who really care about themselves will change their moods and anger based on their own experiences.

Li Tai looked at the four beauties who had fallen asleep, and said secretly in his heart: "As long as I, Li Tai, are around for a day, no one can hurt you at all."

Li Tai still knows a little about the lives of the four beauties in front of him.Jin'er and Xuanhua have already changed their lives because of their appearance.

But Li Tai didn't know whether he should change Li Lizhi's life.After all, Li Lizhi in history married a good husband and lived a very happy life.

Perhaps it is because of the unlucky life of beauties since ancient times, Li Lizhi only lived to be 22 years old before passing away.Although his life was short, it was full of happiness.

Now that Li Tai has mastered the green bag book, he can be called a master of Xinglin.So he would never allow his sister to end her short life at the age of 22.

As for whether Li Lizhi will marry Changsun Chong, it depends on the future development.Li Tai doesn't want to deliberately change anything, after all, everyone has their own life.

Unlike Li Lizhi, Wu Meiniang, Li Tai must change her life trajectory.Because if it doesn't change, Wu Meiniang will become that ruthless queen again.

But Li Tai knew in his heart that Wu Meiniang, who became the empress, might not be really happy in her heart.She is using power to make up for another thing that is lacking in her heart, that is the love that every girl yearns for.

Li Tai gently kissed Wu Meiniang on the forehead.Then he said in a low voice: "Don't worry, Mei Niang, with me here, I will let you live in the ocean of love for the rest of your life."


Early the next morning, Li Tai came to the palace again.At this time, Li Shimin was still in the early court, so Li Tai naturally went first to meet his mother, empress and eldest grandson Wugou.

"I'm willing to leave your little daughter-in-law behind to see your mother-in-law." Seeing Li Tai coming, the eldest grandson Wugou said jokingly.

"Where did the queen mother say, the daughter-in-law is kissing, and there is no queen mother to kiss you. You are the one who gave Qingque his life, and you are the closest person to Qingque in this world." Li Tai said coquettishly to his eldest grandson Wugou.

Hearing Li Tai's words, Changsun Wugou was naturally very happy.But Changsun Wugou knew in his heart that Li Tai came to the palace early in the morning.Absolutely not just to say these words for yourself.

After all, there is nothing like knowing a child like a mother, and Li Tai is a typical master who has no profit and can't afford to be early.How could you come here to say good things for no reason?

"Let's talk about it, seeing Empress Jian so early today, is there anything I need Empress to help you with?" Changsun Wugou pinched Li Tai's nose and said with a smile.

"Can't Qingque come to see the queen if there is nothing wrong?" Li Tai blinked his big eyes and said, looking at his eldest grandson Wugou.

"Yes, of course. Whenever Qingque comes to visit the queen mother, the queen mother will welcome it very much." The eldest grandson Wugou said to Li Tai with a smile.

"Mother, during this period of time, Qingque was in a dream and learned a lot of medical skills from her master. It's just that she has never had the opportunity to practice. Qingque heard that her mother's health has not been very good. Why don't you let Qingque be your mother today, and rectify it. How about it." Li Tai Gongsun Wugou said.

"I didn't expect our little Qingque to become a master of Xinglin. If that's the case, let's take a look for my mother." After finishing speaking, the eldest grandson Wugou stretched out his right hand.

Li Tai pretended to put his finger on the wrist of the eldest grandson Wugou.He began to diagnose his grandson Wugou's pulse.

The skills copied by Li Tai do not need to be learned deliberately.Because the copied skills are the knowledge in Li Tai's mind.

Therefore, when Li Tai took the pulse of Changsun Wugou, he could naturally know the condition of Changsun Wugou's body from Changsun Wugou's pulse.

Soon Li Tai took his hand from Changsun Wugou's wrist.Then let the eldest grandson Wugou stick out his tongue, and inspected carefully again.

In the end, Li Tai closed his eyes and pondered for a long time, but he didn't say anything to his eldest grandson Wugou.Because at this time Li Tai already knew what ailed his mother, stepfather and eldest grandson Wugou.

Seeing Li Tai's eyes closed and contemplative, Changsun Wugou couldn't help giggling.She didn't think Li Tai would see any disease, but she just thought Li Tai's expression was ridiculous.

At this moment, Li Shimin stepped in.Seeing Li Tai closing his eyes and meditating, while Changsun Wugou was smiling coquettishly.Can't help but feel curious.

"What the hell are you mother and son doing?" Li Shimin walked up to him and asked his eldest grandson Wugou.

"Qing Que said that during this time, she has learned a lot of medical skills from Taigong. So she came here this morning to give me a diagnosis and treatment. Didn't she just finish my examination, and she's just meditating there." Changsun Wugou still said with a coquettish smile.

"Looking at Qing Que's appearance, it looks like a doctor. I just don't know if it's just pretending, or if it's really learned." Li Shimin also said playfully.

"Father, you just came. Even if you don't come, Qingque will go to find you. Because there is something wrong with the mother's health." Li Tai said with a serious expression.

Hearing Li Tai say that the eldest grandson Wugou had a physical problem, Li Shimin couldn't help feeling tense.Although Li Shimin is not a dedicated lover.

It can even be said that Li Shimin is very lustful, but one thing that cannot be denied is Li Shimin's love for his eldest grandson Wugou.Because of his love for his eldest grandson Wugou, after his eldest grandson Wugou died of illness, Li Shimin never established a queen again.

"Father, my mother's illness was not acquired in a day, but a hereditary disease in the mother's family. If Qingque remembers correctly, the emperor's grandmother also passed away at a young age." Li Tai said to Li Shimin with a serious face. Said to grandson Wugou.

After hearing Li Tai's words, Li Shimin couldn't help but tremble in his heart.Originally, he still held the idea of ​​Li Tai's nonsense, but now it has disappeared.

"Qing Que, tell your father in detail what kind of disease your mother has. Is there any way to cure it?" Li Shimin asked Li Tai eagerly.

"What my mother got is a genetic disease. This genetic disease is called yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity. It is a disease that occurs more often in women. Of course, it does not mean that men will not suffer from this disease." Li Tai told Li Shimin Said.

This deficiency of yin and hyperactivity of yang may not be familiar to everyone, but there is another name that everyone will know, and that is high blood pressure.

(The name of hypertension in Chinese medicine is not fixed, and the symptom is yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity. So Dragon Soul named hypertension as yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity. At the same time, as for the disease that Changsun Wugou died of, Dragon Soul did not find out exactly information. So the above are all fabricated by Dragon Soul, don’t like it and don’t spray it.)
 There are many theories about the cause of Empress Changsun's death.At present, one of the most widely accepted sayings is that he died of qi disease ("I have always had qi disease" "New Book of Tang")
  Some brothers said that the eldest grandson Wugou died of asthma. Of course, Longhun has also seen many novels written like this.But Longhun thinks it is not accurate. Qi disease does not refer to asthma in Chinese medicine. Human internal organs are all Qi in Chinese medicine.

  Furthermore, if Changsun Wugou really died of asthma, it is impossible for Li Shimin's imperial physician to fail to diagnose and treat him.How could they just watch the elder grandson Wugou's fragrance disappear.Therefore, the Dragon Soul set the disease of the eldest grandson Wugou as a disease of yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity.

(End of this chapter)

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