Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 98: The Way of Tai Chi!

Chapter 98: The Way of Tai Chi!
He still remembered that when the Five Fingers Kung Fu appeared, it had something to do with this little security guard!
Although he didn't know what the so-called five-finger skill actually involved, he was sure there was a huge secret in it, otherwise, Yunhe wouldn't be so excited at that time, and he would devote all his strength to find a murderer, This kind of thing is too rare!
At that time, Yunhe suspected that Baiyun was killed by the little security guard Wu Tian. Killed!
There is even more human evidence that the murderer is an old man, which makes them temporarily cut off their suspicion of Wu Tian!
Later, no trace of that old guy was found, and no one in Dinghai was killed by this so-called five-finger kung fu, so their Yun family slowly let go of that matter, and refocused all their energy on the Lin family. !
But now, the matter of the Lin family is actually related to this little security guard again. If it is a coincidence, it is too coincidental!
Yunhe's expression was gloomy and uncertain, and he didn't know how long it had passed, he snorted in a low voice: "Give me the information of the Wu family again, hmph, I want to see what's tricky in it!"

Yun Xuan bowed and took the order to leave the hall, and he came back shortly after with a stack of documents in his hand!

At the same time, in the Lin family's secret room, Lin Gui stood beside Wu Tian with a worried face, his eyes were a little cloudy!

The Lin family's ancestral training, this is their Lin family's ancestral treasure. After comprehending this thing, it will definitely make the Lin family a famous family in China. However, for so many years, no one in their Lin family has been able to get any useful benefits from it!

Therefore, although the ancestors said that this is a treasure, in Lin Gui's heart, he still cannot be sure whether it is a real treasure, or just a book of little use. Thinking that he was fooling him, the consequences would not be so good-looking. Thinking about the gap in strength between them, he felt frightened for a while!
Wu Tian was holding a book, on which were written three large characters, Tai Chi Dao!

From the beginning until now, Wu Tian's expression became more and more dignified, and slowly, he actually had it!

If his brothers knew about this, I really don't know how shocked it would be. How much has this guy seen? !To a certain extent, it can be said that if you want to come up with something that can make Wu Tian tempted, there are too few, too few!

And those who can catch his eyes are all rare treasures in the world. If someone who is familiar with Wu Tian is present, he can be sure that the book of Tai Chi Dao in Wu Tian's hands is definitely not something simple!

In fact, this is exactly the case. Wu Tian still had some doubts in his heart, but as he read more, he became more and more shocked. There are many things in this Tai Chi Dao that he has never touched before. , faintly, it was also very helpful to his understanding of Gu Wuyi, but how could this be possible? !

At this age, he was able to reach this point, which has perfectly explained his talent, but even so, his current cultivation base still has not had much movement, and because of the state of mind at this time, he is very concerned about this situation. Cultivation, I don't care too much!

However, after watching this so-called Tai Chi Dao, many things that I didn't understand before have been solved easily!

As time passed, Wu Tian became more and more fascinated, and in the end he started to play tricks slowly, which made Lin Gui's expression shocked!

Lin Gui's cultivation level is not high, but as the head of the Lin family, he is not a fool, and Wu Tian's movements contain an inexplicable charm!

Wu Tian's cultivation is superb, and the movements made with his cultivation do have charm in themselves, but why is he so forgetful? !
At this time, Lin Gui's eyes sparkled, and his body even trembled a little. Although he personally gave this treasure to Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian also confirmed from the side that this Tai Chi Dao is indeed a treasure!
He didn't bother Wu Tian, ​​but sat on the side, quietly watching Wu Tian's constant changes of movements!
I don't know how long it has passed. When Wu Tian realized it, it was already night. If he hadn't seen the end of the Taiji Dao, maybe, at this time, he might not have stopped. The meaning in his eyes is still unfinished. It can be seen!
Looking at the surrounding environment, he also understood something, and couldn't help but smile wryly in his heart, and then looked at Lin Gui, his face was haggard!

Seeing that Wu Tian stopped practicing, Lin Gui quickly walked up to Wu Tian and said, "Mr. Wu, how do you feel?!"

The corners of Wu Tian's mouth twitched slightly. He never dreamed that he would still be fascinated when he was reading a book of exercises. When he saw halfway, he started to practice directly. This practice even forgot the time. The last time he was so fascinated I don't know how long ago I practiced!
As for what the Taiji Dao is, it is naturally a good thing, but it is precisely because it is a good thing that Wu Tian felt vigilant in his heart, and immediately laughed softly: "Patriarch Lin, this Tai Chi Dao is indeed a good thing. However, if Patriarch Lin said that he gave it to Wu because I saved Lin Yun, it seems... a little unreasonable?! What are the conditions, just tell me!"

At this time, Wu Tian had already decided in his heart that as long as Lin Gui's conditions were not too excessive, he would fulfill them for him. If it exceeded his expectations, hehe, then don't blame Wu Tian for being a bully!

Lin Gui touched his nose, his heart was extremely excited, what he wanted to wait for was Wu Tian's words!
Taking a deep breath, he condensed and shouted: "Mr. Wu, since you were there that day, you must also know about the relationship between my Lin family and the Yun family. To be honest, the poison in Xiao Yun's body is exactly the same as Yun's." Those bastards at home!"

"There have always been rumors among the people that the Lin family has an ancestral treasure that allows people to easily step into the realm of the king, or even the emperor, or even a higher level. It's just because the members of the Lin family have always been only at the marquis level, so this rumor, Most people still don't believe it!"

"However, one of them is sure that the Lin family has that treasure, and that person is Yunhe! Originally, Yunhe was only a Hou-level cultivation base, and he didn't dare to do anything to the Lin family at that time, but since he stepped into the king-level , he began to covet the treasure of the Lin family. At that time, it can be said that he did everything he could to coerce and lure him! It's a pity that everyone in my Lin family is a hot-blooded man, even if he dies, he will not easily let him succeed!"

"Although Yunhe has stepped into the king rank, he is the only king rank in the Yun family after all. Against our Lin family, even if the Lin family is destroyed, their Yun family will definitely suffer heavy losses, so Yunhe dare not act rashly, but In order to force me to hand over Taiji Dao, he actually set his sights on Xiaoyun!"

"Well, when Xiaoyun was very young, he secretly planted Gu poison on Xiaoyun, and even threatened me with Xiaoyun's life. After so many years, Xiaoyun has also suffered, the Yun family, Yunhe, I am a ghost I won't let them go!"

Wu Tian frowned slightly. He knew a lot about these things. At this moment, he had roughly guessed what Lin Gui wanted him to do. Sure enough, Lin Gui said again at this time: "Mr. Wu, My request is not high, your cultivation base is so strong, and you can injure Yunhe at will, if you can help me get rid of Yunhe, I will give you this book of Taiji Dao!"

"Sure enough!" Wu Tian sighed inwardly, but he didn't immediately agree to Lin Gui's request!
There is not much grievance between Yunhe and him, if he didn't offend him, he doesn't want to get rid of others easily!

I don't know how long it took, but Wu Tian finally left the Lin family. His answer was that he still needs to think about it, and he will give her the result tomorrow!

Although Wu Tian didn't agree immediately, how dare Lin Gui have any dissatisfaction? !He sent Wu Tian away from the Lin family with a smile all over his face, but after that, his expression turned cold in vain!

At the door of Lin's house, watching Wu Tian's figure slowly disappear, Lin Gui frowned slightly, with a look of unwillingness in his eyes, beside him, Lin Tian was just silent!

In his opinion, what this ancient martial artist pursued all his life was a higher level of cultivation, especially for a king-level powerhouse like Wu Tian, ​​or even a higher existence, if he had the opportunity to improve himself Mention a stage, no matter what it is, they will do it!

Human life? !In their eyes, it was just a joke. When an ordinary person climbed up to a king-level powerhouse, the lives in his hands were already uncountable. Even Lin Gui, who was a Hou-level man, had killed many people now!

So in Lin Gui's mind, his plan should be successful. If Taiji Dao is really a treasure, if Tai Chi Dao is really useful to Wu Tian, ​​Wu Tian will definitely help him solve Yunhe for this thing!

But, what's going on now? !Wu Tian didn't agree to himself directly, and he watched Wu Tian leave with his own eyes, and he didn't dare to do anything wrong!

In the end, Lin Gui snorted coldly, and walked inside with an extremely ugly expression!

In the long dark night, an inexplicable cold wind blows across the entire Dinghai, making people feel uneasy. At this time, where Qiu Ziyun settled down, several figures suddenly appeared at dusk, and the leader turned out to be Yunhe!
Originally, Yunhe had no interest in the mundane affairs, but after he studied Wu Tian's information, he found that Wu Tian was not a simple person. This man has something to do with it!

He wanted to find out, but he didn't want to go to Wu Tian directly, because the mysterious person was near Wu Tian's house, and he even had a guess, maybe that person, that is, Wu Tian, ​​even though this guess seemed to him Come on, look so ridiculous!
And how to do it if you want to find out? !He thought of a woman, that is Qiu Ziyun, and he believed that Qiu Ziyun could definitely bring him a surprise!
(End of this chapter)

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