Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 633 Provocation

Chapter 633 Provocation
Long Ta's eyes were full of complexities. He looked at Wu Tian without wavering, as if he wanted to see this man thoroughly, but he found that he couldn't understand Wu Tian at all, and this guy became more and more mysterious.

In particular, he couldn't feel what level the opponent's strength had reached, which made him feel awe-inspiring, and even had a guess that he didn't want to believe, because if that was the case, it would be too much. ...a bit unbelievable.

As for the second elder, his eyes kept flickering after the meeting. At the beginning, there was still contempt in his eyes, but after seeing Wu Tian's face remained unchanged, he became serious.

"You are Pluto?" After the two sides were silent for a while, the Second Elder just shouted softly, his tone was a little aggressive, and he seemed to be looking down on Wu Tian. However, Wu Tian only frowned slightly, without revealing any emotion.

"So what if it is? So what if it's not? The two of you came to your door, what's the matter?"

Wu Tian naturally knew the identities of these people. After all, he had met Longta before, and knew that this guy was already a high-ranking emperor. If there was only Longta here at this time, he would definitely leave Longta behind. The existence of the second elder made him quite afraid.

What's more, there was always a middle-aged man standing behind the second elder. This middle-aged man didn't say a word, but the aura all over his body was extremely strong. Wu Tian concluded that this was also a very powerful existence. what good would it be.

Therefore, he has always controlled his urge to do something. Of course, what if the other party is as powerful as he thinks?Wu Tian was not afraid at all, since he dared to appear in Yuedu, he naturally thought of such a situation.

Dragon Palace might go to Hell, but he is sure that the other party would not dare to do it here, and all this is because time is too tight. For Dragon Palace, Hell is never the first goal. Regardless of the past, he already had too much confidence.

The second elder's face darkened. He hadn't seen many guys who dared to talk to him like that. How dare this Pluto provoke Dragon Palace so presumptuously to himself?The second elder snorted softly, and his face became even more ugly.

It seemed that he would strike at any time. The Dragon Pagoda next to him felt anxious when he saw this. After seeing Wu Tian, ​​his fear of Wu Tian had increased too much. He couldn't judge whether it was right or wrong to strike at this time. .

But after figuring out everything, he would never let the second elder do it easily, the light in his eyes was flickering, and then he said quickly: "Hehe, why is Pluto so indifferent? I came here with Er Zhang, just to prove something matter."

Before confirming the real whereabouts or whereabouts of Long Peng and the others, he didn't want to have too much conflict with this man Wu Tian. After all, this was not their purpose. Wu Tian raised his eyebrows, but was a little surprised in his heart.

"Oh? If that's the case, then Wu would also like to know, what are the two of you coming to Wu's place with such momentum?" There is a trace of killing intent.

Longta's pupils shrank slightly, and he already had such an attitude. This Pluto... didn't seem to do what he said he wanted, but after a moment of silence, he said: "Pluto is direct, so Long will no longer beat around the bush. , Long wants to know if Pluto has ever seen Long Peng and others?"

Sure enough, Wu Tian snorted softly in his heart. These guys knew that Long Peng and the others had other things, but they didn't know what happened. Although they suspected themselves, they were still not sure. Then he found the door.

And because he didn't want to act rashly, he asked Longta and this old man to ask him clearly?It's just that this Dragon Palace took himself too seriously, thinking that Wu Tian would respond to what he wanted to know one by one?He could tell at a glance who the second elder Longta was talking about.

"Long Peng? Are you for them? If so, I can indeed answer this question for you." As he spoke, his expression became completely gloomy. The eyes are even more cold.

Longta shuddered unnaturally. Facing Wu Tian, ​​he actually had the feeling of facing the owner of the Dragon Palace. It was a kind of oppression, but how could this be possible?Longta trembled in his heart.

Before he could speak, Wu Tian said again: "The relationship between Hell and Dragon Palace is clear in your hearts. If you want to touch Hell, you can go directly to my Hell. If you dare to touch Wu's family, you will surely It's life and death."

As soon as the words fell, he stopped talking, Longta's face changed drastically, he stared at Wu Tian, ​​gritted his teeth and asked: "So, Long Peng, Long Pei and the others really died at your hands. Li? You... actually killed them all?"

At this moment, he himself felt the trembling in his heart. This was too shocking and unbelievable. He knew very well what kind of power those guys were. Long Peng alone was no match for the other party. How can they be killed?

The anger on the face of the second elder has been fully revealed, and he opened his mouth to shout angrily, but Wu Tian has already opened his mouth first: "So what if they kill him? If they dare to do something to Wu's relatives, then they will die. If you want to avenge them, you can come to us, but..."

Speaking of halfway, he suddenly stopped and glanced back and forth at Longta and the second elder, with a strange smile on his face: "I'm afraid that Dragon Palace doesn't have the energy now, isn't it? Hehe."

Facing Dragon Palace now, Wu Tian really doesn't have much fear. In that turmoil, even a giant like Dragon Palace is destined to do his best for his own survival. In the end, who will die and who will live, who knows Woolen cloth?
If there was still a lot of time in the past, Dragon Palace might have spared a lot of power to deal with them, but now...he doesn't believe that the person in charge of Dragon Palace will delay Dragon Palace's plan because of the matter of Hell.

Long Ta's heart trembled, he looked at Wu Tian with a weak smile, and he couldn't believe it: "Long Peng and the others are emperor-level high-ranking powerhouses in my Dragon Palace. You not only killed them, but also dared to admit it directly in front of us. , Are you really not afraid of Dragon Palace's revenge? You know, with the power of your underworld, Dragon Palace wants to destroy you, but it's just a matter of effort."

"Efforts with little effort? Hehe." Wu Tian sneered softly: "If that's the case, Hell is waiting here, but I think the time left now is only a little over a month. If Dragon Palace really has so much extra energy, Wu There is also Hell... I am willing to play with you, as for who can afford it, Wu is also looking forward to it, but, if that is the case, will the two of you appear here now?"

In an instant, Wu Tian's whole momentum changed again, and he pressed towards the two of Longta with extreme coercion: "If you want to fight, Wu will wait and see. If you don't want to fight, then leave quickly."

"Presumptuous!" The second elder couldn't stand it anymore, and after a loud shout, he took the initiative to do it. He wanted to teach Wu Tian a lesson and let him understand what he was. Unfortunately, he didn't understand the person in the eyes. What kind of person is it.

presumptuous?In Wu Tian's eyes, these two words are nothing at all. If he hadn't been a little afraid, he wouldn't talk so much nonsense, but if he really did it, do you really think he would be afraid?

Seeing that the second elder shot towards him, Wu Tian's eyes turned cold, he snorted softly, raised his hand and shot back, and the two of them collided in an instant.

Bang, bang, bang, the sound kept coming out, but after a few breaths, they parted. The second elder's eyes were full of shock, and there was even a hint of horror.

He acted hastily, thinking that Wu Tian would be defeated by him in a few rounds. At that time, he wanted to see how embarrassed Wu Tian was, but he didn't expect that the opponent would fight back at will, and he would not be at a disadvantage at all. signs of an adversary.

Judging from the situation just now, he knew that if he continued to fight with Wu Tian, ​​he would lose most of the battle, but...how is this possible?
The corner of the Second Elder's mouth twitched violently. He stared at Wu Tian for a long while before shouting tremblingly, "You...you are..."

Although he took a few breaths, he already had a judgment on Wu Tian's cultivation. The pupils of the dragon tower next to him shrank into pinholes. He was also shocked and inexplicable. Seeing the separation of the two, he hurried to the second elder's side .

"Second Elder, you..." He wanted to ask a certain question, but when it came to his lips, he swallowed it back, because that question was a little embarrassing and even more horrifying.

Wu Tian waved his hands away, secretly sighing that this old guy's strength is really impressive, but he has such strength after being so old, as expected, people in this world should not be underestimated.

However, his expression didn't change much. He looked at the people in Longta coldly, and said, "Why, are you so impulsive and want to avenge them? It's a pity, your strength is still a bit weak."

Longta's face changed again and again, and at a certain moment he even trembled, because at this moment two figures flitted to Wu Tian's side, a man and a woman. Although the man had also reached the emperor level, he was only at the elementary level of the emperor level. , is nothing to worry about.

But that woman made his heart twitch violently. She was clearly a high-ranking emperor, and even he felt a strong threat from her. No wonder, this Pluto was not afraid of them at all.

He looked sideways at the three of them. Although all three were high-ranking emperors, what kind of advantage could they gain in front of each other?What's more, this is the base camp of Hell, and suddenly, he seemed to understand why Long Peng and the others fell into the hands of Hell.

Not only him, but the second elder looked at the two people who appeared suddenly, and his face changed accordingly. His old face was already tangled together, staring at each other with anger and shock.

The middle-aged man behind him finally stopped standing quietly. At this moment, he became vigilant, as if he was about to strike at any time.

(End of this chapter)

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