Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 624 Breakthrough

Chapter 624 Breakthrough
After Qiu Ziyun settled Qin Yun and Wu Yuyan, she immediately walked out, but she had just arrived at the hall, but just in time to see Long Peng and Long Yan walking in carrying Yao Mengmeng, her complexion changed drastically.

Turning around, she came anxiously in front of Long Peng, and shouted: "You... who are you? Why did you attack us? What exactly do you want to do?"

Her face was full of anger, and her heart was even more horrified. She thought that even if Yao Mengmeng and the others couldn't stop the person in front of her, they should be able to stop them for a while, but she didn't expect that she would be taken down before she went out. And looking at this situation, it was obviously taken down quite easily.

Seeing Qiu Ziyun suddenly, Long Peng's eyes were amazed again. In terms of appearance, Qiu Ziyun is definitely the best, even Long Peng himself has never seen a few women who have reached this level, which makes him a little bit Surprisingly, this woman's cultivation has also reached the elementary king level.

Is it all the work of Pluto?Long Peng secretly guessed in his heart, but he threw this guess out of his mind in a flash. He looked at Qiu Ziyun and said with a soft smile: "You should be Qiu Ziyun? I didn't expect the woman of Pluto to be so beautiful. Hehe, it really is his luck."

"Don't worry, we are not here for you, we just want to meet the King of Hades, but it's a pity... After so long, we have been unable to have any contact with the people in Hell, so we have to rely on you guys."

Speaking of this, his own face became a little unnatural, obviously such a thing is not honorable to him, but Qiu Ziyun's pretty face changed again when he heard the words, and the uneasiness in his heart became extremely intense.

She doesn't know what's going on with Wu Tian now. Even though she is very relieved about that man, she has more worries in her heart after all. She doesn't know how powerful Wu Tian's enemy is. These people know that they are definitely not weak.

In order to be able to help one day earlier, she has been cultivating with all her strength, but now, is she going to put Wu Tian in danger?Qiu Ziyun's pretty face was extremely dark and ugly, if she could, she would fight desperately with the person in front of her, but she didn't dare to act rashly.

Yao Mengmeng's three daughters were still paralyzed beside her. It could be said that life and death depended entirely on each other's thoughts. She didn't know what would happen the moment she made a move, and Long Peng's words made her feel even more depressed.

"Don't worry, as long as Wu Tian appears, we will definitely not do anything to you. My name is Long Peng. I believe that if you mention this name to Pluto, the other party will know who it is. Hehe, I hope you can cooperate."

"Long Peng? Are you from Dragon Palace?" Qiu Ziyun exclaimed in surprise. She already knew that the Long family was destroyed, and now that someone surnamed Long is targeting her, she must be from Dragon Palace, and she knows that the people of Dragon Palace are powerful. Unmatched, that is not an enemy that Hell can fight against.

What is she going to do?Qiu Ziyun was anxious like never before, but Long Peng's eyes flickered when he heard the words. Since Qiu Ziyun knew that he was from the Dragon Palace, then...she should also know more about the inside story. As for the whereabouts of Pluto, it would not be a problem up.

Smiling, Long Peng nodded and admitted his identity: "Yes, we are all from Dragon Palace, Qiu Ziyun, you know what to do, Pluto's mother, sister, and all these beauties Tsk tsk, their lives are in your hands, if something happens to them because of your decision, you probably don't know how to face Pluto, do you?"

At this moment, Qiu Ziyun took a few steps back. Indeed, from the standpoint of himself and others, no one is willing to bring Wu Tian into a dangerous situation for himself, but if Wu Tian knows the reason for all this, then What would a man think?She could tell with a little thought.

"You...you..." Qiu Ziyun stared at Long Peng and Long Yan resentfully, his eyes were full of resentment and anger, looking at each other with such eyes, Long Peng couldn't help but turn his head sideways. It's not what he wants to take advantage of, but now that he's reached this point, he won't stop.

"Contact Pluto and tell him that we will wait for him here within three days. If he does not show up after three days, we will not know what will happen."

While speaking, there was already a hint of coldness in Long Peng's words, which made Qiu Ziyun tremble all over, with cold sweat overflowing from her body. She is not a woman without eyesight, so she can naturally tell that Long Peng is not there. joking.

Gritting her teeth, Qiu Ziyun stared at Yao Mengmeng and the others for a while, then turned around and looked at the direction where Qin Yun and Wu Yuyan were now, feeling hopeless in her heart after all.

What else can she do now?She knew that it was a big mistake for her to find Wu Tian, ​​but besides finding that man, what else could she do now?Taking a deep breath, she turned sideways and walked to the side.

At this time, Wu Tian, ​​who was in retreat, had reached the most critical moment. Compared with him, Honglian had already left the customs a day ago. With her current identity and strength, the gold content of this emperor-level high-level is really too much.

Even Tiandao, a veteran emperor-level senior, felt a burst of pressure in front of Honglian. Looking at his little daughter, Tiandao seemed to understand the meaning of what Tianming said before the retreat.

After leaving the customs, Honglian stayed at the place where Wu Tian lived and waited for his exit. She was very quiet, but occasionally looked at the place where Wu Tian was staying, and felt the fluctuating aura. There was an inexplicable smile.

"Now I'm waiting for you to come out." Hong Lian murmured softly, with a trace of expectation in her eyes. She knew very well that as long as Wu Tian came out of the customs, Wu Tian's own cultivation would definitely go further. As for the strength of the two of them at that time, who was stronger? Weak, but another word for it.

But suddenly her face changed slightly, and the communicator in her arms suddenly rang. The reason why she changed color was because if it was not an emergency, she would not normally be contacted through this channel.

The moment she took it out, she stood up abruptly, took a deep breath, connected to the communicator, and shouted softly: "Ziyun, what's wrong?"

It turned out that Qiu Ziyun had been in contact with Wu Tian, ​​but she didn't expect that the other party hadn't answered. She thought that Wu Tian should be with Hong Lian now, so she found Hong Lian, and fortunately, Hong Lian connected immediately.

"Hong...Honglian, is Wu Tian by your side?" Qiu Ziyun twitched the corner of his mouth, trying to tell the reason, but when he reached his mouth, she swallowed it back.

Hong Lian's brows were frivolous, and she had an ominous premonition in her heart. The relationship between her and Qiu Ziyun was not too close, but she also knew that this woman knew when to do things. If nothing happened, she would definitely not disturb her at this time. Wu Tian's.

"He's in seclusion, tell me if you have anything to say." Honglian raised her eyebrows, her face darkened.

But what greeted her was the silence of the other party. The moment she spoke again, a voice suddenly remembered on the other side, it was a man's voice, and she even felt a little familiar.

"A person from Hell? Hehe, I'm Long Peng. I think we've seen each other before. I didn't expect to talk in this situation. Let Pluto speak." Long Peng's voice suddenly sounded, and his voice was so cold that People tremble a little.

At this moment, Honglian's face changed completely. Indeed, she felt that the voice was familiar, and the word "Long Peng" reminded her of who this man was, but... why did the people from Dragon Palace find Qiu Zi? Yun them?With so many thoughts in her mind, she suddenly thought of a possibility.

"You... how dare you do something to them? Long Peng, Qiu Ziyun and the others are just a group of ordinary people. You, the majestic Dragon Palace, would actually do such a thing!" Honglian shouted angrily, the coldness on her pretty face was simply It can freeze everything around it.

But at this moment, Long Peng was silent for a while, and then he said: "Don't worry, what we want to see is Pluto, when Pluto appears, these women around him, Long will never touch them in the slightest, but time It's only three days, and after three days, if Pluto is still nowhere to be found, then... what will happen, Long can't guarantee at all."

boom!Hong Lian slapped the table and chair next to her, and she didn't know whether it was because she was angry or anxious, but the table and chair shattered under the palm, and the force was really shocking.

Her face changed again and again, she turned her head to look at the place where Wu Tian is now, after a little silence, she softly shouted: "Don't worry, we will definitely show up within three days, if you dare to touch them before that , I swear, I will let the entire Dragon Palace be buried with them."

Long Peng was slightly stunned, and seemed to be terrified by Honglian's oath, but after realizing it, he shook his head and chuckled, feeling that he seemed to think highly of the other party too much.

Let Dragon Palace be buried with him?He really didn't know the heights of the heavens and the depths of the earth, but unfortunately he didn't know that Honglian is already one of the most honorable people in the Ming Pavilion. With her future energy, if she wants to be buried with the Dragon Palace, who would dare to say that it is really a dream?
Naturally, Long Peng didn't know all this. He smiled softly and said, "Mr. Long always does what he says, and I hope to see the people in Hell within three days."

As soon as the words fell, he hung up the communicator directly, and Honglian's face changed again, but unfortunately the communicator had no sound, she was silent for a while, and murmured to herself: "I must not disturb him at this time, it seems that I can only move The people in the pavilion are used."

Thinking of this, she also felt extremely fortunate. If they were still only the original strength of the underworld, they would definitely be close to death in this situation, but the existence of Mingge gave her great confidence.

But at the moment when this thought flashed, there was an aura in the room next to her that suddenly became agitated, and Honglian suddenly raised her head, and then her face was full of joy.

Wu Tian finally reacted, and at this most critical moment, Hong Lian was completely relieved.

Sure enough, it didn't take long, and the atmosphere inside became more and more restless. This restlessness lasted for about ten minutes, and then disappeared completely. After another few minutes, a figure walked out of the room. If it wasn't Wu Tian, ​​who was it?

At this time, Wu Tian was already a strong man who had stepped into the high rank of the emperor, and Hong Lian once again had a smile on her pretty face when she saw this.

(End of this chapter)

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