Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 590 Guess

Chapter 590 Guess
"Yes, the grandson has gone down first, and I will come to you later." The middle-aged man's face changed slightly, and then he said respectfully.

He is the Pavilion Master Tiandao of the Ming Pavilion, but it is someone like him who is so respectful in front of the old man, because the old man is his own grandfather Tian Ming, and he has stepped into the pinnacle of the holy rank strong.

It is also the person they are most looking forward to in this game. As long as there is a chance, they believe that Tian Ming can step over that layer of shackles and step into the holy level. At that time, the entire Ming Pavilion will achieve the pinnacle position. Now the general mystery, even makes people feel weird.

After Tiandao left, Tianming finally did not continue to remain silent. He looked at Tiangu lightly, with inexplicable sharpness, and his cloudy eyes could not conceal the restlessness in his heart at this moment.

"Tiangu, are you... are you really telling the truth? Is there no trace of deceit? If you are delusional this time, then you should know what Mingge will lose, and what kind of responsibility will you bear? I can Remember, your punishment is not over yet."

His voice was a little trembling, but it was very cold, and it really made people unable to feel that it was the words of such an old man, extremely heartless, but when everyone heard the words, they didn't have any strange expressions, and they still looked at Tiangu with frowns.

Tiangu swallowed his saliva hard, but his mind flashed, and he said quickly: "Old Ancestor, the feeling was very faint, but it clearly existed. I also knew the importance of the matter, so I came back immediately. Besides, I just wanted to come back to confirm what was going on with that legend, I... I didn't know it would turn out like this, I really don't know."

As he spoke, he glanced at the people present, with a wry smile on his face. If he knew such news, he could easily get these old guys out of customs. bring back.

"Huh!" Tian Ming kept hearing it, snorted coldly, and said, "So what if I don't know? Since you caused this matter, you are naturally responsible for it. Of course, if the matter is true, you must be responsible." It's head work."

Then he didn't look at Tiangu, but glanced at the other people present, especially the old men sitting beside him, with questioning and anticipation in Tianming's eyes.

After a long period of silence, someone finally spoke up: "This... big brother, this matter should not be possible, but Tiangu is also a high-ranking emperor-level powerhouse after all, and his feelings cannot be wrong. This matter... really needs to be investigated. Only then did I realize that those people must be brought back."

"Yeah, the third brother is right. The possibility is very small. It's just that the Ming Pavilion is so big and there are so many people below. There may be some accidents. Since Tiangu said so, it naturally makes sense. I also Agree to bring those people back first, and then we will see the situation."

He didn't say it clearly, but everyone understood what he meant. There are really too many people in Mingge, and even they themselves can't recognize all of them. And sometimes miracles happen about this bloodline. Among the descendants, indeed There is a miracle of blood returning to the ancestors.

Although they don't think that other than their direct descendants, there is anyone who can surpass them in blood concentration, but who can confirm everything in one word?

Tianming's eyes burst into light when he heard the words. If this is the case, then it is really a blessing for Mingge, but before he could speak, the old man on his right suddenly said: "Now, I suddenly remembered something. I don't know if you remember it or not."

Tian Ming wanted to speak at first, but he suddenly froze, turned his head to look at the old man, and shouted softly: "Second brother, if you have something to say, just say it, don't tell me you know something?"

The old man took a deep breath, looked around at everyone, and then said: "Now there is a son and a daughter by Tiandao's side, but in fact, the Tiandao woman was surrounded and killed by others when she gave birth to the third child, and the Tiandao couple were forced to stay. I left the third child, and now... his whereabouts are unknown."

While speaking, his voice was a little trembling, and everyone fell into a dead silence when they heard the words. Tian Ming's pupils shrank sharply, and his eyes narrowed slightly, as if he remembered something, and his eyes burst into terrifying the light.

"You mean the girl from back then? It's just that the Tiandao couple were besieged and killed halfway at that time. Under that situation, do you think that girl still has hope of surviving? You know, the Tiandao couple went back to check afterwards, and there was no The slightest clue, if he survives, at least a little trace can be found, and there is a big pool of blood left at the scene, it is very likely..."

Naturally, he also expected this in his heart, but judging from the situation back then, the girl's hope of surviving was really too small, and even said it was impossible.

But when the old man mentioned this matter, Tian Ming still felt that there was a slight possibility. The old man’s brows were also furrowed when he heard the words. He just suddenly remembered this matter. possible.

Maybe there are some people in this collateral line whose blood has become stronger than that of their parents at some point, but there is a limit to his concentration after all, if he wants to surpass their direct lineages?It's really too difficult.

Only people who are originally direct descendants have such a possibility. However, except for that girl, it seems...the other direct descendants of Ming Pavilion are very clear to them. Obviously, no one has reached this level.

Some people believe it, some people don't believe it, and Tiangu's eyes are also flickering. He slowly recalled the situation at the beginning, but unfortunately, he can think of too little.

When the person who pays attention to Hell and Dragon Palace fights, he is too far away. When he is surrounded by people from Hell, he feels very weak. At that time, because of the impact of Hell, he temporarily Didn't pay attention either.

As everyone knows, when Tiangu was very close to Hell, Honglian suddenly had this kind of entanglement in the dark. At that time, she restrained her aura as much as possible to prevent Tiangu from finding out.

If it weren't for this, Tiangu would definitely discover that strangeness immediately when the auras of both of them were exuded, and then there would be no such situation.

Just when everyone was arguing endlessly, Tiandao went back and forth. He still held the original mobile phone in his hand, and his face was full of excitement and excitement. Everyone was a little stunned when they saw him.

Tian Ming frowned slightly, and said with some displeasure: "Tian Dao, didn't you leave? Why are you like this, what made you look like this, and you don't look stable?"

Today's Tiandao has been the master of the Ming Pavilion for decades, he should be stable, what is he like now?Naturally, Tianming was very unhappy watching him grow up, but how could Tiandao care about these things?

"Hehe, this Tiandao understands, but now is not the time to talk about it." Tiandao touched his nose and said with some embarrassment.

The phone call just now was made by Tianmeng, and it was about Hell Prison. After listening to Tianmeng's report, how can he sit still?He didn't even care about the rules here, and rushed in directly.

He knows what these old guys are talking about now. Since he has such important news, if he delays for a while, won't he be skinned by these old guys afterwards?Regardless of everyone's expressions, he directly told him what the Tianmeng had reported to him.

Tian Ming couldn't sit still any longer, so he stood up straight and shouted: "What... what? What you said is true? This Hell, unexpectedly came to my life pavilion on its own initiative?"

There is shock and disbelief on his face, which is simply unbelievable. It is Tiangu, who is looking at Tiandao blankly at this time, and seems a little incomprehensible. After all, he has only met Hell Prison not long ago. noodle.

At that time, Hell Prison was looking for trouble with Dragon Palace, and there was no difference after meeting him, but now he secretly found Ming Pavilion, why didn't he respond at the beginning?Is it because he has already left Tiancheng?

Tiandao nodded and said: "That's right, Tianmeng and the others are in the Golden Triangle, and now that Pluto is also in the Golden Triangle. He came to Tianmeng for this matter. Tianmeng can't decide how far he wants to talk to him, so report to me." over this matter."

"Today's League doesn't know what's going on with the other party, but after I pass by, I should be able to fully understand."

But at this moment, Tianming's face suddenly became a little dignified, and he shouted: "Tianmeng? I almost forgot, shouldn't he be with Tianmu at this time? He is in the Golden Triangle, so what about Tianmu?"

He and the other old guys have been in seclusion all the time, and they are still a little unclear about these recent things. Hearing that he clicked on the Celestial Eye, Tian Dao's face changed slightly, and his eyes flickered. That kid...was also somewhat ambitious at first, but I didn't expect to encounter such a thing.

"This..." Tiandao held back for a while, and finally told the truth: "Tianmu left from his master, and he was going to come back directly, but he said he would bring an important gift back, so he stayed at the Golden Triangle for a few months , seems to be planning something."

"Just now...he is in the hands of Hades, but for the time being he is safe."

At this moment, the temperature in the entire meeting room plummeted, and Tian Ming's face became extremely gloomy: "You said, is the third eye in the hands of that Pluto? Is there no danger for the time being? Hmph, the young master who dared to touch my life pavilion is really a How daring."

"Didn't he want to see you? If that's the case, then I'll meet him personally to see what kind of character this guy is. If everything is fake, hmph!"

Tianmu is the Young Pavilion Master of Ming Pavilion, and also the most outstanding person of the younger generation of Ming Pavilion. These old guys have placed great expectations on him. If he was killed like this, who would be willing?

Not only Tian Ming, but other people's faces were also very ugly, but because Tian Ming actually wanted to meet Pluto in person, no one spoke easily.

Tiandao opened his mouth, he was not too angry with Pluto's actions, after all, he had already heard from Tianmeng about the cause and effect, that kind of situation was enough to show that Pluto had his own thoughts, before meeting them, There is absolutely no danger to the Celestial Eye.

(End of this chapter)

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