Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 387 Doubt

Chapter 387 Doubt

Looking at Shangguanting's gloomy eyes, Longquan sneered softly. Speaking of this point, Shangguanting naturally understands some things, and he understands, so he doesn't need to say any more. He also believes that Shangguanting at this time must be better than himself just now. Even more angry.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Shangguanting has been groping for the way to step into the emperor class, and now he feels that there is really no way to get out. In the past, he was not optimistic about the Shangguan family's plan for the Yao family. After all, a After all these years, what kind of treasure can the imperial family get?However, now he gave him a big slap.

The Yao family's family heirloom is in the Yao family's own hands, but they have not known for so many years that there is such a woman with the power of blood in the Yao family, and they just regard that woman as a marriage partner, hoping to get married through the blood. The power to help Shangguan Yunque step into the emperor level.

They ignored the two keys to unlock the secrets of the Yao family, and they also had the opportunity to control everything in their hands silently. Even he didn't dare to guess easily.

boom!Shangguanting slapped the table and chairs hard, his face flushed red: "Things that are not enough to succeed are more than nothing to fail!"

At this moment, he really didn't know how to vent his anger, but the corners of Longquan's mouth were slightly curved, and there was endless sarcasm in his eyes. How could a family with no inheritance at all know the secret of the emperor?Even if the vast majority of people know that someone has the power of blood, he will only adopt an attitude similar to that of the Yao family.

This is the gap between them, and at this time, Shangguanting looks more like a clown with a temper in his eyes, and he is also happy to see it.

But fortunately, after Shangguanting got angry, he finally calmed down: "Then Patriarch Long thinks, what is going on with this matter?"

If it was true as what Longquan said, he could conclude that there must be secrets behind it that they didn't know. Sure enough, Longquan's face froze slightly the moment he heard the words, and there was nothing else but dignified.

His eyes narrowed slightly, thinking of everything that happened, he felt inexplicable restlessness in his heart.

From the beginning, this matter looked like a conflict between the Shangguan family, the Huangpu family and Wu Tian. Later, the two families constructed a conspiracy to erase Wu Tian, ​​but later the identity of the Shangguan family was exposed. It's getting bigger and bigger, and it's getting to the point where it is today.

The source of all this seems to be Wu Tian and the others.

Long Quan was silent, he didn't know if the relationship between Wu Tian and the Yao family was accidental, whether Wu Tian and the others were eyeing the Yao family's secrets, or Wu Tian and the others did all these actions against the Long family for revenge, That's all understandable, but which of these two reasons is the current him, still hesitating.

If it's the first reason, that's okay, but if it's the second reason, Wu Tian and the others will definitely not let it go so easily, so, their silence during this period is definitely a conspiracy, and they, in the slightest unknown.

Glancing at Shangguanting, Longquan hesitated and said: "Long has something to ask, I hope senior won't blame me for being abrupt."

Shangguan Ting was stunned for a moment, and was even more astonished, but it was only for a moment. He nodded slightly and said with a smile: "Patriarch Long is polite, just ask if you have any questions. Shangguan Ting will definitely know everything and say everything."

"That's good!" Longquan laughed softly, and then asked very seriously with a sudden expression on his face: "Long wants to know what is the attitude of the Shangguan family towards Hell, so that the river water does not violate the well water, or how?" ?”

At this moment, he no longer wanted to cover up the hatred between him and Hell, not to mention that some things can be easily found if others are willing to investigate. After all, there was such a big conflict on their side this time. Peaceful past?That's impossible.

If the Shangguan family also holds a grudge against Hell, then they can make good use of it and work together to eradicate those bastards. Wouldn't it be a good thing?
"Uh..." Shangguan Ting's face changed slightly, as if he didn't expect Longquan to ask this question suddenly, but then he snorted: "Hell Prison has calculated my Shangguan family like this, so Patriarch Long still thinks we can reconcile? Hmph, Between us, someone is bound to die."

He was extremely angry when he spoke, but his peripheral vision fell on Longquan, paying attention to his expression all the time, and the moment his words fell to the ground, he clearly saw a gleam in Longquan's eyes, and then heard Long Quan said, "Is that true?"


Longquan let out a deep breath, as if he had made some huge decision, and finally sighed: "Since this is the case, then Long will not hide it from you. In fact, there is a gap between our Long family and Hell."

He revealed the grievances between the Long Family and Hell Prison, and also expressed some guesses about Yao Mengmeng. Following his words, Shangguanting's face twitched non-stop. If Longquan was not already an emperor-level powerhouse , he didn't even know what kind of attitude he would have.

This is how it all happened. After a long time, did their Shangguan family get tricked because of the Long family?And he, Shangguan Ting, didn't even know that Shangguan Tian had been foolishly used to this day, turning the entire Shangguan family into a mess.

He clenched his fists tightly, and his face could be as ugly as it was, especially when he heard Longquan's guesses about Yao Mengmeng later.

"Then Patriarch Long thinks that the matter of the Yao family was planned by them, or is it really a coincidence?"

If it's a coincidence, it's a bit too coincidental, but if it's not a coincidence, some things don't make sense. The two of them frowned and pondered, but they couldn't give a specific answer.

"This... Pluto is not a brainless person. If he had calculated well, he would definitely not have given the family heirloom of the Yao family to Wu Jin that day, because Yao Mengmeng has the blood of an emperor-level powerhouse. , and the family heirloom plaque, they are the ones who are most likely to get the secrets of the Yao family."

At first they thought that Wu Tian sent the wooden sign because, as Wu Tian himself said, so what if they have the wooden sign?They can't get any benefits from a single wooden sign, but if Yao Mengmeng is really in their hands, everything will be different.

Therefore, after seeing Wu Tian sending out the wooden sign, they felt that Yao Mengmeng should have nothing to do with them, but
Suddenly, Shangguanting seemed to have thought of something, his face changed again and again, and he said in a very low voice: "Tell me, could the wooden plaque he gave Wu Jin be?"

He didn't finish the sentence directly, but Longquan was shocked when he heard the words, his eyes narrowed sharply, and he even said with a trembling: "You mean, the wooden sign he gave Wu Jin is fake? Then their original purpose .”

Inexplicably, he felt a coldness in his heart attacking his whole body, and then he became even more angry, because Wu Tian and the others dared to tease them like this, and also because the people under him were so weak in handling things, and the obvious point was actually taken by Easily missed.

At this moment, the breathing of the two of them became inexplicably short of breath, and they didn't know whether it was because of anger or excitement because they had spied on each other's plot. Soon after, they left together without telling others After entering the Shangguan family, that direction is where Wushan is located. The purpose of the two is obvious.

As everyone knows, Long Ying, Long Wu and others who left at this time are even more depressed. At the beginning, they all came here just to investigate Wu Tian and the others' real identities. And obviously, the exposure of this incident changed their goal this time all at once.

They also secretly resented that the Shangguan family really had the guts to cover up every secret, because their ignorance led to the unmanageable ending.

After the few people left the hall, they went straight to the place where they usually discussed. Long Ying's face was extremely gloomy, and the coldness that emanated from his body was daunting. Long Wu also lost his good temper.

"This Shangguan family is really good, they really are born white-eyed wolves!"

Long Ying snorted coldly, if they had known all this a long time ago, how could there be the situation today?
In the past, they thought that the Shangguan family, as a vassal force of the Long family, would play a big role in the future, just like the Qingjian Pavilion in the past, becoming a knife in the hands of the Long family, but now it seems that these People are simply stupid.

Not only was he stupid, but he also lacked the slightest loyalty. If he hadn't been afraid of the existence of the Shangguan family, he would have suggested that Longquan kill the entire Shangguan family.

Long Wu heaved a sigh of relief, squinting his eyes tightly, and the confrontation with Wu Tian kept flashing through his mind. From the beginning to the present, he found that he had never been sure what the man's purpose was.

Revenge?But after the Yao family's affairs were exposed, he felt that the other party's target was the Yao family's secret.

But now, there are more doubts about what Wu Tian did. No shadow of the other party was found.

Is this normal?Obviously abnormal, and abnormal enough to show that there is a secret behind this matter that they don't know.

For some reason, the mood of several people became inexplicably dignified.

Suddenly, Longji raised his eyebrows frivolously and looked outside, and saw Shangguan Kun standing at their door with an extremely ugly expression, as if he had something to say.

The eyebrows of the three of them frowned instantly, and when they looked at each other, they all saw the dissatisfaction in each other's eyes, but it was only for a moment, and then disappeared. Long Ying even showed a smile on his face: "So it's Mr. Shangguan Kun, hehe, this You came to the door suddenly, is there something wrong?"

(End of this chapter)

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