Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 342 Abacus

Chapter 342 Abacus
The words of the Youming elders did not make Wu Tian feel any anger, but his indifferent tone really shocked the Youming elders, Tiankui and Tianyun.

It turns out that Wu Tian and the others already knew that the second elder You Ming had come to this place?But since they knew about this, why did they pretend not to know?

Looking at Wu Tian's half-smile face, Tian Kui felt a little uneasy, and Tian Yun was even more so, but as the party involved, the second elder You Ming suddenly felt that he was insulted, and immediately shouted: "Wu Tian, ​​what are you doing?" What do you mean? Do you want to control when we come here? Hmph, this is our freedom, you Wu Tian has no control at all."

I don't know why, but they felt uncomfortable when they saw Wu Tian. This guy was destined to be their enemy, and he didn't want to give him any face.

Where does Wu Tian have the mood to care what these two old guys want to do?Just seeing the two of them, as well as Tian Yun and Tian Kui's dodging eyes, he felt that there seemed to be other things in it. After all, what he heard back then was that Tian Kui and Tian Yun hoped that Nether The second elder did not appear in front of him before the plan was executed, so as to avoid any misunderstandings. At that time, even though the second elder You Ming was reluctant, he agreed.

Therefore, there must be a reason for these two men to appear here at this time.

Thinking about it, Wu Tian laughed lightly and said, "It's natural for the two elders to go wherever they want, but this is Wu's territory. Isn't it unreasonable to be so arrogant all of a sudden?"

"If you have something to come to me, then tell me quickly, if not, please forgive Wu for not staying with me, after all, Wu still has a lot of things to do."

As soon as the words fell, he looked like he was about to leave. At this moment, the faces of the two elders of You Ming changed again. Their mission has not been completed yet, how could it be possible for Wu Tian to leave like this?He hurriedly stopped in front of him and said, "If it wasn't for the sect master's order, I wouldn't bother to meet you. Hmph, don't take yourself too seriously, you are too powerful."

He snorted coldly, and then took out the thing in his hand. Seeing that thing, Wu Tian was slightly taken aback, but suddenly suddenly, he turned his head and thought about Tian Kui and Tian Yun. He nodded slightly.

A few minutes later, in Wu Tian's conference room, Wu Tian sat there frowning. There was a rather large image in front of him, and the protagonist of that image was Ye Chen.

Hearing Ye Chen's eloquence, Wu Tian couldn't stop sneering in his heart, but his face became more dignified, even puzzled. It wasn't until the video was over that Wu Tian said, "What's going on?"

There was an unresolved coldness on his face, as if he was about to explode a little bit out of control, and his fists were clenched tightly, showing that he was not calm at this moment.

The eyes of Tiankui and the others flickered. They naturally knew why the man did this. Isn't this exactly what they wanted?But facing Wu Tian's shouting and questioning, they really didn't know how to respond.

But they didn't know that the two elders of Youming were not like this. They only heard one of them snorting coldly: "What else could be going on? Wu Tian, ​​this is the information that I obtained with great difficulty from the Tianji Sect. Because the sect master was worried, That’s why it was sent here in a hurry, hmph, you should be grateful.”

"That's right, Wu Tian, ​​even if Longquan took action himself, it's no use if you're afraid now, but I have a plan that can save you from disaster. I don't know if you're interested in it?"

Wu Tian was slightly stunned, the anger on his face seemed to have disappeared, and even a trace of excitement appeared in his eyes, he turned his head to look at the old man Youming, and said, "Tell me about the plan."

Seeing Wu Tian's appearance, the two elders of You Ming looked at each other, their eyes were full of sarcasm. They had seen the brilliance in Wu Tian's eyes just now, and after knowing that Long Quan would personally make a move, Wu Tian was extremely disturbed, but After hearing that he had a plan, that light flashed out. Obviously, he was also a guy who was afraid of death.

Everyone said that the Hades of Hell is nothing more than that now, and the two of them already had some contempt in their hearts.

Tian Kui and Tian Yun were shocked again, and they looked at the You Ming elders in great surprise, their eyes were full of doubts, but before they could say anything, the words of the You Ming elders immediately changed their colors.

"It's not a difficult thing. You should know that Longquan is an emperor-level powerhouse, but you are only emperor-level. Facing him, you are ants. Isn't that the easiest thing for him to kill you? "

"It's just, what if there are emperor-level powerhouses standing behind you? Hehe, Wu Tian, ​​I don't want to talk nonsense with you. Now we are in a cooperative relationship. Even if Longquan came to the door, I, Tianjimen, can help you." You stop Yi Er, but what about after the cooperation? Can the other party let you go like this? So, from today on, you will submit to our Tianji Sect, and you will no longer have to worry about the threat of Longquan, how about it?"

As soon as the words fell, the scene fell into absolute silence, only the two elders, You Ming, looked at Wu Tian with faint smiles on their faces, with confidence in their eyes, as if they were sure of what choice Wu Tian would make.

But very different from them, the faces of Tian Yun and Tian Kui changed instantly. This... This is really dare to think, for a moment they thought it was the idea of ​​the two elders of You Ming, but when they saw the image, they felt that it was not so simple things.

However, feeling the sudden drop in temperature at the scene, the two quickly said, "This old Nether, is there some misunderstanding? You two?"

The two hurriedly tried to persuade them, but it was a pity that the two elders of Youming didn't give them any face at all, and even sneered coldly: "What misunderstanding? Is this the truth? It's an order from the sect master. Anyway, it's a cooperative relationship now, as long as you submit to the Tianji sect , all the previous ones will be written off, and the Longquan will naturally be stopped by the sect master, but if you don't submit, hum."

Why did they appear beside Wu Tian at this time?That's precisely because they knew the news, and they also knew the plan of the sect master. They knew that Ye Chen would not make Wu Tian and the others feel better, but rather than destroying them, subduing them would satisfy the sect master more.

After they learned of this secret order, they were also extremely dissatisfied. After all, their purpose was to destroy each other, but Ye Chen's decision made them understand that it was impossible for them to change the door owner's mind.

But after thinking about it, if Wu Tian and the others really surrendered to the Tianjimen, if they want to punish this guy, wouldn't that be a huge opportunity?
(End of this chapter)

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