Unparalleled evil little

Chapter 317 Snowy Hotel

Chapter 317 Snowy Hotel
The gloomy wind added a lot of gloomy atmosphere to the dark night. At this time, two figures were walking forward in a leisurely manner. These two people were Tiankui and Wu Tian, ​​and their goal this time was to go to Meet Ye Chen at the agreed place.

This time, they no longer agreed on the top of the mountain, but in an extremely luxurious hotel in the secular world. Along the way, Wu Tian remained indifferent, as if he never took the next thing into his heart.

Next to him, Tian Kui, who had been watching Wu Tian's face in his heart, felt bitter. God knows what kind of mood he was in after listening to Tian Yun's analysis yesterday.

He probably guessed the reaction of the person after he reported it to Ye Chen, but after all, he didn't expect that person to be so fierce, and he asked him to arrange a second meeting without even thinking about it. For the second invitation, Wu Tian also agreed without any fear. He was not sure whether Wu Tian felt that there was no danger in meeting Ye Chen, or whether he felt that he was powerful and there was no need to take it to heart.

Wu Tian raised his eyebrows frivolously, and then laughed softly: "Mr. Tiankui, you have been looking at me, do you have something to say? If so, please speak up."

There was a trace of teasing in his words, and his light words made Tian Kui's face blush, he really didn't realize that he had kept his eyes on this man.

Coughing twice, Tiankui tried his best to restore his original expression, and then said solemnly: "Mr. Wu, do you still remember those words you said?"

Wu Tian was slightly taken aback, but he reacted in an instant, feeling a little surprised in his heart, could it be that this guy is going to have a showdown with him right now?If so, he is quite looking forward to it.

However, on the surface, he still didn't have much emotional fluctuations, and said with a little surprise: "Those words that I said before? Hehe, that was just a random statement by Wu. Could it be that Mr. Tiankui took it seriously? Could it be, God? Mr. Kui has taken any actions, even this time, we went to see Yemen Lord, is it because of this matter?"

There was extreme surprise in Wu Tian's words, even a little unbelievable, as if he had heard some great news, but his appearance made Tiankui not at all satisfied, and even his forehead was full of black lines.

He knew that this guy must be pretending, but what could he do?Wu Tian won't admit anything, as long as he doesn't take the initiative to admit it, then he has nothing to do.

He let out a deep breath, and Tiankui said again: "Hehe, as Mr. Wu said, if we want to cooperate, we must show enough sincerity. The purpose, and when the time comes, I only hope that Mr. Wu can believe that we have enough sincerity, of course, it is up to Mr. Wu to decide how to choose, and we definitely dare not cross the line easily."

As soon as the words fell, he seemed to be silent, but his peripheral vision fell firmly on Wu Tian's body, and he saw all Wu Tian's reactions in his eyes, with strong expectations in his eyes. , Wu Tian's pupils shrank sharply, he turned his head and looked at Tiankui deeply, and he felt a little vigilant in his heart. At this moment, he can conclude that these guys must have noticed something, but he doesn't know how far the other party has noticed it. .

After a brief silence, Wu Tian spoke again: "This... Hehe, Mr. Tiankui seems to have misjudged who he is? We have already cooperated, and it is even more pleasant now. You and I have seen our sincerity. As for the future, what will happen? No one can say for sure, right? As for why Master Yemen wants to see me again today, I think he will explain this to me personally, and Wu will not be in the slightest hurry."

"This..." Seeing that Wu Tian didn't go in the direction he said at all, and the words were so direct, Tian Kui suddenly became a little dumb.

He opened his mouth, but finally choked out such a sentence: "It's natural. Hehe."

The corners of Wu Tian's mouth curved slightly, and he didn't continue to say anything after that. The two hurried on their way in silence. After about eight hours, they finally arrived at an extremely luxurious hotel, and this hotel was the property under the name of Tianjimen. It is the most luxurious hotel in Guangdong, and it is very famous in the world. When he came to the door of the hotel, even Wu Tian couldn't help but exclaim: "I didn't expect that this Xueyu restaurant would be owned by Tianjimen. Never thought of it."

It's no wonder that Wu Tian admired it so much. You must know that every time they acted, they would rest at the Xueyu Hotel. They also knew that this hotel had a very deep background, but they didn't expect it to be the Tianjimen.

Tian Kui was slightly taken aback, seeing Wu Tian's expression in his eyes, he was extremely surprised, he could naturally see that Wu Tian's admiration was sincere, but he didn't understand why he could sigh so much.

"Hehe, could it be that Mr. Wu has visited Xueyu before? If so, then there is a great fate, but it's a pity that we never knew about it."

At this time, Tiankui already had other calculations in his mind, which was also an unexpected gain for him, and he hoped that the result would not disappoint him.

It's a pity that he never thought that this unexpected harvest of his only lasted for a few hours, and it became worthless. At this time, the strangeness in his eyes was seen by Wu Tian, ​​but he never denied it or said anything. , the corners of his mouth were slightly curved, with a trace of incomprehensible sarcasm.

Walking into the gate of the hotel, someone naturally came to welcome him immediately, and this person seemed to be a high-level executive of the hotel, but beside Tiankui, he looked respectful, almost like a servant, and he looked at him from time to time. He looked at Wu Tian, ​​with extreme curiosity in his eyes, as if he didn't understand who this man was, who could make the hotel pay so much attention to him.

The two came in without any big battles, but he was very clear that all this was personally explained by the people above to make people keep a low profile. He knew even more that the boss of their hotel was in the most prestigious box above, accompanying him extremely uneasy. For those distinguished guests, he couldn't forget the sharp look in his eyes when the boss asked him to come down and wait for these two people. It seemed that if he made any mistakes, he would be forever lost.

And he, the vice president of the hotel, was waiting here with a photo an hour ago, not even daring to leave.

"Sir, the boss is waiting in the VIP room, please follow me."

He bowed and smiled slightly, with a hint of flattery on his face, Tiankui raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he was a little displeased, the moment he saw the thing in his hand, he was taken aback, nodded slightly, and said indifferently: " Lead the way."


Without any hesitation, the man responded quickly, and soon after, they were brought to the highest floor of the hotel, and this place is also the most honorable place of Xueyu Hotel, and it is not an existence that ordinary people can stay in.

Pushing open the door, what came into his eyes was a piece of luxurious decoration, but these were of no value to Wu Tian at all. His eyes fell on those people in the room, two middle-aged people, two old men, among them A middle-aged man was standing next to another middle-aged man with sweat profusely on his face, with a flattering smile on his face.

And the other middle-aged man was Ye Chen. At this time, he also had a smile on his face, but he was extremely indifferent. The moment the door was opened, his eyes shone brightly.

The other two old men, they seemed to have reached sixty years of age, but they were very energetic, and they definitely looked like top-notch powerhouses.

"Hehe, Mr. Wu, it's really fate to meet again."

Ye Chen got up first, walked slowly in front of Wu Tian, ​​and smiled softly, and Wu Tian responded lightly: "Indeed, it is Wu's honor to be able to invite Master Ye to invite you again."

"Please sit down." Ye Chen nodded slightly, pointed to the sofa next to him, and smiled softly.

Ye Chen always had a smile on his face, but compared to him, the moment Wu Tian came in, the pupils of the two old men shrank sharply, especially after looking at Wu Tian at a close distance, the solemn look in their eyes became even more serious It was thick, they knew that this man would not be a simple character, and when they thought of the words Ye Chen said to them not long after, their hearts jumped even more.

At the beginning, they didn't believe what Ye Chen said was true, but now, they are not sure.

Their expressions fell into Wu Tian's eyes, but Wu Tian just smiled lightly, as if he didn't care at all.

Tiankui was also quite surprised, he knew the identities of these two old men, but he did not expect that this time the sect master would bring them here together. Thinking of some rumors in the sect, Tiankui was a little stunned.

Glancing sideways at the middle-aged man and the guy who brought them up, he frowned and said after a short silence: "You guys go out first."

The two were slightly stunned, one of them was a little dissatisfied, but the guy who was in the room immediately nodded as if he had been pardoned: "Yes, then we will leave first, if you need anything, please contact us, we It must be satisfied immediately."

As soon as the words fell, he turned around and left with the other person, as if he was running away.

Outside the door, the vice president who was pulled out was obviously dissatisfied, and asked immediately: "Boss, don't you say that those people are distinguished guests? Does it make sense if you don't serve them by your side?"

When he knew that those people were distinguished guests, he just wanted to get in touch with them, but at that time he was directly sent out by the boss, and he was very dissatisfied at that time, but now he waited so long People brought him in, and he finally had a chance to speak, but he was brought out after standing for a long time, how could he be reconciled?
But before he could react, a big hand slapped him on the head fiercely, and a look of horror flashed across the boss's face, he glanced behind him, pulled the man away, his mouth still Cursing: "Serve? Do you have the life to serve them? Hmph, if you want to die, then I will help you, but don't drag me in."

Do you really think those people are so easy to serve?God knows how hard it was for him to stay inside, but the waiting person didn't come, and he didn't dare to leave easily, it would be a life-threatening job if he was not careful.

(End of this chapter)

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