Chapter 303
Tian Yun's eyes were extremely dignified, but he always kept a faint smile on his face. That kind of smile seemed reassuring, but it was actually chilling. Even for a character like Long Wu, his expression was pale. Change.

He thought that the other party would pay special attention to this matter, and even turned around to ask those men in black out of anger. At that time, they could escape safely, but Tian Kui could hardly control his emotions, but Tian Yun still remembered The current situation did not let them get away with it. At this moment, there was a hint of disappointment in Long Wu's eyes.

But it was just a hint of disappointment. Looking at Tian Yun's expression, he smiled softly: "Hehe, you are the ones taking the initiative now, and it's up to you to decide what to do, but can you really bear this death fight? With you people, can you really keep us completely? Don’t bite down and break your own teeth, hehe, let alone.”

Long Wu's face was full of sarcasm, and at the end there was an inexplicable and strange light flashing out: "What's more, what I said is true or false, you know it well, and where are those men in black now? Such an attempt is really impossible to determine, if we just carry Long Yi away like this, then..."

Regarding Long Wu's provocative words, Tiankui and the others didn't feel too much anger, but their faces were extremely solemn. They were suppressing the restlessness at this moment. Obviously, the impact of Long Wu's words on them was not as simple as it appeared on the surface.

But even though he was excited, Tiankui at this time knew what he should do after all. He snorted and said nothing, but Tianyun said softly: "No matter who they are, no matter what purpose they have, they are ours after all. People from the side camp, hey, this is your enemy, Long Wu, do you think such a simple transfer is really useful?"

"As for what will happen to us today, you are really right. It is our right to decide how to decide, and my decision is to keep you all."

In the end, his words were full of murderous intent, and Long Wu's expression finally changed drastically when he heard the words, Tian Yun, a lunatic, really wasn't fooled by him.

But before he could say anything else, Tian Yun waved her right hand lightly, and shouted: "Do it, life or death."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then shot towards Long Wu and the others, making it too late for him to continue talking, cursed angrily, and had to fight, while Tian Yun and Tian Kui looked at each other, nodded slightly, and joined the battle.

In just an instant, the screams in this piece of heaven and earth came one after another, making people feel chills in their hearts, and as time passed, casualties began on both sides.

However, the final result was not as Tiankui and the others had hoped. Even though the number of opponents was smaller than their own, those people really deserved to be the real elites.

Although some people in the entire Tian group were injured, all nine of them successfully broke through. As for the guys in the human group, although a few people died, those people were not the real core figures of the human group. As for those core figures, although they were also injured, they could No one died, and Tiankui's side was not much better in comparison.

Seeing such a result, Tiankui frowned tightly, his eyes were full of unwillingness, obviously extremely dissatisfied in his heart.

There were wreckages all over the place, but not many people from the Long family were seen. Tiankui's eyes gradually turned cold, and at this time Tianyun walked to his side, and the two stood side by side.

"Didn't you expect this kind of result? Hehe, even if the two sides fight each other, even if they have the upper hand, if they really fight to the death, the result will only be a loss for both sides."

Relatively speaking, they won this battle, because obviously fewer people died on their side than the other side, and there were not many real strong people, all because they had the upper hand.

Tiankui once had some ideas about fighting to the death with the other party, but he also knew that if he fought to the death, maybe he could keep Long Wu and the others completely, but if they kept them, they themselves would be almost dead.

In this way, when it came to the real battle, he finally started to hesitate, especially when he didn't see Long Yi's trace, he became even more scrupulous. He couldn't imagine that if the two sides fought and lost both, at that time Long Yi and the others suddenly Appeared, how would he deal with it, all of this, after all, made him stop chasing.

After spitting hard, he suppressed his emotions as much as possible, stared in a certain direction and remained silent for a while, then suddenly said: "What do you think about Long Wu's statement just now?"

At the end of the battle, he thought of the words Long Wu said. He actually believed in Long Wu's words to a great extent, because Wu Tian and others were already under their suspicion, and what Long Wu said now was obviously part of it. a proof.

Not only him, but even Tian Yun obviously had such doubts, Tian Yun took a deep breath, and then said: "There is no reason for it, it may not be without reason! I just saw the expressions of Long Wu and the others, it should not be fake. "

"But when we came, we really only saw Wu Tian and the other eight standing there, and Wu Tian was injured! Besides, with so many people surrounded here, no one saw any extra figures appearing at all?"

Tian Kui frowned tightly, still expressing his doubts, his face extremely solemn.

Tian Yun's brows were frivolous, and her face was a little ugly, but it was only for a moment, and he said again: "If the strength of Wu Tian and others reaches the level that Long Wu and others said, then they want to avoid Huangpu Those people in the family are obviously not a problem, and I was shocked that the eight Wu Tians were able to block each other for so long. The most important thing is that what we saw was not their desperate resistance, but their confrontation situation."

As everyone knows, when he saw that Wu Tian's eight people confronted Long Wu and the others in such a situation, how shocked he was in his heart. You must know that even if it was their Taoist sect, under such circumstances, only The situation of defeat, what does this mean?Obviously it shows that their strength is much weaker than those people.

But if there were twelve people, Tian Yun would be able to accept it a little bit. At this moment, the suspicion in his heart deepened with the words he said.

Next to him, Tian Kui frowned even deeper. He couldn't refute what Tian Yun said, because it was a fact, and he didn't want to admit it, but he couldn't deny that Tian Yun's words had convinced him of something.

"So... what do you think should be done now? Arrest them and find out, or"

Tian Yun's brows were frivolous, she was silent for a moment, and then shook her head slightly: "We already knew that they had other goals, but we didn't know that their strength had reached this point, arrest? The result is that we can only fight and lose, for us It doesn't make any sense at all."

"And since we saw the eight of them when we came, no matter what they did, it means that they will not leave easily at this time. In this case, I believe that we will be able to see them when we go back, and I also believe in their The target will not be simple Long Yi, after all, if it is Long Yi, they don't need to make such trouble."

How easy is it to target Long Yi?Those people's strength has reached this level, they can just step in when Long Yi and the others are performing tasks, why bother to do so many things.

Tiankui's pupils shrank sharply. At this time, he also thought of something. After a while of silence, he nodded slightly and said, "In this case, let's see what they will do next. I hope we won't be disappointed." .”

At this time, everyone was busy cleaning up the scene. About 10 minutes later, everyone rushed back. Everyone had different expressions. Some were excited, while others were extremely gloomy.

Like Huang Puqing, he really felt that Wu Tian and others gave him surprises one after another. At this moment, thinking of the words Long Wu said, his mind was still buzzing, and he felt incredible.

At this time, he had regrets in his heart, but he was even more murderous. No matter what, he would not just go on like this. He had to find an opportunity to get rid of those people, otherwise, they would have no good results at all.

I don't know how long it took, but they finally returned to the place where Wu Tian and the others rested. The eight of them had already taken off the black cloth on their faces, revealing their original appearance. At this time, they still had their eyes slightly closed.

But at the moment when Tiankui and the others approached, the pupils of the eight opened at the same time, and the murderous intent flashed in their eyes. They knew that Tiankui and the others had returned, but at the moment just now, they actually felt the murderous intent.

This murderous intent shot out from this group of people, aimed at them, it was even more intense, and it was this murderous intent that made everyone open their eyes.

Wu Tian frowned slightly and glanced at the crowd, but the murderous intent disappeared in a flash at this moment, and he couldn't find the source at all.

He snorted coldly in his heart, but Wu Tian didn't show anything on the surface, but at this moment, Tiankui and the others had inexplicable smiles on their faces.

No matter what they want to do, since they don't decide to fight to the death, the first side will naturally not be too rigid. He also believes that he can get more information from the other party.

Seeing Tiankui's appearance, the corners of Wu Tian's mouth curled into a faint smile. He quickly stood up and said with a smile, "Mr. Tiankui, I don't know what the result will be? Did it satisfy you?"

Tiankui raised his eyebrows, but revealed a look of great pity, and sighed, "Long Wu is not a simple character at all. After knowing his situation, he actually planned to fight us to the death, ah. What is unbelievable is that the leader of the other party is not Long Yi, but Long Wu, Long Xing's whereabouts are surreptitious, I have not seen his trace, and I am not willing to easily let the brothers fall into a death struggle."

"Otherwise, once that Long Yi sets up some tricks, then these people will be sent to hell by my own hands!"

As soon as the words fell, he stared at Wu Tian closely, wanting to see what kind of expression Wu Tian would have, but unfortunately he was disappointed, there was also a trace of sigh in Wu Tian's eyes, even unwillingness.

(End of this chapter)

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