infinite beyond system

Chapter 4 7 Enabling the Charm Subsystem

Chapter 4 Seven Opening the Charm Subsystem
The apprenticeship was very successful. Ren Wei originally had five years of internal energy foundation, and after being transformed by the system, he has excellent aptitude. Although he is a bit older, he is also a good seed for martial arts, so he was accepted as a disciple by Hao Datong, and taught the formulas of the Quanzhen Fa .

Three days later, Quanzhen taught the kitchen.

"Rong'er, why are you working as a handyman in the back kitchen of the Quanzhen Sect?" Huang Rong disappeared when he went up the mountain. Ren Wei only thought that she was just having fun and wandering around. He himself became Hao Datong's disciple, while Huang Rong became a handyman in the back kitchen instead.

"It's so fun! Don't you think Brother Ren?" Huang Rong blinked playfully and asked back.

"..." The woman had a needle in her heart, Ren Wei couldn't figure it out, so she was no longer entangled.

"Brother Ren, how have you been these few days?" Huang Rong sat next to Ren Wei, propped her head with one hand, asked with a slanted face.

"It's alright, I'm taking Taiguzi Hao Datong as my teacher now, and I'm getting familiar with the formulas of the Quanzhen Fa in the past few days!" Ren Wei nodded, and said: "What about you, Rong'er?"

"Me!" Huang Rong raised her head and said, "I'm fine, but these cooks are too stupid, they can't even learn how to cook!"

"You teach them how to cook?" Ren Wei asked in surprise.

"Yeah, don't you think it's fun?" Huang Rong suddenly stood up and said, "Brother Ren, come with me!"

As she spoke, Huang Rong took Ren Wei's hand and dragged him into the kitchen.I saw that the kitchen stove was full of large and small dishes, and the delicious dishes exuded a strong fragrance.

"This?" Ren Wei was confused, when did Quanzhen teach food so good, chicken, duck and fish were all available.

"Brother Ren has been practicing hard these days, this is specially prepared by Rong'er!" Huang Rong pointed to the various dishes on the stove and said as if asking for credit. Seeing Ren Wei in a daze, she smiled triumphantly and introduced again.

"These are net oil fish rolls, bird's nest four-character, fried fish fillets, three fresh scallops, hibiscus prawns, Longjing bamboo fungus, osmanthus dried scallops..."

Every time Huang Rong introduced the same thing, Ren Wei swallowed his saliva, his eyes were all stuck on the dishes, and he didn't remember any of the names. Quanzhen Sect is based on Taoism. Although meat and fish are not taboo, it is extremely difficult to eat meat. Who would have thought that Huang Rong would prepare so many amazing dishes for this invitation to meet.

"Brother Ren, these are carefully prepared by Rong'er for you, hurry up and eat!" After the introduction, Huang Rong picked up a dish and gestured to Ren Wei with a smile.

"Okay, okay!" Hearing this, Ren Wei took the chopsticks and eagerly took a bite, then nodded with a 'hmm'.

"Is Rong'er's cooking delicious?" Seeing Ren Wei's disheveled appearance, Huang Rong was not at all displeased, on the contrary, she was very happy.

"It's delicious, even better than the five-star chefs in our hometown!" Ren Weimeng nodded, and replied vaguely, he had never eaten the dishes made by five-star chefs, but he just thought Huang Rong made them. These are already comparable to peerless products.

"Since Eldest Brother Ren likes to eat, next time Rong'er will prepare more!" Huang Rong said again with a happy smile.

"Okay!" Ren Wei hurriedly responded.

"Hehe!" Huang Rong smiled lightly, sat aside, propped her chin with her left hand, looked at Ren Wei's eating with a smile, but didn't say a word.

After half an hour, Ren Wei cleaned up all the dishes, patted his belly, and was satisfied.

"Rong'er, the dishes you cook are so delicious, I feel like I can't get enough!" Ren Wei praised, but inadvertently burped, making Huang Rong beside him laugh out loud.

"I'm telling the truth!" Ren Wei blushed rarely, and added.

"Okay, Rong'er trusts Big Brother Ren, from now on Rong'er cooks for Big Brother Ren every day, okay?" Huang Rong approached Ren Wei with a small face, and asked playfully.

"Of course!" Ren Wei responded immediately, and then felt a tightness in his stomach, and said again: "It seems that I am really full. I will go to practice first to consume energy, and I can't become a fat man!"

"Okay, Brother Ren, let's go!" Huang Rong responded, reluctantly watching Ren Wei leave.

After eating and drinking enough, Ren Wei felt that he was full of motivation to practice martial arts now. He had become proficient in heart formulas these days, and was thinking of going to his master Hao Datong to learn sword moves, but when he was on the road, a voice suddenly appeared in his mind.

"Ding, the protagonist Guo Jing is dead!"

"Ding, the charm system is on!"

"Ding, because the host interfered with the plot, the protagonist Guo Jing was killed. The intimacy of all positive characters -30%, the intimacy of negative characters +20%, and the intimacy of neutral characters remains unchanged!"

"Guo Jing is dead?" Ren Wei asked confusedly, but after thinking about it, he thought it was normal. Without Huang Rong's help, Guo Jing's IQ would be worrying, and sooner or later he would die by his opponent, but what he didn't expect was that Guo Jing died so quickly!

"What's the matter with the charm system? What's the use of intimacy?" Hearing the news of the system, Ren Wei was confused.

"I didn't expect the host to kill the protagonist so quickly!" At this moment, the Transcendent System spoke in Ren Wei's mind.

"Didn't you lack energy and fall into a deep sleep?"

"The host turned on a subsystem. How could I not come out to explain such a big event?"

"What about the charm system and intimacy?" Ren Wei asked.

"Intimacy is a setting of the charm system, which represents the interpersonal relationship between the host and the characters in the plot. It is roughly divided into eleven levels from 0-100%!"

"If the intimacy is 0, then both parties are sworn enemies, unless one party dies first, the fight will not end.

An intimacy of 10% means that the two parties have an unforgettable hatred, and if they meet, they will fight!
An intimacy of 20% means that the two parties are very hostile, and if they disagree, they will use force to kill.

30% intimacy indicates that both parties hate each other very much.

Intimacy of 40%, that is, the two parties do not like each other.

If the intimacy is 50%, it means meeting by chance, staying at the stage of just getting acquainted.

The intimacy rate is 60%, which is roughly defined as the kind of wine and meat friends, the kind who encounter difficulties and make no effort to speak out.

The intimacy rate is 70%, and they belong to close friends. When encountering difficulties, they will help to a certain extent.

Intimacy 80%, good friend, bosom friend.

90% intimacy, inseparable, inseparable.

100% intimacy, life and death together, never leave. "

The system explained the definition of intimacy, and said: "Of course, intimacy is only the attitude of the characters in the play towards the host, and it does not affect the progress of the host's relationship with the characters in the play. At the same time, the host can view and acquaintance. Intimacy!"

Hearing the system's explanation, Ren Wei stopped by to check the intimacy of the characters in the play in his network.

"Huang Rong, the intimacy rate is 93%;

Feng Siniang, intimacy 82%;

Yue Lao Er, intimacy 80%;

Hao Datong, intimacy 35%;

Qiu Chuji, intimacy 30%;

Ma Yu, intimacy is 30%"

After reading it in one breath, Ren Wei was dumbfounded. According to the previous systematic explanation, everyone in the Quanzhen Sect now hates himself.Could it be that because of the death of Guo Jing, why is the intimacy between Huang Rong and the others still so high?

"Guo Jing was killed, the Quanzhen Sect is upright, so the intimacy with the host is -30%, because the host joined the Quanzhen Sect before, the intimacy increased by 10%, so the intimacy of the Quanzhen Sect with the host is maintained at 30% About %! Of course, the characters in the play whose intimacy rate exceeded 80% before will not be affected."

(End of this chapter)

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