infinite beyond system

Chapter 37 Teaching Eunuchs to Fight Landlords

Chapter 37 Teaching Eunuchs to Fight Landlords
"You're talking about the Imperial Dining Room!" Little Zhuozi wondered, then pointed to the front, and said: "Follow this road, go straight for one hundred steps, then turn left, and go straight for three hundred steps and you will be there!"

"Okay, thanks!" Ren Wei said casually, and then took advantage of the effect of regret medicine, shouted: "I will regret it for 3 minutes!"

As soon as the words were spoken, the surrounding scenery changed, and the time was reversed to 3 minutes ago.

"Go...go..." 3 minutes ago, Xiao Guizi gave orders to Ren Wei while feeding Hai Dafu the medicine.

"Fuck your sister!" Ren Wei cursed casually, then turned around and left the room.

Just a few steps out of the door, Xiao Zhuozi and Xiao Dengzi walked up, "Hey, isn't this Xiao Weizi? I haven't seen you for a few days. Do you want to come and gamble tomorrow?"

"Hehe, little Zhuozi, little Dengzi. It's been a long time, I'm sure we'll have to gamble a little!" Ren Wei responded enthusiastically with a smile on his face.

"Okay!" Xiao Dengzi responded repeatedly: "We have already prepared a place, so let's talk about it! I will come here to find you tomorrow!"

"No problem, see you there!" Ren Wei said grandly, and then waved away with the two of them. Hades is easy to mess with, and little ghosts are difficult to deal with. Since you want to sit in a position worse than Lu Dinggong, interpersonal relationships are essential Less.

When they arrived at the imperial dining room, they took a bucket of hot water, and then took a sip of the hot water. Ren Wei easily carried it back, and after pouring it into the tub, Xiao Guizi helped Hai Dafu into the tub.

Ren Wei didn't know what happened while Ren Wei was gone, but now Hai Dafu was screaming in pain, screaming unknowingly, and the high decibel squawking of ducks could make people's ears ring.

"This is not a bath, it's clearly a life soak!" Ren Wei sighed in his heart, and then he went out of the room, but heard the crying inside stopped, and then came Hai Dafu's eager and excited voice.

"Xiao Guizi, did you take too much medicine just now? Why do I feel severe pain all over?"

", I...are...according to...the previous dosage..."

This stuttering voice made people's teeth sore, it was a kind of torture.

"Impossible, impossible, turn on the lamp, help me up, let me see!"

"Eunuch, you... little... be careful!"

"Xiao Guizi, why don't you light the lamp?"

"Elder-in-law, I have... already lit the lamp!"

"Then why I can't see, quickly... light up all the lights!" Hai Dafu became anxious immediately.

However, Hai Dafu is already blind at this moment, even if he puts the sun in front of his eyes, he can't see it. After a few times of tossing, Hai Dafu finally accepted this fact, but what he couldn't accept was that his eyes were given to him by a servant. He was blind, so he slammed a palm, stuttering Xiao Guizi's seven holes and bleeding to death.

"Damn it, kill someone if you disagree with me, Hai Dafu's mental distortion is beyond the charts!" Ren Wei outside the door heard a scream inside the room, and sighed in his heart.

"Xiao Weizi, get his body out!" At this moment, Hai Dafu's voice came again.

"Okay!" Ren Wei replied, he also thought that this little Guizi was not pleasing to the eye, so he was very happy to do this, so he dug a hole in any place, and then buried Xiao Guizi hastily.


After Xiao Guizi died, Ren Wei became the number one celebrity under Hai Dafu, and his power instantly increased by 15 points, reaching 20.
Shangshan is in charge of the emperor's and the court's meals and banquets, etc. It has management, bookkeeping, secretary, writing, supervisors, and factory supervisors such as cattle and sheep houses. Hundreds of people, large and small, have to face each other. Wei Li handicap three points.

"Xiaowei, is Xiaowei there? I'm Xiao Dengzi!" A day later, Xiao Dengzi's voice came from outside the Shangshan Prison.

"They are here to gamble with you again, you go! Just don't forget my previous order!" Hearing this voice, Hai Dafu said to Ren Wei.

"Yes, father-in-law!" Ren Wei responded, and then went out of the room, and together with Xiao Dengzi, they made three circles and finally arrived at the transmission den.

"Hurry up, everyone is waiting for you!" Seeing Ren Wei and Xiao Dengzi, a fat eunuch urged, but turned back to play with a few eunuchs again.

Ren Wei was curious about what they were playing, so he went around and saw that there was a bowl on the table, and there were three dice in the bowl, betting on the size.

"So simple? I'll try it too!" Ren Wei rolled up his sleeves, ready to flex his muscles.

"Big... big..."

"Small... small..."


A group of eunuchs were playing gambling, and their voices were louder and louder. Some of them couldn't help laughing out loud, and some of them were downcast.

However, Ren Wei is also one of the few who are downcast. Facts have proved that although luck is a part of strength, strength has nothing to do with luck. After three games, the 50 taels of silver given by Hai Dafu was lost. up.

"Xiao Weizi, hurry up and place your bet!" Little Dengzi urged when he was about to start again.

"Haha, he probably has no money, he lost it in a few games!" the fat eunuch taunted.

"No money, how dare you say I have no money?" Ren Wei suddenly became angry, and immediately exchanged a kilogram of gold from the mall, and slapped it on the table with a 'snap', the golden luster immediately blinded the aluminum alloys of a group of eunuchs. Alloy dog ​​eyes.

"Wow, Serena, where did you get such a big piece of gold!" Xiao Zhuozi stared at the gold, but asked in his mouth.

"You say, does this count as rich?" Ren Wei looked at the shock of the crowd and said triumphantly.

"Forget it, you have to do it!" The fat eunuch said affirmatively after picking up the gold and biting it, making sure it was real gold.

"Today, I came to gamble with everyone with such great sincerity, but I just feel that throwing dice is too naive, so I propose a different bet!"

"Say, how do you gamble?" The fat eunuch was the first to respond.

"Yes, how do you bet, we will accompany you!" The other eunuchs also responded one after another, looking at the gold on the table, the light in their eyes almost drowned it.

"This time I went out with Eunuch Hai and found something interesting!" Ren Wei rubbed his chin and said solemnly. At the same time, he bought a pair of poker from the system, and then motioned to everyone: "This is it!"

"What is this?" A eunuch asked softly.

"This is called poker. Today I will teach you a game called fighting landlords, ah no, fighting local tyrants!" Ren Wei changed his words when introducing it, because this is a feudal society, and landlords cannot fight randomly.

"Then how to play? We don't know how!"

"It's okay, let me teach you, there are 54 cards in total, and each card has a number on it, namely A, 2, 3..." Ren Wei opened the poker, and then began to explain to the group of eunuchs The specifications of Doudizhu, faced with such a novel thing, all the eunuchs listened with gusto, and when Ren Wei’s introduction was over, they couldn’t wait to start playing, enjoying it, forgetting the time, until the night was approaching, and everyone was still full of interest.

(End of this chapter)

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