Chapter 20 The Return
After a martial arts competition, Ren Wei became the veritable No. 100 in the world. When the news spread, the whole Jianghu was in a state of excitement, and Ren Wei also got another nickname, 'Zhong Shen Tong'.Ren Wei doesn't care what the title of "Middle God" is. He is even more delighted that Huang Rong's intimacy has reached [-]%, which means that Ren Wei's dream of being slept with can finally be realized. Started to get married.

The etiquette of getting married in ancient times is really troublesome. There are dozens of rules in total, which makes Ren Wei dizzy. If this is the case, then he might as well marry Mu Nianci and Li Mochou together, so as to save trouble in the future twice.

On the third day of March, the sun was shining brightly and the spring breeze was warm. Ren Wei rode a tall horse, beating gongs and drums all the way, and rushed to Peach Blossom Island to greet his relatives, then returned to Lin'an, and visited the church with his three daughters.

The wedding of the world's number one master is really a big event in Jianghu. On that day, thousands of people from Jianghu gathered in Lin'an and surrounded Ren Wei's mansion. The crowd is making trouble.

Ren Wei greeted the guests everywhere, and after a busy day, at night, it was all over, and when he returned to the bridal chamber, looking at Huang Rong with a red hijab, he felt that it was all worth it.

Gently opened the red hijab first, looking at the stunning beauty under the light, Ren Wei's eyes were full of tenderness.

"Rong'er, we can finally be together forever!"

"Well, Big Brother Ren!" Huang Rong whispered lightly, her tender face was full of tenderness, she slowly nestled into Ren Wei's arms, she seemed to be the happiest person in the world at the moment.

"It's getting late, let's rest!" Ren Wei whispered after a long time. "Come on, let me undress you!"

"Hmm!" Huang Rong's face was blushing at the moment, she was already so ashamed, she just let Ren Wei do whatever she wanted.

Ren Wei hugged Huang Rong to the bed, untied his clothes, and kissed the red lips......

An hour later, Ren Wei went to Mu Nianci's room without stopping, and another hour later, he went to Li Mochou's room again. When the bridal chamber was over and it was dawn, he had to get up again to thank the visitor.

In any case, the marriage was considered a success, and Ren Wei began to live a shameless married life with the three daughters, but this peace lasted for a year before it was broken. Resolutely tore up the covenant with the Song Dynasty, led [-] troops, and invaded Xiangyang.

"Uh, the Kingdom of Jin died so soon!" Ren Wei said in amazement, and then thought of the main task, he made a decision in his mind to hold a martial arts conference, elect a leader, and resist the Mongolian army.

When the news spread, all the people in the Jianghu responded one after another. On the fifth day of September, Xiangyang City ushered in another great event in the martial arts world.

The purpose of the Martial Arts Conference is to select the leader. Ren Wei has the highest martial arts skills, so he took the position of leader without hesitation, but the second day after taking over the position of leader, he passed the position to Hong Qigong, and then led the three daughters to ride the horse The rivers and lakes have gone.

Ren Wei didn't want to do the drudgery of being the leader, and after the task was completed, he had only one month left before he had to return to the real world. Take the three girls back to the town where they crossed over.

According to the system, the upper room of Feng Siniang's restaurant is the initial point of the space-time tunnel. If you want to go back, you have to go back here. But when it is close to the restaurant, Ren Wei discovered that he didn't seem to bring any gifts when he came back this time.

Touching the sword in his hand, Ren Wei felt that it was useless to bring it back to the real world, so he might as well give it to Yue Laoer, but he couldn't think of Feng Siniang's gift for a while. Whedon had an idea.

"Madam Boss, Second Brother Yue, I'm back!" Approaching the restaurant, Ren Wei called out loudly.

"Hey, who am I?" Feng Siniang came up to her with a smile, took a look at Ren Wei, and said in her mouth: "I haven't seen you for three years, and my body is getting stronger and stronger! What's the matter, I can't hang out outside, I'm going back to my place The restaurant continues to do the work of Xiaoer?"

"Hey, who are these three girls?" Feng Siniang looked at the three girls beside her and asked again.

Feng Siniang's mouth was still as vicious as ever, but Ren Wei didn't mind so much now, "They are my wives!"

"Wife?" Feng Siniang was puzzled by this term.

"Xiao Wei, it's really you, you're back!" Seeing Ren Wei, Yue Er Er rushed up excitedly and said joyfully.

"Haha, Second Brother Yue, I'm back!" Ren Wei replied with a smile, and the two hugged each other.

"Second Brother Yue, this is a gift from me, the Black Iron Sword!" After a long time, Ren Wei handed over his sword and said to Second Brother Yue.

"Thank you brother, I like this gift very much!" After taking the sword, Yue Laoer couldn't put it down.

"Where's my gift?" At this moment, Feng Siniang's face darkened slightly, and asked.

"I brought it too, here it is for you!" Ren Wei threw the gift to Siniang Feng.

"Cucumber, why did you bring me a cucumber, I can buy it everywhere!"

"Well, cucumbers have two functions, one is to eat, and the other is to use. You only understand the first function, but not the second. This cucumber was specially selected by me at the vegetable stand. It is the largest and most The thickest, longest and toughest one is especially suitable for women like you, I think you will like it!" Ren Wei explained carefully.

"Eh!?" Feng Siniang was stunned when she heard it, she didn't understand what Ren Wei said for a long time, but Huang Rong and the others had been taught by Ren Wei for more than a year, so she understood what it meant, and couldn't help "giggling" speak up.

"If you really don't understand, then put the cucumber upright on the ground, then sit on it, and you will understand my good intentions in an instant!"

"Ah!" Feng Siniang was silent for a moment, and suddenly understood, she was about to throw the cucumber, and said angrily: "Okay, I didn't expect you to learn badly outside these years, and this time you came back to tease my old lady." right!"

"No, absolutely not. When I came back this time, I just visited you and then left!" Ren Wei waved his hands and said.

"Xiaowei, do you still have to go?" Yue Laoer asked aloud.

"Yeah, this time I'm leaving, maybe I won't be able to come back in the future!" Ren Wei nodded, with a melancholy expression on his face. After staying in this world for three years, he still has some feelings, but at this moment of parting, there is a kind of bondage.

"Host, the time tunnel is ready, do you want to leave now and return to the real world?" At this time, the system sent a notification tone.

"Okay, leave now!"

At this time, a white light suddenly appeared above the restaurant, pierced through the roof, and shone on Ren Wei.

"Choose the person who will leave with you!" The system reminded again, and at the same time, the names of the people five meters away appeared in Ren Wei's mind.

Ren Wei did not hesitate, and instantly clicked on the names of Huang Rong, Mu Nianci, and Li Mochou. After the selection was over, the white light also enveloped the three girls in an instant.

"Goodbye, Miss Boss, Second Brother Yue!" Ren Wei said his last farewell, and saw the bodies of the four of them slowly flying up, following the light curtain through the roof, rising higher and higher, finally turning into a little starlight and disappearing in the sky. This piece of heaven and earth.

(End of this chapter)

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