infinite beyond system

Chapter 1 So This Is the Shooting Condor

Chapter 1 So This Is the Shooting Condor

"Wait, you mean that if I travel to Journey to the West, I have to defeat Monkey King?" After thinking about it, Ren Wei said embarrassingly.

"The host is too weak now to travel to the Xianxia-like plane! It can only roam in the ordinary plane or the martial arts plane."

"That's right, if I travel to Journey to the West, I can't beat Monkey King!" Ren Wei nodded.

"The achievements of the characters in the play are not only based on strength, but also include four categories, first, strength; second, financial resources; third, power; fourth, charisma."

"Strength includes force and strategy, financial power includes money and treasures, power includes status and prestige, and charm includes a variety of content, which the host will know in the future. And for this time travel, the task of the host is to practice martial power that surpasses Guo Jing! "

"Damn, Guo Jing, is this a shooting sculpture or a divine sculpture?" Ren Wei asked in shock.

"The host is now in the plane of Legend of the Condor Heroes, time, February 1225 AD."

"Um, what a mess, I know this is the Southern Song Dynasty, what's the use of making me a timetable in the world of martial arts, I want to know how old Guo Jing is now?"

"I can't tell, please the host to find out by himself!"

"Your uncle, I have to figure it out on my own, so what's the use of you, there is no benefit, and you impose a mission shackle on me!" The system was silent, and Ren Wei couldn't help cursing.

"It's good!" At this moment, the system suddenly said.

"What's the benefit?" Ren Wei asked impatiently.

"The host has the right to check the attributes of the target person and himself at any time, and has the right to use it as a reference. At the same time, he has obtained five years of basic internal strength, and has also improved the qualifications of the host to practice martial arts. Other benefits will be known when the host becomes stronger step by step, but the main thing is, It is still up to the host to complete the task to get the reward!"

"Really, how do you look at attributes?"

"The host can check the task section in his mind, and he can see it!"

After listening to the system's answer, Ren Wei's consciousness sank into his mind, and he saw a mission template.

Name: Guo Jing

Strength: 26
Financial strength: 8
Power: 1
Charisma: 3
"It seems that Guo Jing's statistics are not very good!" Ren Wei smiled, then looked at his own attributes, and was speechless.

Name: Ren Wei

Strength: 6
Financial strength: 0
Power: 0
Charisma: 1
"Well, I admit that there is still a certain gap!" Ren Wei said helplessly, five years of basic internal strength, plus half a year of training in boxing and kicking, the strength evaluation is only 6 points, it is really not an ordinary scum.Seeing the task list next to him, he browsed through it in detail.

Main task: surpass Guo Jing at his peak in strength and become a decent leader. (mission duration: ten years)
Optional tasks: [-]. Take Huang Rong as his wife.

Second, marry Mu Nianci as his wife.

Third, marry Hua Zheng as his wife.

Fourth, kill Yang Kang.

Fifth, kill Ouyang Ke.

Sixth, kill Yan Honglie.

Seventh, defeat Qiu Chuji.

Eighth, defeat Zhou Botong.

"Fuck, are you going through the traversal system or the harem system, and you actually released a bunch of harem tasks?" After reading the list of optional tasks, Ren Wei was speechless, but then changed the topic, with a dissolute smile on his face, "But I like!"

Rolling his eyes, Ren Wei said again: "If I kill Guo Jing now, can the mission still be carried out?"

"The requirement of the task is to surpass the achievement of the target character, which means that the host surpasses not only the target character of this plane, but also the target character in the original plot, so even if the host kills the target, the task still exists and cannot be changed. "


"Next, I will introduce the requirements for the optional tasks to the host. The host can only choose one optional task for the first time, and the next task can only be selected after the task is completed, and so on, in no particular order."

"If I really opened the harem, can I bring my wife from this plane back?" Ren Wei asked again thinking of a key question.

"There are various subsystems below me, waiting for the host to unlock step by step. If the harem system is activated, the host will be able to bring people from this plane back to reality."

"Oh!" Ren Wei suddenly realized, "So you are really a harem system!"

"..." This time it was the system's turn to be speechless. After a while, he suddenly said, "I'm running out of energy. I'm going to fall into a deep sleep. Goodbye!"

"Hey, wait, I haven't finished understanding yet!" Ren Wei yelled, but there was no reply.

"Forget it, I'll figure it out by myself!" Ren Wei said helplessly, looking at the task panel, he thought about deciding on the optional tasks first.

Among the eight optional tasks, Ren Wei chose the first one without hesitation. Guo Jing's IQ is so worrying, and it is because of Huang Rong's good helper that he can become a famous hero. If he were himself, he would definitely be able to do it It's better, but when he was about to order it, Ren Wei hesitated.

"If Guo Jing and Huang Rong are already together at this moment, wouldn't it be a waste of opportunity for me to choose this way?" Ren Wei pondered, he might as well not choose either, and when he understands the current time and situation, he will make plans. not too late.

After the plan was settled, he fumbled through the system in his mind again, and there was no unexpected delivery, so Ren Wei fell asleep in a daze.

In the early morning of the next day, Ren Wei was pulled out of the bed by Yue Lao Er, and started the last day's work.

"You guys go and buy the ingredients first!" The proprietress was still sneering at Ren Wei, and she was still brooding over the quarrel between the two that day.

"Okay!" Ren Wei happily replied, and set off with Yue Laoer, and when he came back, it was almost noon.

"Two guests just came to the second floor, go and say hello!" Before Ren Wei could relax, the proprietress said indifferently.

"No problem!" Ren Wei immediately put down his work, put a rag on his shoulders, and went up to the second floor with a teapot in one hand.

"Little brother, do you know that it's my first time eating on the second floor!" Before Ren Wei arrived, he heard a rough and joyful voice.

"Well, this is the most famous restaurant in the town. It's expensive and you can't get enough food!" At this moment, another voice teased.

"Hey, I seem to have heard this voice before!" Ren Wei was suspicious, stepped into the door, but a person rushed towards him, grabbed his hand and asked: "Xiao Er, are you not full here? "

"Full, I'm sure I'll be full!" Ren Wei said with a smile, seeing the attire of the person in front of him, who was covered in foreign-style clothing, and said, "My lord, did you come from the desert?"

"Yeah!" The man nodded sharply with a simple face.

"If you two want something to eat, this shop has everything you need, so you will be satisfied!" Ren Wei said with a smile, opened the teacup, and poured tea.

"First come four dried fruits, four fresh fruits, two salty and sour fruits, and four candied fruits!" Said a lazy voice beside him.

"Eh!" Ren Wei was surprised, the line was very familiar. When he looked up, he was even more shocked, because the person sitting across the table was the little beggar who stole his food box. At this time, the little beggar also saw Come over, see Ren Wei's shocked eyes, and wink playfully at him.

Turning around, he looked at the man with a simple and honest face, and then at the little beggar. At this moment, Ren Weiquan understood that the restaurant he was staying in was the place where Guo Jing and Huang Rong met and had dinner for the first time, and he himself was playing the role of that dog-eyed watcher. The role of the junior second.

(End of this chapter)

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