Chapter 701 Ghost Sniper
Song Ming nodded, left the hall and returned to the bedroom in an agitated mood. These people couldn't come up with any effective advice on how to deal with Zhang Zhen. The arrest of the assassin and a thorough search could only be a routine method. He began to lose confidence in the ministers, feeling that This group of people is not Zhang Zhen's opponent at all.

Zhang Zhen has the innate advantage of having rare food. They have tried their best to plunder this advantage. Now that they can't squeeze it out, they are being grassed. People are panic-stricken. The ministers and lords may turn against each other at any time. Everything is caused by this damn food.

However, it was not peaceful during the day, and a convoy of a lord who left the territory from the main city was assassinated again. Fortunately, the lord did not sit in the safest position of the command vehicle, nor did he wear conspicuous clothes. scapegoat.

The security officer was busy conducting trace detection to confirm the location of the attack, and by the time he found the approximate location of the sniper, he was gone.

And two hours later, an elder from Youcheng got out of the car and was headshot in the crowd.

When the whole city of Youcheng was sent out to search the city, a commander in the tower of Zhongcheng collapsed in front of his desk, appearing and disappearing like a ghost, silently and long-distance assassination, making people in every city of the four seas fear and do not know what to do At a loss, they no longer know where they are safe, as if no matter where they hide and how to defend, the god of death will always come suddenly.

At night, the cities almost built human walls to protect important facilities. Without the power plant, it was equivalent to cutting off the energy of the tank. The tank without power was scrap iron.

Strict defense will not make Qianlong Special Attack give up sabotage, and Lin Yu is a person who will not shrink back, even if he is asked to blatantly fight in the past, he will not hesitate.

Xiao Yunfei and Zhang Zhen still saw the right person. Xiao Yunfei studied the situation in Youcheng in detail. It was impossible not to be discovered this time. He decided to let the female eagle remotely destroy the searchlight and then break the radar, so that he could lead people to rely on With the excellent mobility and tactical assistance of the power skeleton, he forced his way into the power plant for blasting.

It is finally time to contact the enemy and start a war. Everyone except Lin Yu is actually equally excited. It is not enjoyable enough to use the power bones to sneak in. I have long been looking forward to using the power bones to kill and kill.

There was a whistling sound, the sound was inaudible, and there was only a slight change on the radar that could not be caught, which seemed to be a normal noise. The important parts next to the radar base of the Youcheng radar station were pierced, and immediately more than half of the systems in the monitoring room failed. I was in a hurry to find the reason. Before I could find out, the main radar completely lost its link.

Such damage can be repaired. Xiao Yunfei originally wanted to leave Lin Yu to wait at the radar station. He took people to destroy the power plant first, and then took advantage of the chaos in the city to completely destroy the radar and withdraw together. Lin Yu insisted on attacking the power plant. He could only send four people to the power plant, and one left to wait for the opportunity to destroy the radar station.

Zhang Zhen is clear about Lin Yu s worries, so he is also very worried about this impulsive guy, and can only hope that there will be more people and there will be no accidents.

The sheriff in the city rushed to the Dale station first, and confirmed that it was a long-range sniper through the damage traces. While sending orders to send troops to defend the power plant, he asked the legion to go out to search the city.

Unexpectedly, the searchlights in the city were knocked out one by one, and soon gunshots came from the power plant. He had a premonition that the main target was still in the power plant, so he rushed over with more people.

There are more than 300 guards in the power plant. In the main power area, there are guard posts covering all the areas one after another. The defense is to sneak in and cause sabotage.

The four of Lin Yu touched from four directions, relying on the quick identification and locking of the power mask, they quickly knocked down more than a dozen sentry posts. Once a dead person would be noticed, they could only move quickly while killing and advancing to avoid being caught by nearby battle Car turret locked.

Xiao Yunfei waited calmly, and found that the people at the radar station had relaxed their vigilance and sneaked in in the chaos, planting bombs almost silently under the enemy's nose, and then withdrew again.

He glanced at the time, and completed the planting of the bomb within 10 minutes of the appointment, and then began to retreat. When he ran to the meeting point, he did not hear the sound of the explosion, but found that a floating small airship started to approach the power plant. The sound of firefighting in the power plant was very intense, and chariots roared everywhere in the city.

Seeing that Lin Yu and the others failed to retreat on time, Xiao Yunfei became anxious. If these airships passed by, they would not be able to escape the city safely.

Suddenly, the sound of a gun breaking through steel was heard, and an airship was smoking and lost its balance, heading towards nearby houses.

Xiao Yunfei knew that it was the female eagle who also discovered the problem and began to support, immediately climbed up the nearby houses with the power skeleton, jumped on the roof of the building, and chased the airship heading for the power plant.

Soon there was another gunshot, and another airship was shot, staggering in the air trying to stay steady.

He glanced left and right, there were a total of nine airships, and the female eagle destroyed two of them. It is impossible to destroy all seven female eagles. The gun needs time to recharge. He gritted his teeth and ran wildly on the roof. On an airship close to the house, he grasped the iron roof with one hand to keep it stable, and raised his right hand to launch two rockets to destroy a nearby airship.

The nearby airship spotted Xiao Yunfei, and hurriedly fired at it. The machine gun on Xiao Yunfei's outstretched arm directly blasted over, and an airship was instantly exploded into a fireball and fell down.

He saw someone in the airship below come out of the porthole and wanted to hit him. He smashed the head with a flick of the gun barrel, and then blasted the gun against the weak protective cover of the front cabin of the airship. In an instant, the pilot inside was beaten into pieces. The sieve was removed, but the machine gun was too powerful, and the airship caught fire from inside and began to fall.

Xiao Yunfei glanced left and right, jumped up calmly in the face of danger, and launched the harpoon on his left arm towards the airship ahead, and the man hung under the airship and flew towards the power plant.

The female eagle also took down two more ships, and now there are only two left. The other party knows that Xiao Yunfei is below, but it is difficult to hit because of the obstacles of buildings in the city. However, because the airship has searchlights, the people below are clear. He suddenly saw Xiao Yunfei hanging by a rope under the light.

Gao Yong, a member of Qianlong Special Attack, was fighting more and more enemies in the power plant. He was shocked when he saw the airship coming, and then saw Xiao Yunfei wearing a power skeleton under the airship, and hurriedly shouted to Lin Yu: "Captain Lin, Captain come here Alright, we have to leave."

Lin Yu glanced at the gathering of many tanks, and saw a man in a military uniform and a badge hat emerging from the roof of one of the vehicles, he rushed over with red eyes and said, "You are going to retreat, I will kill that official."

"Captain Lin!" This is not the first time Gao Yong told Lin Yu to withdraw. Seeing Lin Yu pounced on the enemy again, he could only activate the bomb and call the other two people to join them while fighting.

Hanging under the airship, Xiao Yunfei clearly saw Lin Yu rushing towards the enemies in the distance again, and the enemies coming from the power plant could only be described as densely packed. He frowned, and could only open the shield to block the bullets coming from below. Follow the airship and continue to fly inside.

Originally, he jumped off the spaceship at this time, and then exploded the airship, so he could take the opportunity to join everyone and evacuate immediately. Lin Yu rushed over to kill without retreating.

(End of this chapter)

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