The strongest porter in the last days

Chapter 658 The Wrathful Dragon Out of the Abyss (1)

Chapter 658

"Master, Chief Miaowu took Princess Ziyan away this morning. This is a message from Princess Ziyan." Ying stood in front of the car door and handed a small elf.

Zhang Zhen took it and opened it, and Zhou Ziyan's voice came.

"Brother Zhen, the master of the hidden weapon has found and repaired it. It is a large ion beam emitter that is rare in the last days, that is, the ion cannon. Due to the special weather phenomenon in the last days, this weapon can be used more easily. It is so powerful that it can be regarded as a destructive level weapon, master. I warn Brother Zhen to use it carefully, this weapon is only theoretically successful and has no record of use."

Zhou Ziyan's voice paused and she choked with sobs: "I once wanted Brother Zhen to marry me, but I knew it was impossible. I am very happy to meet Brother Zhen. I am very happy these days in Longyuan City. I I'm going back, I hope to see Brother Zhen one day, I know that Brother Zhen will become a person admired by thousands of people at that time, bringing the dawn of hope for the end times."

Zhang Zhen's eyes turned red when he heard it. It turned out that Ziyan knew that she could not escape her mission. All she wanted was to gain some freedom before the mission added to her body, but he failed to let Ziyan leave perfectly.

Watching the chariots re-enter the fort, a group of people are busy digging the soil around the fortress to pave the way for the fort to move. Zhang Zhen has not spoken for a long time. Without Zi Yan, he would not be able to make the fort like a new life so smoothly. See the light of day again.

"My lord, the work inside the fortress has been completed, and the Gopher Gang is restoring all combat preparations to their original positions." Xiao Yunfei came over and simply reported.

Zhang Zhen nodded, and drove Jiaolong directly into the chariot layer on the third floor of the fortress. The war lions, arrow wolves and other chariots around him returned to the parking spaces, and the chariot maintenance work platforms were also restored. Looks like it's all in order.

Sun Rong rushed over and opened the phantom screen and said: "The plan to go out of the fortress is to dig the soil around the hori first, level the terrain 300 meters in front of the fort, and then pave it with trees. Some iron armor may be needed. Leaving this area, the road will be able to support the fort to move forward, the forest in front is not a problem, the only problem is the Overlord Beast."

Zhang Zhen glanced at the plan and confirmed that there was no problem, and said, "Just help the fortress drive to the ground, and you don't need to be responsible for the rest."

"Okay, if the paving works overnight, it will probably be completed tomorrow morning. The iron armor is needed..." The only thing Sun Rong lacks now is the iron armor. There are no resources and the furnace can't be built here. The fortress brought by it is simply a drop in the bucket.

"Unload from the chariot, all of yours will be counted as money, and you will pay the bill at that time." Zhang Zhen doesn't care about some armor now, even if he needs to use some chariots to pave the way.

"Yes, I'll get ready right away." Sun Rong nodded hurriedly.

"Chariot Ji, now officially prepare for the evolution." Zhang Zhen felt a little depressed because of Ziyan's incident, sitting in the dragon and smoking a stuffy cigarette, waiting for the dragon to go out to achieve the admiration of thousands of people that Ziyan said At that moment, you have to fulfill your promise to see Zi Yan in a majestic manner.

Chariot Ji stopped in the fortress to analyze the fortress more deeply, and came up with a plan after intense and meticulous research for three hours.

"Master, the technology possessed by the fortress can allow the chariot to evolve to the diamond level, but it cannot be done at one time. It needs multiple evolutions to go from silver to diamond." Chariot Jihui reported.

Zhang Zhen nodded, which was expected. "Is the required crystal value enough?"

Chariot Ji pulled out a screen and said: "There are too many things contained in the fortress. In addition to the main body suggesting complete evolution, are the attached chariots and weapons evolved?"

Looking at the drones, warships, and chariots marked on the screen, Zhang Zhen asked: "If it is fully evolved, will others be able to use it? If so, what are the advantages and disadvantages?"

Chariot Ji said: "If other people can also use the authorization, the advantage is that the chariot system can fully control the use authority of all combat preparations, and can quickly repair and replenish ammunition through the crystal value. The disadvantage is that it requires a lot of time to evolve. Crystal value and later consumption of crystal value."

"How much do you need? Now there are 5000 million in the car, and 500 million in the system. Is the sum of these enough?" Zhang Zhen never gave the last payment to the Gopher Gang because he was afraid that the evolution would not be enough.

"Master, then there is another question to consider, whether to completely evolve into a new chariot, or keep the dragon and night bat? And whether to use polar cortex enhancement?" Chariot Ji asked.

Zhang Zhen's head sounds a bit big, but it's really a key issue. After thinking about it, he said, "It's best to keep the dragon and night bat, and the black panther. As for the polar leather, you can use it according to the optimal plan."

Chariot Ji nodded and said: "Then there are two options for evolution in this way. The first is that the Jiaolong is still the main body, and the fortress is the subsidiary. Then the whole needs 1.4 billion crystals. The second is that the Jiaolong is the main body. Subsidiary, the fortress is the main body, so only [-] million crystals are needed."

"What's the difference?" Zhang Zhen didn't expect such a saying.

Chariot Ji said: "After evolving to a diamond, because the energy is strong enough, the attached chariot and the main body can already be teleported directly. If the fortress is the main body, the attached chariot can be sent back to the fortress at any place and time and space, and the cost is extremely high. Small, if Jiaolong is the main body, the huge transmission of the fortress' energy will have many restrictions and consume a lot."

Hearing this was good news, Zhang Zhen thought for a while and thought that it would be good for Jiaolong to be the main body. The fortress is too big, it is inconvenient to return to reality, and it is not easy to drive normally, and if the worst happens, Jiaolong will not destroy the chariot The system is always there, the main tank becomes a fortress, and if something unexpected happens, it may cause irreparable losses.

Immediately said: "The first plan, Jiaolong will still be the main body."

"Yes, prepare for evolution immediately, absorb 1.2 million energy into the chariot, the first step is to replace the core system of the evolution fortress, the evolution is expected to start in three hours, and the overall evolution is expected to take 12 hours to complete." Chariot Ji quickly put into work .

Zhang Zhen walked out of the dragon with a bottle of wine. He was very excited. He really didn't know how the 12 hours passed. He walked slowly layer by layer, admiring this huge monster, which would become his magic weapon in the last days.

No one will know that the fortress is undergoing extreme changes. Chariot Ji is generating a new central control core to replace the fortress and gain all the control rights of the fortress. This system needs 3000 million. As long as it is replaced, it can evolve to gold. Then start to evolve the energy zone to reach platinum, and then fully evolve to diamond level.

Zhang Zhenyou walked to the rest area on the fifth floor and sat down. The silver-white style is tough and simple, which feels like a spaceship. The warships parked in the cabin area make people feel like they are in a spaceship. I saw a soldier wearing a dragon totem battle uniform drinking and chatting here in high spirits, and then drove a battleship roaring out of the last days.

"Master, is Leiya okay?" Sakura has been here for a long time, and she began to worry about whether Leiya would make trouble at home.

Zhang Zhen said with a smile: "If you don't tell me, I've forgotten about her. It seems that she is still very good. You can take her to train this time when you go back, and then bring her into the fortress. I will be with you all the time so that you don't worry about it." .”

"Thank you, master." Sakura was filled with joy when she heard it, and hurriedly bowed and knelt in thanks.

"Get up, follow me around, this will be our real home in the future." Zhang Zhen plans to place the core personnel in the fortress in the future, which can accommodate hundreds of people, has complete food, accommodation, medical care, and a training platform , as a mobile kingdom, there is no problem, so wherever he is, the main city will be there, and there is no need to worry about someone sneaking into the main city. "

 --I've waited too long for this day, I strive for three changes every day.

(End of this chapter)

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