Chapter 62

Su Ho and Zhang Zhen drove into the complex all the way, and she was even more puzzled to see Zhang Zhen driving the three-wheeled car into her private parking space.

Zhang Zhen locked the chariot with the central control. Now, let alone start it, no one can push the tomahawk even if he pushes it. He came to the front of the Suho car and said, "Come with me to change into a suit, and then send me to the airport."

"What are you going to do?" Su Ho looked confused, this guy was getting more and more confused.

Zhang Zhen said with a smile: "Time is running out. I have already booked a plane ticket to go to Zhujiang. There are the production line equipment we need. Now that the factory has a factory, we have to assemble the production line immediately."

"You want to finish the entire product line in one day?" Su Ho was shocked. She thought she had worked hard enough, but Zhang Zhen was even more aggressive.

"Well, almost." Zhang Zhen went upstairs with a smile. The speed was also due to the powerful information collection and integration functions of the elves. It didn't take long to lock on the target, so naturally he had to hurry up.

Su Ho was very happy to see that Zhang Zhen was able to put his heart and soul into the company, but he had a lot of doubts in his heart. Where did this guy get so much money? If it was the investment he got, why didn't anyone sign an agreement? There should be an account for a large sum of money, even if it is really a diamond for sale, is this guy a rich N generation who has been hiding for many years?
As far as she knew, Zhang Zhen's parents were very ordinary, unless the ancestors were rich, it was possible.

"Why are you in a daze, the plane is going to be missed." Zhang Zhen changed into his suit and came out with a smile.

"Oh, let's go." Su Ho almost exclaimed when she saw Zhang Zhen, who was radiant in a suit. She hadn't felt much before, but when she saw a lot of people in her circle of friends exaggerating and handsome like a domineering president, she also had had such a feeling.

Su Ho snorted inwardly, it's not because of himself, how handsome Zhang Zhen can be, it's just that he chooses his clothes well.

But he couldn't calm down even more in his heart. Suddenly, he felt that Zhang Zhen was no longer the person he knew before. People cannot avoid it.

After getting into the car, he found that Su Ho was suddenly silent. Zhang Zhen smiled and said, "This is not like your style. Today is an important day for the company. There are many things waiting to be dealt with. Why did you suddenly stop talking?"

Su Ho pulled back from his thoughts and said angrily: "You also know that there are a lot of things to deal with. There are only three people in our company. Geng Ming can only work in Haixing and can't help much. If you finalize the chip here, you can get it here." The factory is going to buy a production line soon, do we have three heads and six arms to handle these things?"

Zhang Zhen smiled apologetically and said: "I know it's very difficult to do everything by myself, and we don't have much profit in the early stage, but we will have a lot of returns in the future, and the company can only work hard for you. The office building is also empty, so you can hire someone to help you."

Su Ho said worriedly: "I thought you would find an OEM, but now you do it yourself. The factory has saved costs, but the sales are entirely dependent on us. If Starfish doesn't get a return in the early stage, I'm afraid there will be problems."

"You don't have to worry about this matter. I will take care of the funds. Starfish will get the commission he should get for each chip according to the contract. You can just make an overall plan for the market recently. Hire some people to help you. Our current production line does Less than a fully intelligent assembly line, which requires manual assembly, requires some professionals to supervise, inspect, quality and maintain the production line." Zhang Zhen stretched in the car and yawned.

Su Ho nodded and said, "I wrongly blamed you for what happened yesterday. I thought you didn't care about the company's affairs..."

"Goddess, don't be like this. You apologize and I feel that I have done something wrong. You have done more than me." Zhang Zhen laughed with a more guilty look.

"It's not formal, and you can't talk about business for more than 5 minutes." Su Ho glared at Zhang Zhen. It is true that he secretly hated Zhang Zhen when he was negotiating with Hai Xing yesterday and even in the morning. It turned out that she was doing everything, but now I don’t think so, Zhang Zhen has solved the real big problem, the conditions like chips can’t worry about finding a cooperative company, and now this factory has solved the big problem that she has been worrying about for a long time. question.

When he arrived at the airport, Zhang Zhen got out of the car and straightened his suit, threw a telephoto eye at Soho, and then entered the airport.

Seeing Zhang Zhen's back, Su Ho felt inexplicably flustered, did he really feel it?
"Hmph, like a big BOSS, to talk about tens of millions of business, to walk away with bare hands, out of tune." Su Ho complained to divert his thoughts, she is not such an emotional person, it must be an illusion.

Zhang Zhen took a nap on the plane, and after getting off the plane, he took a taxi directly to the company. As soon as he arrived at the door in a suit and leather shoes, the security guard greeted him with a smile, and the treatment was really different.

After explaining the purpose of coming and entering the lobby, an assistant manager came downstairs to receive him in a short while.

"I want to purchase your new smart rice cooker liner production line." Zhang Zhen said straight to the point.

The assistant saw that Zhang Zhen was dressed in an extraordinary way, like a big company, and rushed upstairs to greet him warmly.

What made Zhang Zhen amused was that he didn't hand over his business card, and didn't declare his family name. He just chatted briefly about his purchase intention, and the manager and salesman came over to invite him into the conference room for a talk.

Sure enough, Su Ho was right, a good suit can half the success of the business first.

Looking at the information on the production line, Zhang Zhen felt at ease, and said, "I have no objection to your quotation, but my product needs some modification of your production equipment, but there is no need for major changes, just some details. "

"Sir, we support customization, but technically..."

Zhang Zhen knew what the other party meant, and interrupted: "I'll give you a deposit of 300 million first, and as for how to change it, I will give you technical information, do you have any comments?"

Hearing Zhang Zhen's generosity, the manager, the salesperson and the technical director looked at each other and said they had no objections.

"But I have." Zhang Zhen said: "The modification plan I provide can only be my customized product, and you cannot sell it to others as a commercial product."

The manager felt a little puzzled. This was just a production line. If there was any business secret, he asked the technical director on the side for advice in a low voice.

The technical director chuckled softly: "Our products are aimed at assembly-line industrial products, and there is no secret or problem for those buyers."

"Okay, we can meet your request." The manager nodded to Zhang Zhen.

Zhang Zhen is not interested in wasting too much time on these matters, and directly asks the other party to draft the contract. His only one is: all the data in the modification plan he provides can only be used for sales to his products, and cannot be sold to anyone else. Otherwise, you will have to pay [-] million yuan in compensation.

The people in the production line company discussed with each other again. The technical supervisor took a preliminary look at the rectification plan provided by Zhang Zhen and said that it was no problem. The modification was not a big project for them, and other companies might not use this modified thing. In fact, they don't need to make products and sell them to others, so no matter how large the amount is, there is no problem.

After the purchase contract was finalized, Zhang Zhen stayed and spent three days personally participating in the modification. This part is very important for the inner pot of the smart rice cooker. Only the pot obtained from the unique stamping data can perfectly fit with the chip to achieve an unparalleled effect. He was looking for industrial materials for the liner all the time, which was the top priority.

(End of this chapter)

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