The strongest porter in the last days

Chapter 41 The Villa Attack

Chapter 41 The Villa Attack
Trading with this group of hungry children is half kind and half for diamonds. Although I really want to give these children more generously, even one hundred crystal coins can be exchanged for diamonds, but doing so is not good for myself. Diamonds are worthless in the last days , He is new to the big purchase of diamonds, which will attract the attention of others and easily cause trouble. He disguises this as a small good deed to achieve the best of both worlds. It is not too late to give these poor children some compensation when conditions permit.

"My lord, it seems that someone has been watching us." Hu Hai said nervously after driving out of the town and onto the highway.

Zhang Zhen's heart tensed up when he heard the sound, someone is following him?He poked his head out of the window and looked back and forth, but found no one.

Hu Hai expressed nervously and said: "Hiding behind the weeds under the road, someone should have been watching us when we were in the town. The adults have recently entered and exited trading houses and green shields, and bought a car, there must be some Bandits are after us."

Zhang Zhen activated the defensive machine gun in the truck, but the monitoring distance of this thing was only 100 meters, which was far beyond the range of the stalker.

He frowned and said, "Quickly go back to the villa."

Hu Hai nodded. Although it is driven by electricity, it is fully loaded with ten electric boards, and the things it pulls are not heavy. It can run at a speed of 180 kilometers at full speed, and immediately began to accelerate with all its strength.

The truck has an obvious sense of shaking, but the people sitting in it are extremely stable, without too much vibration and discomfort.

Zhang Zhen started to study the detailed data of this truck in conjunction with Green Shield. The body defense performance is C-level, which can defend against ordinary rockets, and the wheels can resist ordinary ground spikes and mines. From the evaluation, the firepower of ordinary gangsters is not considered. Powerful, this truck holds up.

And the people behind didn't follow closely. It shouldn't be a problem to sprint back to the villa safely. The villa has a stronger defense and the ball is there. As long as Zhao Wunan didn't tell lies, it should be no problem to defend, no matter how bad it is for the patrol team Sooner or later you will find out.

Ten minutes later, the truck rushed to the front of the villa, and Hu Hai panted profusely with sweat, "Fortunately, the other party didn't catch up."

"Hurry up and get out of the car and move things in." Zhang Zhen opened the car door and went directly into the bucket, putting the chariot down first.

Hu Hai hurriedly got out of the car and went to hand over the goods. Shelley happily opened the door and ran out of the villa, and Qiuqiu swayed and followed.

Zhang Zhen hurriedly said: "Shelley, let Qiuqiu activate the long-distance reconnaissance mode and activate the defense."

"It's the master." Shelley felt that Zhang Zhen was a little unusual and hurriedly rubbed the bracelet on his wrist to control the ball.

Hu Hai was busy putting goods on the ground one by one, and said, "My lord, our base's comprehensive defense has also reached B+. Those people shouldn't dare to come to the villa to attack us, right?"

Zhang Zhen jumped off the truck and carried the goods: "Be careful, we bought the truck and they may have missed the opportunity to attack outside, but they will definitely not give up."

Hu Hai nodded and hurriedly moved the goods he bought to the villa one by one. He was not surprised to be followed by someone. His lord suddenly appeared in Bafang Town. All kinds of shopping, including cars and villas, those gangsters are waiting for this new prey to appear every day, so naturally they have been observing it for a long time.

"As long as we don't leave the villa, those gangsters have nothing to do."

Zhang Zhen frowned and said, "It's different from your life now. You used to ignore others if they couldn't find a chance. Now we have the materials and crystal coins they covet, and we will attack by any means. Don't take it lightly."

"It's my lord, Lao Hu made a mistake." Hu Hai hurriedly admitted his mistake, and strenuously picked up the extra electric board he bought and walked to the villa.

At this time, Qiuqiu warned: "There is a suspected dangerous target entering at 3000 meters, and the speed is approaching at a speed of ten meters per second."

Zhang Zhen hurriedly went over to Shelley to check the bracelet, and saw several red dots appearing in the distance on the screen, moving towards the villa at a very fast speed.

This is not a patrol. The patrol has only one vehicle. The red dot does not appear to be a person or a vehicle.

"Quick, bring your last things and go into the villa." Zhang Zhen hurried down the steps to push the chariot. These people will definitely not be as easy to deal with as the Gopher Gang. He is afraid of death. Ever since he discovered that there are countless wealth waiting for him After earning money, I am even more afraid of death, so it is most important to hide in a safe villa as soon as possible.

After Shelley came in with the ball, Hu Hai hurriedly closed the door and locked all the inner locks. In his opinion, the villa became an indestructible fortress.

"Having entered within 500 meters, there are three vehicles approaching at full speed."

Zhang Zhen also saw it on the screen of the wristband without using the ball report. Within 500 meters, the ball was able to scan the outline of the target. One looked like a motorcycle with huge wheels, and two were off-road vehicles.

"The defense system of the villa is all activated, and a warning is issued." Zhang Zhen issued a control command to the villa through voice, and walked to the window sill to look at the road outside the villa.

The three cars obviously came straight to the villa, and they didn't slow down at all after getting off the road. The exterior of the off-road vehicle has obvious protection such as iron plates, and the wheels of the motorcycle feel wider than the tires of a car, like a monster. But it slowed down and stopped far away, and the two off-road vehicles ignored the warning and rushed towards the villa.

"Attack!" Zhang Zhen gave the order to attack without hesitation. The comer must be unkind. Although the off-road vehicle did not have any weapons, the thick iron glass blocked it, which was enough to resist ordinary gunfire attacks.

With an order, the firearms hidden in front of the villa rose from the wasteland and began to attack the rushing vehicles. The bullets spewed out and formed a violent flame hitting the off-road vehicle.

There were a total of three defensive machine guns on the front, and the bullets punched holes in the defensive iron plate of the off-road vehicle, but they did not damage the vehicle, and the two vehicles were still rushing forward under the dense bullets.

Zhang Zhen frowned, and used the green shield to activate the heavy machine gun on the roof, to see how durable the iron plate on the off-road vehicle was.

Shelley was nervously sticking to Zhang Zhen's side, holding Zhang Zhen's clothes silently, only in this way could she feel safe.

With a buzzing sound, there was a rumbling sound on the roof, and a series of huge rocket-like bullets poured down from the house machine, hitting the fully armored off-road vehicle and bursting out into clusters of flames, and there was a bang in a moment. , an off-road vehicle was blasted into the air, and then fell heavily to the ground.

As soon as the gun head moved, the violent bullets hit another off-road vehicle that was full of bullet holes and was forced to stop. This vehicle hurriedly wanted to turn around, but it may have been damaged by the defensive machine gun. Some vehicles could not move, half-turned It was soon bombarded by heavy machine guns and exploded violently.

The motorcycle behind turned around and drove away quickly. The defensive machine gun chased and fired a few shots, but the opponent's speed exceeded the distance and could not be hit.

Looking at the off-road vehicle that was blown into scrap and still burning, Hu Hai panted pale and said, "Fortunately, the guns installed by adults are very high-end. I didn't expect these guys to come to plunder with vehicles modified with full armor."

"Squat down!" Zhang Zhen yelled and quickly squatted under the window sill with his arms around Shelley.

Hu Hai was stunned for a moment, and only heard a cracking sound, a hole was punched out of the glass by a bullet, and it was nailed to the stone pillar in the room with a whiz, and he fell to the ground in fright.

"My... my lord, isn't this glass bulletproof?"

Zhang Zhen put his arms around Shelley and slowly moved behind the wall and said, "I guess the opponent is not using an ordinary sniper rifle. This kind of glass is also useful for defending against ordinary bullets, so hide behind the wall."

Hu Hai hurriedly crawled towards the wall, the shot scared him terribly, but it was aimed at the adults, but the adults quickly avoided it safely, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous, so he hurriedly leaned against the wall and stood up to close all the windows protection.

"Don't be afraid, Shelley, they won't hurt us." Zhang Zhen comforted Shelley who was trembling in his arms. In fact, he was also in a cold sweat. There was a red shadow who didn't move and felt that something was wrong, and seeing the motorcycle directly moving towards the red shadow, he realized that there might be a long-range attack, so he was busy hiding, but he was lucky to avoid disaster.

Now he can be sure that the two cars just came to test how much defensive ability the villa has, and they should have stayed behind in anticipation that a hard attack would not work.

(End of this chapter)

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