Chapter 227 Folding Space
When Momo Hualing was about to come out, Zhang Zhen finally retired and took a bath in a hurry, leaving Shelley to rest and pick Hualing out.

After the medical cabin was opened, Hualing stretched her waist comfortably, feeling that every time she entered the medical cabin, her body would become more energetic. When she woke up that day, she thought she would be weak, but unexpectedly, she was healthier than before, feeling full of strength. .

"Go take a bath. The medical chamber will promote the body to expel impurities and toxins. Your body must be very sticky." Zhang Zhen felt relieved when he saw that everything in the medical chamber was normal. After all, this thing is too high-tech. Worry about making mistakes.

Hua Ling nodded and suddenly realized that she didn't bring a change of clothes, she looked at Zhang Zhen a little shyly and said, "I didn't bring any clothes when I came here, can I wear brother Zhen's first?"

"Well, yes, there is a set in the car that I haven't worn yet. If you feel uncomfortable in the villa, you can wash it in the car, although it is not very convenient." Zhang Zhen nodded.

Hualing happily left the villa and entered Jiaolongzhong.

Hua Ling didn't come out for a while, apparently Hua Ling went to wash in Jiaolong, Zhang Zhen closed the car door, and it happened that Hu Hai also came back to buy.

He gave Hu Hai a cigarette, drank beer and watched Hu Hai playing with the old electrical appliances he bought. Hu Hai’s work is actually not that complicated, just take parts from old electrical appliances and re-weld them together, and then repair them with an optical brain Chip data, but also quite tired.

Hua Ling didn't wear the new suit, but the one she borrowed for the first time. Zhang Zhen raised his eyebrows and didn't care, and he didn't know what the girl was thinking.

In the evening, she considered letting Hua Ling rest in the dragon, otherwise it would be too embarrassing for Shelley to run around naked all night, and Hua Ling had no objections.

At noon the next day, Hu Hai made the microwave eliminator. This thing is like a small watering can for watering flowers, or the head used to eliminate traces is more like a small trumpet, which is pressed against the cap of the mineral water bottle The black date disappears in an instant.

The printed pattern on the rice bag can be completely removed with a single sweep. The higher the power, the more traces can be eliminated. The old nonsense said that the maximum power can scrape a layer of iron sheet, and the low-level power will not seriously harm people.

Zhang Zhen is very satisfied. The temporary volume is not too large. Most of them can be bought without labels, and there are not many that can be used for cleaning. In the future, Hu Hai will either have to make more efficient ones, or he can only build his own factory.

The 3D printer was also successful at night. The printer looks like a stationery box. The printing function is very simple. It is a variety of documents such as ID cards and driver’s licenses. After Hu Hai’s modification, the data that can be connected to the mobile phone can also be scanned and printed with the printer. come out.

I tried it with a driver's license, and both the pattern and the texture are exactly the same.

"My lord, if you want to print something, just scan a similar one, and the printer will know which materials to use. I have analyzed your lord's ID, so I have some in it. If you want to print something, just prepare the corresponding materials." Hu Hai Most of the packs of cigarettes received by Zhang Zhenshang were so excited that tears were about to fall.

Zhang Zhen nodded, he was lazy to look for it by himself, went out and strengthened it into Jiaolong's cab, and he would know what materials he wanted with a scan of Jiaolong's radar.

He suddenly thought of a question, although most of the materials absorbed by the dragon are directly used for evolution, the spider silk has been useless where to save it.

"Master, the chariot has folding space technology. When the chariot evolves into a dragon, the primary folding storage space is opened. The owner can add a folding space interface so that the contents can be taken out," the system explained.

Zhang Zhen opened the spider's silk interface and looked at it. After asking the system, he realized that the space has nothing to do with weight but volume. The default space is 90.00% occupied by spider silk.

If the folding space is large enough, let alone pull a ton of gold, even if it is loaded with a missile, no one will be able to find it.

If you want to expand the space, you can only use the default second space after the overall strengthening of the tank. If you want to strengthen the folding space by yourself, you can't do it with the current level of the tank.

Zhang Zhen researched the level of the chariot and found that it is very complicated because there is no upper limit. The only judgment is that if the system unlocks new functions and modules, then the level of the chariot has been raised.

Because the tank's defense, attack, weapons, technology, etc. all affect the upgrade of the tank. In short, everything is good and it needs to be strengthened.

It's a pity that the arms dealers can't find good weapons. The power of the dark stab and the fire dragon cannon is already very high. Adding more weapons is to solve the counterattack ability of the chariot when it is close, and the second is to make up for the cannon and the dark cannon. The lack of stabs, such as long-range strikes and fire coverage.

After the guards guarding the intersection left, she opened the garage door and dumped Jiaolong over there. Only then did Hua Ling realize that there was a ton of gold there, and she was stunned.

Jiaolong strengthened a universal mechanical arm with the wreckage of the chariot left behind. The mechanical arm grabbed dozens of gold bricks and moved a ton of gold into the vehicle in just a few minutes.

The next morning after dinner, Zhang Zhen took Hua Ling and drove away from the villa. The guards were no longer Xiao Yunfei, but they were still members of the vulture brigade.

The teleportation location is locked on a mountain in the Golden Triangle area. Judging from the map data received by the radar, this mountain has less traffic and is connected in all directions. Although I don’t know where the transaction location will be chosen, it is obvious that the other party has to consider that he will cross the border. risk, will not leave the border too far.

"It's about to start, it will be more comfortable if you close your eyes." Zhang Zhen reminded Hua Ling.

Hua Ling was watching the changes inside the car curiously. Everything seemed to be a magic spell, and the car turned into a van again. She quickly closed her eyes. Although she hadn't asked Brother Zhen what was going on, she had already I know that I can travel to another world in the blink of an eye in a car.

When she opened her eyes, she found that the car was driving steadily on the mountain road, and seeing the green mountains and birds flying by from time to time, she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief: "Have we returned to our own world? "

Zhang Zhen drove the car to an open space on the mountainside and nodded, turned on his mobile phone to confirm that there was a signal before smiling: "It's not too far from our border, but it's still going abroad."

Hua Ling nodded in surprise when she saw a domestic vehicle with a cloud K on it passing by, and she opened her eyes and not only traveled through a world, but also went to another country, all of which was incredible.

"Brother Zhen, are we waiting for someone?"

Zhang Zhen hummed and said: "The only thing that is useful to us in the last days is technology. It is difficult to bring technology directly. Gold is easy to bring but not easy to sell. We can only bring it here for black market transactions."

Hua Ling pondered: "I don't understand gold, but wouldn't it be more useful to hand over scientific and technological information to the state?"

Zhang Zhen shook his head and said with a smile: "If I can get the information of the biomedical warehouse you used and hand it over to the country, the country may not ask me. At most, I invented it with a genius, but there are many technologies in the last days. If I If I hand over one, the country will definitely question where I come from, after all, every technology must be at least 50 years ahead of our world, and some of them have never even touched the borders of this world, how can I explain it then?"

"Oh, indeed, that medical warehouse looks like something out of a sci-fi movie." Hua Ling nodded.

Zhang Zhen lit a cigarette and said thoughtfully: "Giving it to the state may not benefit the people immediately. Although my method may be slower, it can benefit ordinary people. When this business is completed, I will There are funds to speed up the development of the company, and when the scientific research institute is established, it will be justifiable to launch some technologies of the last days. If others find out that I can go to the last days, I am afraid that not only will I not be able to do anything, but my life will also be lost.”

"Brother Zhen, don't worry, Hua Ling will definitely keep the secret, and she will definitely not let Brother Zhen be arrested and sliced ​​for research." Hua Ling looked at Zhang Zhen very seriously, almost as if she was swearing.

Zhang Zhen couldn't help but laugh and said, "I'm not a monster."

(End of this chapter)

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