The strongest porter in the last days

Chapter 173 The Legion Attacks! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

Chapter 173 The Legion Attacks! (ask for a recommendation ticket)

After entering Jiaolong, turn on the radar and start to analyze the terrain. I feel that the Gopher Gang can’t cross Bafang Town from the road in the south to attack. To the west is Heifeng Town. It is coming from both east and west directions.

Mobilize the dragon to drive 300 meters to the east of the villa. Here, the villa can take into account the three directions of the villa except the west, southeast and north. If the gopher gang attacks from behind, it can also defend immediately.

After confirming the location, Zhang Zhen sent three scout bees out, one to the west, one to the south and one to the north. A scout with the dog's eyes could fully grasp the situation of the villa within a radius of 5000 meters.

"The camouflage stealth module is activated!"

Following the issuance of Zhang Zhen's order, the color of the Jiaolong's body began to change, and each side was reflected into a picture of the surrounding environment. Even if the lights were turned on in the dark, the naked eye could not see anything, as if it was invisible.

This is not enough, anti-radar and other scanning functions also have to be activated, otherwise it is very easy to find a car parked here by sound waves and other detection.

After confirming that the chariot was invisible, Zhang Zhen felt uncomfortable lying in front of him, so he got into the car and lay down on the bench to rest. Although the bench was not as comfortable as the sofa, it was not so awkward. Shelley came over and lay in his arms with great interest They stared at the starry sky on the roof of the car, but no one spoke.

Lying in the chariot, Zhang Zhen inexplicably felt at ease, and fell asleep at some point in the quiet space.

When the green shield on his wrist vibrated, he sat up hurriedly, and saw the night vision clip sent by the scout bee, six vehicles from the southeast wasteland were speeding towards the villa, the leader was a light off-road chariot, There is a heavy machine gun on the roof, and behind it is a small pickup truck with two rows of fully armed soldiers sitting in the rear compartment.

In the middle is a big iron guy like a tank, with six huge tires on each side, no windows on the body, and a running platform like a tank above, it feels like an armored vehicle.

This armored vehicle was alright, but the one behind surprised Zhang Zhen. It was the same as the heavy-duty pickup truck he bought for Hu Hai. It carried a cannon in the trunk, which seemed similar to the cannon mounted on the roof.

The one behind is an ordinary car with armor added, and the other is a giant fully armored four-wheeled off-road vehicle with a rocket pod on it.


Zhang Zhen hurriedly got back into the driver's cab. These six chariots were powerful and armored, and they looked like an army rather than a legion.

Soon the radar showed the positions of all the cars. These cars were traveling quite fast, and they began to disperse when they were 500 meters away from the villa. The giant off-road vehicle and the pickup truck with the artillery drove north, and the rest The four wheels were heading southwest, and it was obvious that the artillery was going to attack from behind, and the armored vehicles were going to attack from the front.

"Hu Hai, prepare to defend, you have to kill that pickup truck equipped with artillery!" Zhang Zhen sent a message to Hu Hai in the villa with his green shield.

Hu Hai watched the chariots appear on the screen and felt that his legs were weak. There were cannons, armored vehicles, and rocket nests. Is it necessary to send an elite army to deal with a villa with only five people? ?
Zhang Zhen was also sweating in his hands, and watched these vehicles approaching the best shooting position quietly. The cost of these six chariots is probably worth several million. It is really not a small amount to feed such a corps. If this Go back to the Gopher Gang and be wiped out again, I don't know how the Gopher Gang will feel.

The distance is too far, the tank radar can't analyze the armor level of each vehicle, and the scout bee can't be sent out or received in the stealth state. I feel that I need to destroy that armored vehicle first. villa.

The Gopher Gang's chariot stopped at 800 meters as planned. They didn't know that there was a cannon installed on the roof, and they didn't know that Zhang Zhen's Jiaolong was hiding 500 meters away from them.

"Turn on the remote call." The legion commander of the Gopher Gang looked at the dark villa in the distance and gave an order to the communicator of the armored vehicle.

"Opening is complete." The correspondent operates the central control.

A look of sternness flashed in the commander's eyes, he took the microphone and said sullenly: "People in the villa, listen up, you are already surrounded, turn off all defenses, put down all weapons and come out and surrender, or else I will leave your villa without a blade of grass !"

The sound was transmitted by sound waves, which was extremely shocking. Zhang Zhen still felt harsh in the dragon, so he smiled slightly and started to turn off the stealth mode to lock the armored vehicle.

"Give you 30 seconds to open the villa's defense curtain and lights, and give you a chance to surrender, because you don't want to bomb our gold. When you touch the gold of our gopher gang, you should know that there will be such a day, and there are 15 Seconds, this is your last chance!" The commander said viciously, if he hadn't been worried that the bombing would scatter and damage the gold, he would have ordered the attack to start long ago.

At this time, the intelligence officer of the armored vehicle discovered that an unknown object suddenly appeared on the radar 500 meters away, but the full analysis of the radar still could not determine what it was.

"Commander, there is an unknown target in the front northwest, 500 meters away from us." The intelligence officer reported urgently.

"Quickly analyze, lock the firepower!" The commander felt something was wrong, the gold was clearly piled up neatly in the garage after being scanned, only the signals of two people were found in the house, and there was only one ordinary vehicle outside the villa, which seemed to have no combat power at all. How could it be possible to kill them and take away the gold.

Is it a trap?But even if it is a trap, who can fight against an elite army like them, even Bafang Town can't stop him from taking the gold!

"It seems to be a chariot!" The intelligence agent finally analyzed that it was a very long vehicle. "The other party has a strong camouflage ability, and it doesn't look like a false signal. For the time being..."

When the intelligence officer was about to say that no weapons were found, his face changed and he shouted: "It's a tank. There are cannons on the roof. Our vehicle is locked."

At this time, Zhang Zhen looked at the radar, raised the cannon to lock on the armored vehicle, and then raised the energy shields on all sides of the dragon.


With an order, the fire dragon machine gun roared, and the armor-piercing shells made of condensed elements blasted towards the armored vehicle, dragging golden stars.

"Attack is coming!" The intelligence officer shouted urgently.

"What are you panicking about? We are A+ armor..." Before the commander finished speaking, there was a burst of bombardment outside the armored vehicle, and the entire body shook violently. He hurriedly grabbed the body of the armored vehicle to stand still.

"The side armor was severely damaged!" The intelligence officer was shocked. How could the A+ armor be easily torn by the fire package, and the artillery only had an A-level attack power. How could it be completely destroyed after only a few seconds of being attacked.

"Rotate the car body to face it head-on, and the gunners attack!" The commander was also surprised, but he didn't panic, and quickly gave an order.

In the rotating body of the armored vehicle, the turret also bangs, and a shell hits Jiaolong.

With a bang, the flames burst out in front of the dragon in the dark night.

"The energy shield on the left is reduced to 70%!"

Hearing the system prompt, Zhang Zhen raised his eyebrows. It seems that the shield can receive three rounds, which is an A+ defense value. At this moment, he found that the armored vehicle turned and faced it.

The rockets from the fire dragon machine gun poured out like a fire dragon, but they couldn't completely break through the front armor.

"Commander, the cannon attack was successfully defended, but the opponent has an energy shield, which canceled out our heavy armored artillery attack!" The intelligence officer stared at the data displayed by the radar and reported back.

 Thanks Zhao for the reward!
(End of this chapter)

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