Chapter 1025

This is the first time, and it is also a very crucial time. Zhang Zhen's new order has loyal supporters. If they dare to speak out in all leaders' conferences, they have strengthened their determination to support it.

Zhang Zhen is very satisfied. Although they are all weak countries that are despised or even forgotten by the world, with these people, those countries that are sandwiched between powerful countries will begin to shake.

"Counterattack is necessary, but you can't be blind. What's more, the incident happened in the great country M. I believe that the M side will figure out the situation, unless the M side's fighter plane slipped by my base and threw a few missiles." Zhang Zhen He looked at Huang Mao.

His figure was in the dark, no one could see his expression, but everyone felt a sense of oppression.

Huang Maoben waited leisurely to see how Zhang Zhen would "perform". It was expected that Zhang Zhen would point to M, but the person in the shadow of the screen suddenly made him feel a trace of fear and strong pressure.

He even sat up his fat body in a panic from the chair that was about to slide off, and said in embarrassment and anger: "What are you alluding to? We are great militias, not terrorists!"

"Oh, then your air defense is really weak. You can actually let fighter planes fly and bomb at will, and then disappear quietly." Zhang Zhen said coldly.

Huang Mao never expected that Zhang Zhen, who dared to openly kill dark web agents and illegal forces from all over the world, would not be furious or even madly express revenge. Instead, he calmly pointed the finger at him. The attitude of using force made him extremely passive.

After being reminded by the Secretary of the Interior, Huang Mao regained his composure, and said angrily: "We will investigate this matter, no one can act recklessly on the land and air of country M!"

Zhang Zhen nodded and said: "Don't worry about technology sharing and support, it won't be affected in any way, if nothing happens, the meeting will end."

The leader of a troubled country under the control of Huangmao said: "Respected Mr. Unknown, you have great power, why not use your power to quell the war and bring peace to the world."

This is obviously the most important part of the trap. If Zhang Zhen agrees, those who want to bring Zhang Zhen down will have reason to use various means such as the media to promote Zhang Zhen as an illegal armed force, a potential dictator, an illegal police, etc. And so on, let the countries and the people panic and worry about Zhang Zhen.

Everyone focused on Zhang Zhen. This matter is related to the national defense and stability of each country. Strong countries have to worry about their interests as the world's police being encroached on. Weak countries have expectations of Zhang Zhen's action and fear that Zhang Zhen will become the second M.

Zhang Zhen smiled and said: "It seems that you have misunderstood me. My armed forces have never faced civilians and politics. My armed forces and the new order that is being prepared will abide by one principle. They will not participate in politics or harass civilians. If you get an application for help, your actions will only exist in humanitarianism, and you will never interfere in politics, unless you are judged as a brutalist by the parliament, which also needs to be voted by the people present.”

"I see."

"Well said."

"not worried."

Many leaders breathed a sigh of relief. Now Zhang Zhen's action to clear the dark web has made many countries feel jealous and a little afraid of Zhang Zhen's power. If such a mysterious power interferes in a country, it is really a terrible thing.

The yellow-haired crowd looked confused, they felt that they must have heard it wrong, this is the person who dared to blatantly disregard the law and hunt down and kill members of the dark net in various countries, even some spies who were found to be tainted? !
"Everyone can rest assured that all actions by myself and the new order are based on humanitarian spirit, and armed actions are only aimed at illegal and terrorist incidents."

Zhang Zhen said that Yuan disappeared into the conference room without a sound.

All the leaders were stunned before they quit silently one by one. Many people who hoped that Zhang Zhen could successfully establish and operate the new order undoubtedly felt reassured.

The yellow-haired group was a little annoyed, such a risky action didn't anger Zhang Zhen?
On the contrary, Zhang Zhen's calm handling and words made the countries with emotional attitudes more inclined to support Zhang Zhen.

This is lifting a rock and shooting yourself in the foot!

The epidemic area is attracting the attention of the whole world. The medicine sent by Zhang Zhen had a miraculous effect three days later. A large number of critically ill infected people turned to safety, and a large number of mild patients recovered. The vaccine even restored order to the city that was about to collapse. The prevention and control of the epidemic has been greatly improved.

All countries, whether civilians or social groups, are discussing this matter, calling it a divine power from the East.

They were curious about Zhang Zhen, and when they learned that Zhang Zhen is the master of the miracle that has spread all over the world and connected e-commerce to the world, everyone once again exclaimed and was full of admiration.

However, they didn't know that Zhang Zhen was the founder of the new order, and they didn't know that Zhang Zhen was going to change the world even more.

"Brother Zhen, why don't you fight back? With our power, we can go to war with the whole world and become the overlord of the earth." Yu Wushuang felt a little upset that the base was bombed but there was no fierce counterattack.

Zhang Zhen smiled and said, "If this becomes the second end of the world, where else can I take you?"

Yu Wushuang smiled awkwardly and said: "Wushuang is wrong, I am used to beating and killing, I didn't think so much."

Zhang Zhen stroked Yu Wushuang's belly and said, "It's about to bulge, I really can't bear to see you fighting everywhere every day."

Yu Wushuang grabbed Zhang Zhen's hand and said happily: "I know Brother Zhen wants to bring peace to the world. The little guy will live in heaven after he comes out. Although the battle here seems boring, we know it is very important."

Zhang Zhen was blowing the sea breeze, watching Jin Yang slowly fall into the sea and said: "Heaven may never exist, but we try our best to make the world and life better."

"Yeah." Yu Wushuang leaned on Zhang Zhen's shoulder and looked at the sunset happily.

"Your Excellency, a researcher who claims to be a researcher of the mysterious power of the East wants to meet with Your Excellency."

"What researcher?" Huang Mao asked with a look of disgust.

"It's a miracle Zhang Zhen, he knows that this person is the nameless of the new order."

"See what he's doing, another crazy admirer of silly pens." Huang Mao said angrily.

"He said that he has something very important to tell Your Excellency, which is related to the future of M and the new pattern of the world."

"Tell him to send an email, I don't have time to ignore it." Huang Mao was full of anger at this time, and now not only did Zhang Zhen's reputation not be damaged, the whole world began to pay attention to Zhang Zhen, and even a support club appeared, with members all over the world, too Crazy.

Outside the mansion, a thin and pale white man turned and left in a depressed mood.

The briefcase in his hand was full of Zhang Zhen's information, and he thought he had discovered a great secret.

Zhang Zhen relies on mysterious technological power to control the world through business.

What is more effective than war is the economy. If a country's economic lifeline collapses or is controlled by others, then the country will lose its dominance from within.

Too bad no one believed him.

(End of this chapter)

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