Chapter 212 Fear
AhZi just rolled her eyes, everyone present looked at each other in blank dismay, speechless for a while.

Seeing her like this, Ding ChunQiu shook his Xiaoyao fan and said: "Ah Zi, do you want me to invite you over personally?"

With all eyes on her, all eyes were on her body, Ah Zi couldn't cry even if she wanted to, her body was paralyzed, she couldn't control her at all, and judging from her master's tone, it was obvious that he wasn't the one who poisoned her, so who was plotting against her?
On the wine table, glanced at Ding Chunqiu, Qingxuan withdrew his gaze, and his gaze fell on Wu Yazi.

Early Masters.

"It seems that Senior Wu Yazi doesn't need to go to Xingxiu Sea. I haven't exercised my muscles and bones for so many years. Is it rusty?"

"Yeah, I haven't exercised my muscles and bones for decades, and it is indeed rusty. It's time to exercise."

After saying that, Wu Yazi stood up from the stool, passed through the tables and chairs, and walked slowly towards Ding ChunQiu.

Jiumozhi's face changed slightly, he clearly sensed that a terrifying murderous intent was brewing under the black robe, he glanced at Ding Chunqiu, a trace of pity flashed in his eyes.

The villa was originally silent because of Ding Chunqiu's appearance, you could hear the drop of a needle, Wu Yazi stepped forward slowly, the sound of footsteps was clear, but in the ears of all the martial artists in the world, it was extraordinarily heavy, every foot fell, as if they were stepping on on their hearts.

In an instant, the atmosphere in Juxian Village became extremely oppressive.

Everyone's eyes shifted from Ah Zi, and finally landed on Wu Yazi, but he was dressed in a black robe, no one could guess his identity, but the oppressive aura emanating from the black robe made everyone tremble. moving.

Ding Chunqiu turned slightly, his eyes fell on Wu Yazi, his eyes were already narrowed, his mood was extremely solemn, he could clearly feel that he was locked by the aura of the figure under the black robe, although he didn't know why?
"Who is your Excellency, hide your hair..."

Before the words fell, the figure under the black robe became erratic, Ding Chunqiu's pupils shrank suddenly, and he lost his voice in shock: "Lingbo Weibu!"


In an instant, Ding Chunqiu's body was like a kite with a broken string, he flew upside down uncontrollably, and finally smashed hard on the high wall of Juxian Manor, denting the thick wall.

The sudden change made everyone present tremble with fear. Just as Qiao Feng was sent away, Ding Chunqiu came, but before the Xingxiu old monster could finish his three sentences, he was sent flying out. Some martial arts practitioners are confused.

Can it be exciting?

Sliding to the ground, Ding Chunqiu clutched his chest, spat out two mouthfuls of blood, and let out a hysterical scream from his mouth.

This palm actually broke two of his ribs!


Ever since I left the Xiaoyao faction and founded the Xingxiu faction, I haven't suffered this kind of injury for many years!

No matter who it is, today must pay the price!

Spit out a mouthful of blood, Ding Chunqiu gritted his teeth, stood up tremblingly, fixed his bloodshot eyes on the figure under the black robe, and said, "Six Sun Palms of Tianshan Mountain!"

He was originally a member of the Xiaoyao Sect, so he could naturally recognize 'Lingbo Weibu' and 'Tianshan Liuyang Palm'.

The middle finger and index finger pressed down on the acupuncture points on his body to suppress the internal injury, Ding Chunqiu gently flapped the Xiaoyao Fan a few times, as if he was meditating.

"You... who are you!"

Several ribs were broken with one palm, Ding Chunqiu felt a little scared, the figure under the black robe was not too strong, he was hit just now, he was completely frightened by Lingbo Weibu.

You must know that this is the lightness method that only those of the Xiaoyao Sect can practice!

Standing in the crowd in the silence of Juxian Manor, Xue Muhua was a little lost. Hearing Ding Chunqiu's names of moves, he felt a little sad in his heart, and tears rolled in his eyes...

Ding Chunqiu's questioning sound fell, the figure under the black robe did not answer, but told him with practical actions.

The black shadow passed by, this time Ding Chunqiu was prepared, he waved Xiaoyao's fan, and retreated to the left.

However, just as he was about to fight back, the speed of the black shadow suddenly increased sharply, and he stepped on the waves, seemingly unhappy, but he had already arrived in front of him in the blink of an eye.

As soon as Ding Chunqiu's feet landed on the ground, with a wave of his sleeves, his internal energy diffused out with Sanxiao Xiaoyaosan.

"Crack! Crack! Crack!"

But in the next second, Ding Chunqiu felt as if his left leg was hit by an iron hammer. The severe pain made him half kneel down, and just as the pain came to his heart, there was a crackling sound from his left arm.


His arms were twisted into twists, and a shrill scream suddenly sounded, covering the entire Juxian Manor. Seeing this, the surrounding onlookers were stupefied and swallowed their saliva one after another.

Who is this man under the black robe?

Why, in the hands of this person, XingXiu old monster is like a child who has no power to restrain a chicken?
Tianshan folding plum hands!
Kneeling halfway on the ground, Ding Chunqiu's face was distorted beyond human form, his complexion was flushed, even a little purple, extremely miserable, he didn't have the previous immortal appearance.

How could he not respond, he had obviously been poisoned!
Who is this person, who is so proficient in Xiaoyao School's exercises, and makes himself powerless to fight back!
Su Xinghe?
No, absolutely impossible, it is absolutely impossible for Su Xinghe to have such strength.

Is it...

That's even more impossible. Decades ago, I knocked that person off the cliff with my own hands, and there was absolutely no possibility of him surviving!
"Naughty animal, do you really not recognize the old man?"

An ethereal voice came from under the black robe, Ding Chunqiu's body was startled suddenly, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his body immediately trembled uncontrollably.

No one is more familiar with this voice than him.

"'re not dead!"

Ding Chunqiu's voice seemed weak, looking up at the figure under the black robe, an emotion called fear rose from his heels, and it permeated his whole body in a blink of an eye.


The black robe took off, and what appeared in everyone's sight was an old man in white shirt with a three-foot beard, a face like a crown jade, high spirits and a leisurely demeanor.

The moment he saw Wu Yazi, Ding Chunqiu struggled desperately and roared: "Impossible, impossible, absolutely impossible, how could you still be alive..."

Putting his right palm on top of Ding Chunqiu's head, Wu Yazi's eyes were indifferent, and immediately a huge suction force rose from his palm.

In an instant, Ding Chunqiu felt that his soul would be sucked away.

"Bei Ming Divine Art!"

After a few seconds, Wu Yazi moved his palm away, his expression unchanged.

But Ding Chunqiu has long since lost his previous appearance, his body is as thin as a stick, his rosy cheeks have shrunk in, he is extremely old, just like a mummy.

One must know that stepping into the Grandmaster and living a 100-year-old life is easy. Although this Ding Chunqiu has silver hair, he is supposed to be a dragon and a tiger, so it is impossible for this to happen.

But the internal energy of his whole body was sucked away in an instant, the factors that maintained his life were stripped away, and the ghosts and ghosts were beaten back to their original forms in an instant.



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(End of this chapter)

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