The Emperor Comes to the Heavens

Chapter 209 North Qiaofeng

Chapter 209 North Qiaofeng

The Juxian Manor was very lively, before noon, the manor was already slaughtering pigs and sheep, enjoying wine and fruits.

Park the carriage outside Juxian Manor, get off the carriage, and at a glance, there are crowds of people, like a market.

With Jiumozhi opening the way, the internal force opened up a path quietly, and stepped into the villa smoothly.

Of course, such a combination can not help but attract attention.

Putting Jiumozhi aside, Wu Yazi and Tianshan Child Elder, who were completely covered in black robes, followed closely behind, attracting many eyes.

After all, in the scorching summer, is it not hot enough to walk in the sun wearing a black robe?

Of course, the most eye-catching one is undoubtedly Wang Yuyan.

With her glamorous, beautiful and beautiful appearance, no matter where she goes, she is destined to be the focus. Although Qingxuan also attracts some attention, but she is a man after all, so the effect is not as strong as that brought by Wang Yuyan.

However, today's theme is the hero meeting. Although some people have some thoughts in their hearts, they dare not mess with them. The most important thing is that smart people can see that this group of people is not easy to mess with, so they don't ask for trouble .

Although a beauty is good, she has only one life.

Jiumozhi opened the way and stepped into the villa, and the five of them found a table in the corner and sat down.

Sensing the atmosphere in the villa, Qingxuan raised his eyebrows. Compared with this kind of excitement, he still prefers quietness, but there is no way to come here for a purpose. His deep eyes glanced at the figures in the villa, looking for their own goals.

According to the information from Vulture Palace, Ah Zi's appearance is very eye-catching even if she stands in the crowd.

Looking for a moment in the manor, Qingxuan's eyes jumped over the crowd, and fixed on a petite woman with white complexion and yew.

The woman was dressed in a purple shirt, and she should be only about fifteen or sixteen years old. The most attractive thing was her pair of black eyes, which were as bright as stars, and her face was clever and obedient, like a good girl, especially attractive.

Looking at the woman's eyes, Qingxuan withdrew his gaze, and there was a vague smile on his face, Manggu Zhuha already had it, and now the Shenmu Wangding was also found, only a century-old ice silkworm was missing.

Later, as the time approached noon, the disciples at the gate shouted, "The King of Dali Zhennan is here!"

Dali Zhennan King, Duan Zhengchun.

The visitor was wearing a yellow robe, with a thin figure, a face with Chinese characters, a mighty expression, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and the awe-inspiring appearance of a king. He stepped into the villa surrounded by several people.

Extremely late.

Looking at Duan Zhengchun with great interest, Qingxuan shook his head slightly, not because of his strength, at the very late stage, in the hands of Jiumozhi, even ten moves could not last.

What he cared about was that Duan Zhengchun was not very handsome, he was a bit chic, but how did he trick a group of women into getting into bed?
After thinking about it for a while, Qingxuan attributed the factor to the title of Zhennan King.

Just like Qiao Feng, he has a bold personality, strong martial arts, he is also the leader of the Beggar Clan, one of the two masters of the Central Plains martial arts, and there are countless women who love him. The women who like him are not because of his heroic looks, but because of his reputation and strength.

Qiao Feng didn't do anything, he was fascinated by Kang Min, and finally, out of love and hatred, he committed a series of shameless acts.

In the same way, Duan Zhengchun's martial arts are weak in his eyes, but in the world, he is a reputable master.

Besides, with the title of Zhennan King, a woman would like to climb on his bed, as long as he uses some sweet words, she can easily enjoy the blessings of everyone.

Wang Yuyan's mother was tricked into going to bed by him with sweet words, and then she ate and wiped her ass and left.

Even so, Li Qingluo was still thinking about it day and night, and even planted Mandala Villa full of two people's tokens of love, mandala flowers.

Of course, Qingxuan didn't envy Duan Zhengchun, the top of his head became an HLBE prairie, enough to race horses and raise a son for others, this kind of blessing, he couldn't envy him.

In addition to Duan Zhengchun, there were a total of six people from the Dali Duan Clan. Apart from Duan Zhengchun, there were four first-class warriors and a young man.

The young man was wearing a white shirt, holding a folding fan in his hand, his long hair was tied behind his head with a headscarf, his lips were red and his teeth were white, no one could feel disgusted when he saw it.

If the guess is correct, the young man should be Duan Yu, a member of the Duan Clan in Dali, so I can't say whether he has a good or bad impression. That's it. Now that Wang Yuyan is by his side, I just don't know if the former will make up his mind.

Looking back, Qingxuan couldn't help but touch Wang Yuyan's black and smooth hair. This is a small cabbage he cultivated with all his heart. It's just a dream to let someone else do it. Thinking that he is a good man Murong Fu?


Wang Yuyan blinked her beautiful eyes, and her pretty face was dizzy. Although the two of them were only one step away, she was still a little embarrassed to be so close in front of the public.

Seeing her embarrassment, Qingxuan stopped teasing her, looked at the scorching sun in the sky, it was almost noon, should Qiao Feng come?



"I really didn't expect that so many heroes from all over the world gathered here at Qiao Fengfeng."

While the martial arts people in Juxian Villa were chatting freely, a powerful voice came from outside the villa, causing ripples in the wine in the bowl.

As soon as the majestic voice fell, with the strong wind, a burly figure jumped over the high wall, and finally landed firmly on the open space of the villa.

The person who came was a middle-aged man, with a burly figure, dressed in linen clothes, with a cloth towel wrapped around his head, opening and closing, full of heroic spirit. The moment he appeared, he seemed to be the protagonist of the world, and all eyes were on him. on him.

On the wine table, Jiumozhi opened his eyes, his eyes were full of solemnity.


He had already stepped half of his foot into it, and just by the majestic breath in his voice, he could fully feel that the person who came was a grandmaster.

Of course, this aura is worse than that of the two under the black robes, but the latter is only middle-aged, and this level of aptitude is quite terrifying. If he is given some years, he will probably be able to surpass it.

The middle period of the master.

This kind of heroic temperament, Qiao Feng should be good, this strength is really not comparable to Murong Fu's parallel importer, Bei Qiaofeng's name is worthy of the name.

The moment Qiao Feng appeared, many martial artists in the villa rose up and stared angrily.

Glancing at the crowd in Juxian Village, his gaze swept over the elders of the Beggar Clan and many people who he had dealt with and flattered him, Qiao Feng's eyes were full of sadness.

The change of identity can make these people have such a big change.

As the host, Xue Muhua took a step forward and said angrily: "Qiao Feng, you first killed Master Xuanku of Shaolin, and then you killed your father and mother. You are a big treason, and you should be punished for your crime. Central Plains Wulin will not tolerate you. What do you want to say?"



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(End of this chapter)

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