super carrier

Chapter 79 Job-hopping

Chapter 79 Job-hopping
Just as everyone looked at the two slowly sinking warships at a loss, there was a whistling in the sky.

Two gray-blue F-15J fighter jets flew over this sea area at a speed of one thousand meters.

In the higher airspace, an early warning aircraft was at a slower speed and was rushing to this place with all its strength. The air support team of the Neon Kingdom finally arrived late!
"The Blue Falcon Air Force support team called Murasame 086, we have arrived at the designated coordinates, please answer!"

"The Blue Falcon Air Force support team called Murasame 086 again, we have arrived at the designated coordinates, please answer!"

The two fighter pilots who arrived at their destination immediately tried to contact friendly warships.


After a long time, there was still silence in the communication!
They naturally didn't know that until all the crew abandoned the ship, the people on the Murasame-class battleship failed to regain control of their own battleship, which naturally included the communication system!

So they can't report the situation here, or make any response.

Seeing this situation, the supreme commander of the Neon Kingdom on the AWACS was startled when he combined with the previous intelligence that the friendly ship was attacked, and immediately realized that something was wrong, and immediately issued an order.

"Let the Blue Falcon team maintain the battle formation, scout the target sea area at low altitude, and look for Murasame 086! Remind them to be alert to possible enemies!"


The order was conveyed to the fighter squad, and the two planes at high altitude immediately turned around one after the other, lowered their flying speed and altitude, and began low-altitude reconnaissance.

Not long after, through the aerial images on the fighter plane, the command center of the early warning aircraft finally understood the current situation, and everyone stared blankly at the two warships that were slowly sinking with smoke.

Most of them are familiar with one of them, and it is the object they came to support - the Murasame-class battleship!

The commander looked in shock at the ravaged Murasame on the screen, with an unbelievable expression on his face!

Why was it calling for rescue not long ago, saying that the damage was slight and the situation was stable, but now it is directly sinking?
Another ship in a similar situation seems to be a warship from the Nanbang Kingdom?What's the situation?
Could it be that the flower planter caught the killer by surprise?
This was the only possibility he could think of. After all, the frigates of the Flower Planters could sink two warships in a short time by surprise!

But with so many witnesses around, how dare the flower growers do this openly? !What good would it do them?
If not, could it be the mysterious attacker returned by the Murasame-class battleship before?
"Notify the military immediately of the situation we encountered, and apply for a rescue ship to search for our survivors!" The commander ordered.

"In addition, turn on the radar at maximum power to look for possible enemies in this airspace!

Then notify the Blue Falcon team to leave the low-altitude area immediately, and while being alert to the warship of the flower planters, thoroughly search the nearby airspace to find suspicious aircraft! "


As soon as the pilots on the two fighter planes received the order, they immediately climbed to the altitude and put on full alert!
And just as they climbed rapidly, Nie Yun also noticed their existence through the nearby silver shuttle, and his heart flashed with surprise.

"I originally wanted to catch a few big fish, but I didn't expect an extra surprise!"

He immediately controlled the silver shuttle and started a new round of hunting!


"Blue Falcon 02, this is Blue Falcon 01, guard my right side, maintain the formation of two planes, use this as the center, and start a spiral flight to search this area!"

"Blue Falcon 02 received!"

Just as the two fighters started to search in formation, a ghost-like transparent figure flew across the airspace between the two fighters, and the airflow brought up made the fuselages of the two fighters shake slightly.

"Just... what was that just now? Is it my eyesight?" the pilot of Blue Falcon 01 said in astonishment.

"No! I saw it just now, seems to be a transparent shadow! The speed is so fast! At least Mach 3!" Blue Falcon 02 shouted.

"Why is the radar not responding at all! Is it invisible?!"

"Whoosh!" At this moment, another phantom passed by the left side of Blue Falcon 01.

"Bah!" With a soft sound, the left wing of the Blue Falcon 01 fighter was directly cut off.

The more sophisticated the weapon is, the less it can tolerate any mistakes. Although the left wing is not damaged much, the flying posture of the fighter plane is still immediately out of balance, and it starts to shake out of formation and fall down!
"Blue Falcon 01, what happened?" the wingman exclaimed.

"My left wing was attacked by a UFO! I can't control the balance!" the pilot of Blue Falcon 01 shouted in horror.


Just when they were shocked, "Whoosh!" A fiery red streamer suddenly shot out of thin air not far away, and in the blink of an eye, it accurately hit the center of the right wing of Blue Falcon 02, and a big hole was opened with a "crack!"

When the pilot reacted, he could only see parts being carried away by the strong wind from time to time, the entire right wing suddenly seemed precarious, and the fuselage shook violently!
Seeing such a strange attack, the pilot of the Blue Falcon 02 immediately lost his soul.

"I'm Blue Falcon 02. I was also attacked by an unknown person, and my right wing was severely damaged! Visually, I can't return to the base safely, so I request an emergency landing!"

The panic-filled communications of the two pilots were heard verbatim by the command center on the AWACS aircraft.

Everyone's face turned pale, the radar didn't respond at all, and even their bodies were transparent. The rumors about the ghost sea immediately flooded their hearts.

"Could it be... is it really a ghost?" The commander was completely dumbfounded.

However, he soon realized that now was not the time to think about this issue, so he picked up the communicator and shouted: "You are allowed to choose to make a forced landing when you are sure that it is impossible to save, and you can take the initiative to eject and escape if necessary!"

So, all the crew members of the ship, including the flower planter frigate, stood on the deck blankly watching the two neon fighters rushing up from the sky, and then hurried down after a short while, staggering and making an emergency landing on the sea , Arouse the sky full of water splashes and debris!
At the same time, two umbrella flowers appeared in the sky, and the two confused pilots were looking around nervously, for fear that the phantom would continue to attack them.

Fortunately, Yin Shuo didn't have the slightest interest in them!Their fears did not materialize.

Some people saw the incomparably swift streamer of the attacking fighter again, but still no one saw the attacker!
Captain Ghost!A name appeared in everyone's mind at the same time!
Seeing this scene, the captain of the USS Arizona simply ordered all the crew members to board the lifeboats, abandon the ship and run away.

Look at the weird situation around, if this is not the handwriting of the ghost captain, what else can it be?
Look at the style of the ghost captain again, even the warships and fighter planes have been rolled down one by one, what else is he afraid to do?
Even the "guardian" who is suspected of being himself has this fate, how can the Riyao Group, the only unlucky person who is concerned by the ghost captain, be spared?

Do you rely on your own tonnage? Don't be ridiculous!That just makes you more eye-catching!

So when the brothers infiltrated the USS Arizona, it was empty!They were still very surprised, but how could they dislike Bai Jian's mission goal.

The two of them manually opened the large sea valve on the ship very easily, and the ship sank slowly after a large amount of water entered.

Seeing the strangely sinking USS Arizona, its captain was immediately grateful for his wise decision!
"Your sister, this job is too dangerous! If I survive this catastrophe, I will quit tomorrow and never stay in Riyao again!" The captain of the Arizona, still in shock, made up his mind!
An hour later, several stealth-modified Seawolves picked up the two brothers, dragged three trophies and the wreckage of two fighter planes, and disappeared into the deep sea without a sound...

(End of this chapter)

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