How bad guys are made

Chapter 987 Goodbye He Qing

Chapter 987 Goodbye He Qing
Four clones!

And I saw that the light-colored light ball from the palm of the avatar suddenly shrunk by more than double, and there seemed to be a silver tongue between the ankles that swallowed and vomited endlessly, and it only lasted for less than 0.5 seconds. Under the command of his mind, when his right foot stepped down, a shrunken silver light group suddenly burst out. Suddenly, a low-pitched wind and thunder sounded, and it expanded in an instant, shaking the muddy water of the swamp a few meters away. Undulations, but before the undulations came out, the figure flew away and disappeared again amidst the silver light flashing.

It's just that after this clone came out, the other clone that continued to dodge and dodge in the distance moved much more slowly, and after only a few seconds, its figure quickly faded away until it disappeared.

The four figures shuttled again, and every time a new clone appeared, another clone would soon dissipate.

After a long time, Wen Dong stomped on both feet, and his figure suddenly jumped into the air. The silver light on the soles of his feet gleamed, and he glides gracefully to the big tree where the little murloc was standing. After Wendong removed the energy control, the three phantom bodies became thinner until they disappeared.

Wen Dong wiped the sweat off his face with his hand. Controlling the three avatars to move and dodge water arrows fluently consumes a lot of mental power. Wen Dong's forehead is already sweating, and his face is slightly pale.

"You can still only control three clones." Wen Dong said in a distressed tone. He heard from the little murloc that with the spiritual power of a superhuman master, he could control up to five clones. There is still a long way to go to five avatars, because after three avatars, each additional one is no longer as simple as hallucinating the first identity.

"Well, you are still lacking in the control and allocation of space nodes and mental power. This thing needs to be practiced from time to time, and you can't rush it. I see that your clones have about 20.00% of your combat power. Not bad."

Seeing Wen Dong's hard work, the little murloc gave him a rare compliment, but she glanced at him with a small face complaining, because at this time she was waving her little hand repeatedly, and water healing techniques were sprinkled into the swamp to heal those who were injured by Wen Dong. There are also several avatars tossing the corona and even killing the snake fish in this title.

But there is no way around this, because the Huan Lei Jue not only needs to cultivate clones, but also to use them well in actual combat, so Wendong not only needs to control the movement and dodge of each clone, but also needs to counterattack, which is terrible. It really hurt the fish in the pond!

"Then I have succeeded?" Wen Dong looked at her in surprise.

"En." The little murloc withdrew his small hand, looked at the thin figure beside him, but couldn't help showing a look of joy on his delicate and white face.She was born with an ability that is difficult for ordinary people to be leisurely and at ease, but Wen Dong's nearly 50 days of hard training really frightened her.He didn't know how much black mud he ate in his mouth, and how many times he was bitten by poisonous snakes on his body, but under his astonishing toughness, he didn't flinch at all, and now, it is indeed time to harvest up.

The slender and exquisite figure floated in mid-air, looking down at his thin figure, the small mouth could not help showing a smile, more than 50 days, hard training day and night, she just thought about it It was scary, tiring and boring.And it took him such a short time to barely reach the stage of the Huanleijue, Shunlei and Yinglei clones.This kind of speed is one of the best even for a disciple who was born in the Thunder Clan and has a unique advantage in the Thunder attribute.However, only she knew in her heart how hard and hard this stubborn brother had put in during the past 50 days.

Seeing Brother Wendong wiping away his sweat but with ecstasy on his face, the little murloc blinked his beautiful eyes. He worked so hard and practiced so hard day and night for his lover, love...

The little murloc said something in a low voice, leisurely fascinated...

"In more than 50 days, I have been able to practice Shunlei to the state of form and spirit, and practice the shadow thunder avatar to enter the classroom. It is quite good. Of course, this is inseparable from my careful teaching." The little murloc said with a smile , Seeing that Wendong also nodded triumphantly and excitedly, the little murloc thought for a while and said, "Then let me tell you about Qian Leidong's two realms."

Having said that, the little murloc's expression became serious again: "The Illusory Thunder Jue is divided into three levels, which are Instant Thunder, Shadow Thunder Clone, and Qian Lei Dong; Qian Lei Dong is divided into two realms. The first realm: Shadow avatar. This shadow avatar is different from the second-level shadow avatar. The ultimate meaning of a shadow avatar is a shadow within a shadow, that is to say, the phantom body can be divided into another phantom body, or even multiple phantom bodies. , It is somewhat false to say that a thousand clones are created in an instant, but as long as your mental control is sufficient and the control and comprehension of the nodes is deep enough, it is not difficult to create dozens of clones in an instant; the second stage: Phantom. That is to say, as long as it is your phantom avatar, you can change it at will. meaning."

"I only know these two realms, but I don't know how to practice them. However, they remain the same. The real mystery of these two realms lies in the so-called 'nodes' of space. As long as you understand the nodes of space enough Mystery, practicing these two realms will come naturally, I said these just to let you grasp the direction of practice, the space node is the real core of Huan Lei Jue."

"I see, thank you master." Wen Dong said sincerely.

"Hee hee, you're welcome, this is the duty of a teacher, isn't it? You just have to come and tell me stories when you have time." The little murloc said with a smile. She was smart enough to see Wen Dong's thoughts. Everyone is eager, he has been with him for more than 50 days this time, which is enough.


At six o'clock in the evening, He Qing, who had worked overtime for a while, came to her small sports car with a delicate satchel on her shoulders, and her high-heeled shoes made a 'da da' sound in the underground garage.

Outside the skirt is a white robe as pure as snow.Her small hand brushed her swollen belly, her snowy face was smiling, her white robe looked thick and warm, but it still couldn't conceal her seductive and graceful figure, the white robe had just wrapped her buttocks, and the skirt was slender Her legs are wrapped in flesh-colored silk stockings that are obviously plush, making her look even more slender and tall.

This is an ordinary off-duty time. He Qing opened the car door and threw the satchel inside, but to her surprise, the satchel was hanging inside the car door. He Qing frowned suddenly, a little frightened. She didn't believe this. It's a hallucination, is there someone inside?
Turning her head to look at a few colleagues who came to drive in the underground garage after get off work, she was a little relieved, but she still lowered her head to take a look in the dark car with fear and trembling. The satchel in his middle was removed, revealing a familiar face behind him.

"Ah!" He Qing let out a coquettish cry immediately, stretched out her hand to cover her little hand, her feet softened and she fell backwards.

Wen Dong, who had been waiting in the car for a long time and wanted to surprise her, was startled, and quickly put his arms around her waist.

"What are you doing, you, how old am I? What surprises do you need? It doesn't matter if you scare me, but if you scare the baby in my stomach, I will ignore you in the future." Along the way, He Qing always cared about the car. Wen Dong reprimanded him endlessly, with a small pink mouth protruding high, and his pretty face was full of complaints, but the happy smile between his brows could never be concealed.

Hearing He Qing's lecture, Wen Dong closed his mouth and looked awkward. After all, he was stupid. He Qing is no longer what she used to be. She has been pregnant for nearly four months. Fortunately, she had quick eyesight and quick hands just now, otherwise He Qing would have been really scared. If he fell down and made a mistake, even if he committed suicide and apologized, he would not be able to save him.

"Wife, what do you and my good son want to eat? My husband will make it for you." Wen Dong laughed along with him, while talking, he reached out and touched her swollen belly.

"That can't be done. I'm a pregnant woman now, and I have to be particular about what I eat. According to today's dishes, I should eat..." So, He Qing leaned lazily on the car seat, talking loudly At the beginning of the narration, Wen Dong heard that one head was two big, and he was only four months pregnant. Is it necessary to be so particular about it?I remember when I was a child in the shantytowns, let alone four months pregnant, even those who were seven or eight months pregnant had to work in the fields.

"I heard that you have been practicing in closed doors these days?" He Qing looked at this playful man with a smile on her face, her expression was half a smile, but to be honest, she really didn't believe it. I can't find any beauty to provoke.

"Huh? How do you know?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, and looked at her curiously. Today, he bid farewell to the little murloc and returned to this world. When he woke up, he found that it was past five o'clock in the afternoon. I actually retreated for nearly 20 days.

He wanted to see Zhang Hanhan, after all, she was his real wife, but he was still a little guilty when he thought that he hadn't been home for more than 20 days, and he thought that he wanted to come to He Qing a long time ago, so he happened to come to He Qing's place to visit Zhang Hanhan. The tone of the side.

"Hanhan said it." He Qing snorted, glanced at him and said, "Hanhan is not in a good mood these days, you came to wait for me after you went to find her and was kicked out of the office by her?" He Qing He stared at him and said, with a sour tone.

"Qingqing, you have wronged me. I came to look for you directly after I came out, but I didn't look for Zhang Hanhan." Wen Dong shouted wronged.

"Really?" He Qing pursed her lips and looked at him suspiciously.

"Of course, it's more real than real money." Wen Dong raised his hand and swore.

"Oh, I see, you dare not go to her."

Wen Dong's head hit the steering wheel with a bang, and he raised his head and stared at the woman angrily: "Can't you be moved? Or be happy?"

"Oh, I'm so touched." He Qing pretended to be exaggerated and opened her snow-white arms to hug Wen Dong's neck, kissed him on the cheek with her small mouth, and then pursed her lips and hummed: "It should be like this ? Do you think I'm a three-year-old girl?"

Wen Dong: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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