Chapter 949
It wasn't until ten o'clock in the evening that Wen Dong took Li Ningyan, who was full of wine and food, to leave. Zhang Yifeng also drank a lot, and took Zhen'er back to the room.

As for Li Ba and Ling Yun's group, they did not disperse. It is rare for everyone to take advantage of this opportunity to get together, and these guys have different physiques from ordinary people. It is common for them to drink until dawn. .

When the two came to the suite, the lights in the living room turned on, but Su Yuemeng's bedroom door was closed, and it was very quiet inside, probably already asleep.

"Go and see Yuemeng." When the two came to lie on their sides, Li Ningyan took a sip of water from the cup and said in a natural tone.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback, looking at her with a strange expression.

"Hurry up." Li Ningyan urged, although she was indifferent, it didn't mean she didn't know how to read words and expressions, she said very understandingly.

"Well, that's good, I'll come as soon as I go." Wen Dong hesitated, and nodded with a wry smile.He also found that Su Yuemeng didn't know what was wrong, she seemed to be preoccupied, even if Li Ningyan didn't mention it, he still wanted to take a chance to ask.

"Yue Meng, are you asleep?" Wen Dong reached out and knocked on the door lightly and asked.

The bedroom was silent.

Wen Dong frowned slightly, stretched out his hand and pushed, and the door opened silently. It turned out that it was not locked at all.

Pushing open the door and poking her head in, the headlights in the bedroom were not turned on, only a bedside lamp gave off a dim light that was not dazzling under the cover of the lampshade. Su Yuemeng was lying flat on the bed, with a small hand pressed between her abdomen , and the other one naturally fell on Xiaoman's waist, and fell asleep peacefully.

Wen Dong walked in quietly, looked at Su Yuemeng quietly for a few minutes, and almost laughed out loud.The girl wasn't asleep at all, but was pretending to be asleep.Although she pretended to be very similar, but Wendong had good eyesight, and soon noticed that her closed long eyelashes were shaking slightly.

Wen Dong walked over quietly and sat on the head of the bed.Su Yuemeng, who closed her eyes and pretended to be asleep, seemed to notice the sinking of the mattress, and her eyelashes danced even more happily...

Wen Dongqiang held back his smile, held his breath and approached her pretty face.After Su Yuemeng came back, she obviously tidied up her face. There was still a faint smell of herbs on her face, which was not pungent, but very light. It should be a facial cleanser made of herbs.

Wendong lowered his head to appreciate the pretty face that was close at hand. Although he held his breath, Su Yuemeng, who had her eyes closed, was still aware of it. The little hand drooping around her waist unconsciously grabbed the bed sheet under her body, and there was a trace of it. flustered.

It seems that from the beginning to now, it is the first time for him to appreciate the face of his cheap wife so closely and quietly. What kind of face is this? It is not as beautiful as Zhang Hanhan and Li Ningyan, nor is it like Lina and Li Ningyan. Yingzi is charming from the bottom of her heart, but still very beautiful, belonging to that kind of quiet and soft beauty.

This reminded him of what the old cripple taught him when he was a child. He still remembers that scene vividly. The old cripple pulled out more than 100 pictures of Japanese actresses, pointed at some of them and said, if you Well, you can take your pick of these women.But if you are miserable, then I will give you a suggestion, it is best to find someone like this.The old cripple pointed out his hand, bared his big yellow teeth and smiled and commented: Such a girl is kind-hearted at first glance, she must be kind-hearted, and there is no evil intention. As long as you treat her well and win her heart, she will be happy. Will follow you wholeheartedly.Whether it's good fortune or hard work, even if someone breaks your leg, she won't leave you.

Good-looking, a vulgar adjective, and Su Yuemeng gave her the feeling at this time, kind-faced appearance, arousing pity.

Wen Dong stretched out his hands to hold her face, but he clearly sensed her panic, but before she recovered, he lowered his head and kissed her pursed mouth.

"Wuuu..." Su Yuemeng couldn't put on her clothes immediately, because she only heard Wendong's knock on the door. After this person walked in, she kept her eyes closed and pretended to be asleep. She didn't even know who the person who violated her was. His eyes opened suddenly, but he saw that it was Wendong.

Wen Dong's memories just now seemed to have touched a certain chord in his heart. He held her face to prevent her from moving, and simply leaned over and half prone on her body.Seeing that it was Wen Dong, Su Yuemeng breathed a sigh of relief but was startled and panicked, raised her powder fist and beat him on the shoulder.

As if Wen Dong didn't realize it, the hand holding her face slowly fell to her fragrant shoulder, hugged half of her body in his arms, and kissed gently.

It seemed to be touched by his gentleness, but in the end the fist fell powerlessly to the side of the head, and the widened eyes slowly narrowed, as if enjoying the sudden quiet and intimacy of this moment.

The nephrite in his arms was slowly heating up, Su Yuemeng seemed to be emotional, a pair of small hands naturally wrapped around his neck, lilac tongue stuck out, and responded clumsily.

After more than ten minutes of quiet kissing and stroking, Su Yuemeng in her arms was like a baked pancake, even her bones softened, her little face was bright red, but she was too shy to look into Wendong's eyes.

"Can't pretend anymore?" Wen Dong looked down at her and said amusedly.

She pretended to be asleep but Wen Dong told her straight away, Su Yuemeng was so embarrassed, she blushed and whispered: "How do you know I'm not asleep?"

"How did I know that my Yuemeng was not asleep? I miss my wife too much. I wanted to secretly kiss you while you were asleep. I didn't know that you found out." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"You..." Su Yuemeng was so choked that she couldn't speak at all, she almost lost her breath, this guy was talking ironically, he was obviously trying to trick her into pretending to be asleep, but he found out.

Seeing the little girl's shy and annoyed look, Wen Dong smiled, enough was enough, and he stopped teasing her, stood up and said, "The main reason is that you pretended too hastily, not to mention that the bedside lamp was not turned off, and the blanket was not covered. The most important thing is that I haven't changed my pajamas, obviously I haven't slept at all..."

While explaining, he pulled the thin blanket beside him to cover him, but he was taken aback suddenly, his eyes were fixed on her long snow-white leg with a purple spot on the side, and he frowned and said, "What's going on?" thing?"

"Oh, just now I was drunk and accidentally bumped into the table." Su Yuemeng was startled, and quickly stretched out her hand to pull the hem of the skirt vigorously, pulling the blanket to block it.

Wen Dong sneered, threw the blanket aside, fixed his eyes on the position she was covering, and said, "Take your hands away."

"What, what's the matter?" Wen Dong's action of throwing the blanket into the air startled her. Sensing the coldness in his tone, her pretty red face suddenly turned pale with fright, and said in a trembling voice.

Wen Dong didn't speak, but just stared at the position where she blocked with her skirt, with a frighteningly cold expression.Su Yuemeng was so frightened that her little hands trembled, she didn't dare to disobey her anymore, and slowly moved her hands away.

Wen Dong sat back on the edge of the bed again, stretched out his hand and slowly pulled the hem of the skirt away, and after just one glance, he sneered, and suddenly raised his head to look at Su Yuemeng: "Tell me again how you did this?"


Wen Dong looked away, and saw the choke on her leg again. It was not a bump, it was obviously choked by someone!The fingernails on the top are still very clear, and the more Su Yuemeng conceals it, the more certain he is.

The corners of Wen Dong's mouth curled up, revealing a cruel smile, he looked very sinister, his eyes were full of murderous intent, he scolded the next-door neighbor for daring to bully Su Yuemeng, he just didn't want to live up.

He turned his head sharply and stared at Su Yuemeng. He said that this stinky woman made him most angry. He was bullied, and he didn't tell himself when he was wronged?Who do you think labor and capital are?Soft bones?Or some f*cking big shot I can't afford?
"What? Don't tell me?" Wen Dong became angrier the more he thought about it, and stared at her.

"I, no, no, I pinched it myself." Seeing that Wen Dong was really angry, it was the first time Su Yuemeng saw him so furious, she lowered her head and whispered.

"What? You, you pinched it yourself? Are you crazy? You think your legs are too good-looking, don't you?" Wen Dong only felt that his head was not enough, and looked at him with a confused face, and his anger was still lingering in his heart.

"I..." Seeing Wendong questioning herself, Su Yuemeng lowered her head vigorously. She was moved but felt unspeakably uncomfortable. She didn't think that Wendong had many girlfriends who couldn't accept it. In fact, she He knew it from the beginning when he was willing to be his wife, and he also made it clear to himself that there were more than one or two, but because of the special conditions of the two, especially his own family, maybe the person who betrothed him in the future would dislike her even more. , and Wendong is very good to himself, and he is already very satisfied.

But she felt very tired and tired. In fact, being tired at work was nothing to her, but it was the most difficult thing to get along with those girlfriends in Wendong. After all, she was in her early twenties. The little girl is the apple of the eye at home, and is also very popular with her grandfather, and she herself is not the kind of sociable and slick character. She is a little girl here, and she always wants to work hard to get their approval. It's so hard to think of.

At that time, she pinched herself just to calm down quickly, but she still made mistakes and let others make fun of her. She felt that she was going to be stupid.Thinking about it this way, Su Yuemeng felt aggrieved and helpless again, her nose sore, tears fell down, and she choked up softly, but she forced herself not to cry out.

My gosh.

Did this stinky girl go crazy at work?Pinching himself and crying again, which one is this acting on?

Wen Dong really wanted to cry, but he felt that he was the most aggrieved. He went crazy for a long time, and finally realized that it was Su Yuemeng himself who pinched that snow-white leg like this. Just pinch it, and he cried again. ...

He was really confused.

"Yuemeng, wife? Don't cry, what the hell is going on, I..." Wen Dong felt that he couldn't turn his head around.

"I don't blame you, I just blame myself for being too useless and disgraced you." Su Yuemeng choked up softly, reached out to wipe the tears on her cheeks, and explained in a low voice, but when she said this, the tears It's more fun.

Wendong was dazzled by the crying and crying of the little girl who was always happy and foolishly threatened to fall in love with him.But he was not fooled, seeing Yuemeng's choked-up sound of crying sadly and self-pityingly, his eyes narrowed, he seemed to understand after a moment of consideration, but after he understood, he was almost laughed angrily.

"Yue Meng, look at me." Wen Dong said suddenly, his tone serious.

"Ah? What, what's the matter?" Su Yuemeng also felt that she was crying for no reason, and immediately wiped the tears on her face, looking up at his serious expression, she couldn't help but wondered.

(End of this chapter)

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