Chapter 921
Yu?I didn't expect you to escape here to follow the Blood Wolf League. No wonder the Blood Wolf League has been so arrogant recently!Wen Dong sneered in his heart.

However, before going back to rescue, Jinbihuanghuang must be taken down first. As long as the headquarters of the Blood Wolf League is taken down, even if the Blood Wolf League leader is still alive, there is no way to recover.Here, it is the existence that lays the foundation for victory.


A luxuriously decorated box on the third floor.

Zhenhui, the headmaster of the Blood Wolf Alliance Fengtang, sat on the sofa with a gloomy expression. He is over 40 years old, and now his temples have turned white. There is a large blade on the coffee table. How many years have I not touched this thing.

Yes, since the three major gangs merged into one and the Blood Wolf League established one of the three major gangs in Fuzhou, Jiangsu and Zhejiang in one fell swoop, he has never done anything.

"Buzz..." At this moment, the phone on the coffee table vibrated.

"Hallmaster? It's the number of the deputy headmaster." More than a dozen people had already gathered in the living room, and the others had all been sent to guard the stairway, and one of them reminded anxiously.

"Go." Zhenhui blinked his eyes, and finally there was a breath of life, and said aloud, his tone was low and serious.

"Hello..." The man took the order and quickly picked up the phone.

He couldn't remember how many calls this had been. In less than ten minutes, he had already received more than [-] calls for help.

"The deputy hall master died, Huajin Bathing City was captured, and nearly a hundred people were captured. The opponent's offensive was too fierce. Many of our younger brothers were afraid of death and surrendered directly."

"However, dozens of brothers ran out, and they asked us what to do?" Putting down the phone, the man said, with a sad and fearful tone.

Qingcheng gang, how could their blood wolf alliance provoke such a terrifying existence, these people are simply devils!
Four halls of wind, fire, thunder and lightning, more than a dozen of the peripheral halls were attacked almost at the same time, and almost all of them were captured in less than a quarter of an hour. The rabbit died and the fox felt sad.But now the resplendent and magnificent are already in jeopardy, and may be taken down at any time.As for the two deputy hall masters who are stationed at the water city, although they have received news that they are organizing people to come here, although the water city is adjacent to Fuzhou, it will take at least two hours to come here. Wait until the corpses are cold.

Moreover, there is no need to think about it at all, Shuishi is the headquarters of the Qingcheng Gang, they can send so many people here, the lives of the two deputy hall masters are already in danger.

Regardless of whether the two deputy hall masters could arrive in time, he knew that the Blood Wolf Alliance was over!
All the reason is because of messing with the Qingcheng gang in Shuishi!

"Boss, I can't stand it anymore. There is an expert who is too powerful. We can't stop him at all!" The door of the room was pushed open with a 'bang', and a younger brother staggered in with his bloody arm, his tone full of terrified.

When the door opened, screams could be heard from far away from the entrance, making one's scalp tingle.

Hearing this, everyone was in mourning.

"Well, I see." Zhenhui nodded, stood up slowly, and patted the dust that was not on his body. He knew that he would die for sure, but he just wanted to die decently.

"Fuck, fight with them, this group of bastards, even if they die, they will be backed." Seeing the resolute expression of the hall master, a young man immediately spit and cursed, waving the blade in his hand.

"Hehe, who will be the backrest?" While speaking, a bloody man covered in blood smashed the door with a 'bang', leaning on a black and white long sword in both hands, looking coldly at the dozen or so people in the room .

"It's you, the scumbag!" The young man cursed angrily, and rushed towards Wendong fiercely, brandishing his blade.

Raising the knife in his hand, the blood suddenly appeared. As soon as the man rushed to Wen Dong, he knelt down slowly on the ground, and a large pool of blood spread rapidly under his body...

Everyone's faces were as pale as paper, and their expressions were extremely terrified.

"The leader of the Qingcheng Gang, Wendong." Zhenhui looked at Wendong and said.

"The answer is correct." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled: "But there is no reward, how do you want to die? You only have three seconds."

As for the time he was speaking, Li Ba and others had already rushed up, ten people guarded Wendong in the middle, and everyone was covered in blood. Although it was a dozen people against a dozen people, there was no comparison between the two sides. , They are like a group of fierce tigers showing their fangs, while their side is just a group of fish on a felt board.

Hearing Wendong's wild words and seeing such a battle, it is estimated that the fighting outside has basically ended.Everyone looked terrified and pale as paper, like a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered.

"Don't think about it, I choose to surrender, I just hope you can let my group of brothers go, you can do whatever you want me to die." Zhenhui smiled miserably, and threw the blade he had just grabbed into the on the ground.

"Hall master?" Hearing Zhenhui's meeting, several high-level officials in the hall looked sad and indignant, and all the machetes and other weapons in their hands were thrown away. In front of this group of killing gods, their resistance was futile.

Wen Dong spread his hands, turned around and walked out with his sword in hand. When he walked to Li Ba's side, he said: "Since they choose to surrender, don't kill them. Let the hall master call the remaining members of the Blood Wolf League and ask them to surrender. , Those who descend will not die."

"Yes, leader." Li Ba put away the blood axe, cupped his fists and accepted the order.


Driving all the way, I came to the villa area at No. 3, Tongyuan Road, Beijiao, Fuzhou that Xiao Cheng said. As soon as Wen Dong got out of the car, a black shadow rushed over by the roadside.

"Boss, you are here." Ling Yun moved to Wen Dong's side and said respectfully.

"Hmm." Wen Dong stood by the car and changed the bloody clothes on his body into a clean coat. His whole body was covered with thick blood, and the smell of salty blood was really unpleasant and disgusting.

"What's going on?" Under the leadership of Ling Yun, Wen Dong hurried to the courtyard of the blood wolf lord's villa. At this time, several young people guarding various places also rushed over. Wen Dong glanced at the entrance of the villa and asked in a low voice. road.

"Yu is inside. I guarantee that neither he nor the leader of the blood wolf came out. I don't know what the hell is going on." Ling Yun said, but his voice became smaller and smaller, obviously lacking in momentum.

"Well, the three of you continue to guard here, and you will be notified in time if there is any situation." Wen Dong frowned and glanced at him, without asking further, turned to the other three and said.

"Ling Yun, follow me in and have a look."

"Yes, Boss." Hearing Wen Dong's words, Ling Yun was full of confidence. He knew how powerful the Boss was, he could even block mortar shells, and the Zhuangren were no good under the Boss' hands.As he spoke, he already held his head high and walked in imposingly, completely forgetting how he escaped like a desperate escape by rolling and crawling.

Passing by the bathroom, I saw the wronged mistress who was shot again, leaning naked against the wall of the bath, with her head thrown back in the bath, the clear water in the bath was already red, and it was already gone. He died, and he couldn't die anymore.

And that Yu is no longer here, which is a reasonable thing.

After searching carefully on the first floor, they did not find the figure of Zhuang Renyu and the leader of the Blood Wolf League. The two were vigilant all the way up to the second floor.

Wen Dong swept his eyes and walked to one of the rooms first. From this room, he smelled a special smell - the smell of blood.

"This is the dresser you mentioned? Where's Yu?" Wen Dong stood beside the bed in the bedroom with a gloomy expression. At this time, a middle-aged man of about 45 years old was lying on the bed.The man's eyes were bulging, and his eyes were full of fear, but his chest was sunken by more than five centimeters. It was obvious that his entire internal organs were shattered by someone's powerful punch, and he was already dead beyond death.

This man is the leader of the Blood Wolf Alliance.

Ling Yun has a photo of the leader of the blood wolf in his hand. After comparison, he is absolutely sure that this man is the leader of the blood wolf, and without thinking too much, he must have been killed by Yu, and judging by his appearance, he died within 10 minutes. .

Ling Yun's mind was clear, and he immediately thought of a possibility. After they found Yu, Yu didn't rush out to kill them. Instead, he went to the second floor to kill the leader of the blood wolf, and then ran away.

Yes, although he was very sure that no one would come out from the main entrance, but with Yu's ability, even if he jumped from the second floor, nothing would happen. Coupled with his terrifying speed, he wanted to escape without anyone noticing. , is not difficult.

Wen Dong lowered his eyes, turned and walked out, Ling Yun quickly followed, followed behind silently, not daring to breathe.

Yu ran away, Wen Dong was indeed a little angry.However, he was just a little angry, in fact, without Ling Yun's explanation, he had already figured it out.

Speaking of which, he really had to admire this dresser.Yu is a slippery character. Wei Zhong took away most of Lanyun Gang's cash assets at the beginning. He must have taken away not much, so he found the Blood Wolf League. With his ability, he will be treated with courtesy wherever he goes. Treat each other.

It is estimated that he was acquiescing to the mistress of the blood wolf lord in the bathroom, and after Yu learned that he had killed him, he knew that he could kill and pretend to be a person, so he didn't dare to resist at all.He didn't even have the heart to kill Ling Yun and the others.Instead, he killed the leader of the blood wolf, stole his money and fled.

The genetic perfection of the colonizer reaches 90.00%, and the potential is almost fully developed. Although some other things are added to cause genetic mutation, the life span is still only 40 years old, unless it can be promoted to the ranks of extraordinary warriors.

And Yu is a smart man among the pretenders. He is free and free, and he will never risk his life to fight against himself. This is his cleverness.

Although it was a pity to let him run away, especially since he had so much money stolen by him, it was all his spoils, but there was no need to worry about Yu.Just because he is a smart person, he will never dare to be an enemy of himself, and he will run away if he runs away. The most important thing is to win the blood wolf alliance this time.

And he didn't kill Ling Yun and others, is this showing his favor in a disguised form?At the same time, he also made it clear to himself that he did not want to be an enemy of himself, Wen Dong couldn't help but smile wryly, this breeder is interesting...

"Boss, what should we do next?" Seeing Wen Dong's face turning cold and dark, Ling Yun cautiously probed aside. Although the blood wolf lord was dead, Yu still escaped. The most important thing is that he just killed him this time. It's just a mistress, and she can't do things well no matter what.

"What do you think?" Wen Dong glanced at him.

"Uh..." Seeing Wen Dong's serious face, Ling Yun swallowed, smiled shyly, and dared not say any more.

"Go back, the troubled waters in Fuzhou have just begun, and you will be able to contribute later." Wen Dong chuckled.

Hearing this, Ling Yun straightened his face, patted his chest and quickly made a promise: "Don't worry, Boss, I will definitely..."

(End of this chapter)

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