Chapter 917
After the meeting, the huge machine of the Qingcheng Gang began to run quickly.

The number of the Blood Wolf Alliance is less than 500, and the number reported by Qian Feng is the number of people who can actually go to the battlefield. At that time, the total number of the Blood Wolf Alliance has reached [-], otherwise they would not dare to deal with it. The mighty Qingcheng help.Wendong called for [-] people by name, but in fact, only [-] of them had seen blood capable of killing people.

But Wendong didn't think that this battle would be lost. Firstly, his side was full of momentum, and secondly, he led it personally, and he was already invincible. It was nothing more than a matter of casualties.As for the fighters, their morale is also high. Once they break through the opponent's opening, the momentum formed will definitely be destroyed.And throughout the ages, there are many battles where fewer wins more. Morale is a big aspect, and tactics are equally important.

So many people of mine suddenly disappeared from the Qingcheng Gang, and then appeared in the Fujiang area. The Blood Wolf Alliance is so powerful that it is impossible to carry out a sneak attack. Notify out.

But at the very least, the pre-war mobilization this time is all secret. Even if the other party knows, but after they know, they must be in a hurry if they want to quickly organize the manpower.

In addition to the three sharp knives led by Wen Dong, the team led by Ling Yun is also the core. There are only 30 people in their team, but all of them are masters who graduated from the base. Not to mention one against a hundred, but one against ten , never mind.

Their task is very simple, to assassinate all the high-level leaders above the hall master of the Blood Wolf Alliance.The Blood Wolf League used to be formed by three large-scale gang alliances, divided into four halls of wind, fire, thunder and lightning. One, known as the Eleven Wolf of the Blood Alliance.Two of them were sent to Shui City, and each hall master led at least [-] people, plus some people from the small gangs around Shui City, the oppression formed can be seen, and it can also be seen from this that they have great influence on young people. The coveted heart of the city gang.

At this time, there was a large pile of documents in front of Qian Feng, including Ling Yun and other persons in charge of this operation.They are the core of this operation. As long as they can assassinate more than half of the top leaders of the Blood Wolf League before Wen Dong and others do it, and the other party has no leader, then Wen Dong and the others will be less stressed.

"Ling Yun, you can rest assured that the two Hall Masters of the Blood Wolf Alliance on our water city side, even if you can't kill them, you just need to hold them back. As long as Fu Jiang moves fast enough, they will definitely not be able to return in time. Take advantage of our emptiness to sneak attack on our lair, with me and the other two hall masters around, they can't make much trouble, Fujiang's side is the most important thing, you are the second largest in our gang besides the gang master Experts, you must personally lead the team to sit in Fujiang." Qian Feng smiled slightly, his expression looked relaxed and comfortable, as if he was pointing the country and shaking the fan, and the mast and scull were wiped out in smoke.

"Oh, let's talk about business and business." Su Yiran is a fact, but at this time Qian Feng said it in front of so many students, Ling Yun was a little shy, but the smug look was a little awkward Hit, the only thing he regrets is that that bastard A Xing is not here, otherwise, it would be called embarrassing.

Although Ling Yun's loyalty is no longer necessary to think about, but for this mission, Qian Feng also wanted to praise him a few words, let this guy work hard, anyway, good words are worthless, and they are nothing more than a waste of spittle.

"You have roughly two tasks." Qian Feng nodded, and when he talked about the business, his expression became serious: "One: Assassinate the high-level officials of the Blood Wolf League; more complicated."

"Just to muddy the water?" Ling Yun said.

"Yes." Qian Feng glanced at him appreciatively, Ling Yun could understand at a glance, no wonder the leader of the gang valued him so much, nodded and said: "I won't say much about the assassination, I will give all the high-level information of the Blood Wolf Alliance to you." You, including the places they often come and go and personal strength, as for how to distribute them, I won’t say much, and I don’t know the specific strengths of you masters, so I will assign them to you.”

"Okay, just tell me the detailed information, and leave the rest to me." Ling Yun nodded, his expression a little excited.

"Well, then on the second point, I would like to say two more points. Many forces in Fujiang have a complicated network..." At this point, Qian Feng took out a stack of materials and began to think again.

Ling Yun stood aside and didn't urge her. Marriage methods are still prevalent throughout the ages, regardless of whether it's a business consortium or a gangster. For example, who's uncle, who's nephew, whose son raped whose... Daughter, the two sides are against each other.In order to consolidate the power of many big gangs, the most common way is to marry the descendants of some important figures in another big gang, so after so many years of messy marriages, the relationship is naturally extremely complicated.

"The so-called sharpening the guns before the battle is unpleasant and light. We don't care about the relationship established by the previous marriages of these gangs for the time being. For now, we will create troubled waters." Since then there will be two sons, and the second son, Shen Zichen, has been pursuing Xi Fengshuang, the daughter of the leader of the Qingyu Gang. The Qingyu Gang is a level lower than the Blood Wolf League in terms of strength, but it is also a big gang in Fujiang, and its leader Xi Ling is not young. By the time he was forty, he broke into the Qingyu Gang with his strength and wisdom, and had a very good relationship with many gangs. He is also a legend in Fuzhou. He has only one daughter, Xi Fengshuang."

"Xi Fengshuang is very smart. He knew that his father's gang was much weaker than the Blood Wolf League, so he didn't dare to offend Shen Zichen, but he didn't agree. He kept hanging on him. Xi Fengshuang took charge of a water bath by himself, where he bathed every night and Shen Zichen would go to yoga every time, for more than three months in a row, rain or shine, and he was about to embrace the beauty in his arms."

Speaking of this, Qian Feng handed the information to Ling Yun: "I don't need to say more about the rest, let Shen Zichen rape-kill Xi Fengshuang..."

"Here are the detailed information and photos of Xi Fengshuang and Shen Zichen."

"in addition……"

Next, Qian Feng quickly explained all the information and power relations that he had obtained and could use in time, and there was already a large stack of various materials in front of Ling Yun. Qian Feng was familiar with these materials and did not stop talking. Yes, especially the insidious method he came up with made Ling Yun shiver uncontrollably.

This product is simply a scum!

"Ling Yun, I've told you everything I can explain, and I'll leave the rest to you." Seeing Ling Yun's shocked look, Qian Feng laughed loudly.

"Hey, old Qian, Lao Li said that you are a gentle scum, it really underestimates you, you are simply a scum." Wen Dong picked up the information, grinned and said: "But, I like it, we two It's a person of the same path, hehe."

"Go away!"

Scum?Is this a compliment?Qian Feng's face was so dark that it was the bottom of the pot, and he cursed angrily, but when he said the words, he couldn't help laughing.If I don’t go to hell, whoever goes to hell, this life is not over yet, so who cares about what happens after death?Besides, few of these people are good goods, and if they die, they will die!

At the beginning Zhang Sanbai founded the Qingcheng Gang to develop major industries to assist Li Ningyan, and now it has shown its role, especially the Qingcheng Group.After all, there were too many people in this dispatch, so several ordinary transportation companies of Qingcheng Group were used, and this aspect was handled by Qing Xiao alone. Yuemeng was so busy that she didn't care about it at all, she didn't know it at all.

Although Qingcheng moved so many people at once, it was hard to hide it from others, but at least he could hide it from the police. As long as the police didn't intervene, everything would be easy for Qingcheng's people to go to Fujiang.

Almost all the vehicles of several transportation companies travel, but in such a crowded city with busy traffic, no one notices it at all.Several transportation companies dispatched more than 50 passenger vehicles, divided into more than a dozen roads, and poured them into torrents to Fujiang City.

Wen Dong was sitting in an ordinary private car, while Li Ba was driving the car intently, his big feet stomping on the accelerator, his eyes were calm, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Dinglingling..." At this moment, the phone rang suddenly.

Wen Dong took it out and saw that it was Jiang Han's number, and he couldn't help frowning slightly. He knew what Jiang Han was doing best, but he thought that his sudden call of a large number of people had already been known by his birds. Got on the phone.

"Hello, Brother Jiang." Wen Dong greeted with a smile.

"Are you going to attack the Blood Wolf Alliance?" Jiang Han asked directly.

"Well, they deceive people too much." Wen Dong snorted coldly.

Jiang Han on the other side of the phone not only babbled when he heard Wen Dong's words, but he was just coveting, and you just ordered more than 2000 soldiers and horses to take over his lair. Who is bullying so much?
"Well, do you need help..." Jiang Han hesitated and asked.

"Brother Jiang also knows me." Wen Dong bared his teeth and smiled.

"Then you have to remember, you owe me two favors." Jiang Han snorted, he knew how strong Wen Dong was, and it was definitely worth it for such a powerful master to owe him a favor.

"Ah? Why are there two? Isn't it just this one?" Wen Dong said with an innocent face.

"Fart, did I drink with you for nothing the day before yesterday?" Jiang Han said angrily.

"Hey, don't you get drunk and renege on your debts. Who said that it was just a little effort that afternoon? A little effort is also considered a favor?" Wen Dong said depressed.

Hearing Wen Dong's words, Jiang Han almost spit out a mouthful of old blood, and couldn't help but scolded angrily: "I'm just being polite to you, you really don't see anyone."

"Hey, Brother Jiang, you're wrong. Who said that everyone is from your own side? Are you from your own side? Brother Jiang, you are so hypocritical." Wen Dong said leisurely.

Jiang Han: "..."

"Okay, okay, I'll leave right away. I have met the police chief of Fujiang City a few times. I'll press you down on this matter, but don't go too far. Also, you owe me two I don't care about personal favors, you have to pay them back sooner or later!" After speaking, Jiang Han didn't give Wen Dong a chance to refute, and hung up the phone with a 'dang', leaving Li Shan staring at him: "You didn't tell him that I About the daughter?"

"I, I forgot." Jiang Han was stunned for a moment, and then remembered the business, seeing Li Shan's speechless expression, he also scratched the back of his head in embarrassment.

Li Shan: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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