Chapter 880
The matter was settled, the host and the guest had a good time, and the general was even more commensurate with the Wendong brothers.

Everyone drank happily, Wen Dong drank a lot, his face flushed.

And the next thing seems to be no different from the previous scene. Gu Fengshuang has been a mercenary for the longest time, and he is familiar with the customs here. He looks drunk and untied the sarong of the woman in his arms. buried in it.

This bastard, Ling Yun, doesn't change his sex, he must have really drank a little too much, and he actually got his head directly into the wide veil of a European girl.The fair-skinned girl couldn't bear to be teased, her face was flushed, her hands were put behind her, and her snow-white neck was raised.

Seeing him make a fool of himself, Wen Dong raised his leg angrily and kicked his upturned buttocks, scolding him for being worthless.

Ling Yun buried his head in the sarong, mumbling, not caring about anything else.

The general laughed when he saw this, and Wen Dong was also a little embarrassed. He reached out to take the wine cup from the pretty girl beside him, and drank it all in one gulp.

The general saw Wen Dong's loving eyebrows to the girl beside him, and said with a smile, "Brother Wen seems to have a special liking for Yingzi."

"I think Brother Zhou is drunk. How can you tell? I don't." Wen Dong smiled helplessly, and he didn't even touch her. Where did he have a soft spot for her?

However, it may be because Japanese women have some slavishness, this female-slave looks even more gentle.Coupled with her petite and cute figure, for a moment he thought of Su Yuemeng, a gentle and kind-hearted Su Yuemeng at home, who felt pity for her and couldn't bear to be bullied.

"No." The general saw it, but shook his head, not believing Wen Dong's denial.

"Brother Wen doesn't know that Yingzi is not a female-slave. His father Huitian Yusou had a lot of contacts with me in the early years. It was just a year ago that his father was killed in Japan. Yingzi was playing with me. , That's why I escaped this catastrophe, she is my niece." The general said leisurely.

Hearing her uncle's words, Yingzi's face revealed a mournful look.Wen Dong just turned his head to look at her in surprise, seeing her appearance at this time, her weeping expression made people feel pity.

"Yingzi is very sensible. She feels that she is eating, drinking and living here, and she is grateful in her heart, so she wants to do something for me. It would be fine if she came here for a while, but after a long time, she has shown signs of acclimatization. If Brother Wen Don't dislike it, you can take her to the inland, which can be regarded as an explanation from me to her father."

"Brother Zhou, this is very inappropriate. All I do is sell my life, and I don't know when and where I will die. How dare I be greedy for female relatives." Wen Dong felt dizzy when he heard it. Although the girl was good-looking, he himself I didn't see anything.But from his point of view, Zhou Shuhua simply wanted to put an eyeliner by his side, which is not acceptable.

"Hehe, Brother Wen, you're being modest." Zhou Shuhua gave him a look of anger. People like Gu Fengshuang may not look rough and carefree, but people with a discerning eye can see that they are the best of the best. They can raise such a group of people. Wendong's background must be extraordinary, and he really wants to climb the line of Wendong. Many friends have many paths, don't they?

As for the origin of Huitian Yingzi, he really didn't lie to Wendong.

"Brother Wen, I think you are also a man of temperament. I am very relieved that Yingzi will follow you." The general said, looking up at Yingzi.

Although Yingzi is young, she has noticed the companionship just now. The way Wendong looks at himself is not at all the way he looks at a female-slave, a plaything in the palm of her hand.

When she saw her uncle, she nodded slightly, expressing her willingness.

In fact, she really misunderstood Wendong.Firstly, Wendong only thought about how to get the pass from the general, and secondly, he had never played with a female-slave before, so how would he know what kind of eyes a female-slave should have? ?

After a meal of wine, it was getting late, and the general ordered the adjutant of the dresser under his command to arrange accommodation for the people brought by Wendong.

Seeing Wendong standing up, Yingzi also stood up quickly, and stood beside him with a gentle face.

Wen Dong felt a big headache when he saw it. He came here to save people. If something goes wrong, he might turn against General Poppy. What should I do?
General Poppy is about forty years old. After drinking so much wine, his old face is already flushed. He embraces the beautiful Thai girl in his arms, leans close to Wendong, and says ambiguously with the smell of alcohol in his mouth: "Sakura is still a virgin. Brother Wen, please be gentle, don't bully her in the future, if not, I will lead my brothers and beat you to your knees..."

Wen Dong: "..."

After General Poppy finished speaking, he took the woman and left. Wen Dong glanced at Huitian Yingzi who was standing quietly beside her with a blushing face, and now she had no choice but to do so.

However, there were other reasons why he really agreed.They have no female relatives in this group, so they might have to take Zhang Xiuxiu away from here with great fanfare, and it would be nice to have Yingzi as a cover.

The atmosphere here is too humid, and most people live in wooden lofts.Aborigines usually live on the second floor, and the pigsty and poultry are placed on the first floor, but this is the army, and the first floor is usually used as a warehouse or for rest.

Wendong took a shower first, originally Yingzi said that he would wait for him to wash, so he was so frightened that he hurriedly took a shower twice and got out.

It is like summer here all the year round, and the air is humid but cool at night.

Wen Dong was sitting on a rattan chair smoking a cigarette silently, thinking about something.Huitian Yingzi also came out of the shower. She was only covered with a white sarong. To put it bluntly, it was similar to the fabric of a mosquito net. Her skin was as white as jade, and her slender figure was faintly visible. Her hair was bundled up, revealing a delicate face of a watery lotus. Under the sarong, two snow-white and soft calves were exposed. Perhaps they hadn't been wiped clean, and the skin was still dripping with water droplets. Under the bright light, it looked more and more crystal clear, as if Jade man.

Although the clothes are a bit revealing, they still can't conceal the youthful vigor of the body, with lotus steps, and the indescribable elegance, which can be seen from everyone's background.

It seems that General Poppy did not lie to himself.

Seeing her walking towards him, Wen Dong said, "Pour me a glass of water."

"Okay." Sakura nodded and turned to pour water.

When she came with the water, Wen Dong threw away the cigarette butt, although his eyes were drunk, but they were extremely bright, staring at her walking posture, and said in a solemn tone: "You know kung fu."

Hearing this, Yingzi was taken aback for a moment, and looked up at Wen Dongzheng who was looking at her with a smile on her face. A murderous intent flashed leisurely in her clear eyes, and then she flicked her plain hand, and the cup in her hand shot towards Wendong. Go, and at the same time, I don't know when there is a dagger in my hand, and I follow closely.

"Hey..." Wendong grinned, reached out and grabbed the flying cup, then sat on the stool and turned sideways, and immediately raised his foot and kicked Yingzi at the wrist where Yingzi swung the dagger, Yingzi Suffering from the pain, he snorted, his steps were a little messy, and he took a few steps back to stabilize his figure, his eyes were full of horror.

"Oh, still not running away?" Wen Dong looked at her with raised eyebrows, feeling a little strange in his heart. In his opinion, this should be a spy sent by the government of the Suiyun Kingdom to General Poppy, but this chick did not expect to be killed by Poppy. The general gave it to himself in a daze.At this moment, she attacked herself, knowing that she couldn't beat her, the most sensible thing to do was to run away, otherwise, General Poppy would definitely kill her.

And the reason why he didn't kill her was because he didn't want to get involved in the affairs between the government of Suiyun Kingdom and these pirates.

It has to be said that the government of the Broken Cloud Kingdom has spent a lot of money, and this spy is at the level of a stunning beauty wherever he is placed.This Yingzi looks even more beautiful than Sun Xiaojie.Of course, people are so beautiful that they can no longer be distinguished from each other. It mainly depends on their temperament. This woman is naturally charming, which makes men unable to extricate themselves.

Wendong looked playfully at the beautiful spy in front of him who was throbbing with excitement. Under such circumstances, an evil fire emanated from his body. What a fucking strange thing!
It seems that since I was with Li Binger, I have been abstaining from sex for a long time recently. A few days ago, Su Yuemeng happened to be on her period again, so I could only be greedy for cheap words and increase the evil fire. On the other hand, the reason is still the beast king Dan Lion's negative effects are at work.

Wen Dong quickly took a sip of the water in the cup, and the coolness entered his throat, and then suppressed the heat in his heart.

"You just let me go like this?" Yingzi's face was a little pale, she covered her wrist with one hand, she didn't know whether it was from pain or fright, there were beads of sweat on her snowy forehead, her voice was still soft and charming, but it was very cold.

However, she was even more shocked, especially when she saw Wen Dong reaching out to take the water glass she had swiped, without even splashing a drop of water, and without getting up, she was injured in one move.Master, absolute master!
"I don't have any grudges with you, why kill you. Go, or wait for General Poppy to kill you?" Wen Dong put the cup on the table, curled his lips and said.

I became more and more certain in my heart that this must be a spy of the Suiyun Kingdom government.

The spy beauty turned paler when she heard Wen Dong's words, but her expression was a little complicated. She looked at Wen Dong in a daze, as if she was struggling violently deep in her heart.

Wen Dong saw that she was not moving, and couldn't help frowning. He wouldn't bring this kind of spy with him. Although he didn't want to kill her, it didn't mean he didn't dare. How dare she rely on herself?

"Are you really going to let me go?" Seeing that the beauty was struggling, she looked at Wendong in disbelief.

"Let you go. If I want to catch up with you, I'm not a man. Hurry up. Don't even think about asking me to take you away. I don't have that free time, and I don't want to offend General Poppy." Wen Dong said speechlessly, posing Waving his hands was like chasing flies away, and he had suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck, unexpectedly running into a spy from the Broken Cloud Kingdom.

"Master, servant girl Huitian Yingzi, is willing to submit to the master." The beautiful spy said, took two steps forward, and knelt down at Wendong's feet.

Wen Dong's hand trembled just as he was about to light a cigarette, and he froze for a moment.

Isn't it true? Could it be that his charm has increased again in the past few days, and his domineering aura burst out, even this kind of spy who has been nurtured by the country since childhood has been shocked and convinced?

I don't believe it, not at all.

Wen Dong said this to himself in his heart, and his heart became more and more vigilant.

"Master, please agree to Huitian Yingzi's request. From now on, Huitian Yingzi will always guard and wait by the master's side. She is willing to be the master's wife and has no second thoughts." Seeing that Wendong didn't speak, Huitian Yingzi didn't Dare to look up, prostrate on the ground again and said.

I knew it!

But Wendong still unconsciously twitched the corners of his mouth, and carefully looked at the beautiful spy kneeling on the ground, looking like a slave, he was really a little dumbfounded, he just wanted to intimidate the spy and tell her to leave quickly, he didn't want to Meddling with their affairs, but did not expect this spy to short-circuit his brain and surrender directly?It's not surrender, it's surrender!
I'm not the president of the Suiyun Kingdom, so what's the point of surrendering to me?

Wen Dong frowned, and suddenly felt something was wrong, this woman didn't seem to be a spy...

(End of this chapter)

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