How bad guys are made

Chapter 849 My sister is scared

Chapter 849 My sister is scared

Li Jiahua sat leisurely on the sofa beside him, with a revealingly dressed beauty sitting on his lap, one hand was faintly placed under the other's skirt, enjoying vigorously, his handsome face was slightly flushed, and he squinted to see To Zhang Hanhan.

Just a few days ago, Uncle Tao Shuang had already exerted his strength, but what shocked him was that he had made no achievements.

Zhang Hanhan was protected by masters, and he was a master of masters, the people he sent to secretly want to sabotage were beaten and maimed, and thrown into the street.

Since it is impossible to come to the dark, then we can only come to the bright.

Zhang Hanhan's position as the president of Lanyun is her greatest honor, but from another perspective, it is also her biggest weakness. She will never watch Lanyun fall, so Li Jiahua came up with this method, Let you know that I am cheating on you, but you still have nothing to do.

To deal with such a woman, she will only bow her head if she takes all her bargaining chips and leaves her with nothing.

This is what Uncle Tao Shuang said. Li Jiahua believed it and did the same, so he mobilized everyone's strength.

It sounds good to say that whoever is beautiful has ability, but when it comes to real ability and financial resources, who else here can compare to me?
The only one is Hong Zhanyun, but this guy is too gentlemanly.

To deal with a woman like Zhang Hanhan, you can't use gentle methods, it will only make her look down on her even more.

Li Jiahua sneered in his heart, his eyes were fixed on Zhang Hanhan not far away, and with his big hands, the woman on her legs was already limp and limp, hanging on her neck, her pretty face was flushed, and she was panting...

Hong Zhanyun who was sitting at the other end couldn't help but frowned when he saw everyone making things difficult for Zhang Hanhan. He stood up and said, "Mr. Zhang, Pan Huapan and I can always have a few words. Lanyun wants to expand his career in the beverage industry." market, I can recommend it for you."

Pan Hua, the leader of Tianxia Guoan Muyi Milk Beverage Industry Company, is not far behind Sanluzhi.

Few people know that Pan Hua's wife is Hong Zhanyun's aunt.

"Hong Zhanyun, what do you mean, I, Sanlu, can't compare to An Muyi?" Zhu Sanyuan said angrily when he heard that Hong Zhanyun had smoothed things over.

The people on the side also had unhappy expressions. If they were not afraid of the strength of his Hong family's precision industry, they really shouldn't have let him come.

And there is no one with a small property here, but the Hong family still has a powerful figure in the Tianxia Kingdom-Military, this is what they are most afraid of.

"Brothers, why should you be angry?" Hong Zhanyun smiled slightly, not arguing with him.

Zhang Hanhan frowned, and smiled slightly at Hong Zhanyun.

"thank you for your kindness."

"Young masters are right. Lanyun is indeed not suitable for the beverage industry. In this case, I plan to sell those pastures. You are very deep in the industry. I think you already know a lot about my pastures before you come here. , How much do you think it can sell for?" Zhang Hanhan smiled lightly and said directly.

"Ah?" Zhu Sanyuan was taken aback when he heard that, he knows how to play with women all day long, how could he know this, besides, those pastures are very high-quality, even if they are not big, they are not a small amount, but he is not qualified to make a decision , All of a sudden, Zhang Hanhan choked on a word and couldn't speak.

If they don't cooperate anymore, they might as well sell it to you directly!

This is simply cheating, Zhu Sanyuan felt dizzy for a while, and looked aside for help from the second generation of the rich.

Hong Zhanyun at the side saw it and smiled secretly.He secretly praised Zhang Hanhan for his intelligence, and then he sighed in his heart again. Although Zhang Hanhan's method is subtle, it can also see her helplessness, and it also reflects how weak Lan Yun is now.It is not easy for a woman with no hands to support a declining company, but he still has to be suppressed everywhere, and he can't bear it.

But Zhang Hanhan is unwilling to accept his help even if he sells it.

He admired Zhang Hanhan's talent very much from the beginning, and now that his wife has passed away for several years, he has also come over from grief.If he can marry Zhang Hanhan, it will be his blessing.He wants to marry Zhang Hanhan, but he must marry Zhang Hanhan in an open and aboveboard manner, and pursue him in an open and aboveboard way, and he will never play such indecent methods like these rascals.


At ten o'clock in the evening, the party finally ended without a problem under Zhang Hanhan's seemingly broken rhetoric.

In a chic coffee shop.

Zhang Hanhan sat opposite Hong Zhanyun.

"Mr. Hong, thank you today." Zhang Hanhan said gratefully, his beautiful face couldn't hide his fatigue.

"Call me senior." Hong Zhanyun looked at Zhang Hanhan with feigned anger.

"Senior." Zhang Hanhan was taken aback for a moment, and then smiled.

Hong Zhanyun nodded, smiling and admiring the beautiful woman in front of him, the color of memory appeared in his mind, he seemed to recall the time when he was studying for a Ph.D. in economics abroad, and met Zhang Hanhan because of an economics paper.

"We are very destined." Hong Zhanyun said with a smile.

"You only said half a sentence." Zhang Hanhan smiled, reached out to scoop up a spoonful of rock sugar and added it to the coffee, with a natural expression.

Hong Zhanyun was taken aback when he heard this, and then smiled wryly—is there a chance?

"You are a good girl, I think I like you, to be honest." Hong Zhanyun said.

Zhang Hanhan looked up at him in surprise, obviously he didn't expect him to say such a thing.

Hong Zhanyun smiled. On the black shirt was a handsome and very beautiful face.The hair is neatly broken, the bridge of the nose is wide, and the lip line is soft, like a painting with full and well-proportioned colors, and every stroke has a comfortable feeling of uniform force.

Maybe it's because the chin is double-folded, a little soft, and this young and handsome face adds a bit of childishness that shouldn't be there.

His body stretched out, and he seemed to be lazily leaning on the chair behind him, lazily, but his voice was clear and sweet, and he spoke very seriously.

He pressed his other hand on the corner of the table, and the veins on the back of his hand can be clearly seen. It can be seen that his seemingly lazy and casual appearance is actually excited inside, which further proves what he just said - sincerely talk.

She seemed to be able to hear the heart beating vigorously due to excitement under the well-cut black shirt. He was staring at her closely, with a bit of forbearance and deep emotion in his eyes.

He seemed to stop telling Zhang Hanhan that he was in love with her all the time.

Just when Zhang Hanhan was in a daze, he suddenly felt the back of his hand get hot, and his hand was already pressing on his own, and he held it gently.

Zhang Hanhan recovered from his astonishment, and before he could hold his palm, his plain hand withdrew back like an electric shock.

Hong Zhanyun looked up, with a trace of disappointment in his eyes, but it was quickly covered up: "I'm sorry, I was impulsive."

"No, I should say thank you, thank you for your appreciation. After so many years, your vision is still so sharp." Zhang Hanhan smiled lightly.

Thank yourself for praising her for being a good girl?

"I don't like your attitude very much." Hong Zhanyun frowned.

He never expected that such a confession of his would be dismissed as a joke.

Zhang Hanhan had obviously refused, although such an attitude of refusal did make him a little uncomfortable, even embarrassed.But vaguely, such Zhang Hanhan has a different charm and is more attractive.

"You know, I can help you through all difficulties. Of course, you have to marry into our Hong family." Hong Zhanyun didn't give up, but he spoke bluntly. Zhang Hanhan was very smart, but he fell behind when he made detours.

"I'm a married woman, those people have sneaky thoughts, the senior probably didn't see clearly." Zhang Hanhan shook his head and said.

"Where is your husband? Lan Yun is in a lot of trouble now, and any man will show up!" Hong Zhanyun said angrily, and also explained from the side that he also believed in the public opinion's speculation that Wen Dong was dead.

Zhang Hanhan lowered his head and shook the spoon, sipping his coffee, obviously not wanting to talk about these things.

"I will introduce Pan Hua to you in a few days. I can also help in the real estate and tourism industries, but the family doesn't do much, so I can't help much. It can be regarded as my help as a senior to the juniors. "Hong Zhanyun smiled and sighed inwardly.

"Thank you senior." Zhang Hanhan replied with a smile, knowing that he had given up.

"Tomorrow at noon, Lanyue Cafe, I will send you some materials, and I will introduce you. Whether you can talk about success depends on your ability." Hong Zhanyun snorted.

"I've always been confident in my abilities." Zhang Hanhan nodded happily.

"Yes, I can't argue with you every time!" Hong Zhanyun's eyes sank.

Zhang Hanhan smiled sweetly and responded with a smile.


When the two walked out of the coffee shop while laughing and chatting, a car sped past as soon as the light came on.

"Tonight, I'll have someone chop off that bastard's claw!" Six sons' murderous voice sounded from the car.

This guy dared to be disrespectful to his sister-in-law, he was simply impatient!
"No need." From the back seat of the car, Wen Dong's deep voice sounded.

The kid was stunned for a moment, confused, but he sensed the coldness in the car, so he quickly shut up and didn't dare to say more.

Su Yuemeng sat quietly beside Wendong, with her plain hands holding the hem of her skirt, her eyes showing worry.It was the first time she saw Wen Dong like this, he didn't have any killing intent on him, his waist was sitting upright, his shape was like a sculpture, but it was deep and frightening.

She knew the young man who had a joke with Zhang Hanhan just now, he is Hong Zhanyun, the son of the Hong family, a very powerful person, and the Hong family is even stronger than the Su family, now that Wen Dong sees Hong Zhanyun invading Zhang Hanhan with his own eyes, he will definitely not let it go .

The reason why I think so...

She glanced faintly at the direction of the trunk, and there was a person in it, and Liu Zi told him that it was Li Jiahua, the CEO of Hong Kong Tianzi.

She knew that there must be something wrong between Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan, since he got in the car, he didn't take care of himself, especially when the car was parked beside the coffee shop, he seemed to only have Zhang Hanhan in his eyes.The red lips smacked twice, feeling a little wronged in his heart, but he didn't dare to say more.

Qingcheng's headquarters is a large nightclub, Su Yuemeng knew it when he came.

She has only been to the nightclub once, and it was out of curiosity when she was in college.Later, after working, she became more and more familiar with places like nightclubs, which are places full of filth and darkness. In her heart, nightclubs are synonymous with filth and darkness.

She didn't like it at first, but if you marry a chicken, you can marry a dog. If you don't go, you have to go. Fortunately, she has an unusual status now, so she will never be bullied.

She thought so.


The car stopped at the entrance of Qingcheng Nightclub, Wen Dong and Su Yuemeng got out of the car, and the six sons opened the car, taking Li Jiahua in the trunk with them.

The two stopped at the entrance of the nightclub, lit a cigarette, and did not speak, while Su Yuemeng quietly stood aside, looking around curiously.

In just one cigarette, a young man ran out and looked at Wendong excitedly.

"Ah Xing, take Yuemeng to my room." Wen Dong waved to the young man.

Seeing Su Yuemeng's clear and beautiful face, which is hundreds of times stronger than those rouge and vulgar fans in nightclubs, she is still young after all, A Xing's eyes showed surprise, but she also knew that this is the boss's horse, and quickly said respectfully: "Please follow me!" Come."

"I don't want to go." Unexpectedly, Su Yuemeng shook her head.

She didn't know anything about Qingcheng Nightclub, and she was unfamiliar with the place, so she was very uncomfortable, and the only person she was familiar with here was Wendong, and she wanted to follow Wendong.

Wen Dong turned to look at her with doubts in his eyes.

How can anyone just call a younger brother to dismiss them when they bring them here?This is the so-called good man?
Su Yuemeng felt aggrieved, bit her lip, and stared at him stubbornly.

Ah Xing stood aside with a embarrassed expression, especially when he saw that the girl dared to confront the boss, he was so frightened that he quickly hid aside.

"Don't regret it." Wen Dong said in a low voice, walked towards the nightclub, walked through a remote narrow door, and entered the basement.

Su Yuemeng followed behind him step by step, with a disdainful expression.

My sister was so scared!

(End of this chapter)

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