Chapter 825

"Brother Wendong, my sister-in-law is calling." Brother Wendong did all this for his sister-in-law. Zhang Yifeng secretly glanced at the screen of Wendong's phone and reminded him in a low voice.

"Hmm." Hearing Zhang Yifeng's reminder, Wen Dong came back to his senses, and tapped the answer button with slightly trembling fingers.

"Hello." Wen Dong said first.

There was silence on the phone.

Lightly pointing fingers at the information collected by Zhang Yifeng on the coffee table, pretending to be relaxed.

But the bad premonition in his heart became stronger and stronger.

In her deep eyes, she seemed to recall the scene when she pushed her father into the sea. Zhang Hanhan's face was pale, like a puppet, and then she went crazy and ran to the edge of the deck. She wanted to commit suicide.

Although it was just an impulse of hers at the time, thinking about it until now, she still can't help but break out in a cold sweat.

It happened that he and Zhang Hanhan hadn't seen each other for a week, and this was the longest time since they got married. However, before, he often didn't see anyone for three or two days because he was busy with work, and Zhang Hanhan was also busy with his work. When we meet again, as long as After teasing this thin-skinned woman by herself, and then coaxing her, she showed a shy face and scolded herself a few times, as if she had reconciled like this...

But now, he opened his mouth, and he could no longer say "wife, miss me" in a teasing manner. He hasn't seen each other in just seven days. It's not long, but it makes Wendong feel that he and Zhang Hanhan seem to have The same distance as ten centuries.

Strange, strange and scary.

With the silence of the other party on the phone, Wen Dong's feet under the coffee table were stretched and kicked on the legs of the coffee table without realizing it, and his forehead was sweating...

"Let's get a divorce." The cold voice came out of the microphone without any emotion.

Wen Dong's hand gripping the phone suddenly tightened.

She can't get over that hurdle, but who can get over it, who wants to live with the person who killed his own father?

"At seven o'clock tonight, let's meet at Yanyun Pavilion. I have signed my name on the divorce agreement, and I will send it along with you at that time. That's it." Zhang Hanhan seemed unwilling to say any more, and hung up the phone immediately after speaking .

Although Zhang Yifeng on the side didn't hear what was on the phone, he still felt something different after observing the words and expressions, especially the sudden burst of cold breath from Brother Wendong, which made him a little scared, swallowed quietly, and moved aside. move.

Listening to the blind tone of 'beep' on the receiver, Wendong sat there in a daze for a long time.

After a long time, Wen Dong's tightly pursed lips opened.

"it is good."

Putting down the phone, Wendong seemed to have exhausted all his strength, leaning limply on the sofa, his eyes glazed over, as if he was lost in memory.

"Brother Wendong, why don't I go out first?" After waiting for a while, the cold murderous aura on Wendong's body became more and more intense, and Zhang Yifeng noticed something unusual. The whole huge private room was as cold as an ice cellar.

He was thinking, some bastard must have messed with his sister-in-law, damn it, these people deserve to die!In order not to be affected by his anger, Chi Yu decided to leave first, and wait for Brother Wen Dong to stabilize his mood.

"No, let's continue talking about Hong Zhanyun." Wen Dong came back to his senses, shook his head, leaned over to pick up a stack of documents on the table, and read them again. The murderous aura on his body faded like a tide, as if he had never generally.

"Well, okay, I have a solution." But Zhang Yifeng sat aside, not daring to vent his anger, and tentatively said...


When Zhang Yifeng wiped the cold sweat off his brow when he was a child, Brother Wen Dong answered the phone and finally went out, saying that he was going out to do something.

Fortunately, the plan to deal with Hong Xing has been discussed almost, and the rest is arranged by myself.

As for Brother Wendong's safety, he is not very worried. There are not many people in the water market who can pose a threat to Brother Wendong, or even none.


The fast-moving car is like a leopard in the jungle, and it goes along the highway to the water city like a sharp sword.

In the car, smog is lingering, but the smoky eyes are like sharp swords piercing the heart, making people dare not look directly at them.

In the discussion just now, the person who called was He Qing, who didn't say much.

The first is that she is worried about Wendong.

The second is that she is worried about Lanyun. She has worked in Lanyun for more than ten years, especially before she was the general manager of Lanyun's clothing trade department. After the Zhang Wending incident, the trade department was directly blown into ruins. Selling the property, the cooperative relationship with Fang Tianzi, the largest partner, was completely broken, and Lanyun's clothing trade department was almost paralyzed. She wanted to come back to help.

Third: It's He Qing's parents. They know the relationship between Wen Dong and Zhang Hanhan, and they also know the existence of Lin Xiaoxi. But Wendong's matter has completely touched their bottom line, and they forced He Qing to kill the child.He Qing is less than three months pregnant now, which is the best time to abort the child. Naturally, He Qing refuses, so He's father and mother let Wendong go.

Everything came together, Wen Dong's mind was in a mess, and he didn't know how to explain it. He didn't need to explain it at all, because it was a fact, and the period of his disappearance was also the time when He Qing was most stressed. He had to go a trip.


After galloping all the way, it was already half past ten when they arrived at He Qing's house.

"uncle and auntie."

Pushing open the door, He's father was sitting on the sofa thinking about something, his face was very gloomy, He's mother and He Qing were sitting across from the sofa, and the mother and father didn't know what they were talking about.

"Wendong." Since the phone call with Wendong, He Qing has been in a state of confusion, but seeing Wendong at this time, the shadow of Lanyun's accident, Wendong and Zhang Hanhan's accident has been lingering in her ears for a while, Finally seeing the sun behind the clouds, her pretty face showed joy, and she was about to get up to greet her, but she was held back by her mother.

Mother He was a teacher with a high level of education, but at this time she still looked uneasy, looking at Wendong coldly, her eyes were full of disappointment.

Father He was even more direct, without even raising his head.

Wendong came here today to plead guilty, he was prepared in his heart, and he didn't want to make any face, so he walked to the coffee table and put down the gifts he bought.

"Uncle, I..."


As soon as Wen Dong raised his head, before he finished speaking, Father He slapped himself on the face: "Take your things and get out!"

Wen Dong's figure flickered after being beaten, but he didn't move. He stood there in a daze. The second elder seemed to be much more angry than he expected.

"Wendong..." Seeing that Wendong didn't dodge, and her father wanted to reach out to hit him again, He Qing exclaimed, unable to sit still any longer, she grabbed her father, teary-eyed, terrified.

"Father, what are you doing, can't you speak well if you have something to say..."

"Evil, all evil!" Father He's hands trembled when he hit him, seeing the woman still helping Wendong, he trembled even more angrily, pointing at Wendong and his daughter with trembling fingers, he was so angry that he couldn't speak.

Every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite. Although their He family is not a famous family, they can be regarded as a scholarly family anyway. The salary of the second elder is also considered high, and they also have a beautiful daughter, which makes many The neighbors in the neighborhood were envious, and the matchmaker almost broke through the door frame when her daughter had just graduated.

But the daughter already has a partner, and will get married soon, which makes many people can only express helplessness.However, due to unforeseen circumstances, their He family made the biggest joke of their ancestors in hundreds of years. On the day of their daughter's wedding, Sina ran away.After that, I don't know who spread the news that the daughter was barren, and she was still Bai Hu, Kefu, so she was dumped.

The He family suddenly fell from heaven to hell, and He Qing was no longer cared about by anyone, and she was afraid of avoiding it, becoming a laughing stock, and being the object of jokes by neighbors in the neighborhood.

There are even some vicious people who say that He Qing is a rag-shoe, barren, reciprocated, and dumped after being tired of being played with.

Father He cares about face the most, so he won't be angry, and his daughter has been worried all these years. Fortunately, her daughter has not been discouraged, but her career is booming. Let the two elders feel relieved.

And Mother He is a high school professor who specializes in academics, so naturally she doesn't believe Bai Hukefu's statement, but everyone is afraid of what might happen?Who is willing to let their son put himself in danger?Besides, He Qing is still an abandoned shoe?
However, her daughter has not found a boyfriend, which is the most worrying issue for the two elders. Every time she calls, she says that she has not found a suitable one.

Regarding this point, the two elders were also helpless.There is only one daughter in their family. They don't care what others think, but in their eyes, a daughter is the best. Naturally, they can't just find one, so if they don't find a daughter, they can only drag it on.

Until Wen Dong appeared.

Wen Dong's appearance made the two elders very happy. He is not only young, but also has a successful career. Father He has sharp eyesight. Although he only got along with him for a short time, Father He saw that Wen Dong is not only mature but also stable. He is very good to his daughter, and how good their relationship is can be seen from the behavior of his daughter and Wendong. The two elders have experienced a lot, so it is natural to see it.

Another point is that Wendong broke the forbidden curse of this feudal rumor. Not only that, but also cured his daughter's illness and made her pregnant. The two also received a marriage certificate. He Qing went home to recuperate. happy time.

As the saying goes, as much hope, so much disappointment.He's father put too much hope in Wendong, and he was very optimistic about Wendong, and finally let their He family see the sun and feel proud once.

But reality slapped him hard in the face again.

Wendong turned out to be a married man!His He family's daughter turned out to be just a mistress!
When he heard the news, Father He was so angry that he almost fainted.

No matter how talented Wen Dong is, how mature and stable he is, he will never allow his daughter to be a mistress who shouts and beats everyone. His He family can't afford to lose face like this!

"My He family doesn't welcome you, get out, and you will file for a divorce today!" Father He became more and more angry as he thought about it, and slammed their marriage certificates on Wen Dong's face.

"Plop!" Wen Dong knelt down as if he didn't realize it.

"I know what I did was wrong and I shouldn't deceive my uncle and aunt, but He Qing and I really love each other, please give me a chance."

"Wendong..." He Qing, who hurriedly leaned over to pick up their marriage certificate, exclaimed when she saw Wendong kneel down for her father.

But she knows that a marriage without the blessing of her parents is not happy. She can give up a lot for love, but only her parents can't, but...

"Plop." He Qing knelt down side by side with Wendong to her parents, crying, "Dad, Mom. I really love Wendong. Wendong treats me very well. I don't want any status, as long as he treats me well." That's all right, please do it."

"You!" Father He's eyes widened, his face was livid with anger.

"Get out, get out, I don't have a daughter like you in the He family!" After saying a word, Father He turned around and walked towards the bedroom, slamming the door down hard...

(End of this chapter)

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