How bad guys are made

Chapter 822 Eyes wide open

Chapter 822 Eyes wide open
He thought of Phantom, the route she took was the way of an assassin, and this "Gu Ying Phantom" was just right for her, and not only him, but also those masters who came out of the base, as long as their loyalty and aptitude were high enough, they could Let them practice this cheat.

And with the lottery draw during this period of time, Wendong felt more and more that these drawn things were closer to Xiongxiong. Xiongxiong was different from a hero. For the king, this is the hero.

The hero is more about reflecting the power of the individual.

And one of the tasks of the heroic posture is to have the power of 1000 people and the support of 3 people, which reflects this even more.

In the past, Wen Dong didn't even dare to think about it. Even if he got this system, he was still a slob. As long as he had enough money, he would be fine with a woman, but now...

In his mind, he couldn't help but think of the dark dawn that Ghost and Devil May Cry said, and the Tianxia Palace mentioned by Xue Jian. If he wants to not be bullied, he must have enough strength!
Wen Dong couldn't help clenching his fists. Devil May Cry and Ghost Demon are so powerful, but they are only one of the Dawn Guards of that mysterious organization, so why can't he build a team of masters in the same way.

Let them all practice this "Guying Phantom Killing", and build a special assassin guard to kill a piece of the sky!
Moreover, this is just the beginning, there will be more and better cheat scrolls in the future!

Thinking of this, Wen Dong's heart is hard to calm down.

System: "Ding: The cheat book "Guying Phantom Killer" comes with ten mirage beads, which are left by the master who created this cheat book. The life-long comprehension of all secret books can make practitioners enter the room as soon as possible."

"So good?" Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and he quickly reached out and grabbed the ten beads floating in front of him.

But helplessly, there seemed to be some barrier around the ten beads, so they couldn't get them at all.

"Each mirage bead has [-] antipathy points, and Chenghui has [-] antipathy points."

I go!

Sure enough, the cheap price is not so easy to take advantage of. Wendong bought all ten mirage beads with all his heart, and the 8000 disgust degree dropped by more than half.

Looking at the ten beads quietly placed in the package, although it hurts a little, Wendong still feels happy, because the value of the purchase is so worth it.

Resentment is really something that people spend their entire lives pursuing.

With a sigh in my heart, I saw that there were only less than 2000 points of disgust, so I simply finished drawing.

Ordinary treasure chest.

System: "Ding: The host has obtained a third-level refining formula—Rejuvenation Pill."

Rejuvenation Pill: A total of 30 points of stamina, 10 points of stamina will be recovered immediately after taking it, 3 points will be restored every second, and the cooling time will be [-] minutes.

Ordinary treasure chest.

System: "The host has obtained a third-level refining formula - Dali Pill."

Dali Pill: Increase strength by 1 points within 50 minute after taking it.Cooling time 10 minutes.

Ordinary treasure chest.

System: "The host has obtained a third-level refining formula - Gale Pill."

Gale Pill: Increase movement speed by 1 points within 30 minute after taking it.Cooling time 10 minutes.

"Whether to study."

Wen Dong: "Study."

What makes Wendong a little helpless is that today he seems to be unlucky, most of them are ordinary treasure chests, and they are also very related to refining scrolls.

At the beginning, this made Wendong very excited. After all, the original intention at the beginning was to try his luck to see if he could get the level 6 universal copy pill.

Damn, there are still more than 800 disgust points.

System: "Ding: The host obtains a common treasure chest, do you want to use some gold rods?"


System: "Congratulations to the host for obtaining the third-level rare alchemy scroll Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill."

Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill: Taken from Tianshan Snow Lotus, it relaxes the tendons and activates the blood, solidly nourishes the essence, and has miraculous effects on the seriously injured.

Huh?Rare treasure chest.

Maybe it's because the lottery draw is numb, seeing that the last draw turned out to be a rare treasure box, which made Wen Dong suddenly unable to recover.

System: "Congratulations to the host for getting the rare treasure box, whether to use the golden rod, 2/3 of the golden rod has been used."


System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for obtaining a special consumable item—a primary universal phantom crystal."

The effect of the primary general-purpose phantom god crystal: break the barrier of the phantom god pill prescription, and can upgrade the 1-3 level phantom god pill prescription.

Universal phantom crystal?Wen Dong was taken aback when he heard this, his thoughts were filled with thoughts, and he suddenly remembered.

Illusion God Pill: The second-class highest-quality pill formula, with extremely mild medicinal properties, which can be blended with any medicinal properties.

Features of Magic Pill: There is no limit to the use of the pill, anyone can take it.

This Phantom God Pill was an ordinary prescription obtained from fishing islands in the Pacific Ocean with a fishing rod, and the only thing that Wendong remembered and was of great use was when he rescued Li Ningyan, he refined a Phantom God Breaking Barrier Pill.

Although the level of the magic pill is low, it is definitely a top-quality pill. Wendong studied it before, and wanted to combine the healing potion and the speed potion with the magic potion, so that Li Ningyan and the others can use it. The system said that the level of the healing potion was too low to be integrated with the Phantom God Pill.

But now?
This general-purpose Magic God Crystal can upgrade the prescription of the Magic God Pill to a third-level, and now I just got a lot of prescriptions for the third-level medicine, Dali Pill, Blast Pill...

If these elixirs can be fused into the Illusory God Dali Pill and the Illusory God Gale Pill, then can it be used by others?

And according to the nature of the system, since there is a primary level, it is very likely that there will be an intermediate general-purpose phantom god crystal, which can upgrade the phantom god pill formula to level 4-6?
I remember that the Beast King Pill I was taking was a level 5 elixir. If I could get a scroll of a level 5 Beast King Pill, and then match it with a level [-] Illusory God Pill, let all my subordinates take it. All of them turned into a huge lion, so what is the costumer?
As for the side effects, there is no need to think too much, remember that there is a elixir that can permanently increase lifespan in the Xiongxiong Employment Shop.

In this way, I can create a group of extremely explosive masters...

Before I knew it, it seemed that a bright door opened in my heart.

The more Wen Dong thought about it, the more excited he became, and his breathing became much faster unconsciously.

But don't worry, you have to eat food one bite at a time, and you have to walk step by step on the road, just do it when you think of it, anyway, your medicine dust is worth enough.

System: "Ding: The host uses the primary universal phantom crystal."

System: "Ding: The magic pill formula has been upgraded to a third-level top-level formula, which can be combined with any pill below the third level."

Wen Dong only felt his eyes heat up, and he glanced at the prescription roughly.

Rejuvenation Pill: 100 drug dust value.

Dali Pill: 100 drug dust points.

Gale Pill: 120 drug dust value.

Snow lotus nourishing pill: 200 drug dust points.

Level 400 Phantom Pill: [-] drug dust points.

Level 600 Phantom God Pill: [-] drug dust points.

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a snow lotus nourishing pill, which consumes 200 points of medicine dust, and the third-level medicine refining proficiency is 70/1000."

System: "Ding: Congratulations to the host for refining a third-level phantom pill, which consumes 600 points of drug dust, and the third-level medicine refining proficiency is 100/1000."

"Well, I just spent 200 points of medicine dust to increase my proficiency by 10 points, and I spent another 600 points of medicine dust to increase my proficiency by 30 points. In this way, I want to upgrade the refining level to level 4. You need [-] points of drug dust." Wen Dong mumbled for a moment.

The value of 6 points of drug dust is not much, but it is definitely not much, especially when upgrading from level [-] to level [-], you will definitely need more, and if you buy the value of drug dust from the store, you can exchange a little disgust for a little bit of drug dust. It is really a huge project to upgrade the refining level to level [-].

System "Ding: The host has successfully fused a Phantom God Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill."

The Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill is white all over, and there is a hint of coldness lingering in the palm, Wen Dong took a look at it and put it away.

"Master, are you going out?" Ling Yun lived opposite Wen Dong's suite, and when he heard the door ring, he hurried out and saw Wen Dong walking towards the elevator, so he hurriedly asked.

"Well, you don't have to follow, just give me your car keys."



Water City Second People's Hospital.

At night, there is only one nurse on duty and one doctor on duty on each floor, and they are quiet until they reach the door of a senior ward on the third floor.

"Mr. Wen...Mr. Wen?" Two bodyguards in suits were guarding the door of the advanced ward, leaning against the wall in a drowsy state. When they sensed a noise, one of them opened his eyes and was startled, and then stretched out his hand I rubbed my eyes vigorously, thinking that I was wrong.

This is Bailihan's ward. Although Zhang Wending has not been in contact with the underworld for many years, he still has a large number of loyal bodyguards. Apart from a large number of people guarding around Zhang Hanhan, there are a few others who are assigned to Bailihan. Take turns guarding around.

"Well, come in." Wen Dong nodded, pushed open the door of the ward and walked in.

"Who?" A cold breath came from the darkness in an instant.

"Don't move, it's Mr. Wen." A bodyguard said in surprise, and quickly turned on the wall lamp.

Only Bailihan lives in the advanced ward. Apart from two bodyguards guarding the door, there is another one beside him.

"Mr. Wen? You're here?" Seeing this, the man hurriedly withdrew his hand from his waist, his face excited. This is the lady's husband, and that is their uncle.

"Well, how is Bailihan?" Wendong walked to the bedside and asked in a low voice.

"The situation is a bit bad. There are many injuries on my body, and I lost a lot of blood. I just woke up from a coma yesterday, and I am very weak." The bodyguard said with a frown.

"Wendong..." Hearing the voice, Bailihan, whose face was still pale on the hospital bed, slowly opened his eyes. When he saw Wendong in front of him, his stubborn and cold eyes fluctuated slightly.

"Well, you go out first, I have something to tell Bailihan." Wen Dong turned to the three people beside him.

"it is good."


"It can heal you in a short time, dare to eat it?" Wen Dong took out the Phantom God Snow Lotus Nourishing Pill and said.

"Why don't you dare." Bailihan's eyes were indifferent, and he reached out to pick up the elixir in Wendong's palm. As soon as his fingers touched it, he felt the cold breath of the elixir itself, and a strange color flashed in his eyes, and he opened his mouth to swallow it without hesitation. down.

Bailihan was absorbing the power of the medicine, and began to close his eyes and adjust his breath, while Wendong sat quietly by the side, pondering in his heart.

Originally it was just a promise, but Bai Lihan gave up his life twice to save Zhang Hanhan. Although the effect was low and the protection was not comprehensive, his heart was precious.

However, Wendong still noticed a slight difference. It seemed that Bailihan's sword heart was a little shaken. Yes, he was severely injured twice, how could he not be depressed?

Wen Dong couldn't help but think of the "Gu Ying Phantom Killer" he just got, but after thinking about it, he felt that it was inappropriate. What Baili Han cultivated was a sword, which he would rather bend than bend, upright and upright.As the saying goes: The heart is like a sword, and it can be cut without hindrance with magnanimity.However, the secret book "Gu Ying Phantom Kill" is essentially about the way of assassination, that is, a sneak attack, and it is not suitable for Bailihan.

Now that I think about it, I can only find a chance to find a suitable swordsmanship cheat book for him to practice as compensation.

"Since you're here, I want to say goodbye." In the ward that had been quiet for more than ten minutes, Bailihan's leisurely voice came to mind.

Wen Dong opened his eyes suddenly and looked at him in surprise.

(End of this chapter)

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