How bad guys are made

Chapter 803 Wendong VS Muyu Muzhen

Chapter 803 Wendong VS Muyu Muzhen
Seeing this scene, Qin Feng's breathing stopped for a moment. Wen Dong's bloody man was scary enough, but he didn't expect to be offended by the unreasonable madman Xue Jian again. Even Qin Feng was about to go crazy. He wanted to explain, but in fact his subordinates were only pointing at Li Ningyan with a gun. Who let Jiang Yanmei stand in front of Li Ningyan?

"Are you going to rebel? Put down your guns!" Mu Yu shouted coldly. Even though he was highly cultivated, seeing such a battle here made him tremble with anger.

While he was speaking, a huge coercion spread out from his body, making everyone gasp for breath. At this moment, even the iron-blooded and fearless special forces were frightened, unable to resist at all heart of.

This is the dominance of extraordinary warriors. There is an insurmountable gap between ordinary people and extraordinary warriors. Even if modern hot weapons can cause great damage to extraordinary warriors, in a few cases, a powerful extraordinary warrior can It is of strategic significance to easily destroy a team of hundreds of people.

Wen Dong also had a dignified expression. This seemingly gentle guy did not expect to be so powerful. This kind of oppressive feeling was only experienced in ghosts and ghosts before.

Mu Yu had a grim expression and was very angry.

The Tianxia Palace has been passed down for nearly a thousand years, and it has continued the ancient system until now. It is the civil war.

That's why Qin Feng was impatient to get rid of Li Ningyan, the only remaining hidden danger. If the people in Tianxia Palace knew that their Qin family had colluded with the Seven Killing Group, Qin Feng would not even dare to think about it...

"Put down the gun!" Hearing Mu Yu's scolding, Qin Feng knew he didn't dare to disobey. Although he knew little about Tianxia Palace, even knowing the tip of the iceberg made him feel cold all over his body, especially on the family tonight. From the information sent, he knew how huge Tianxia Palace is in Tianxia Kingdom, so he quickly asked all his men to put down their guns.

Especially when Mu Yu and Mu Zhen dropped their hands from the sky just now, he really knew what is extraordinary!
"Qin Feng, what's going on? To be specific, don't hide it." Mu Yu had a pretty good impression of this young officer when he came to support them this time with Qin Feng. He never dared to disturb innocently, so he asked aloud.

"This woman's name is Li Ningyan, and she is a remnant of the Seven Killing Group. Not only that, she is also a red-wanted killer in Shuishi City, with many innocent lives on her hands. I wanted to take her down, but I didn't expect..." Mu Yu The gentle tone immediately calmed Qin Feng's heart, so he quickly pointed at Li Ningyan and said sharply, with an extremely angry expression. As for the last meaning, Jiang Yanmei still wants to protect her?
"The remnants of the Seven Killing Group? Haven't the members of the Seven Killing Group here have been wiped out? Jiang Han, what's going on?" Mu Zhen suddenly turned to look at Jiang Han, and said in a cold voice.

"Returning to Senior Brother, the Seven Killing Group has indeed been eliminated, and Li Ningyan has actually left the Seven Killing Group long ago, and in the mission here and the battle with the Seven Killing Group, she has contributed a lot, and she has already sincerely repented." He secretly thought that it was bad, but he remembered Wendong's kindness in his heart. At this time, he absolutely did not want to make Wendong and Tianxia Palace unhappy. How could he be caught in the middle?

However, Li Ningyan's identity is indeed a fact, all he can do is try his best to minimize the conflict between the two parties, and these two senior brothers are not easy to fool, he dare not lie.

"Confused!" As soon as Xue Jian's explanation came out, the two understood the reason. Mu Zhen stared at Jiang Han coldly and shouted coldly.

Hearing Mu Zhen's stern shout, Xue Jian's heart sank abruptly.

"It's not worth the effort." Mu Yu sighed softly, looking at Xue Jian with disappointment in his eyes.

"You two Zhang Laohui eyes." Qin Feng was overjoyed when he saw that there was something to be said for the matter, he flattered him, and then said coldly: "It has been said since ancient times that the work is not worth it. The profession of assassin has existed since ancient times. They are moths of the country, bloodthirsty and carnivorous, and Li Ningyan is the most representative. As far as I know, she is very famous in the water city, but she has become a slave to money. As long as she is given money, she dares to kill anyone. Terrible, most of the people who hire her to kill are important figures with high authority in the water market, and have a great impact on the development and stability of the country. Such bloodthirsty people must be killed to put an end to the chaos. And Li Ningyan Sincerely repent and help us kill the Seven Killing Group, you have made great contributions, but this cannot cover up your sins. Our Tianxia Kingdom has strict laws since ancient times, and these murderers must be brought to justice, and our Tianxia Kingdom has strict laws. It tends to be perfect, rewards and punishments are lenient, and she will definitely be given a fair judgment."

I don't know if he was infected by Mu Yu, but Qin Feng's words were quite old-fashioned, with a serious expression, he scolded sharply, and spoke heartily.

"Well said!" Mu Zhen was originally a murderer, he acted resolutely and meticulously, especially Qin Feng's sentence of lenient rewards and punishments made him greatly agree, and his eyes were full of admiration when he looked at Qin Feng.

Seeing this scene, Qin Feng's tightly clenched fists in his sleeves finally let go quietly, his palms were filled with sweat, but after the tenseness passed, his heart was filled with pride. At this moment, even a blind man could see that Li Ningyan didn't run away. No matter how arrogant Xue Jian is, he dare not shout in front of the two masters, Mu Yu and Mu Zhen.

Although Wen Dong looks powerful, he is actually a paper tiger. A fool can see that he is seriously injured, and even if he is not injured, he has to lie there obediently like a dog in front of these two masters.

Experts like Mu Yu and Mu Zhen definitely wouldn't care about a killer like Li Ningyan, as long as he brought Li Ningyan back to the military headquarters, he would have ten thousand ways to make this woman disappear in this world without anyone noticing.

Jiang Yanmei and Li Binger had gloomy and ugly expressions, especially Li Binger, who looked worriedly at Wen Dong who was standing there coldly with murderous intent all over his body. As his woman, how could she not know Wen Dong's protection? Especially after this series of accidents happened, he would never tolerate his woman being hurt.

At this time, his bloodshot eyes flickered, obviously thinking of countermeasures, but if these two dog-like guys insisted on taking down Li Ningyan, it would definitely cause him to backlash again.

Wen Dong is seriously injured now, so how can he be the opponent of these two?Li Bing'er looked anxious, but at this moment her head was a mess, how could she come up with any ideas.

Jiang Yan's winking eyes on the side changed from cloudy to sunny, and suddenly, her eyes lit up, since she couldn't break the situation, she could only disrupt the situation, as long as the situation was muddied, there would be a chance. Just now, I was just worried about Li Ningyan and Wendong, but put Qin Feng forgot.

What was the reason why Qin Feng was so impatient to take down Li Ningyan?
Jiang Yanmei gritted her silver teeth fiercely.

"As far as I know, Qin Feng, you are the real remnant of the Seven Killers!" Jiang Yanmei suddenly raised her head, raised her slender hand, and pointed at Qin Feng.

Hearing Jiang Yanmei's words, Qin Feng was startled suddenly, and then sneered, "I think you have lost your mind, Team Leader Jiang, right? Li Ningyan is a remnant of the Seven Killing Team, and also a red wanted criminal in Shui City. The Water City has been here for a long time, so you don’t know about it, do you?”

"Of course I know." Jiang Yanmei said coldly.

"Now that you know why you want to protect her, could it be that this kind of murderous person has some kind of secret relationship with Team Leader Jiang? You even bit me back as a remnant of the Seven Killers, you are simply confusing the public, thinking that we are all You must be a fool!" Qin Feng shouted sharply, loudly.

What's more, what he said immediately made Mu Zhen's face turn cold, and the two of them were included in the confused people.

"Qin Feng, what are you screaming for? If that's the case, then why are you so impatient to kill Li Ningyan? You are clearly afraid that the matter of your collusion with the Seven Killing Group will be revealed, so you want to kill him to silence it. What confuses the public, you nonsense, you're just talking nonsense!" Jiang Han didn't have that literary quality, and opened his mouth to curse at Qin Feng.

"Jiang Han!" Mu Yu was dissatisfied with Jiang Han's scolding appearance immediately, and he scolded and said, "This is a big matter, what's going on, you can talk about it slowly."

"I have been investigating He Wenlong, the person in charge of the Seven Killing Group in Water City for a long time, and there are many signs that Qin Feng is indeed in collusion with the Seven Killing Group..." Jiang Han quickly calmed down after being scolded, and hurriedly said.

"Su Ling? Who is Su Ling? I don't know her!" After Xue Jian finished speaking, Qin Feng became more certain in his heart, said coldly, and sneered in his heart.

"Su Ling died in this battle, but we were not the only ones who saw Su Ling in the underground base of the Qingcheng Gang, and some members of the wolf soul group were among them. You can find out after investigating. Those who know, at this moment only Li Ningyan can testify." Seeing his senior brother looking at him, Xue Jian said cautiously.

He knew that these explanations would definitely be useful, at least until they returned to Shuishi, and it was extremely possible that Wendong would save Li Ningyan during this period, but he felt that Wendong would definitely not be willing.

Can Wendong agree?Certainly not, because it is only an hour before the [Holy Prayer] time...

"Li Ningyan testifies? She is the one to be punished, how can she testify?" Qin Feng sneered.

"Tianxia Law, the accused cannot testify, and even if there are witnesses, you are not undocumented." Mu Zhen nodded.

"They are just spitting blood, but they are not afraid of the shadows. I am willing to go back and accept the investigation together, and I will ask the two adults to make decisions for me." Qin Feng seemed to have made up his mind, and said coldly.

"En." Mu Yu glanced at Qin Feng, although he also felt that there was something strange about it, but he still favored Qin Feng a little more.

"Li Ningyan, do you have any objections?" Mu Yu felt that what Qin Feng said was very good, and he coldly glanced at Jiang Han who disappointed him, and then looked at Li Ningyan, who had been pretty and cold and silent.

Although Li Ningyan was extremely fierce, he was just an ordinary person. Even if he had good skills, he was no different from an ant in their eyes.

Li Ningyan was cold and silent, her cold eyes couldn't help but cast a glance at Wen Dong who was beside her. She knew more about Wen Dong's injuries than anyone else present.

"I'm not different..."

"Fuck your shit!"

An angry shout immediately interrupted Li Ningyan's next words. Everyone saw a flash of blood, and Li Ningyan was blocked behind them. When they looked closely, it was Wendong.

"Boy, what are you talking about?" Mu Zhen's eyes flashed brightly, his whole body filled with majestic aura, and he smiled angrily. He was already upset with this kid.

"Alas..." Wen Dong was with Li Ningyan before, and Mu Yu and Mu Zhen had known about it for a long time, but Wen Dong's outburst was beyond their expectations. Right and wrong can be seen at a glance. At this time, he jumped out to protect , It is unwise, even if this young man is very talented.

Mu Yu couldn't help shaking his head and sighing: "It's such a waste of good skin."

"Go to you-ma-le-go-bi!" Wen Dong was extremely angry, and he was most unhappy with this gentle scum, a majestic momentum no less than that of Mu Zhen suddenly came out, the blood shadow flashed, and the voice had not yet fallen, The fist mixed with the power to tear everything hit Mu Yu's face fiercely.


(End of this chapter)

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