How bad guys are made

Chapter 640 Finding the Supernatural Man Wendong

Chapter 640 Finding the Supernatural Man Wendong

"We do know a man named Wen Dong, and his age is similar to what you said, but... shouldn't it be?" Jiang Yanmei frowned and said, looking at Li Binger, the little girl who knew her best. Dong, of course, is Li Binger.

"Yeah." Li Bing'er also nodded, naturally she didn't feel that her bastard boyfriend could live and die, otherwise it would be too bizarre.

"Huh? Wait...?" Just when everyone was disappointed, Li Binger was taken aback suddenly, as if remembering something, she looked up at Wen Keming: "Mr. Wen, you said you were in Song Hai No. .1 Wendong encountered by the civilian hospital?"

"Yeah, what's the matter?" Wen Keming looked at Li Binger.

"Was that about four months ago?" Li Binger asked immediately.

"Huh? Yes, eh, how do you know? You know this young superhuman?" Wen Keming's cloudy old eyes flashed a bright light, staring straight at Li Bing'er.

At the same time, not only Zhao Yifei and others, but even Zhao Hongjian's adjutants were closely watching Li Binger, because Li Binger might be the key to resuscitating Mr. Zhao.

"What's going on? You don't mean that Mr. Wen Dong is your boyfriend, do you?" Jiang Yanmei turned her head and frowned at Li Bing'er with a questioning look in her eyes.

"I don't know, I'm not sure, but I know that Wendong did go to Songhai City four months ago. It was because of the singer Lin Xiaoxi. I heard that Lin Xiaoxi's father was sick. What did he do specifically?" I don’t know.” Li Bing’er said after a moment of contemplation, her tone uncertain, the key is that she didn’t believe that Wendong could heal people.

"The ages match, the names match, the time you went to Songhai matches, and the hospital you've been to also matches?" Li Shan, the boss of the blood thorn group, said while looking up at Li Bing'er, with bright eyes, as if he could see through people's hearts.

"Sister Bing'er, is it Wen Dong's brother? Tell me quickly." Zhao Yifei grabbed Li Bing'er's shoulder excitedly, and asked anxiously, with deep and hopeful eyes, if it was really Wen Dong, then it would be easy.

"I don't know either. Wendong did go to Songhai City a few months ago, but he doesn't know how to treat illnesses at all..." Seeing everyone staring at her eyes, Li Binger almost cried aggrieved .

"Huh? You mean the young guy you met at the gate of Shuishi North District Prison last time?" At this time, Zhao Hongjian's adjutant suddenly asked.

"Well, yes, it's him." Li Binger was taken aback for a moment, then immediately remembered that when she went to interrogate Yue Chen, she and Wen Dong happened to meet Grandpa Zhao and this adjutant.

"But I think he... doesn't look like a supernatural person..." The adjutant lowered his eyes, frowned and pondered. He still remembered that kid's appearance as a bastard, and his esoteric words were quite reasonable. I like it, that kid even handed Mr. Zhao a cigarette, the adjutant still remembers this incident quite clearly.

"Then what are you waiting for, call and ask, Xiaofei, you can call Wendong, and you will find out if you ask..." Seeing that everyone looked at the adjutant again, Jiang Yanmei was helpless about the problem they were struggling with, and hurriedly Urging Zhao Yifei to say.

"Oh, okay, I'll call and ask." After being reminded, Zhao Yifei remembered it, and quickly took out his mobile phone to find Wendong's number.


"Brother Zhao? What's the matter? Are you free? Go drink?" Wen Dong interrupted after getting dressed to go out to find a place to play, when he suddenly received a call from Zhao Yifei. Someone came to play with me.

"Wendong, do you know an old man named Wen Keming?" Zhao Yifei asked directly with a heavy tone, revealing a deep sense of urgency.

"Ah?" Hearing Zhao Yifei's direct words, Wen Dong was also taken aback. He was reminded by Lin Xiaoxi just now, and he naturally remembered that Wen Keming was the director of the Songhai City Hospital. Dong never thought that the old thing would find Zhao Yifei on his head.

In fact, Wendong was also a little worried just now. There is no impenetrable wall in the world, especially Wendong's wall is too ventilated. As long as the dean wants to find Lin Xiaoxi's family, it is not difficult to find himself, especially for The life of an important person who is dying, can be said to be at any cost.

Wendong is also entangled, the big deal is to lead his wives to run away, which is better than being arrested by the state to do research, but Wendong never expected that Zhao Yifei would find him.

I knew that that old man surnamed Wen was really not a fuel-efficient lamp.

"Huh? Wen Dong, tell me the truth, do you really know Dean Wen Keming?" Hearing Wen Dong's surprise, Zhao Yifei immediately understood and almost cried with joy.

"Yeah, he asked you to come to me to save people, right?" Wen Dong smiled wryly and had no choice but to admit that since the other party had found Zhao Yifei, he couldn't run away even if he wanted to, and he and Brother Zhao had the same smell, since He even called himself, so if he can help, he will help, at least he shouldn't hurt himself, or his sister won't be a widow?

"Damn, are you really that supernatural person? It wasn't Mr. Wen who was looking for you, but I asked Mr. Wen to find you. Wen Dong, you must help this time. Brother Zhao is begging you, as long as you can Help me, I will sell my life to you!" Zhao Yifei said excitedly.

"Ah? Are you looking for me? Why did you ask the dean to look for me when you were looking for me...Huh? Your relative is sick?" Wen Dong's tone was full of doubts. Zhao Yifei wanted to find himself, but the turn was too A little older, then suddenly remembered, as if guessed the reason.

"Yes, it's my grandfather. He is seriously ill. Wendong, Brother Zhao, I beg you. You must save my grandfather." Zhao Yifei pleaded.

"Your grandfather? Huh? Lame Zhao?" Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, then immediately remembered that Wen Dong held a grudge, and he still clearly remembered that Lame Zhao wanted to poach his own corner, saying that he wanted to introduce Li Binger to him His grandson, Xiaofei, is exactly Zhao Yifei.

Although I have only met this lame Zhao once, and although the old man still poachs the wall, Wen Dong has a good impression of him, mainly because he is also a lame man. After coming to this world, Wen Dong always has an inexplicable feeling for the lame man. The intimacy, and the old guy is quite funny.

"Well, that's right, Cripple Zhao, that's my grandfather." Zhao Yifei nodded excitedly, because the hands-free was turned on, and the people next to him could hear him. At this time, the adjutant next to him couldn't help but frowned again. The boy is really not big or small.

Li Shan also had a displeased expression on his face. One must know that Zhao Hongjian was his teacher and one of the people he respected the most.

"Let me tell him!" Li Bing'er on the side couldn't stand it any longer, wishing to kick this bastard to death, if these people didn't ask him now, I'm afraid this Li Shan would have killed him for being disrespectful to the teacher guy.

"Wendong, did you save a terminally ill patient in Songhai People's Hospital? Are you a supernatural person?" Li Binger grabbed the phone and asked directly.

"Huh? Bing'er, are you here? I miss you very much these days." Wen Dong said happily.

Li Binger's face turned red, and she looked awkwardly at the people with strange faces. They didn't believe that a supernatural person could save people, but now that Wen Dong said something like this, they probably wouldn't believe it even if they were killed.

This bastard!

Li Binger gritted her teeth with hatred in her heart, but she was helpless. If he could really save Grandpa Zhao, that would be the best. Grandpa Zhao was also the elder she respected the most.

"Don't talk nonsense, tell me whether you are a supernatural person? Are you sure you can cure diseases? Why don't I know?" Li Binger interrupted Wendong's flattery, and asked with a cold snort. She is now worried about Zhao Grandpa, but he was also worried about his man. If Wendong came, not only could he not be cured, but it would be even worse, then it would be troublesome, especially when this bastard spoke rudely to Grandpa Zhao just now, and he couldn't help but want to teach him a lesson.

"Of course I don't have supernatural powers. That old fool Wen Keming told you, but I do have some ways to save people."

"I'm not sure if he has supernatural powers, but he really saved a terminally ill patient." Seeing everyone looking at him, Wen Keming at the side suddenly understood what Wen Dong meant, and he didn't want to reveal it For his ability, he had promised Wendong that he would not reveal his affairs, but now he was forced to help him, and so many people knew about his ability, so he felt so guilty, so he quickly helped him lie.

"Then hurry up, you are limited to half an hour, and you can come by running a red light. I will take care of all the consequences. It is only half an hour. If you can't come, then you will never see me in your life!" No matter what, this time Wen Dong must come, otherwise people like Li Shan would not let him go. Although he wondered whether Wen Dong could really save people, he can only be a dead horse as a living horse doctor now.

Wen Dong: "..."


Now that Li Binger gave the death order, Wen Dong naturally did not dare to neglect, and Zhao Yizi is still Zhao Yifei's grandfather, if something bad happened because of his delay, Wen Dong didn't know how to face him.

The black car was as fast as lightning on the road with heavy traffic, and it drove towards the address given by Li Bing'er.

The Shuishi Military Region Hospital is not far from the city center, but it is really difficult to drive there in half an hour. Of course, this is the case without running a red light.

Wendong was concentrating on all kinds of overtaking, his eyes squinted slightly and shot two rays of light to watch the traffic information before and after, and he kept accelerating the speed of the car, even at the traffic lights, he didn't stop, just rushed past, like a black sword Fly quickly to the Shuishi Military Region Hospital.

Anyway, Lao Tzu is now overtaking with a license, and Zhao Yifei will be responsible for the accident, so Wendong simply let go of the drag racing.

Wendong, who has D-level driving skills, is at least one of the best in the world in drag racing skills.

It was nearly an hour's journey, but in less than half an hour, Wendong's drag racing car stopped at the gate of the military hospital. At the same time, several sirens were also chasing after him.

(End of this chapter)

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