How bad guys are made

Chapter 635 Doctor, God-like Man

Chapter 635 Doctor, God-like Man
The leftovers on the tea table have already been cleaned up, and there is only a pot of tea and two tea bowls on it, which seem to be specially used for waking up.

Yes, the two of them will stand on opposite sides as soon as their passion is over. This really needs to be cleared up.

Lina sat across from Wendong, holding a lady's cigarette between her sallow fingers, and sipping tea with a small cup in one hand, her movements were graceful, her eyes were bright and even a little cold, completely different from the previous promiscuity The charming woman seemed to be a different person, even though she was still wearing the sexy red cheongsam at this moment.

But especially her calm look with a cigarette in her mouth, she looks like a shrewd and strong woman.

"Why? I don't want to ask anymore?" Lina put down her teacup, looked up and saw Wendong looking at her, and asked with a smile without saying a word.

Lina is of mixed race, she is beautiful in the first place, and her smile is even more beautiful.

"I think this kind of atmosphere is better." Seeing Lina's indifference and smiling again, Wendong took another sip of the teacup.

"Maybe, after you know the truth of the matter, it won't be so easy." Lina smiled slightly, looked at Wendong, and waited for Wendong's question.

"How did you know that Cheng Yanan was kidnapped by Li Feng? And how did you know that they were at Wujiang Wharf at that time?" In an instant, Wen Dong's expression also became serious, and the speed of changing his face was no less than that of Lina, and he stared straight at looking at her.

"You should have a guess in your heart, right? That's right, the two breeders you killed this afternoon followed me at first." Lina admitted directly.

"Huh? It turns out that the lady they are talking about is really you!" Wen Dong had already guessed, but at this moment when Lina admitted, he couldn't help but be surprised. He looked at her more indifferently, and suddenly his heart was filled with A move: "You said it was with you at first, and now..."

"Smart!" Lina glanced at Wendong appreciatively, took a puff of cigarettes and lowered her eyes and said, "Not anymore, they have been ordered by the superiors to follow He Wenlong, but because I was kind to them before, the two This little guy was also loyal to me, but now he was killed by you, what a pity..."

Wen Dong looked at her, guessing the sincerity of her words in his heart, but finally didn't see anything, and said silently for a while: "You mean that He Wenlong controlled the Blood Wolf League, and then used the Blood Wolf League to deal with me?" Dong looked at her strangely, and always felt that something was wrong, because as long as He Wenlong was not a fool, he would never take Cheng Yanan into surgery, right? Warning yourself?

"Hehe, it seems that you don't know much about the Blood Wolf League. He Wenlong is not strong enough to control such a big black society." Lina shook her head and denied Wen Dong's guess.

"How to say?" Wen Dong was stunned for a moment, feeling even more confused.

"In this case, I can tell you about the large underground gang of the Blood Wolf League." Lina twisted the cigarette butt in the ashtray and looked up at Wendong.

"Blood Wolf League, the largest underground society in Fujiang City, unified the underground world of Fujiang City two years ago. After several months of running-in, the internal and external unity became the number one overlord of the underground world in Fujiang City, and it was also ranked among the top three in the entire southern area. The leader of the Blood Wolf League is very bold and loyal, so the brothers in the gang are very convinced of him. A few years ago, I arranged a bridge and successfully obtained the new appointment and loyalty of the leader of the Blood Wolf League, so through the introduction A few colonizers were placed by his side.

The Blood Wolf League is now very powerful, and a few days ago, it made an idea to the water city near Fujiang. It happened that He Wenlong's Tianlan gang was very noisy during this time, and it seemed that the Qingcheng gang, an old gang that had jumped to Zhang Sanbai, became the leader. The trend of the largest gang in the water city, so the Blood Wolf League took aim at He Wenlong's Tianlan Gang. "

Seeing that Wendong remained silent, frowning as if he was digesting what he said, Lina lit a cigarette again and looked at him quietly.

Wen Dong raised his head, also lit a cigarette and smoked quietly, finally leaned slightly on the sofa, looked up at Lina again, and said the most likely guess in his mind: "He Wenlong used a knife to kill someone? "

"Hmm..." Lina looked at him seriously, didn't nod, but didn't shake her head, but her eyes were bright: "A few days ago, the leader of the Blood Wolf Alliance came to Shuishi, and I had a meal with him , He said he came here to discuss some business.

Sure enough, he went to Zhang Sanbai afterwards, thinking he wanted to join hands with the Qingcheng Gang who had been suppressed by the Tianlan Gang to get rid of the Tianlan Gang, but there was no need to think about it. After all, this is Shuishi's housework. No matter how fierce their fight with the Tianlan Gang is, he will not allow a foreign gang to intervene. Moreover, although the Qingcheng Gang has not been visible inside and outside the past few years, they still have some background. Especially his true identity, you don't even know it. "

"It seems that the Blood Wolf Alliance is not afraid of anyone, but the premise is that Zhang Sanbai is not serious, otherwise, hehe, he is really not enough to watch the Blood Wolf Alliance."

"Then it's still a murder with a borrowed knife? Although it's not enough to watch, it is at least a big gang that can be counted. At least it can make Zhang Sanbai a headache." Wen Dong said after listening.

"Well, there will be a lot of moves in the water market during this period, so He Wenlong didn't want to cause any trouble with the Blood Wolf Alliance, so he successfully pulled this hatred to Zhang Sanbai. You are what He Wenlong borrowed This knife, and it seems to have succeeded." Lina chuckled and looked up at Wendong, as if to see what kind of expression Wendong had.

Sure enough, Wen Dong's face turned cold all of a sudden, and he looked at Lina with complicated eyes, feeling a little regretful in his heart, shaking his head and said in a helpless tone: "Actually, I didn't want to kill that Lei Hall Master Li Feng, and it's true that I didn't kill him." , however, this does not seem to have much impact on the results."

"Hehe, don't underestimate He Wenlong, since he borrowed your knife, how can you call him a borrowed knife to kill without any blood?" Lina chuckled.

"Actually, what I want to ask most now is, why did you tell me this? What is your purpose? Why do you help me?"

Wen Dong looked at her, because after a moment of contemplation, Wen Dong felt that the words Lina confessed just now were of little use at all.

"Because I'm leaving, and He Wenlong will be in charge of all the plans for Water City. I've been in Water City for several years, and no one knows the hard work I've put in. Why should he take away the fruits of my labor as soon as he comes?" A flash of jealousy and hatred flashed in Lina's eyes.

"Hehe, what about taking revenge on him? Then you are not afraid that the people above you will punish you if He Wenlong's plan is disrupted?" Wen Dong laughed.

"How can anyone know if you don't tell me?" Lina looked at Wendong confidently, as if she was 100% sure, because it was absolutely impossible for Wendong to cooperate with He Wenlong.

"Because this is the only way I can regain my position." Lina expressed her thoughts.

"Oh, so to speak, you are actually killing two birds with one stone by disrupting He Wenlong's plan, and then telling me the news, let me defeat He Wenlong, so that you can regain your position." Wendong looked at her, and suddenly shook his head: "So , I sadly became a knife in your hand again."

"Yes, I want to use you, but I'm also getting involved, right? I'm very sincere, right?" Lina looked at Wendong with a charming look and smiled softly.

"Yeah, you are short-handed and cannibalistic. I even eat and take from you, but you seem to overestimate me." Wen Dong pulled Lina onto his lap and grabbed her with his big hand. The softness of the other party, with a sneer on his face, was clearly displeased at being used by He Wenlong, especially when the woman in front of him said so bluntly that he was using her.

"I can't tell if it's overestimated or not. The most important thing is that I have no other choice but to rely on you." Lina wrapped her small hands around Wen Dong's neck, letting his big hands play tricks on her, Looking at him with a smile on his face.

"Women's jealousy is really the scariest thing, but I'm curious, why do you have to come back to power, you have been in charge of the water city plan all these years, and I can't count the money..." Wen Dong looked down. Her meaning is obvious, isn't power just to make money?Now that you have money, how can you be a high-ranking person?

Well, in the eyes of a gangster like Wendong, money is the most important and real thing.

"Run away? Impossible, I can't run away." Lina put her cheek on Wendong's cheek affectionately, and said softly, as if she was talking to herself: "Because you never know the doctor's Strong, I can't help myself, and I don't want to escape, I don't want to live a life of being displaced."

"Doctor? Who is that then? Your boss? The one who created the implanter?" Wen Dong was stunned and asked curiously.

"Yes, the doctor is my boss, he is like a god." Lena said softly.

Wen Dong: "..."

Wen Dong curled his lips to express his disdain, a man like a god?Lao Tzu is a god-like man!

"For the sake of our meeting once, I advise you, don't compete with the doctor, because you will never know how powerful he is. You can fight against He Wenlong, and it doesn't even matter if you kill him, because the doctor never I will take pity on a failed person, but you must not fight against the doctor, some things should be done in moderation, otherwise, you will die miserably, even I don’t know why you can kill such a powerful existence as a breeder, Even if you are really powerful, but no matter how powerful you are, you are no match for God." Lena leaned comfortably on Wendong's chest, her pale fingers gently sliding on the stubble of Wendong's chin, when talking about the doctor , the blurred eyes are full of respect and admiration, it seems that Lina has enshrined the doctor as a god.

Wendong doesn't believe that there are really gods in this world, but people with special abilities in this world naturally believe it, because he is.

However, since Lina respected and enjoined him so seriously, it seems that this doctor must have abilities that ordinary people cannot possess, that's why Lina called him a god!
(End of this chapter)

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