How bad guys are made

Chapter 431 What do you want to do?

Chapter 431 What do you want to do?
"Hehe, Uncle, you also know that it doesn't matter if I'm in Lanyun or not. Instead, I'm in Lanyun because of my status. The Seven Killing Organization is very famous in the whole world. They're after Lanyun. It’s definitely not as simple as controlling Lanyun to make money for them, they must have ulterior secrets, and if their conspiracy is not completely broken, it will be useless for me to go back to Lanyun.” Wen Dong said.

"You're thinking……"

"Secret investigation, uncle, don't worry, how can I really get angry with Hanhan, I just keep thinking about how to break this situation, my reputation in Lanyun is notorious now, I don't want to just go back like this." Dong said.

"Well, I'm relieved if you think so. You're right. If a man is a man, he should go back in a good manner. I'll wait for you to do this." Zhang Wending was sure, and he was immediately happy. Yes, that's how to look like a man.

"You don't have to worry too much about Hanhan's safety. I've communicated with them this afternoon. They won't let He Wenlong bully Hanhan. However, you'd better be wary of him." Zhang Wending said again.

"Well, I know." Wen Dong nodded.

"Stinky boy, since you know why you don't come home? Why are you still hanging out? Your woman even called me, which shocked me. Your aunt doesn't know anything about the company. You hurry back and comfort your woman, and don't let her call to bother us." Zhang Wending cursed domineeringly and hung up the phone.

Wen Dong: "..."


"Grandma, it should be Zhang Hanhan who is sorry, why should I sit in this dry bar and sulk." After staying in the bar for another two hours, Wen Dong himself was really bored, and muttered in a low voice. Dropped the glass, paid the money and walked out.

It was already half past ten in the evening when I drove home. Now that I think about it, I have never really quarreled with Zhang Hanhan. I will see Zhang Hanhan soon, and Wendong feels a little nervous for no reason. I just confirmed with Zhang Hanhan yesterday. After breaking up the relationship between husband and wife, such a thing happened immediately, it really wasn't that enemies didn't get together.

When he came home, Wen Dong was nervous, but his face showed indifference. He kicked off his shoes at the door and put on slippers, and walked into the living room pretending to be relaxed. There are no shadows of the two ghosts in Ya's living room, no, there is a living creature, Xiao Baibai ran over wagging his tail, and looked at Wendong with a pair of black eyes, begging for mercy.

"Your mother pissed me off. I'm not in a pretty mood." Wen Dong curled his lips and snorted. Even though he said this, he still leaned over and reached out to lift Xiao Baibai up in his palm, while looking into the living room Walking, pretending to have a gloomy old face, looking around for Zhang Hanhan's figure with his eyes.

After confirming again that Zhang Hanhan was not in the living room, Wendong felt disappointed: Could it be that he fell asleep?This woman's heart is too wide, she can still sleep after arguing with me?

Thinking about it this way, when Wen Dong walked up to her, I took a look at her. The bedroom door was ajar. Wen Dong was sure that she was not in the bedroom, because as long as Zhang Hanhan wanted to sleep, she would definitely lock the bedroom door tightly. .

Wen Dong looked around wonderingly, and couldn't guess where the girl was hiding and was sad for a while. Naturally, Wen Dong couldn't rush to find her, as if he was the one who made the mistake.

Poured a glass of water and turned on the TV. Wen Dong was just about to sit on the sofa and watch TV boredly. Suddenly there was a slight sound of footsteps on the second floor of the villa. Wen Dong looked up instinctively. It was Zhang Hanhan. He didn’t know that he was going to the second floor. What are you doing.

Zhang Hanhan obviously just took a shower, with jet-black hair draped over his shoulders, his delicate face looks more and more seductive. He is wearing a loose silk nightdress and standing at the stairs. Standing on it, he read the text on the sofa. Glancing eastward, he saw that he was looking at him from the side, but he didn't speak, so Zhang Hanhan took a deep breath as if he mustered up the courage to walk down...

Wen Dong stared blankly at Zhang Hanhan who came down, his eyes were full of disbelief, at this time Zhang Hanhan had already walked down the stairs to the living room and was walking towards the sofa beside him, but the walking steps made Wen Dong feel uncomfortable. Dong was very painful. Not only did he walk slowly, but at best he took a step of more than ten centimeters the length of a shoe, as if he was moving, especially his demeanor was like a big girl getting on a sedan chair, less than ten centimeters. After walking for 3 minutes at a distance of [-] meter, I still haven't come over...

This surprised Wendong, and his perception of Zhang Hanhan was completely overturned.

Who is Zhang Hanhan? She is the famous goddess of the new business world in Shuishi. She is an idol worshiped by countless white-collar women. The character, but today he is coyly following a big girl who has never been out of the boudoir, how can Wen Dong not be dumbfounded.

After a long time, Zhang Hanhan, who was walking in slow motion, finally came to Wendong, but her expression was still awkward. She didn't even have the courage to look at Wendong. She knew that she had misunderstood Wendong, and let him Get out, thinking of this, Zhang Hanhan regretted it all night.

Zhang Hanhan's weird behavior almost made Wendong not laugh out loud. He naturally knew why Zhang Hanhan's twitching was happening, and he couldn't get angry with the delicate woman in front of him.

The same is what Zhang Hanhan thinks in his heart. She and Wendong have never had a formal quarrel, let alone a cold war. Although they just didn't speak for an afternoon, Zhang Hanhan still feels that it has been a long, long time, and he is secretly thinking about Wendong in his heart. Annoyed, usually even if I do something wrong, isn't this guy licking his face and coming to his side? Why don't you come along now.

Wen Dong didn't expect this, after all, the current Zhang Damei is too eye-catching, so he still cares about making irresponsible remarks.

Realizing that Wen Dong was staring at him, Zhang Hanhan lost the courage to confront him. When he thought that Wen Dong was framed by his love rival and kicked out of Lanyun, he probably was very upset at first, but he was in At that time, he misunderstood him and asked him to go away. Zhang Hanhan also felt very sorry for Wendong in his heart, but he opened his mouth, but couldn't say a word of apology. His snowy toes looked like a little doormat.

Wendong was speechless about Zhang Hanhan's gesture, what was he doing?Wendong thought it was funny, knowing that this girl was thin-skinned, so he had no choice but to speak first, but at this moment, Zhang Hanhan suddenly looked up at Wendong with the courage he didn't know where he came from, and opened his mouth hesitantly: "Wendong, I ...Yes, I'm sorry, I blamed you wrongly, beat and scold you as you like..."

Wendong stared dumbfounded at Zhang Hanhan's resolute look of rushing to the execution ground, knowing that she couldn't hide the matter in her heart, if she didn't apologize, she might have always felt that it was not a problem, but Wendong caught her with watery eyes and tears. mad.

Wen Dong didn't speak, and suddenly got up and walked in front of Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan was startled when she saw this, Wen Dong's action immediately frightened the little courage she had managed to accumulate during the playfulness, and she took two steps back with a 'swish' on her calf, and looked at Wen Dong who was approaching with a small face in shock , Seeing that he was about to raise his hand, his mouth bulged and he was about to cry: "Wendong, what do you want to do, you, are you really fighting?"

Seeing Zhang Hanhan's frightened look, Wendong finally couldn't help but burst out laughing, and secretly sighed in his heart, when will this domineering president be afraid of himself?Did she think that if she resigned from Lan Yun's job, she would not be under her command, and that she would not be bound by her and could do whatever she wanted with her?I don't know what this girl's head is thinking, Wen Dong feels funny in his heart, if he really wants to do something to her, this identity can stop him?

"You..." Seeing that Wendong suddenly laughed, Zhang Hanhan felt uneasy for a while, so, is it that funny that he apologized?I was so angry and annoyed at this guy Wendong in my heart, I wished I could jump up and kill this bastard who laughed at me.

Zhang Hanhan was also wronged in his heart. Wen Dong was kicked out of Lanyun, but she, the president of Lanyun, is just a shell now, and he should be the one who suffers the most.

Why did this bastard suddenly become so narrow-minded, he didn't go home all night, and he had to call his father by himself, not only failed to find Wendong, but was also scolded by his father.

Although I did misunderstand Wendong, but this bastard obviously put his hand on the other side, okay? Is there a place where men can touch women casually?You are considered a family man now, if you want to release it, you should also put it in...

As soon as Zha Gang thought of this, Zhang Hanhan blushed with his little head lowered, secretly cursing 'Bah, bah, bah', how could he be so shameless, but the more he thought about it, the more he felt aggrieved, and tears burst into tears under Wen Dong's stunned mouth flowed down.

Wen Dong was dumbfounded for a moment, what the hell is going on, I haven't talked, let alone touched you, I just smiled to explain to you that I'm not angry, why are you crying.

Wen Dong was frantic for a while, seeing Zhang Hanhan's tears flowing out like money, Wen Dong's heart hurts to death, why does it feel like I'm wrong?

"Hanhan, you..."

"Wuwu, don't touch me..." Zhang Hanhan was like a little bitch from a boudoir, her little hand blocked Wendong's hand that was about to reach out.

Wendong cursed in his heart, and hurriedly took two steps. When Zhang Hanhan was stunned for a moment, he didn't know what to do.

It's carrying, not hugging!

"Ah...Wendong, you bastard, what do you want to do..." Zhang Hanhan only felt his waist tighten, but before he could understand, his body suddenly landed on Wendong's shoulder like a cloud and fog, and his small head felt like a bang With a sound, he fell into a void, and his body instinctively struggled. Although there were only two people in the family, Zhang Hanhan felt ashamed at the gesture of the two of them. The slippers flew onto the coffee table...

(End of this chapter)

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