How bad guys are made

Chapter 393 The Arrival of Beauty and Blue Beauty·Wenlong

Chapter 393 The Arrival of Beauty and Blue Beauty·Wenlong
Although Bailihan was not affected by the charm, he was still distracted, because he had to pay attention to whether someone sneaked into the lady's room. Although the offensive was fierce, it was difficult to deal substantial damage, but Bailihan's heart Calm, heart like a sword, not in a hurry, the offensive is fierce and unabated.

"Chi!" The blade of the sword brushed against Lan Yan's body again, cutting a piece of Lan Yan's gauze.


While evading, Lan Yan bumped into Zhao Yifei's arms. Her blue gauze skirt had already been cut and riddled with holes, and her snow-white skin bloomed in front of Zhao Yifei's eyes. Zhao Yifei's eyes were red and angry, and he was briefly distracted by this charm, so he was kicked on the chest by Lan Yan, and his body flew upside down like a cannonball.

And Lan Yan also used this counter-push force to avoid Bailihan's next offensive.

"Fuck, can you stop cutting her clothes?" Zhao Yifei got up with a grunt, blood spilled from the corner of his mouth, he vomited blood depressedly, turned his head and shouted at Bailihan angrily.

"It's because your will is not firm enough." Bailihan said indifferently with cold eyes.

Zhao Yifei scolded angrily: "Damn!"

"Are you just going to procrastinate like this?" Bailihan looked indifferently at the disheveled Lanyan, but Bailihan didn't feel worried. Although this blue-character killer is good at skills, he still has a lot of moisture. The strong point is to cooperate with the charm technique, and the charm technique is useless to him. Although Bailihan can't beat her, it is impossible for Lan Yan to defeat him, and he always feels like someone is watching in the dark. They fight, which is a big reason why he has been distracted.

"I can't drag it on any longer, sister, what are you waiting for?" Lan Yan looked sideways into the dark shadow.

"Didn't you say that you can solve it yourself?" A pleasant voice like a silver bell sounded from the darkness. Bailihan and Zhao Yifei looked up solemnly, and saw a girl in a red dress and veil approaching, like a ball Brilliant red smoke drifted slowly.

"Twins? Does this really have an older sister?" Zhao Yifei couldn't help swallowing when he looked at the person coming, his eyes widened. One reason is that the girls are equally beautiful, especially when two girls who look exactly the same stand together , the impact of that visual sense is much stronger than that of a single person. The second is that Lan Yan's charm alone made him miserable. How about another one?Then just kill yourself.

They are indeed twins, they look exactly the same, the only difference is that the elder sister is wearing a red dress, which is what Lan Yan said in her mouth, Hong Yan's hair is disheveled, and her delicate face looks better than this younger sister's Be more mature.

Lan Yan is the innocent beauty of the little girl next door, and the older sister is the sexy beauty of a mature girl.

"Hello, both of you. Let me introduce myself. My name is Hongyan." The girl nodded and smiled.

"Then what, do you know how to charm?" Zhao Yifei felt that this sister seemed to be less open than Lan Yan, and couldn't help asking.

"Yes, but it's not as good as my sister." Hong Yan nodded with a smile.

"It's done, I'll fight with you." Zhao Yifei quickly made a decision, obviously having a shadow of this charm, then turned his head to look at Bailihan and said: "This sister is handed over to you."

"Yes." Bailihan nodded intently.

"No, I want to fight this cute guy. Although that guy is handsome, he's not fun at all." Lan Yan shook her head decisively.

"Why do you want to fight with me, but I don't want to fight with you..." Zhao Yifei exclaimed.

"Because only by fighting with you can I use my charm. If you don't hit me, I will hit you. Who told you to keep staring at them." Lan Yan waved her small fist and said.

Zhao Yifei: "Do you think I'm so willing to watch it? It's so small..."

Lan Yan: "You're looking for death, look at the trick..."

Zhao Yifei was almost beaten to tears by Lan Yan. Originally, Lan Yan's delicacy beat Zhao Yifei's strength. With the addition of coquetry, Zhao Yifei was no match for Lan Yan. Every time Zhao Yifei made a strong move, Lan Yan dodged it. During the beating, the already tattered blue gauze fluttered, revealing a large area of ​​white skin, coupled with the power of coquetry.

It didn't take long before Zhao Yifei was beaten until he vomited blood and fell backwards, leaning against the red lacquered pillar sluggishly and gasping for breath. There were at least dozens of small footprints in all directions on the shirt on his body.

Zhao Yifei didn't use a gun all the time, because the other party seemed to be just delaying and defeating them as Baili Han said, not only did he not use the trait of growing human scale armor, nor did he use a killer move. Being a man's pride, he was useless A gun, moreover, he felt that even with a gun, it would be very difficult to injure Lan Yan.

Therefore, after Lan Yan defeated Zhao Yifei, she joined her sister and Bailihan's battle group. In the first World War II, Bailihan was not timid at all, and his offensive was still as fierce as a sword, but how could he be the opponent of these two twins? .

The two grew up together, and they cooperated quite tacitly. Taking advantage of Bailihan's inability to dodge, Hongyan's palm landed on Bailihan's chest and sent him flying.

It is true that she is not as good as her younger sister in charm, but compared to her, he is stronger and fiercer, and the red makeup on his body is not messy at all, and he has been pressing down on Baili Han.

After two more moves, Bailihan was hit in the chest again by Lanyan's heavy punch. Although Lanyan was petite and exquisite, her strength was by no means weaker than anyone present, and her explosive power was extremely powerful. Bailihan was thin and thin. The body flew upside down in an instant, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, causing serious injuries.

Bailihan struggled to get up, suddenly his cold eyes froze, a man came from the darkness, with a sarcastic smile on his mouth, missing an arm, it was He Wenlong who fought against him yesterday.

He Wenlong took a look here, and walked towards Zhang Hanhan's room.

"Hurry up and deal with it, if you delay, there will be someone else." Hong Yan glanced at He Wenlong and urged.

"Thank you, it will be soon." He Wenlong nodded, and looked up at Zhang Hanhan's villa room, with wild madness in his eyes.

"Damn it, stop him!" Bailihan roared, his dilapidated body struggled to stand up and rushed towards He Wenlong.

"Hee hee, can you stop it?" Lan Yan giggled, her flexible body swished towards Bai Lihan.

Baili Han's eyes were frighteningly cold, and he slashed at Lan Yan with his sword.

Lan Yan took advantage of the situation to dodge, Baili Han didn't pursue, and rushed towards He Wenlong at a faster pace.

"Hehe, it's just a clown." He Wenlong smiled sarcastically, pushed the door open and walked in.

Zhao Yifei yelled again in the arena. He struggled to get up to stop him just now, but was stopped by Hongyan. He was seriously injured and was no match for Hongyan at all.

And Bailihan was stopped by Lan Yan again, kicking him on the back, Bailihan staggered and lay on the ground, the hand holding the sword hilt was dripping with blood, but he couldn't hold the sword tightly. Letting go, he swung his sword quickly to avoid the bullying Lan Yan, got up staggeringly and walked towards Zhang Hanhan's room.

"Are you looking for death!" Bailihan knew that he couldn't stop him, but he would rather die than retreat, and the gap behind him was wide open, allowing Lan Yan to attack. This kind of reckless stubbornness annoyed Lan Yan very much. Frowning and shouting coquettishly.

Bailihan didn't answer, panting heavily, staggering and continuing to move forward.

"Damn it!" Lan Yan cursed, this time with a heavy hand, she kicked Bailihan away again.

The thin body slammed into the red lacquered pillar heavily, making a muffled 'bang', and the weak body rolled limply to the side.

"If you dare to get up again, I will kill you!" Lan Yan was annoyed, and her bright eyes shouted with murderous intent.

"Don't move, scold the neighbor next door, if you move again, I will shoot you." Zhao Yifei pulled out a pistol from his body like a magic trick, pointed at Lan Yan and roared.

"Boom!" A gunshot broke the silence of the night.



Zhang Hanhan had already dressed, but she was sitting on the edge of the bed, but she was very anxious. She called her father before, and her father also sent extra people to rescue him. The one-hour drive was not enough time, and secondly, even sending some bodyguards would not help the matter.

What made her worry even more was Wendong. After more than 20 minutes, there was no news from Wendong. Will come as soon as possible.

There was a lot of fighting outside, especially Zhao Yifei's frequent yelling, which made her even more worried and anxious. There were four or five bodyguards sitting in the living room, she called them, but without Wendong here, she still felt unsafe.

He was watching TV in the bedroom, but he didn't understand what the TV said all night. Her heart was not here, and only the sound of the TV made her feel at ease.

"Miss, let's go!" Just when Zhang Hanhan was anxious, the bodyguard yelled urgently in the living room.

Zhang Hanhan quickly stood up, turned off the sound of the TV, it was quiet, the whole room was very quiet, and the bodyguards outside did not make any sound. Zhang Hanhan was sure that it was not an auditory hallucination just now, and these bodyguards seemed to sense that tonight was unusual , there is fighting outside, they won't sleep.

This made Zhang Hanhan even more uneasy. He sat on the pins and needles, turned his head and looked at the rooftop, could he really hide there?Perhaps there is another use for going to the rooftop, and that is suicide.

Zhang Hanhan didn't know where the courage came from, thinking in his heart that even if he died, he would not let the other party succeed.

Grasping the cold handle with her small hands, Zhang Hanhan felt confident, and was about to raise her legs to climb up, when she suddenly smelled a strange smell.

It's been a long time since I've smelled this smell, but it's not unfamiliar. It's like the smell of blood, and it's also mixed with a faint fragrance. This perfume smells very familiar, and she smelled it yesterday.

That's... He Wenlong!

Zhang Hanhan's body trembled, how could he...

Could it be that he is really with the killer?Is he going to kill me?Zhang Hanhan felt a dull pain in his heart.

As if to confirm her guess, the door that was locked was slowly and quietly pushed open.

(End of this chapter)

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