How bad guys are made

Chapter 388 Wendong's Worries

Chapter 388 Wendong's Worries

No matter what, Wendong felt that the matter between himself and Qingxue should be resolved. Either you die or I live, and as soon as possible, if a master like Qingxue wants to be unfavorable to Zhang Hanhan, it is absolutely impossible to guard against. Wendong doesn't think Bailihan is his opponent, especially after Qingxue has become an almost invulnerable colonizer.

"Surely this is Lanyun's new star Wendong?" At this moment, Lu Zhongzheng smiled and turned to Wendong.

Wen Dong suppressed the seriousness on his face, showed a relaxed smile, and bowed to him: "Hello, Mr. Lu, I'm Wen Dong."

"Hehe, you are really young and promising." Lu Zhongzheng nodded with a smile.

But at this time, Qingxue raised his glass to Wen Dong: "Mr. Wen Dong, the Queen's series of clothes you designed are very beautiful, I respect you."

"Thank you." Wen Dong took a step forward to the table to pick up the cup, but the position he was standing just happened to block Zhang Hanhan who was beside him, and the hand hanging under the table shook Zhang Hanhan's little hand without a trace. For a moment, remind her.

Zhang Hanhan was a little puzzled, looked up at him, but saw that he was not looking at himself, but was staring at the new foreigner, which made Zhang Hanhan feel a little strange, and felt that Wendong today was very abnormal , but because of the occasion, she didn't rush to ask.

Inadvertently raised his head to look at Ming Yu who was opposite, but happened to meet those sapphire blue pupils.

The extremely pure pupils clearly and quickly flashed fiery throbbing.

This made Zhang Hanhan startled.

Zhang Hanhan has many suitors, and there are countless people who fell in love with her at first sight.She has seen many equally stunning and admiring eyes, and she can tell the difference.

The Mingyu in front of her is of high social status and handsome. It is absolutely impossible for her not to have a girlfriend, but she is staring at her like this while everyone is not paying attention. It stands to reason that she should be contemptuous and annoyed.

But his face was too bright, and his smile was too pure, which instead made that masculine blazing look open and natural.And because he is a foreigner, he doesn't know the etiquette of Tian Xia Kingdom.

Zhang Hanhan didn't even hate it in his heart.

However, since that guy Wendong looked at him with bad eyes, don't make him jealous, Zhang Hanhan gave Mingyu a faint look, his expression was indifferent.

Mingyu could see clearly, her thin lips slowly curled up, she smiled, raised her glass to Zhang Hanhan very gracefully, and drank it down in one gulp.The wine glass was put down lightly, the eyebrows were curved, and the azure blue eyes were bright and clear.It seemed that he was a bit shameless and frankly confessed to Zhang Hanhan - the rude gaze just now was just out of a man's instinct for a beautiful woman, he would not feel guilty, nor would he really offend.

Zhang Hanhan laughed dumbfounded, and simply stopped looking at him.

Lu Zhongzheng and Qingxue came here and stood there for a while before leaving, but Wendong felt an indescribable feeling in his heart. He glanced at Wendong with a smile in his eyes, full of subtle provocation and banter.

This made Wendong have mixed feelings. It stands to reason that he, Zhang Hanhan and the new clothing workers will live here tonight, but how can Wendong feel relieved when Qingxue is here?Take Zhang Hanhan away?Not good, Wendong didn't forget that big truck.

If Wendong was not driving the bulletproof car of the beautiful landlord at that time, I am afraid that Li Binger would have been hit to death. What's more, Wendong doesn't know what kind of character this Luzhong is. If he is with Qingxue, then they live here tonight is no different from a dragon's pond and a tiger's den.

In the end, Wendong still chose to live here. The enemy is in the dark, and I am in the light. It is obviously unwise to leave late at night, because no one knows whether Qingxue has arranged an ambush on the road, and he and Bailihan are still there. With Zhao Yifei guarding here, nothing should happen.


Under Wendong's deliberate arrangement, Bailihan lived next door to Zhang Hanhan, Zhao Yifei and Wu Jian changed rooms and lived across the street, and Wendong was also next door to Zhang Hanhan. Facing outward, everything surrounded Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan had been standing quietly watching Wendong's arrangement, and instinctively told her that Wendong must have something to do, but seeing his serious face, he didn't ask, and returned to his villa after he finished the arrangement.

They did not live in a hotel, but deliberately arranged all the employees in a villa on the cliff, which is similar to the place where Bai Yuanjing lived when he died, but the price should be more expensive. Everyone's villa is a small courtyard There is a ladder in the middle, you can climb to it, there is a rattan chair on the roof, sitting on the rattan chair, you can see the open vista and the ship's whistle in the sea, which is very comfortable.

Not long after Zhang Hanhan returned to the villa, there was a knock on the door. When he opened the door, it turned out to be Wendong.

Zhang Hanhan looked at him vigilantly, but the expected flirting and show of affection did not happen. Wendong's face was extremely serious, and he ignored Zhang Hanhan, standing alone in the middle of the room, looking around, and finally fixed his eyes on on the ladder.

"What happened?" Zhang Hanhan finally couldn't help it, and asked with a frown.

"What's the matter with this ladder?" Wen Dong asked without answering.

"Oh, this is the residence I specially chose. All the staff's residences have a ladder, and there is a grandstand above the ladder, where you can see the distant view." Zhang Hanhan said.

"Are you afraid of heights? Climb up and try." Wen Dong turned his head and said seriously.

"Don't be afraid of heights, why should I climb up?" Zhang Hanhan looked at him suspiciously.

"Leave it alone, you can climb up and try." Wen Dong said quickly.

Seeing his serious look, Zhang Hanhan hesitated for a moment but nodded involuntarily in agreement. He grabbed the handrail with his small hand and shook it, then suddenly turned to look at Wen Dong who was standing behind and said, "Climb first, it's not good for you to be down there." The little face couldn't help but blushed.

Indeed, the ladder is straight, Zhang Hanhan is wearing a skirt, it is not good for Wen Dong to stand below.

Wen Dong touched his nose helplessly and said, "You will be my wife sooner or later, everything is mine, so what are you afraid of?"

Zhang Hanhan glared at this guy angrily, blushed and hummed: "That's not okay, I can't let you see it."

"Okay." Wendong agreed speechlessly, now is not the time to be entangled in these things, he took her little hand and said: "I will go first, you will follow behind."

Zhang Hanhan: "Okay."


The design of this roof stand is indeed humane. The platform above extends a large section, which is larger than the area of ​​the house. There are two rattan chairs, so that the young couple can sit on it to rest and chat after traveling.

Wen Dong glanced around, then turned around and pulled Zhang Hanhan who had just climbed up from the ladder.

Zhang Hanhan glanced at the open surroundings. Although it was already night, the surrounding lights were bright and the night scene was quite beautiful.

"Now we can talk about it." Zhang Hanhan turned his head and glanced at him, feeling that Wendong is very abnormal today, especially after meeting that foreigner named Mingyu.

"En." Wendong pondered for a moment, and couldn't help frowning and looked at Zhang Hanhan: "Tonight, I'll change rooms with you to sleep, and it's best for us to sleep in the same room tonight."

"No!" Hearing Wendong's words, Zhang Hanhan denied it without even thinking about it. She even looked at Wendong with a little annoyance. She felt that Wendong was pretending. He had been pretending since Mingyu appeared. Just want to earn their own cheap.

"Hanhan, I'm not joking with you, you have to sleep in my room today." Wen Dong said in a serious tone.

"The situation is special? How about a special law?" Zhang Hanhan sneered while crossing his shoulders.

Seeing this, Wen Dong couldn't help smiling wryly, pulled her little hand and said, "Come on, sit down and talk."

"Don't sit down, don't you say it's special, say it." Zhang Hanhan shook off Wendong's hand and looked at him warily.

Seeing Zhang Hanhan's cautious look, Wendong laughed dumbfounded: "We have lived together for so long, if I had a bad idea, I would have put it into action long ago, let alone wait until now, sit down, I have something to tell you ,Very important."

Zhang Hanhan frowned, and couldn't help but look at him more, as if he also believed Wen Dong's words in his heart, and was pulled by him to sit on the rattan chair, but his little hands were tightly grasping the armrest of the rattan chair, with vigilant eyes , as if Wen Dong dared to have any bad thoughts, she would grab the chair and throw it on the guy's head.

Wen Dong's mind was not on this, he looked up at her after thinking for a while and said, "Do you know who that Mingyu is today? He is in the same group as the killer who assassinated us last time."

"Ah?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback, and looked at Wen Dong with a serious expression in surprise. He didn't know why he said that, but he couldn't help but recall the way Wen Dong looked at Ming Yu before, vigilant and hostile. Dong was jealous, but he didn't expect that foreigner to be a killer.

"How did you know? How could he be a killer?" Zhang Hanhan asked in surprise.

"It's absolutely true, because just a few days ago, I was almost killed by him. His code name is Qingxue. Just ask your father how scary he is." Wen Dong said in a low tone.

"Huh? My dad knows too?"


Zhang Hanhan was finally persuaded by Wendong.

Sitting on the bed in Wendong's room next door, Zhang Hanhan felt very awkward and uncomfortable. Are we going to share the same room and bed with Wendong tonight?Apart from the shadow of fear in his heart, Zhang Hanhan felt a little hot on his face. Although Wendong promised not to touch him, can a man be trusted?Especially Wen Dong, what if he bullies himself?Although it's her period, it doesn't seem to mean that Wendong can't bully herself.

What made Zhang Hanhan even more unacceptable was that there were other company employees living around him. If they saw him sleeping in Wendong's room tomorrow morning, what would they think?Thinking that you would take the initiative to find Wendong for making a show?Thinking about it, Zhang Hanhan felt like going crazy. Thinking about it this way, Zhang Hanhan became even more annoyed, hoping that this guy didn't lie to himself, otherwise...or it seems that he can't do anything to makes me mad.

(End of this chapter)

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