How bad guys are made

Chapter 194 Zhang Wending Appears in Lanyun?

Chapter 194 Zhang Wending Appears in Lanyun?
"Oh, Mom! Uncle, who is dating, who is dating him." Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi became even more anxious, her little face flushed with shame. Guy with a good heart?Then there will be no thieves in this world.

"Hmph, don't think I can't see it, what do you think is your relationship with this Wendong?" Mother Lin said.

"Relationship? It's just an ordinary friendship." Lin Xiaoxi said, but she felt a little guilty in her heart, not to mention that Wendong's bastard almost ate her that night, and now she lives in Wendong's house and wants to speak out If it's just an ordinary friend relationship, no one will believe it, but I really have an ordinary relationship with Wendong.

"Ordinary relationship? Ordinary relationship, Wendong would come here so late and so far away? When I saw you just now, I came here hand in hand. Do you think I am old and dizzy? Let's not talk about it. If it is an ordinary relationship, Wendong After Donghui came here, he paid the money and ran up and down? Also, you said that you can become the image spokesperson of Lanyun, didn't this Wendong help you?" Mother Lin looked closely at her daughter's face. eyes, said.

"This... I... I don't know, he is a good person, he is so good to friends." Lin Xiaoxi was suddenly speechless by what her mother said, her beautiful face turned red, at this moment, her I was no longer so grateful in my heart, and even couldn't help complaining to Wen Donglai, you said you were fine, what kind of hospitality, this is great!

"Xiaoxi, don't bother me when my mother talks. I know that you young people think differently from our older generation. I don't know much about Wendong, and we are not greedy for his money. But you have to keep one thing in mind. , He can only date him if he is really nice to you, do you hear me?" Mother Lin looked at her daughter seriously and said.

"Oh, I got it." Lin Xiaoxi was about to go crazy, but she didn't dare to say anything. There was a mother and an uncle next to her. If she retorted, maybe they would say something embarrassing.

"Auntie, the special ward has been booked, shall we move there now?" At this time, the door of the ward opened, and Wen Dong walked in and said.

"Oh, okay, okay, Wendong, I'm really sorry for your trouble." Mother Lin gave her daughter a look, and quickly agreed with a smile.

"No trouble, there's no trouble here." Wen Dong smiled and waved his hands, and said to Uncle Lin beside him, "Uncle Lin, help me carry Uncle Lin onto the cart."

"En, good, good." Uncle Lin glanced at Wen Dong with a smile, and hurried to the other side of the bed.

Wendong glanced at Uncle Lin and Mother Lin somewhat strangely, why did he feel that the two people looked at him a little strangely——

"Let me do it." Seeing that Wendong was still eager to push her father out, Lin Xiaoxi who was on the side hurriedly pushed Wendong aside and pushed her father herself. She didn't dare to ask Wendong to help anymore.

"En, good." Wen Dong stared blankly at Lin Xiaoxi, whose face was pouted with displeasure, and the monk who was a bit Zhang Er was puzzled, what happened to this family——

"Hehe, young man, please lead the way ahead. You have been busy all night. Our Xiaoxi is afraid that you will be tired." Uncle Lin explained with a kind smile.

Hearing this, Lin Xiaoxi staggered and almost fell to the ground.

At the same time, Lin Xiaoxi's entanglement is unfolding in another place...

Cui Liu Yuan Ju villa area...

Zhang Hanhan has been busy in the Lanyun Building until half past ten before returning home, and she came home with a large pile of documents in her hand. These things need to be read today. For a workaholic like her, it is impossible It's just commonplace.

Originally, Zhang Hanhan was going to go home at [-] o'clock, but tonight it was earlier for no other reason. She had to take a bath, because when she saw her legs, she couldn't help but think of some bastard holding her hands tightly. The scene of her own thigh made her not want to work at all.

After returning home, Zhang Hanhan plunged into the bathroom with a bath towel and pajamas in his arms, and took a full bath for more than 40 minutes before coming out. A certain leg under the white nightdress was already rubbed red. It was the leg that Wendong had hugged. .

After finally feeling comfortable, Zhang Hanhan hurried into the study with the materials he brought, muttering and cursing in his mouth, nothing more than scolding some bastard for delaying her work and rest time.

Just after making coffee, I took the time to look at the information. At this time, an extended international number with at least dozens of digits called Zhang Hanhan's mobile phone. This number is very familiar. It is my father's mobile phone number. It is so late, what is my father looking for? thing?

"Hello? Dad? What's the matter?" Zhang Hanhan answered the phone and asked.

"Hehe, I heard that you beat Yingsa's president Liu Jiancheng a few days ago, and that the plagiarism incident had a negative impact on Lanyun as a whole. At that time, I thought that my daughter would not be so reckless. Thinking that you are really capable, I am very satisfied with the fashion show you put on today." Zhang Wending said with a smile.

"Dad, you're calling so late, don't you just want to praise your daughter and me?" Zhang Hanhan stood up with a smile, picked up the coffee and walked into the living room.

"Late? Your mother and I are sunbathing at the beach."

Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan suddenly understood, leaned gracefully on the comfortable sofa, raised her white and tender calf, and said helplessly: "Don't you know that the time in Australia is exactly opposite to that here? It's eleven o'clock in the evening It's too much."

"Daughter, have you made up your mind? Really let that Wendong be the vice president of Lanyun?" Zhang Wending said.

"Well, some of our Lanyun's old projects don't have much potential anymore. I decided to focus on fashion consumption this year. Wendong has this talent, and the seven clothes of the Queen's series he designed also shifted the focus. The first shot was fired very loudly, so it is perfect for him to lead this key project." Talking about work, Zhang Hanhan suddenly became serious.

"This Wendong does have some talent, but I have investigated his information. Before you promoted him to the project director, he worked as our Lanyun's security guard for a while, and that's fine, he was still a little boy before. The bastard has been in the detention center many times, are you sure you want him to be the vice president?" Zhang Wending said seriously.

"Employing people is not suspicious, doubting people is not necessary, this is what you taught me. No matter what he was like before, what I value is his current ability. As long as he can create greater benefits for us, Lanyun, then I will reuse him." Zhang Hanhan said seriously.

"Hehe, it seems that this Wendong is really talented, and his appearance is also excellent. However, if you want the position of vice president, you need some tests anyway, otherwise, this is too simple." Zhang Wending said .

"Test? What is the test? What do you mean?" Zhang Hanhan was confused, and told her intuitively that her father must have something to hide from her. Does this ability have anything to do with her appearance?

"Do you know why I have been vacating the position of Vice President of Lanyun?" Zhang Wending asked back.


"Because this position is reserved for my son-in-law, it can also be your fiance." Zhang Wending laughed.

"Ah? Son-in-law? Fiance!? Dad, what did you say? Why didn't you say it earlier!?" Hearing this, Zhang Hanhan trembled and almost spilled the coffee in his hand. That guy was assigned to his husband's position, Zhang Hanhan couldn't help blushing, and said to his father angrily.

"Don't worry, it's not too late for you to know now, didn't you say that you want to shift Lanyun's development focus? You can make Wendong the vice president of this project, and they are also vice presidents." Zhang Wending said .

"How can that work? I have already said what I said, and the water that was spilled, how can I play word games with the senior management under me? It will make them chill." Zhang Hanhan shook his head decisively and denied his father's statement.

"Then you mean that Wen Dong must be the vice president?" Zhang Wending said with a smile.

"I..." Zhang Hanhan was choked and speechless. If he nodded and said yes, then it would be...

Zhang Hanhan felt dizzy thinking about it.

"What about the son-in-law's fiance? It's just your idea. I don't agree with your statement, so the fiancé's matter is void." Zhang Hanhan said domineeringly.

"That won't work. For other positions, you can say whatever you want, except for the financial aspect and this vice president. Lanyun's real important position must be in the hands of our closest relatives." Zhang Wending said seriously.

"Oh, what do you think? What age is this authoritarianism? No, I can't go back on what I said. Wendong must be the vice president." Zhang Hanhan said in annoyance.

At this time, Zhang Hanhan's mother picked up the phone: "Daughter, don't be angry. I will go back to China with your father tomorrow. If you insist on letting that man named Wendong be your husband, we don't object. This is Wendong." Dong, he looks handsome, as long as my daughter can be pregnant and I can hold a big fat grandson, but as parents, we have to check it anyway."

"Oh, Mom! What are you talking about? Why do you want Wendong to be my husband? I'm talking about the vice president!" Zhang Hanhan stretched out his hands and rubbed his snow-white forehead with a headache. Mom, Zhang Hanhan is really speechless. What do you mean as long as you can make yourself pregnant? Is she her biological daughter? Zhang Hanhan doubts.

"Don't talk to me over there. My son-in-law is the vice-president, and the vice-president is my son-in-law! Okay, we've already booked the air ticket, and we're going back to China tomorrow. When the time comes, your dad will go to the company to meet the man named Wendong in person." Kid." Zhang's mother made a final decision.

"I..." Zhang Hanhan was going crazy.

"Hanhan, you are not young anymore. In the past, it was your father who was not good enough to make you feel wronged. If you really have a crush, your father will support you very much." Zhang Wending took the phone and said earnestly, not hiding his feelings for Zhang Hanhan. apologies and love.

(End of this chapter)

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