How bad guys are made

Chapter 161 Wu Jian's Promotion

Chapter 161 Wu Jian's Promotion

"By the way, Xiaoxi also has a name on this one, right? Tell me about it." Wendong's beautiful witty words obviously made these models not like it, the loli model said looking at the beautiful clothes on Lin Xiaoxi.

"Of course there is, do you want to hear it?" Wen Dong glanced at Lin Xiaoxi with a smile on his face, then turned his head and said to the model beside him.

"I want to hear it, tell me quickly..." the crowd urged.

Lin Xiaoxi's face flushed red, and she couldn't help but think of Wendong's description of herself when she was at home, and felt a little joy and shame inexplicably in her heart.

"I have already thought about the label of Xiaoxi's clothes. The character and temperament that match it can be interpreted in one sentence: everyone is a lady, elegant and beautiful, exuding a seductive style all the time, elegant and noble, and more beautiful." It is bright and bright, the shoulders are shaved into a waist and the waist is plain, the muscles are fat like orchids, charming and boneless, it is so beautiful." Wen Dong said with a smile on his face.

"Wow, Xiaoxi's clothes tags are so long, they are so nice and charming, no, I want a long one too." Lori model's eyes lit up immediately, she glanced at Lin Xiaoxi enviously, and grabbed the Wen Dong's arm begged coquettishly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong glared at the girl angrily, and thought evilly in his heart: "Long? Brother's dick is longer than this, do you want it?"

"That's right, Xiaoxi's words are the best, especially those words with firm skin and orchids. By the way, just now you said that Xiaoxi was specially hired by you? Didn't Xiaoxi leave? Are you How did you know each other?" One of the models also said enviously, and suddenly remembered what Wen Dong said when he introduced Lin Xiaoxi just now, and asked curiously.

"Oh, I figured it out. Could it be because of Director Wen that Xiaoxi left? You can't be... a couple, right?" Another model looked at the two with ambiguous eyes and said, and found that Lin Xiaoxi's face was red , the more I think about it, the more I think it is possible.

The loli model suddenly clapped her hands and remembered: "That's right, that's right, I just said why Miss Xiaoxi put on this beautiful dress in advance. Mr. Wen, you are not authentic, Jinwu Zangjiao is fine, Hiding our good sisters without telling us, just apologizing, and bringing a meeting gift—" Little Loli said happily, spreading her small hands.

When these cheerful and even somewhat open-minded models get together, it is natural to make some out-of-the-ordinary jokes. Everyone is used to it, and they immediately started chattering, talking about Lin Xiaoxi's pretty face flushed, and even that eccentric loli The model guessed randomly and even guessed that the two lived together.

"Don't, don't, don't talk nonsense, just talk about me, don't you know that Xiaoxi is thin-skinned? Besides, Xiaoxi and I are very simple friends, okay, let her come this time just to help, you guys Don't talk nonsense." Seeing Lin Xiaoxi blushing and staring at him with white eyes, Wen Dong was afraid that the girl would get angry, so he quickly waved his hands to explain, and he was even more worried that finally a beautiful woman lived with him, in case Xiaoxi ran away in shame What to do, seeing the loli model chattering non-stop, and asking himself for wedding candy while talking, Wen Dong was so angry that he almost couldn't hold back and threw this unrestrained girl out.

Cheng Yanan at the side gave Wen Dong a contemptuous look, and said in her heart: Yes, it's so simple, so simple that even if they live together, they are almost under the bed.

"Well, don't make wild guesses. Wendong and I are not what you think." Lin Xiaoxi also quickly explained, but she was a little angry in her heart. I'm thin-skinned and just say you, and what I said is really similar to the two of us. It's like something, what's the explanation!


"Of course it's true." Lin Xiaoxi said.

"Oh, then I don't worry, my male god is still single, wow..." Lori model said happily as she stroked her bulging breasts with her small hands.

Hearing this, everyone sprayed in unison, and Wen Dong rolled his eyes violently.

"Nympho girl, I despise you..."

Liu Shuang smiled indifferently at the sisters' disdain, approached Lin Xiaoxi with gossip written all over her face, and said, "Sister Xiaoxi, how did you and Wen Zong know each other? How did you get hooked up by him?"

"What is hooking up--" Wen Dong on the side stared angrily, am I so unbearable.

"Well, we met on the bus." Lin Xiaoxi thought for a while, and couldn't help but think of the first time she met Wendong, remembering that this perverted guy dared to take advantage of himself on the bus, and dared to rub his arm against him. When I was there, I slapped Wendong in a fit of anger, and the two broke up. I didn't expect that a month later, I and Wendong lived in the same house because of some things. The world is really wonderful.

"Bus? Mr. Wen has a car, why are you still squeezing the bus? Could it be to get you a cheap one?" Loli girl tilted her head and said nonsense.

"Puff...cough cough..." Wen Dong on the side spat decisively, his old face was flushed, and he coughed vigorously. How could this girl guess so accurately? It couldn't be Zhuge Liang's daughter who was reincarnated.

"Okay, don't make wild guesses there, you should hurry up and get ready. Also, I want to tell you some good news. After this fashion show, all the clothes in your hands will belong to you. Also, these two boxes are all It's underwear, and then each of you will choose another underwear." Wen Dong said with a cough.

"Wow, is it really for us? Mr. Wen is mighty!" All the models were immediately attracted by Wen Dong's words, and jumped up happily.

"And underwear? Come on, take a look..."

"Wow, these underwear are so beautiful and sexy. Did you design this too? I'm in love with this lace veil. Is there a name for this lingerie? Mr. Wen, please give me one..." Lolita model Picking out a bold lace-designed underwear from the box, hooking the lace ribbon of the cover with her white and tender little fingers, she asked Wendong excitedly with her small face.

How could Wen Dong dare to wait any longer, and hurried out with Wu Jian who was standing stupidly by the side. After hearing Liu Shuang's words, Wen Dong staggered and almost fell on the ground. Wu Jian ran out of the lounge.

Name the Hood?It would be strange not to let Lin Xiaoxi despise death...

"Damn it, Wendong, you can do it. You really designed those clothes?" Wu Jian was pulled out by Wendong, and looked at Wendong with a look of shock and envy, thinking that Xiaodongzi could sit on the director's seat. The position is decisive and capable, just the names he gave those clothes just now, even if he was killed, he would not be able to think of them.

"What? It doesn't look like it?" Wen Dong glared at this guy angrily, why does everyone doubt his ability.

"Hey, like, of course I do, but I don't know how to appreciate those clothes. The key is your way of picking up girls. I found that several beautiful girls in it are interested in you. I guess as long as you tickle your fingers, they will I will jump on your bed." Wu Jian gave a wretched smile, glanced at Wen Dong ambiguously, and said enviously.

"How? Greedy? You are not young anymore. It's time to find a daughter-in-law. The models here are pretty good. At least I like their personalities. Don't go to nightclubs all day long. Look like a gangster. Hurry up and find a girl." A daughter-in-law." Wen Dong said with a smile.

"Hey, it's not that you don't know, I'm just a little security guard. Don't look at those models who were laughing and easy to get along with just now. In fact, it's just for you. They all have eyes above the top. How can they fall in love with me like this? Yes, although Dagang is also a security guard, his salary is high, and the treatment is no lower than that of some small high-level executives in the company, and it is stable, so it is easy to find a wife, who will take a fancy to me." Wu Jian complained helplessly.

Hearing this, Wen Dong was taken aback for a moment, but he had neglected this question. In fact, Wen Dong had been worrying about what position he would give Wu Jian. Wu Jian's temper matched him best, and this guy had a bad stomach. He also arranged for the security guards above, which would be a pity, and he had to keep it by his side anyway, in case something happened, he would give him advice or something.

"Then what position do you want?" Wen Dong asked Wu Jian casually while leading Wu Jian to the underground garage. He wanted to ask Wu Jian for his own opinion.

"Hey? I have the final say? Is the position of director good? Just like you." Hearing this, Wu Jian's eyes lit up, knowing that this guy hadn't forgotten himself, and said with a smile.

"Get out! Can you do it for you? I'm serious." Wen Dong cursed, took out a cigarette and handed the guy one.

"This... I don't know, I really can't do what you do." Wu Jian took a drag on his cigarette and scratched his head in embarrassment.

Wendong glanced at this guy angrily, telling you that you still can't tell why...

Wen Dong thought for a while and said, "Well, I will arrange you to be my senior assistant."

"Senior Assistant? What are you doing? Don't you have an assistant? Isn't Da Gang's younger sister your assistant?" Wu Jian stared, puzzled. Hearing the name of the profession, it seems to be quite high-end, but he doesn't know what an assistant can do. .

"It doesn't matter, this is not a conflict. The real high-level people have several assistants. Xiaojie is in charge of clerical work, that is, she sits in the office. If she has nothing to do, she just helps me sort out some documents. When I have meetings, she follows me to record some things. What, you don’t have to do this, you can just do errands, such as giving some tasks or orders, and then be responsible for supervising or supervising some things, and arrange for the employees of the new company, and if there are any who don’t understand, just tell them. They held a meeting and talked about it. Actually, you don’t do much, because there is a general manager above me, and many things are done by her and her assistants, as well as the directors in charge of various departments of the company. You This job is quite leisurely, you just have to play when you have nothing to do, no one cares about picking up girls or anything, and the salary is definitely not lower than that of Dagang, or even higher." Wen Dong took a puff of cigarette, looked at Wu Jian and said seductively.

(End of this chapter)

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