Chapter 140

Liu Jiancheng took out a glass of champagne from the waiter's tray, handed it to Zhang Hanhan, and said gratefully with a smile on his face: "Thank you, Mr. Zhang, for being able to attend my birthday dinner. I really hope to be friends with Mr. Zhang." Liu Jiancheng looked at the sexy and beautiful Zhang Hanhan, and his eyes were a little hot. It is rumored that this woman is Zhang Wending's mistress, and Zhang Wending is at least over 50 years old, and he can't satisfy such a young and beautiful woman. Women, if you can have some relationship with her secretly, then naturally it is the best.

"Look at what Mr. Liu said, I've come to your birthday dinner, am I still a friend?" Zhang Hanhan slightly turned his head to look at the waiter wearing the new clothes designed by Lanyun, took the wine and said with a smile: "Today is Mr. Zhang's birthday, I wish you a happy birthday, by the way, I have something very important to tell you."

Because of welcoming guests, Liu Jiancheng has already drank a lot of red wine, and Zhang Hanhan's faintly smiling Fanghua looked at Liu Jiancheng with fascination, especially Zhang Hanhan's slightly shy eyes, who have already been fascinated by Zhang Hanhan's demeanor The upside-down Liu Jiancheng quickly put his face in front of Zhang Hanhan.

Zhang Hanhan put his mouth close to Liu Jiancheng's ear, and said softly, "Liu Jiancheng, you are dead!"

After the words fell, Liu Jiancheng was so shocked that he hadn't reacted yet, and suddenly felt a coolness sprayed on his face, and a smell of champagne penetrated into his nostrils instantly, which made Liu Jiancheng tremble.

Without waiting for Liu Jiancheng to react, Zhang Hanhan suddenly grabbed Liu Jiancheng's hair who hadn't figured out why he was being scolded like this, and pressed down suddenly, then lifted his knee up.


Liu Jiancheng's face made the most intimate contact with Zhang Hanhan's knee, and Wen Dong, who was also shocked and even frightened, seemed to hear the sound of the brittle bone in his nose breaking.

This was not enough, Liu Jiancheng, who was blinded by Zhang Hanhan's knee and couldn't tell the east, west, north, south, hadn't reacted yet, suddenly a heart-piercing pain came from his crotch.

"Oh——" Liu Jiancheng let out a horrific scream, and rolled to the ground, his body bent into a shrimp shape, his hands covering his crotch, enduring the great pain.

All the onlookers witnessed this earth-shattering scene. They saw Zhang Hanhan's foot in high-heeled sandals passed between Liu Jiancheng's legs, and kicked Liu Jiancheng's baby hard. Almost all the men present were unconscious. He tightened his legs, looked at the scene in front of him in shock, and opened his mouth wide open, speechless in shock.

Liu Jiancheng's handsome face was twisted together in pain, his hands were tightly covering his crotch, his face was blushing, there were beads of sweat on his forehead, his body was shaking violently due to the tearing pain in his crotch, Looking sideways at Zhang Hanhan with a cold face, the veins on his neck were throbbing, and he didn't know whether it was because of pain, doubt or even anger, and he was speechless in a daze.

But at this time, all the reporters who were also shocked reacted, the flash crackled in the venue as if they didn’t need money, and the sound of the shutter resounded like fried beans, Liu Jiancheng curled up on the ground in pain and embarrassment. An expression and movement are completely recorded.

"Don't go yet, wait for Mr. Liu to treat you to a cake?" Zhang Hanhan never said a word to those reporters or even Liu Jiancheng. The stunned Wendong said angrily, turned around, stepped on the crystal sandals of 'da da' and walked towards his car calmly.

"Hurry up and drive." Seeing Wendong sitting in the driver's seat and looking at him in a daze, as if he hadn't recovered yet, Zhang Hanhan turned his head to look outside the car and found several security guards rushing towards him , Zhang Hanhan hurriedly urged.

When Zhang Hanhan got into the car and was about to leave, some of Liu Jiancheng's close friends hurried forward, hoping to stop her. A dozen security guards were divided into two groups, one group rushed to Zhang Hanhan's vehicle, and the others hurried Go to help Liu Jiancheng who is lying on the ground moaning in pain.

In the whole venue, the sound of exclamation, yelling, cursing, and the sound of things breaking were intertwined, accompanied by the symphony of the symphony orchestra on the stage playing a wonderful fun, with Liu Jiancheng's wailing of broken eggs The sound, this gorgeous piece of music reached its climax, but the culprit of this incident had already driven away, leaving only a mess and shocked eyes.

Wen Dong concentrated on driving the car, and the speed of more than 100 pulses was like a fish in water among the bustling driveways at night. Thinking of Zhang Hanhan's crazy behavior in the venue just now, Wen Dong couldn't help being afraid. Although it was very cool, Wen Dong thought It was beyond my imagination that Zhang Hanhan would dare to do such a dangerous thing that would damage his image in front of so many people.

It is indeed dangerous. Just when we were driving just now, the dozen or so security guards with rubber sticks were scary enough. If it was Wen Dong alone, he would not be afraid, but the one who hit him was the beautiful Zhang beside him. ah.

This reminded Wendong of Zhang Hanhan's instructions to him when he wanted to bring him here. She told him not to speak, and he must listen to her. At first, Wendong was a little confused, but now he seems to understand. Alright, let’s do something like this, thinking of Liu Jiancheng’s pained and distorted face covering his broken balls just now, Wendong couldn’t help but shiver, and turned his head slightly to look at Zhang Hanhan who was sitting next to him as if nothing had happened .

At this time, Zhang Hanhan was reclining comfortably on the seat, a fashionable dress just showing her white and tender knees, an elegant lady, with two slender legs slung behind the front windshield of the car, and the toes of the high heels were just right Stuck in the gap of the handle of the storage box, a small hand gently rubbed the position of the calf, which was indescribably charming, sexy and alluring.

"It seems that you are more scared than me?" Zhang Hanhan turned around to face Wendong, raised Erlang's legs gracefully with one foot as a support, leaned on the seat with his arms around his shoulders, and stared at Wendong with a pair of beautiful eyes , the slightly loose skirt reveals a large area of ​​snow-white skin, and the full breasts are even more plump with both arms. Wen Dong swallowed, but Wen Dong also found out that Zhang Hanhan at this time The small mouth was slightly opened, and her voice was a little hurried, obviously her heart was not as calm as she appeared.

"It's not that I'm afraid, it's just a little shock." Wen Dong shook his head, took out a cigarette and put it in his mouth.

"Hehe." Zhang Hanhan smiled lightly indifferently, as if he was tired, his winking eyes were half-opened and half-closed, and there was a sense of laziness in the mist, beautiful posture, unique and wonderful feelings, which made people want to break their heads. Thinking of the beautiful and indescribable woman in front of him who kicked Liu Jiancheng's crotch in front of so many people just now, this woman can no longer be described as a shrew.

Glancing over Zhang Hanhan's lazy face, Wendong's eyes fell on Zhang Hanhan's pair of sexy and slender jade legs. What kind of pair of jade legs are these? The skin is white, tender and smooth, and the white legs reflect a perfect arc. If a supermodel who is proud of her legs sees these legs, she will commit suicide in shame. If she is caught by her waist with these legs, she will be a ghost. Not in vain.

"Does it look good?" Zhang Hanhan opened his eyes slightly, opened his sexy mouth slightly, and his soft voice revealed a sexy and seductive beauty, as if the scent of orchid with the fragrance of the mouth had sprayed into Wendong's mouth Normal face.

"It's beautiful." Wen Dong swallowed, nodded dumbly, and then suddenly noticed a cold gaze, Wen Dong suddenly shuddered, only to think of the pair in front of him that made him feel uncomfortable while driving. ·Who is the owner of the lewd legs? These beautiful legs and the delicate little feet wrapped in crystal sandals did something earth-shattering just now. Thinking of this, Wen Dong quickly shook his head and said with lingering fear: "Okay... It’s beautiful, but it’s too scary.”

Seeing Wendong shaking his head like a rattle in fright, Zhang Hanhan burst out laughing in spite of his image. Wendong glanced at Zhang Hanhan angrily, and twitched his mouth, thinking that he remembered Zhang Hanhan before. I told myself that she learned Taekwondo in college, and she has reached the standard of a black belt. At first, Wendong didn't care about it, but now thinking about it, she feels a little scared. I want to kick myself with my legs. It turns out that these legs are really kung fu, so I have to be more careful in the future.

"It's cool now, I'll avenge you, if you still can't figure out how to bring down Liu Jiancheng, then give me peace of mind to come up with a design tonight, and wait for the dance party tomorrow night, the evidence and the design will be together Take it out, even if you can't bring down Liu Jiancheng, at least it can recover the company's losses, and once the evidence is brought out, Liu Jiancheng, the CEO, probably won't last long, and it's almost like revenge." Zhang Hanhan finally put down his provocative jade legs, Turning his head to look at Wen Dongdao with a serious expression.

"Huh?" Wen Dong was taken aback, and looked at Zhang Hanhan blankly, feeling grateful in his heart. It turned out that the reason why Zhang Hanhan had to drag him was to let him watch her to avenge himself.Zhang Hanhan's status is much nobler than Liu Jiancheng's, and he hits him if he hits him, but because of his noble status, Zhang Hanhan's status is much more sensitive. Dong also had to admire the courage of this woman.

Zhang Hanhan is able to manage a company as big as Lanyun, so she naturally has her personal charm, but being able to make a company with tens of billions of assets bigger and stronger does not depend on personal charm alone, although Wen Dong does not believe that this woman is just Avenging herself made me feel at ease, she must have her own calculations, but just doing this thing made people feel grateful and vowed to work for her. This means of winning people's hearts and courage is worthy of the business genius of Water City.

(End of this chapter)

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