Chapter 137

"You know what a fart, have you ever heard a saying, what is it called, it is better to teach a man to fish than to give him a fish." Wen Dong gave Wu Jian an angry look, looked at Yue Chen and said, "Listen to me. It’s so easy to make money with this thing, if you want to change your career, don’t fool me.”

"Well, you don't want to say it, right? Cut your kidney!" Seeing that Yue Chen didn't want to say it, Wen Dong took out his trump card again.

"Don't, don't, I said, I said it's okay?" Yue Chen really begged for mercy, and Wen Dong said whatever he asked, even when he was with Xiaolan. It can be said that he was meticulous and knew everything There is no end to words.

"Is the contents of this thing worth tens of millions?" Wen Dong dug out Yue Chen's old background, and he was delighted to find a USB flash drive in Yue Chen's wallet, which contained information from Cong Lan. Yun stole the design, and as Wen Dong expected, Yue Chen stole the design by drugging Xiaolan while he and Xiaolan were on lunch break in He Qing's office.

The reason why Yue Chen kept this USB flash drive was of course his own petty thinking. He thought that if he couldn't make any money someday, how could he get some money from Liu Jiancheng with this USB flash drive.

This is a suburban wilderness, surrounded by some dilapidated factories that have been abandoned for a long time. Because of the desolation, the surroundings are full of tall trees and broad leaves, covering up the stories inside.

In a commercial vehicle marked Minglida, Li Binger was operating a laptop computer, and the video was being transmitted in real time on the screen. Two people wearing masks were singing together in a small area surrounded by a simple white cloth in the abandoned factory. Hurry up! All the crimes committed by Yue Chen's ancestors for eight generations have been uncovered.

This alternative interrogation process is much simpler than imagined. The horrible and gloomy environment, the scalpel suspected of having a kidney removed and other props, and the two perfectly matched threat performances broke Yue Chen's psychological defense from the very beginning. At this time Even Li Bing'er had to admire Wendong's power. The idea of ​​this "human organ trafficking gang" was thought up by Wendong. That kind of horrible thing is a nightmare for ordinary people, and they dare not even think about it. Now Wendong For Yue Chen to see the most realistic scene, he was already brave enough not to frighten Yue Chen into incontinence.And what Li Binger admired was Wendong's good brains. If she had to think about it, she would not come up with such a wonderful design even if she wanted to use her brain.

In fact, it cannot be said that Li Binger is stupider than Wen Dong, because this kind of alternative way of thinking is not advisable for the police, and she who is used to police thinking will never think of this kind of alternative method of fighting poison with fire.

"These two guys are really good at pretending. It's been an entire hour, and there's nothing wrong with them." Li Bing'er leaned comfortably on the car seat and watched the performance of the two on the video screen, with a happy smile on her lips .

Yes, she is very happy. Yue Chen's case does not seem to be a big one, but Li Bing'er is very clear that this design is directly related to the two large companies in Shuicheng, Lanyun and Yingsa, with assets worth tens of billions. Yue Chen said That's right, for Wendong's design alone, Yingsa has placed at least tens of millions of clothing orders in these two days, and the impact on Lan Yun cannot be measured by money. It was the biggest commercial funding case in Shuicheng City this year.

Whatever you want, Li Bing'er has to admit that she is just a supporting role, and the protagonists who really solve this case are those two people who are acting in the factory, but she is still very happy, after all, this case also went through her.It's been a long time since she felt so relaxed and joyful when she solved a major case. Li Bing'er snorted comfortably. It was true that she was in the criminal police team all along, but because the captain took care of her, she was not allowed to get in touch with major cases at all.

And Li Binger didn't even think about it. The pleasure she had been expecting all these years was brought to her by Wen Dong, a rascal.

"I feel a little sympathetic to this guy now." Li Bing'er looked at Yue Chen on the computer screen, who was crying and confessing all kinds of crimes, and said to himself.

Impossible not to be sympathetic, not only the money was looted, but also his boss was dragged into the water, Wu Jian threatened on the screen, don't be so sad, what you did with your boss, at least it fell to the police station You have to sit in prison for several years. How dare your boss not give you money?Believe it or not, I will report it... At this time, Wen Dong took up the conversation, hey, there may be a reward for reporting.

"Don't, don't, big brother, I've already told you everything, just do it if you can, don't report it." Yue Chen hurriedly begged for mercy with a bitter face.

Li Binger burst out laughing out loud, these two guys really made a good pair with such shamelessness, Li Binger raised his wrist to look at his watch with a smile on his face, it was already past four o'clock in the afternoon, it seemed to Yue Chen It was almost planed, and he jumped out of the car and walked to the abandoned factory.

When Li Binger entered the factory, she pulled off the covering chain with a swipe. When Yue Chen, who was already dying, saw the 'old woman with two guns', she begged, "Sister, it's all because of my blindness. I deserve to die. Let me go!" Well, I've given you all the money, so don't hurt me."

"So sensible, how can we pay you back, let him go." Seeing Wen Dong nodding to himself, guessing that all the value of Yue Chen has been dug out, Li Binger nodded to Wen Dong with a smile on his face. road.

Wen Dong and Wu Jian hurried up to untie the bandages on his legs, arms and neck, and helped him down. Yue Chen shivered with fear and got dressed. Yue Chen saw the three of them looking at him, He said in a hurry: "Don't worry, I didn't see anything today, and I don't know anything."

Click!At this time, a bright handcuff was placed on his wrist, his whole body trembled, and he looked up at Li Bing'er in front of him dumbfounded.

"Let me re-introduce, I'm the vice-captain of the Second Squad of the Criminal Police of Shuicheng City. I'm here to arrest you this time. Now we have to have a good talk." Li Bing'er said with a cold face, crossing her arms on her chest, not arrogant.

Yue Chen sat down on the ground in shock, looking at Li Binger with trembling lips, Wu Jian took off his mask with a sly smile, raised the bloody kidney on the shelf, and said triumphantly: "Don't be afraid, this is from the vegetable market. Pork kidney, fake."

"This..." Yue Chen was obviously taken aback by this sudden scene, and stared blankly at Wu Jian with a cheap smile on his face. , I don't know this man and woman.

"Okay, stop pretending." Seeing Yue Chen's appearance, Li Bing'er couldn't help laughing, and reached out to pat Wen Dongdao who was still wearing a mask.

"Do you still know me?" Wen Dong reached out to take off the mask, looked at Yue Chen's dumbfounded look, and said proudly: "Yue Chen, you don't have to prepare to be stubborn. You have explained so much. Our conversation just now included you and me. Liu Jiancheng's phone calls have been recorded, and he even has the tools to commit the crime, brother, you have done a great job, well done."

Wow... Yue Chen's mouth tilted, and he collapsed on the ground wanting to cry without tears, so angry that he couldn't even speak...

"Ding: The host gains 30 points of aversion."


Zhang Hanhan is very irritable these days. There is such a big scandal in Lanyun's new company. Although the facts have been clarified later, the news has already spread. Lanyun's stock market has fallen by several percentage points in the past few days. Turmoil, but at least tens of millions were lost.What made her even more angry was that Liu Jiancheng also made sufficient preparations for that design. Although Lanyun had evidence to prove that the costume design was made by Lanyun's designer, Yingsa could not find plagiarism. Second, the public still chooses to believe in Yingsa. After all, Yingsa was the first to introduce this clothing to the market. After all, in terms of the influence of the clothing industry alone, Lanyun cannot compare with Yingsa.Not to mention the loss of tens of millions in the stock market, the clothes he made were also made into wedding dresses for the other party, so that Ying Sa earned tens of millions for nothing, how could Zhang Hanhan not be angry.

Another point is the employees of Lanyun's new clothing company. After this incident, the employees of the new company have no intention of working at all. It seems that everyone has expected that the new company will go bankrupt and have no fighting spirit.Originally, Zhang Hanhan wanted Wendong to design a batch of new clothes to prove Lanyun's strength, and Wendong also agreed, but what made her angry was that for three days in a row, this guy didn't even have a figure. The dance party organized by Yun before, what should I do.

There is another dance today, which is organized by many social elites and celebrities in Shuicheng City. Zhang Hanhan hesitated for a while, because the president of Yingsa will also be there, and there are many people he knows. Zhang Hanhan, as the president of Lanyun, and his subordinates People plagiarized Yingsha's designs, how could she have the face to face those people, even if Wendong designed the clothes and prepared them, Zhang Hanhan still had confidence in her heart, the more Zhang Hanhan thought about it, the angrier she became.

"Where are you? Do you still want to work in Lanyun? If you don't want to do it, get out immediately!" After calling Wendong, Zhang Hanhan's tone was full of gunpowder. How can she not be angry if the guy still doesn't see anyone for three days like a normal person.

"Uh... do it, why don't you do it." Wen Dong, who was in a happy mood after finding the evidence, couldn't help being taken aback.

"What about the design?"

"It hasn't started yet." Hearing that Zhang Hanhan seemed really angry, Wen Dong said cautiously.

"Then you come back and pack your things, get out!"

"Hey, don't, don't, I've found the evidence, we can definitely make a comeback this time." Wen Dong became anxious when he heard that, his task was to investigate Lan Yun. Sent to the police station, it is estimated that Li Bing'er will have to slip herself into prison if she turns her head around. You must know that Wendong came out to do the task with a crime.

"Evidence? What evidence?" Zhang Hanhan was taken aback.

"Liu Jiancheng, I'll make you pay the price!" In the CEO's office, Zhang Hanhan listened to Wen Dong's recording, his beautiful face was covered with frost, and he slapped the table with his small hand, very angry.

(End of this chapter)

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