How bad guys are made

Chapter 131 Sister-in-Law Police Flower, You Are So Beautiful

Chapter 131 Sister-in-Law Police Flower, You Are So Beautiful
"Alas..." Wendong got up early the next day and watched Yue Chen all day long. This guy has been in the Internet cafe since he had dinner at eleven o'clock in the morning. Now he has been playing for two hours at one o'clock in the afternoon. Yeah, it looks like we'll have to play until the afternoon. Today, Saturday, Wendong directly brought Wu Jian who was free, and the two of them would not be so boring when they were working together. Wen Dong, who was in a irritated mood, couldn't help sighing while playing with Wu Jian who was crossing the line of fire.

This guy Yue Chen has been monitoring him for three days. Apart from surfing the Internet, this guy just plays with women. If he has leisure, he goes to bars. He has no other activities at all except for an occasional unimportant phone call. This makes Wendong very crazy , it only takes a few seconds to catch him, but Yuechen knows himself, as long as he catches him, he will probably understand why he is holding him. There was nothing he could do about it, if Liu Jiancheng was alarmed again, it would be even more difficult to take revenge.

"Dinglingling..." Wendong's cell phone rang suddenly when he was feeling irritable. Wendong picked it up and saw that it was Li Binger's number. He didn't know what was going on with this girl, so Wendong hurried away with his cell phone out.

"Hey, where are you?" Li Binger's questioning voice sounded as soon as he answered the phone.

"Look for evidence." Wen Dong said weakly.

"Evidence? What evidence?"

"Of course it's evidence that Ying Sa plagiarized my costume design." Wen Dong rolled his eyes and said angrily.

"Ah? You mean Yingsa plagiarized your design?" Li Binger was taken aback.

"What do you think?" Hearing Li Bing'er's tone, Wen Dong was in pain.

"You mean that the normal clothes that Yingsa sells are really designed by you?"

"Hey, hello, hello! I am now one of yours anyway, why do you not believe me so much? It's so chilling." Wen Dong said angrily when Li Binger repeatedly questioned her.

"So have you found the evidence?"

"I found the person who plagiarized my design, but it's hard for me to catch him now. I'm afraid of alarming the enemy. My goal is Liu Jiancheng. He is just a tool for Liu Jiancheng to commit crimes."

"You are stupid, you should have found me earlier, arrested him immediately, and conducted a surprise interrogation, and he will definitely be interrogated." Li Bing'er snorted angrily.

Wen Dong curled his lips, this Li Binger is indeed the vice captain of the criminal police team who was born in the armed police, and the methods he used basically have one characteristic, that is, toughness!

"If you want to do this, it's better not to do it. In case something goes wrong or if someone is in a hurry to talk nonsense, I don't have so much time to toss with him. In case there is no useful information in the interrogation, in case Liu Jiancheng finds out Trouble."

"Well, don't act rashly, where are you now? I'll go find you, and we'll make an agreement after we meet."


"Go, go out and pick someone up with me." Half an hour later, when he received a call from Li Binger, Wen Dong threw the instant noodle fork into the noodle bucket, turned off the computer, and Wen Dong put the phone in his pocket Facing Wu Jiandao at the side.

"Who, we have to pick it up in person." Wu Jian, who was eating instant noodles and playing games, yelled dissatisfied.

"Beauty, policeman." Wen Dong spit out two words and walked out.

"Damn, is that the policewoman who picked you up downstairs that afternoon?" Wu Jian was startled, and quickly raised his head to look at Wendong, but he didn't get a response from Wendong.

"Hey, wait for me—" Wu Jian thought for sure that he couldn't be wrong, he stopped eating the instant noodles, quickly dropped the mouse, turned off the computer and ran out.

As soon as Wen Dongwujian walked out of the Internet cafe, he saw Li Binger standing on the opposite parking lane. Today, Li Binger did not wear the capable police uniform of the past, but a sportswear with a body-shaping effect, making her sexy Her body is more protruding and more beautiful, her body is standing straight, and her black hair is simply tied up. Even if she is not wearing a police uniform at this time, she still looks heroic. Apart from these, that outfit The sportswear with black and white stripes gives people the youthful vigor of a beautiful girl, and attracts the male compatriots around to look sideways.

"Here." Seeing Wendong walking out of the door, Li Binger raised her small hand and said.

"Damn it, it's the best." Seeing Li Binger's appearance, Wu Jian couldn't help letting out a warm exclamation, his eyes were full of wretched fire, and his saliva was about to flow out.

"Keep being a gentleman, don't be ashamed." Wen Dong glared at this guy angrily, and hurried over, Wu Jian behind him followed with a look of disdain.

"Who is this?" Li Bing'er found Wu Zhan next to Wen Dong, looked at Wen Dong suspiciously and asked.

"Hello, I'm Wendong's buddy and colleague. My name is Wu Jian, no, no, it's Wu Zhan." Seeing that the beautiful woman noticed him, Wu Jian was so excited that he didn't wait for Wendong to introduce him. When I introduced myself, I was just too excited, so I said my nickname first.

"Hello, Li Binger, Wendong's girlfriend." Li Binger smiled at Wu Zhan's reserved look, but generously extended her little hand.

Pfft... Hearing that the beautiful policewoman actually said that she was Wendong's girlfriend, Wu Jian was stunned and spit out in shock, and what was shocking was a noodle sprayed out of his nostrils.Wendong on the side was not shocked at all, he kept telling others that Li Binger was his girlfriend, but in fact it was just to make some money and eat some bean curd from beautiful women. Could it be that this girl has unconsciously accepted this matter?This is too sudden.

In fact, this is completely Wendong's mistake, because Li Bing'er heard that Wu Zhan is Wendong at the same time, because Zhang Hanhan knew that she was Wendong's girlfriend, and he was afraid that if Zhang Hanhan found out, he would be suspicious, so he said so , anyway, it's just talking.

Wen Dong was slightly shocked, but immediately calmed down. Just as he was about to say something, he saw noodles hanging from Wu Jian's nostrils, and couldn't help laughing again.

"My sister-in-law is really beautiful. I often heard Wen Dong say that my sister-in-law is beautiful. When I saw her now, I was really shocked." The three of them found a coffee shop, because today is the weekend, and it is more than two o'clock in the afternoon , There were not many customers in the coffee shop, Wu Jian sat across from the two of them, and praised Li Binger with envy.

"Really, thank you." Li Binger nodded with a smile on her face. Women are like this. Although they know that they are beautiful, they are still very happy to be praised so unsparingly by the opposite sex. Even though Li Binger has a cold personality, but He couldn't escape the law of women, even though he and Wendong were just pretending, but he couldn't help but blush when he heard Wu Zhan calling his sister-in-law one by one.

"Okay, let's put aside the polite words first, and let me tell you about the situation." Wen Dong took a sip of coffee and said directly.

After listening to Wen Dong's narration, Li Bing'er nodded in thought for a moment: "Well, this Yue Chen is indeed very suspicious."

"But it's not easy. This Yue Chen knows you. If you participate in the arrest, he will think of that matter immediately and will definitely insist on it. The second point is that we don't have any direct evidence from Yue Chen. , even if he has great suspicion, if I go to arrest him, I must be a policeman. He will know that he has committed a crime the first time, and he will naturally start to resist. In case no useful information can be obtained, I can lock him up for more than ten hours before releasing him." Li Binger said with a frown.

"I don't think there is such a trouble at all. What do you think people like Yue Chen are most afraid of?" Wu Jian asked aloud.

"Of course I am most afraid of the police." Li Binger said.

"No, it is true that he is afraid of the police, but he will be afraid only when the police have direct evidence. If there is no evidence, a person like him will not be afraid of the police at all. I guess this guy is already a member of the police station or a detention center. He is a regular customer, he has no money and no power, and what he fears most is that he will wait for someone who is more ruthless than him and who does not know how to abide by the law." Wu Jian analyzed confidently and confidently, although in front of him The big beauty is my buddy's girlfriend, but it's wrong to flirt in front of a beautiful woman.

"And then?" Wen Dong's eyes lit up, and he felt that Wu Jian's idea was right, because he was born with three hands, and if he was not caught, he would not be afraid of the police at all.

"What else is there? Then, let's just pretend to be black and scare this guy. If we can get information and evidence, we can get the evidence. If we can't ask for information, how can she think of it?" We did it?" Wu Jian continued.

"Yes, this method is good." Wen Dong's eyes lit up, thinking that this method is feasible.

"The two of you pretending to be black will catch him and scare him? What's the difference between you and a crime?" Li Binger looked at the two in shock, speechless, this is a crime at all.

"No, no, this is not a crime. You are also a criminal police officer. Do you think it is okay to deal with those vicious criminals gently? If you tell them well, they will recruit you?" Wen Dong shook his head and questioned Li Binger. Dao, the mind began to become active, thinking about how to plump Wu Jian.

"This..." Li Binger was choked by Wen Dong and couldn't speak.

"I think there are still many loopholes in your method. I think we should set up a trick to lure him out." Wen Dong ignored the simple-minded criminal policeman, turned to look at Wu Jian and said.

"Well, it's good to lure... By the way, does this work? Doesn't he like to play games? If there is a way to form a team with him, my shooting skills will definitely make him feel like flying. I'm not afraid that he will treat me Not interested." Wu Jian asked.

"Of course. Do you remember the day I asked you to follow me first? I have already obtained his game account number and password. If you manipulate it, it will definitely open his eyes." Wen Dong nodded, the more he thought about it, the more excited he became, and then He said again: "Don't you have a team? I found out that Yue Chen's game account also has his own team. I will try to get his team to kick Yue Chen out of the team. Then let's design a coincidence in the game and find a way to strike up a conversation. When you have the desire to form a team together and you have good skills, pull him into your team." Wen Dong said.

"What's next?" Li Binger asked.

(End of this chapter)

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