How bad guys are made

Chapter 113 How Do You Want To Die

Chapter 113 How Do You Want To Die

But the current beautiful landlord has already lost her mind.


Fuck the fear, fuck the consequences...

This scene lasted for more than an hour before it gradually stopped. Although it was only an hour, Wen Dong was exhausted. To be precise, he almost died of exhaustion. Let’s not say that he was doing homework with injuries. The key is the woman under him. It's too fierce, and we all know that a woman must be careful the first time, and it must not be too long, but it doesn't need to be like this for a beautiful landlady killer with strong physical fitness, and this whole hour is almost all about the beautiful landlady's attack on the text. Dong's crazy request.

Generally, people after passion will be very tired, sleep more soundly, and be dead. This is the case with the beautiful landlady now. Of course, this is not the case in Wendong’s view, because the beautiful landlady is obviously not right, it’s like being fed Like medicine, she must have used great heart to resist the desire in her heart before, so after more than an hour of passion, the desire disappeared, and she fell asleep tired after her body and mind relaxed.

Looking at the beautiful landlord lying naked on the bed and sleeping under a blanket, Wen Dong sat on the bed and smoked while thinking about how to solve this problem when she woke up. If it was another woman, it would be fine. And he himself is a victim.

But the key point is that the woman I just dated is a beautiful landlady, and she is also an unreasonable killer. Looking at a small spread on the bed sheet, Wen Dong slammed her mouth fiercely. The beautiful landlady is indeed a virgin. , This is even more difficult, Wen Dong suddenly felt a little regretful, and even a little scared in his heart, he knew the character of some beautiful landlady, and when she woke up, there was at least a [-]% chance that she would kill herself in anger.

Wendong wanted to run, the farther he ran, the better, but when he thought that he had taken away his first time, Wendong couldn't do it at all and just ran like this.

Wendong sat on the bed and sighed and had a headache. Forget it, let’s die. He smothered the cigarette butt and threw it on the ground. Wendong didn’t leave.

Wen Dong was really tired. Just as he was preparing his pajamas and started to feel drowsy, he was suddenly startled by the coldness on his neck, and subconsciously opened his eyes.

I rub!

Rao Wendong had already thought about this, but seeing the scene in front of him was so frightened that he almost cried out...

"How do you want to die!?" Seeing Wendong opened his eyes, the beautiful landlady stared at him expressionlessly, the blanket on her body had slipped between her legs, and she was sitting naked in front of Wendong, while the previous one was still there. At this moment, the small hand that was groping around his body took a sharp dagger and pressed it firmly against Wen Dong's neck, his eyes were cold and frightening, full of killing intent.

"Sister, be careful, this is a blade." Wen Dong wanted to cry, although he had expected such a scene a long time ago, but he never thought that it would happen so soon, before he fell asleep, the beautiful landlord unexpectedly Woke up, and after waking up, I must have known the previous incident, so the first thing to do next was to kill myself.

"You forced me, you know, at that time I couldn't resist at all." Seeing the beautiful killer looking at him coldly and not speaking, the murderous intent in his eyes became more and more intense, and the dagger on his neck seemed to be It is possible to wipe it off, Wen Dong was really scared, his throat rolled and swallowed, and he explained with a wry smile.

"Shut up!" Li Ningyan snorted coldly, as if stimulated by Wendong's words, her body trembled violently, and the dagger on Wendong's neck approached a little more, and it was printed on Wendong's neck. In the flesh, a trace of bright red blood slowly appeared at the edge of the dagger.

Wen Dong quickly closed his mouth, grasping the bed sheet under his body with both hands, the sharp cold front on the dagger pierced his neck with pain, and the undisguised killing intent in the eyes of the beautiful landlord in front of him made Wen Dong believe that as long as he If you dare to provoke her again, then she will definitely kill herself, Wen Dong stared at her eyes firmly, her eyes were clear, cold, still inhumanly indifferent, and her thin cherry red mouth was squeezed hard. However, Wen Dong was keenly aware of the flash of panic in her cold eyes. She was hesitating, and she was struggling violently in her heart. It is possible to kill yourself with a knife.

Wendong stared at her tightly, looking at her made me feel uncomfortable. Now Wendong is no better than before. His body is no worse than the beautiful landlord in front of him in terms of strength and speed. The only thing he lacks is fighting. And the experience of killing people, and the current beautiful landlord is emotionally unstable, so although he is [-]% sure that he will be able to snatch the dagger from the beautiful landlord before she recovers, but looking at Li Ningyan's appearance at this time, he still Give up the idea of ​​grabbing the dagger.

(End of this chapter)

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