Chapter 1054
The two-day itinerary was a bit tense.

After all, He Qing was pregnant, and went home alone with her stomach full. He's father and mother must have been unwilling, so Wen Dong went to stay for a whole day.

Around New Year's Eve, Wendong also owed Yuemeng a lot. After all, she and himself were already husband and wife, but he didn't spend much time with her.

But she wasn't idle either. The Su family was a family. Although Su Yuemeng was now a married daughter, due to some factors, she was called back to the family for a two-day family meeting.


Afternoon, one o'clock.

In the sky in the north, snowflakes are flying, in the sky in the south, dark clouds are moving, and light rain is falling...

Qingcheng base, in the principal's office.

"Have they rushed to Suiyun Kingdom for two days? Haven't you encountered anything in the past two days?" Wen Dong said while drinking fragrant tea, frowning at Principal Huang Ming.

"It seems that Ms. Yingzi hasn't called you these two days. If so, it should be good news. Ms. Yingzi communicates with the base every day. It's fine." Huang Ming saw Wendong's worry and smiled. said comfortingly.

"Well, that's good, how is the situation in Suiyun Kingdom?" Wen Dong nodded and asked.Now he only knows that General Black Skull has turned against him, and all his confidence comes from the news.There are many things about news that are difficult to say, even exaggerated. He must understand the real situation of Suiyun Kingdom.

"I'm not very clear about the details. I only know that the Black Skull rebel army is very violent, and just yesterday, the Southeast Asian Alliance and the government of the Broken Cloud Kingdom formed a coalition to suppress bandits. The Huangsha Island occupied by the Black Skull is due to geographical reasons. , in the inner range of the Pirate Islands, but the many islands occupied by General Zhou and General Zhengqi are on the outskirts. In the eyes of the bandit suppression allies, both the rebels and the defenders are bandits, but because of the terrain, The first to bear the brunt is the area occupied by General Zhou, who might be attacked from both sides, the situation is not very optimistic." Huang Ming frowned and analyzed, his face could not help showing worry.Ms. Yingzi led the team she just formed, more than 100 people.

Although each of these people is an elite, it is difficult to control the situation under such an overall situation, and there will be a lot of danger on the contrary.

"Well, I'd like to trouble the principal to arrange it. I'm going to Suiyun Country tonight." Wen Dong said.


"By the way, do you know anyone who is familiar with Fanyin Village?" Wen Dong asked suddenly.

"Fanyin Village? What's the matter? Does the leader need to go there?" Hearing the name of the place, Huang Ming's expression tightened slightly, and he asked directly.

"Indeed, I have a friend over there, and I will go to Suiyun Kingdom with him tonight." Wen Dong nodded with a smile, and the person he was talking about was Bailihan.

When he came, he communicated with him, and Bailihan told himself a detailed place name, which was Fanyin Village.

"Well, this is easy." Hearing what Wen Dong said, Huang Ming smiled in relief: "Du Manman, this girl is familiar with that side."

Poison Manman?It's this little wild cat again, there really is nothing she doesn't know.

Wen Dong has not forgotten that this wild girl was the one who led the way in Pocket Valley.

"Well, I'll find her number for you, she should still be at the base now." Huang Ming said with a smile.

"No need, she was the one who picked me up at noon today." Wen Dong shook his head helplessly and smiled.

"That's good."


The fast-moving off-road vehicle left behind a dragon of smoke and dust.Wen Dong sat in the passenger seat, looked sideways at Du Manman, who was flamboyant and graceful, with a smile always hidden in the corner of his mouth, his expression was a little speechless.

This little wild cat delayed his time for nearly an hour.

It was actually very easy to find this chick, a phone call came, but when he said that he was going to pick up Bailihan, he was taken aback by seeing this little girl, and immediately asked him for leave, asking him to wait for a while.

This wait was nearly an hour.And when Wendong saw Du Manman again, he couldn't laugh or cry, this wild girl actually went to dress up.

A pair of slender and sexy long legs are no longer directly naked or put on a pair of extremely sexy and alluring mesh stockings as before, but are tightly wrapped in a pair of black stockings. The legs are more slender and well-proportioned, and the tight-fitting vest on the upper body bulges out a pair of plump breasts. Fortunately, a small jacket is worn outside, and the long messy hair is also braided. The traces of fine carving are extremely beautiful.

However, the country is easy to change, but the nature is hard to change. Although this little wild girl shows less meat and dresses a little younger, she still can't hide her wild demeanor.

Women are those who please themselves, Wen Dong is not a fool, how could he not understand.

The only thing that made him feel speechless was that the leader of his majestic base, when this girl picked him up, he went there in a sloppy manner. Hours, the treatment is too bad.

Fanyin Village is a nice place name, but it is not a good place.Fanyin Village, also known as the Land of Chaos, is a place where no one cares. It is conceivable how many murderers and drug dealers are lurking here.

And where there are people, there will be interests, and there will be wars if there are interests. There are many factions in Fanyin Village, and the relationship is very chaotic. Dead people are the most common thing in Fanyin Village.

Hearing Du Manman's explanation to Fanyinzhai, Wendong nodded with a smile, not at all surprised.Bailihan has been practicing for a while, so choosing this kind of place is really quite normal.


In a wooden hut, the light is a bit dim.

A wooden bed, a thin blanket, a wooden table, and a tea cup are too simple.This is Bailihan's rented house, which is not small, more than 40 square meters, but the above-mentioned ones only take up one-third of the area.Because apart from this, there are some tattered wooden bed boards and wardrobes piled up in other places, all of which are covered with cobwebs, which presumably belong to the landlord.

"Who?" Du Manman was looking at the furnishings of the shabby wooden house by his side, Wen Dong's expression changed suddenly, and he pulled her behind him, staring sideways at the direction of the pile of broken wooden beds, he was very sure , There are people behind that broken wooden bed, and there are more than one!
Hearing Wen Dong's sudden scolding, Du Manman was taken aback, but soon she came back to her senses, and took out a pocket pistol from her waist in almost a second, and looked at Wen Dong vigilantly. where to look.

Du Manman is very aware of how strong the leader is, so although she didn't discover it, she chose to believe it without hesitation.

"Who are you?" Sure enough, two tall men stood behind the broken wooden bed. Their eyes were cold, and they looked like the kind who had killed someone. They held a Wei Chong in each hand, and looked at Wen Dong vigilantly. He questioned Pou Manman with a bad tone.

Du Manman frowned, and her pretty face suddenly turned cold. The other party was not a good person at first sight. She knew the Fanyin Village very well, and she quickly guessed a possibility. These two people were squatting here to kill Bailihan Yes, but seeing that the leader didn't move, she didn't dare to make any changes.

"Hehe, we are Bailihan's friends." Wen Dong replied with a smile, and then asked: "I don't know who you are?"

"Hehe, coincidence, we are also friends of Bailihan." One of the burly men bared his teeth and smiled, but at the moment his smile bloomed, a bloodthirsty gleam suddenly shot out from his narrowed eyes, and the next moment He pulled the trigger on Wendong and the others.

"Get out of the way!" Although Wen Dong didn't know much about Fanyin Village, he easily caught the undisguised murderous intent in the eyes of the two men, so the moment the two men pulled the trigger, he slammed his body Poison Manman on the side was pushed aside, and then the silver light flickered on the soles of his feet, and he disappeared in an instant.

"Puff puff……"

Wen Dong and Du Manman quickly dodged their guns, and a series of bullets immediately punched more than a dozen holes in the simple wooden bed and wooden table behind them.

But, that's all.


The next moment, the strong man with the gun looked in horror at Wen Dong who suddenly appeared in front of him intact. How could he move so fast?
The strong man panicked all of a sudden, but the bloody character he had experienced all year round made him shift his gun without thinking, but before he could make this move, Wen Dong shot like a dragon, and grabbed his arm There was only a crackling sound in the throat, and the strong man's eyes widened, and he fell to the ground with a dead eye, stirring up a cloud of dust.

And at the same time Wendong was dealing with one of the strong men, that man's companion followed closely to the end.Because at the moment Wendong pushed Du Manman away, Du Manman, who had precise marksmanship, robbed him, right between his eyebrows!
"Boss, are you alright?" Du Manman turned over and stood up straight, and hurriedly approached and asked worriedly.

"It's okay, this should be Bailihan's enemy." Wen Dong shook his head and smiled. Bailihan has skills, but he can't get in. That kind of arrogant temperament will definitely not be able to get along in this kind of place and provoke enemies It's all too normal.

"En." Du Manman nodded with a gloomy expression, raised his hand and shot the strong man whose throat was crushed by Wendong, and saw the terrifying look of the strong man's protruding eyes, but raised his foot He kicked hard on his head again.

This action made Wen Dong on the side a little scared, this little wild girl, ordinary men really don't have the guts to want her.

He and Bai Lihan made an appointment at 05:30 in the afternoon, and he and Du Manman came early.There is still half an hour before the appointment, so there is no rush.

Wendong found the only clean bench in the room and sat by the bed, took out a cigarette and lit it, hesitated for a while and threw one to the poisonous Manman beside him.

Du Manman didn't refuse either, she just put it in her mouth and started to smoke. She looked very manly when she smoked, but her face was still a bit gloomy.

After taking a puff of the cigarette, smoke circles leaked out from the small nostrils, Du Manman frowned slightly and looked at the wooden bed and wooden table that had been beaten into a mess by the micro punch.She walked over to help up the wooden table that had been thrown to the side, and went to the bed silently to make Bai Lihan's bed, not knowing how to write the word shy at all.

What are you doing?Today, I will take Bailihan away, here, I guess he will never come back, and this bed will never be used again.

However, Wen Dong didn't say that although he couldn't understand what it was like to make the bed for the man he loved, it was very immoral to disturb others from enjoying this feeling.

Although, Du Manman is a bit wishful thinking.

That guy who only has sword in his eyes wants to make his stone heart move, but it's not that simple. I'm afraid it's Luohua's intention, and the flowing water is ruthless...

(End of this chapter)

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